Star Wars Battlefront 2 - How to install mods on Battlefront 2 TUTORIAL (2024)

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what's going on everyone welcome back to another video it has been a long time but in this video I'm not going to waste your time for too long I'm going to teach you how to install mods for Star Wars Battlefront 2 it has been a while but since I haven't really seen much videos about how to install Battlefront 2 mods on PC in 2024 I thought I'd do an updated version for everyone who is pretty much having problems with the previous video so I thought that this should help quite a lot of people out because holy crap my god there are a lot of problems like I've heard things from people's PCS have exploded in their face somehow installing Battlefront 2 mods has caused their house to go on fire and their and their mom and dad to go up in Flames I don't know how that happens but I don't know what people are doing behind the scenes whenever I tell them to follow along in the video but anyway let's get straight into the video so what the first thing you guys are going to want to do is you have two links like this you're going to want to go ahead and you want to download Frosty okay so to download Frosty what you want to do is just simply scroll down and you want to click on frosty mod manager do zip and this will start to download just like that all right so the next thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go ahead and you want to drag and drop the frosty mod manager folder just like that into a folder on your desktop just to make things easier you want to go ahead and you want to click on the folder you want to click on frosty mod manager and you want to first of all right click and you want to go down to show more options than properties go to compatibility and then you want to go ahead and click on run this program as administrator hit apply hit okay and and now you want to launch it you will be brought to this sort of screen here what you want to do is you want to click on scan for games now if Star Wars Battlefront 2 does not pop up you can go ahead in the bottom right hand section here and can and you can click on new and you just want to go ahead and navigate to wherever your Battlefront 2 folder is um I already have it here so I don't really need to do that so you just click on Star Wars Battlefront 2 and then click on select now it's going to launch Frosty mod manager I'm pretty sure I have mods previously downloaded on this so it might my page may look different from yours okay so once you launch Frosty mob manager it should look something like this here complete blank canvas so the next thing we're going to want to do is we're going to want to go ahead and actually get some mods to download so you want to go onto the next Link in the description and that's will take you to next mods now first things first what you have to do is you're going to have to actually create an account uh ignore my username right there but you had to be done you want to go ahead and just create an account it's completely free takes about 2 minutes go ahead and do that and after you've done you just want to go ahead and look for some sweet juicy mods so we're going to go ahead and have a bit of a br just to save some time I'm just going to pick something in the uh most popular of all time oh my God like it's literally for video purposes why am I taking so long just to find a goddamn mod like there's hundreds here right you know what I've decided I'm going to give my boy Malgus a shot here right look at his big ass egg head my like my God look at the veins in that man's head I just want to yeah I just want to slap it with my hand my mouse cursor okay any what AM my doing I'm actually what the hell's wrong with me once you have found the mod you want to use you want to go ahead and click on the little file section down here like that now before you do that you want to go ahead and make sure you do have a bit of a read through the description just to make sure that there's anything that you do sort of need to read There are some mods where it will tell you to download some other mods for it to actually work properly so make sure to give the description a bit of a read before you go ahead and actually download the mod itself so once you do that you want to click on files and you want to click on manual download click on slow and just wait 5 Seconds okay so the mod will start downloading just like that there that is absolutely perfect okay so once it is downloaded what you want to do is you want to click on the little button here called add mods and it will bring you to the download section here and you want to just click on the name of the mod that you just downloaded so mine's Darth malus okay so once you've done that you just want to go ahead and click on The Mod itself and hit apply mod just like that there and next thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go up here to the where it says pack and you want to go ahead and click on the little plus icon here just like this and you want to type in a profile name so I recommend just typing in mods just like that there add a profile and call it mods and click on ADD I've already done that as you can see here there's default and then there's mods okay so once you've applied the mod what you want to do is just simply just launch Star Wars Battlefront so that's what we are going to do all right we will be back whenever Star Wars Battlefront 2 has launched and we will see if the mod has worked or not after about 400 hours of waiting sitting staring at my TV like an idiot finally the game's actually launched so we're going to go ahead and see if the Darth malgas mod has actually worked we're going to go to collections and as you can see there it is Darth Malgus is in the game look at that beautiful bald viny head it looks like he has his head looks like the knob of a 40-year-old steroid of of of a Juice Head the hell is that that man needs to put Jesus Christ bro get a wig or something on a her transplant what is okay anyway we have Darth Malgus in the game he is looking absolutely beautiful and sexy right there next to Emperor Palatine and chaca and that is how you get mods guys it is definitely a lot more simplified over the past few months it was a lot more complicated so it was in previous videos but um I'm pretty sure they have cleaned it up a lot and it should be working especially with this latest version of Frosty mod manager it should be very very easy for a lot of people and it should be able to work for you so if this does work and you do find this video entertaining and fun and you'd like to see more videos from me go ahead and subscribe down below and put on turn on person notifications as well and uh yeah I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: KingCharlezOfficial
Views: 25,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KingCharlezOfficial, how to install mods for star wars battlefront 2, how to download mods for battlefront 2, how to download mods for battlefront 2 steam, how to download mods for battlefront 2 epic games, star wars battlefront 2 gameplay, star wars battlefront mods, star wars battlefront 2 how to install mods, battlefront 2 mod tutorial, battlefront 2 mod tutorial 2024, star wars battlefront 2 how to download mods, battlefront 2 how to install mods, how to mod battlefront 2
Id: R9VMsL2YkSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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