Star Wars Battlefront 2 - How to install mods on Battlefront 2 TUTORIAL (Fast & Easy)

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today I'm going to show you guys how to download mods on Battlefront 2 now this has been something that in the past two videos on my channel a lot of people have had a lot of success with and a lot of people have had a lot of problems with and a lot of issues this is something I will be doing and I will be updating regularly in the next every few months just so that PE new people who are coming in can understand and download new mods so hopefully for the people who have been struggling to get mods and they've been commented on my videos previously and I haven't seen them because I've had that much comments so I do apologize if I haven't got back to you but this video should clear everything up and it should wrap everything up and hopefully it does help everyone if you want to get Battlefront 2 mods like I said this is the perfect place for you first thing you guys are going to do is subscribe to this channel because I'm going to have a lot of Star Wars content coming in the future uh with Mod tutorials and stuff like that there so go ahead and subscribe and let's get straight into this so what you want to do is you want to create a new folder called Frosty mod manager just like this here it's completely blank nothing inside of it just like this okay so what you want to do next is you want to you want to get your little ass onto this um onto these four websites just making sure it says four websites not three so it don't look like an idiot okay nice so what you want to do is you want to download WinRAR if you guys don't have WinRAR I mean what sort of rock have you been sleeping under this is like the only thing you need to download pretty much anything on your computer you absolute num skull so what you want to do is you want to go ahead and download WinRAR perfectly just like that there get it all done and dusted and uh yeah so the next two things you guys are going to want need to do is you want to go ahead and download Frosty mod manager now why do I not have Frosty mod manager up on my screen I'm actually the idiot okay so once you're in Frosty Mall manager you want to go ahead and click downloads oh my what is all right guys so I'm going to put two links in the description for M uh Frosty mob manager in case the previous one didn't actually work this one should work here uh this is at an advertisement I'm not going to fall for that great my computer's going to explode all right okay so Frosty mob manager is currently downloading like I said I'm going to put two links in the description for Frosty mob manager in case the first link doesn't work and it still says the website is down for maintenance this one here it should work to get it to download what you want to do is you want to go ahead and just hit download it will bring up like a a false advertisement just go ahead and exit out of it and hit download again it'll bring you to this exact page okay so this is Frosty mob manager and we're going to go ahead and we're going to set all this up now okay so once Frosty mod manager is downloaded what you want to do is you want to go ahead and open it up just like this here and you want to click and you want to drag everything in here and you just want to drag and drop it into your new Frosty mob manager folder that I told you to create if you haven't created it what the hell are you doing take your finger out of your ass and go ahead and make the goddamn folder okay okay so nice once you've done that and you've plucked your fingers out of your bomb and you've got your you've got all that done and you've now whenever you click on the new folder it brings this all this here up okay so brilliant so the next thing we're going to want to do is you're going to want to go ahead and you're going to want to download this next thing called Data path fix I have absolutely no idea what this does but it's a plugin that apparently makes it easier for people who are having problems with downloading mods on it that's all I know I mean yeah if if you don't listen don't come for don't come to me with pitchforks if this does if this causes your PC to explode in your face blame this person here okay so once it's downloaded as you can see here it is you want to go ahead and you want to click on it just like this and you just want to go ahead and simply drag and drop you want to drag and drop everything here into the plugins folder just like that so once you click and plugins all this here stuff should be in here perfectly just like that there so this is all inside your new Frost mob monitor folder that you just created and it's in the it's in the plugin section just like that okay so we are nearly nearly done in terms of setting everything up the next thing you going to want to do is you just want to download Frosty fix uh like I said I will have a link in the description have it all don't worry um I will try to I mean I remember last few times I didn't and everyone uh nearly executed me in the spot because of that okay so you want to go ahead and click on frosty fix. exe perfect just like this what you want to do with this is you want to go ahead and you want to drag and drop it onto your desktop like that so for Frosty fix is just chilling here on your desktop like this so by the end of this you should have two things you should have Frosty fix and you should have new Frosty mob manager folder and inside of that you should have your Frosty mob manager and all its components in your plugin section you should have the data patch fixed just like that okay what you want to do next is you want to go ahead and open up uh Frosty mob manager just like this and you want to scroll down and click on frosty mod manager you want to right click and you want to go to where it says properties and you want to go to compatibility and you want to go to run this program as administrator click apply click okay you using an updated version of Frosty would you like to download the latest version okay so once you are in Frosty mob manager now I am actually using the outdated version of Frosty mob manager because there is currently something wrong with the actual website itself as you can see whenever I try and go into it this here pops up like I showed you earlier so for some godamn reason I can't actually demonstrate this part like properly because the goddamn website is down so bur with me when I say this hopefully whenever you are watching this the website will be back up if it h if and when it is back up I will update the link and I will put it out so what you want to do I'm just going to get rid of all these here okay so what you want to do is you want to go into tools you want to go to options and you want to go over to launch options now make sure this is one of the most important steps in the whole entire video make sure whatever platform you are using Star Wars Battlefront on which if it's Origins steam whatever make sure you put it in here so you want to click the bar and you want to to hit the scroll down menu and find the platform that you're using so I currently have Battlefront 2 on EA do or uh origin just like that so mine's on Origin so I'm just going to use origin for this and you want to hit save and perfectly just like that there so the next thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to ahead and make a pack so you want to hit this little button here called add pack and you want to type in the name of your pack and hit add I've already done that it's already it's called mods and after that you want to do is you want to go go ahead and you want to go ahead and add mods to add mods we're going to go into a website called Nexus mod manager just like this here and you're going to want to go ahead and find mod so just for the purposes of this video this you can take RS scrolling and scrolling and scrolling trying to find the perfect mod to get but I'm just going to go into most popular of all time and I'm simply just going to find a mod that is pretty much quick and easy I'm going to use the Darth Revan mod which is just this like this here simple and we're going to go into files now you want to go into description first and you want to see if there's any requirements for this mod in case there's other things you have to download for it to work but we're going to go into files and get it done because there isn't really here anyone any here so you want to go ahead and hit manual download slow download okay so once the mod is downloaded or once the mod that you have picked and it's downloaded on your computer you want to hit add mods it's this little button up here and you want to go ahead and find the mod like this here so this one here is Darth Raven so I'm going to go ahead and click this and it's going to install all the mods on onto the mod manager just like this so what we're going to do is you want to click on one of them and you want to hit apply mods just like that and you want to click on Sur star Ren mode whatever blah blah blah star Forge Rubes and we're going to go ahead and do that tell you what I'm actually going to I don't know which one's which okay so I'm actually just going to untake that there because I don't know if it replaces I don't it causes problems but anyway so once you have went in the tools options launch options and that is you've done that there Step what we can do now is we can launch up Frosty mod manager now if this launches and it doesn't have your mod on it and it still doesn't work that is perfectly okay um that just means we're going to have to do an extra step after this but like I said most people it will work if it is like a skin mod or something the majority of mods it will mostly work so we're going to go ahead and we're going to click on launch okay so we are in Battlefront 2 now and we're going to see if the mod does work so the mod does work for me as you guys can see there is Darth Revan himself that even has his name and everything in there just like that there there we go we have Darth Revan the mod is working itself okay that is brilliant so if this does not work for you and the mod the mods are not showing up for you this is one little thing that we can do okay so what you want to do is you want to click on frosty fix now this is for the people who have are struggling to get mods on the game so once you have Frosty fix open what you want to go ahead and do is you want to go ahead and now for you if this is the first time opening this for you you will not get this here or any of this here so what you want to do is you want to click on global you want to click select game and find Battlefront 2 now if Battlefront 2 is not showing up for you that means you did not load the game up through mosty Frosty mob manager like I did in the video you have got to load Battlefront 2 through Frosty mob manager first before this will pop up once this pops up then when it says select pack the mods pack that you have made in your profile on fory ball manager will will pop up here so once that does happen you can just go ahead and you can just click Global and hit enable mods globally and launch game that is how you get mods on Battlefront 2 guys if you are struggling to in any other issues the only other issues I really would say that you are probably going through or maybe that Frosty mod manager is not up to date or that the mod you were using just doesn't work if you guys are struggling still at to get mods maybe just try a different mod because there are some mods that are just completely out of date and they do not work so if this is try this with a good few mods skin mods and stuff like that there and just any mod that just doesn't work like this here through these methods most likely is just pure out of date so thank you guys for watching hope this does help you guys out if this does subscribe down below like the video comment do all that good stuff I have a Discord as well in the in the in the dis in the description and I will be making more Battlefront 2 content in the future so thank you guys for watching I hope you guys do enjoy this video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: KingCharlezOfficial
Views: 21,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KingCharlezOfficial, how to download mods for battlefront 2, how to download mods for battlefront 2 steam, how to download mods for battlefront 2 epic games, star wars battlefront 2 gameplay, star wars battlefront mods, star wars battlefront 2 how to install mods, battlefront 2 mod tutorial, battlefront 2 mod tutorial 2023, star wars battlefront 2 how to download mods, battlefront 2 how to install mods, how to mod battlefront 2, how to mod bf2, battlefront 2 mods how to install
Id: V7EZMjrdAYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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