Star Ocean 2R Characters RANKED: WORST To BEST

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we're going to rank all of the characters in Star Ocean 2 based on General combat prowess over the course of the game I believe at one point I said I wouldn't do this partially because I think it's kind of pointless and well partially because I think it's best to let people discover which characters are best on their own so they're encouraged to try everyone but when I looked up a video about this on YouTube there was only results that applied to the or game no shade to David I love your content but the fact is there's a few characters that got some crazy Buffs and truly unfortunate Nerfs and I want to give a more balanced view of the best characters in the game and talk about some of the worst I'm Solace this is Solace and Dread we produce analytical content as well as reaction videos focused on Square enx Nintendo and Capcom Publications okay some caveats of this ranking one this looks at every everything combat related in a general sense a character is not the best character in the game if they spend the majority of the story being useless and then all of a sudden get ridiculously badass at the very end of the game this isn't a Reddit argument only pointing out their viability when they have all the best stuff in the game mid maxing optimal stats and strats we're looking at the whole package that way we can be inclusive of the Casual players two this does not Factor story relevance at all and if this video does okay I'll do a separate story dedicated to characters ranked on story okay either way I'm going to do that because I love this game and I never shut up about it so it's it's going to happen number three uh it's important to remember that every single character in this game is viable one way or another don't take this as some kind of gospel yes there are some objective truths but just because my opinion has chato Madison at the bottom of the list doesn't mean she isn't a decent character and I guess I just spoiled that ranked dead last or ranked 13 chato Madison yes she is fun to play more fun than the Mages she has a couple of moves that do some decent damage including Rising Dragon and tear gas but tear gas is extremely nerfed compared to the original version and the long multi-hit moves that she has like Rising Dragon are not great in this version seeing as you're left vulnerable and fighting ghosts unlike the Mages she has no utility and nothing really makes her stand out anymore her normals aren't anything to write home about either she has short range and also you get her so late in the game that you probably have a team that works already and she's not going to be some added Saving Grace her damage output isn't anything special either uh post game or otherwise chisato took a huge hit in this version of the game and I would sooner take anyone else over her to be honest rank 12 Leon Leon has the strongest offensive capabilities of any of the Mages unfortunately despite having some Buffs Mages at their best are still no match for even the most basic melee fighter spam he can destroy Shields and do some decent damage late game but he lacks utility and he's not even the best at what he's good at which is damage so I have him lower because he has no real use even on the assault menu and he like the other Mages is not fun to play H pretty much at all ranked 11 Seline Jewels she is actually all right in the original game I actually put her below Leon but very early on in this version she's very strong when she's in your party especially when she's a required character in Cross cave she also has some Buffs um getting Angel feather so she's at least useful in an assault role for a utility but as I stated before Mages aren't really that fun to play at least not in this version of Star Ocean she has saved my ass I can't deny that but she's not a top tier character she's just not especially considering her best postgame weapons take so long to obtain like the very very end of the uh Cave of Trials so she is so outclassed so quickly that she's basically reduced to being training Wheels she's not great ranked 10th Bowman I have a personal bias against Bowman but I can't deny his combat prowess that is to say he has one move that makes him extremely useful and that's spamming the uh explosion pills he can spam them and it racks up some pretty nasty damage pedal dance has too long of an animation and honestly I've had enemies just kind of float out of the animation because it takes too long in between the hits um and is normals are very just okay but they have bad range explosion pills kind of saves them and while it is one of the better moves in the game as long as the enemy doesn't have elemental resistance to it it's boring to spam that move like it's not fun to play that way at all it just doesn't feel good he doesn't feel great to play compared to the others um also for a long time his best weapon is Fire based and that kind of puts a limit on him because he has a fire-based weapon on top of a fire-based move that he can spam in a boring Manner and ranked number nine Noel Noel was honestly the worst character in the previous version of the game but with the inclusion of assault he's far more useful with options as an added heal or a buff um he also has strong Earth Magic which no one else really has also one overlooked item is that he can wear heavy armor including bloody armor say what you will about Noel but having him wear blood armor let my party kill unlimited Gabriel at level 150 on on Universe difficulty with zero prep he can at least be used for bloody armor cheese uh but he's a hybrid of offense and support magic and he's not really that great at either um he you also get him rather late and he has relatively low int compared to some of the others and he can't raise the dead so like the other Mages he's not really that fun to play but he does have utility so he's a little closer to the middle of the pack ranked number eight Ashton anchors it hurts my soul to put him so low on this list but this game is just not the same climate that it used to be anymore in the original versions of the game early game was really tough and having Ashton in your party really helped out even if he does start out pretty weak but now the game really isn't as difficult so outside of his use of piercing blades to break Shields um and a decent normal attack he's not really needed and he excludes you from getting two of the better characters in the game now late into postgame Ashton really steps it up having access to insanely strong weapons but I'd rather have several other characters that laid into the game ultimately despite his better than average normal attacks his special attacks are kind of bad and it takes too long for him to become a top tier Contender and yes I understand that dragon's breath is pretty good but they could also have an immunity to one of those two elements he's just not that great rank number seven Raina she carries the support role for a large portion of the game having the best utility and heals Buffs debuffs and shield damage she's honestly amazing but late in post game there are a lot of strategies that make her inconsequential and she really can be safely put into an assault slot if you know what you're doing also Mages still aren't really fun to play in this game Raina not being needed as she was in previous versions is very freeing though because it allows experimentation ranked number six Ernest Ernest feels so much better to play in this version compared to the originals he's way better definitely the winner of the biggest glowup award now his range feels useful broken heart um or as it's called with B of roses it doesn't pop up enemies out of your stun lock from your other characters anymore um thousand whips does a ton of damage uh or is a thousand Tails He's more fun to play compared to much of the cast his damage output Pils in comparison to some of the others in postgame but honestly you can use him for most of the game without much of an issue rank number five Diaz Diaz definitely fell a bit in ranks compared to the original showing but he's still really good he is strong the entire game has decent defense and offensive capabilities and his latent postgame weapons are amazing plus you can get insane weapons for him and Claude very early making the story parts of the game mostly trivial um which is why I place him above Earnest one downside is that air slash and Chaos sword got quite a bit of a Nerf one of the reasons I loved him in the original is chaos sword and air slash required very little MP and it hits very hard and fast taking the place of his rather bad normals but they made his normals better and they made these moves cost a lot in mp and they perform slower and worse still he can be your star player for the entire game if you want I'll never not love Diaz even if he's just a smidge worse than he used to be rank four Claude Claude uh suffers from main character syndrome and that's not a bad thing he's insanely strong for most of the game uh but he does even out and make the other characters more viable he even gets his phase gun back which allows him to switch to long range placement instantly a lot of people like to Discount Claud because mirror blade isn't the great move it used to be but meteor Palm is awesome and the phase gun is really awesome and as normals are top tier I like him this way not to mention he gets weapons that allow him to carry your party for much of the game through item creation seriously he's a versatile power house uh without being overpowered and allowing your other characters to shine that's pretty great rank three Priestess Priestess was always good but now she's insane she feels fun to play with a ton of abilities and she's got some of the best attacks in the game some of them make her even kind of invincible not to mention how she is in the late game getting honestly overpowered weapons Priestess is part of what makes Star Ocean 2o special having unique characters that play differently and still feel fun her downside as she Burns through her MP really quickly and she's made of glass so she tends to get one shot but there is ways to account for that um it's funny I was never really crazy about her until this version of the game her and Welch basically carried my party through the first playthrough and that actually tanks us into rank two Welch Welch not only got the glowup award alongside nnest but she's one of the best characters in the game she's actually viable from the moment you get her and on my first playthrough she joined and basically never left my party she too is a bit too fragile but not as bad as Priestess and she's fun to control slappity slap does a ton of damage it's really fun I don't know why but it just it feels so good um she has good range and she has moves that have a ton of Shield damage like a ton and her postgame weapon is unmatched literally she's a freaking monster but there is one character that surpassed everyone in terms of utility damage General viability all of it and that is Opera Vectra uh she's the best character in the game she was already really good in the original but now it's hard to dispute not only are her normals really fast uh and her aerial normal is the best in the game but healing star allows you to completely unincorporate the healers she does insane damage for most of the game and all at a safe range she also tends to stay alive a little longer than Priestess and Welch but I think part of that is due to her longrange attacks her damage might taper off in the post game compared to some of the others but Opera will carry your party to the promised land Opera is the best character overall in Star Ocean 2 ultimately this is just my and many others opinions but I feel good about this list but tell me am I wrong wrong how would you rank them I love talking about this game and that's why I keep making videos on it I have more in the chamber so strap in um like I said in the beginning though every single character in this game is viable they all have merits and weaknesses and the balance in the characters is one of the strong suits so play with whoever the hell you want don't listen to me that's it for me thanks for watching we'll see you soon and long live the turtle Kingdom
Channel: Solace and Dread
Views: 2,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Ocean 2r Characters Ranked, Best star ocean 2 characters, Star ocean 2 characters tier list, so2r tier list, star ocean 2 best characters, best party star ocean 2, best party star ocean 2r, character recruitment guide star ocean 2, best party so2r, Best characters star ocean 2, all star ocean 2 characters ranked, solace and dread star ocean, solace and dread, davidvinc, top 10 jrpgs, star ocean 2r, ernest star ocean 2, opera star ocean 2, Star Ocean the Second Story R, jrpg
Id: Lt0OR2Gbdns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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