Stanley Kubrick’s Movies Ranked

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[Music] hey just a heads up don't expect this to be a return for my regular upload schedule take this as a brief update or a one-off video to acknowledge that I'm alive okay okay also I now have letter box go check it out a few months ago after seeing the fabl not sure if that was relevant information I decided to go into my local HMV and for the first time in years pick out a DVD for me in this situation I'm really picky because if I ever do this I'm only getting a film that I think has rewatchability and is never on streaming services so I looked and I found Alvin and the Chipmunks one to four box set okay I'm joking but what I did find was the Stanley kubric 4 film collection now as someone who only knew a bit about Stanley Kubrick plus the only film I ever watched of his beforehand was The Shining I was aware that he was one of the greatest filmmakers of all time and after watching these four films and his entire filmography I not only think that he's one of the best but simply is the best just reading on his first for Perfection and mastering every genre he attempted is simply incredible coming from someone who's interested in film making so it was no surprise that I'd eventually discover his movies and end up ranking them so let's not waste any more time well this sucks honestly for the first film this isn't bad it's just not good my one problem with fear and desire is that with every single one of kubik's movies there's always something story-wise that keeps the audience hooked from beginning to end so such as how REM and Barry's life will turn out or will Alex stop his sadistic Behavior both of these being the driving force of their respective films fear and desire doesn't have anything for the audience to grasp on to and as a result left me bored also it didn't help that I watch this on Amazon Prime and for some reason it was restored a color even though it really didn't need to cuz the version on Prime is awful the colors are barely there to begin with and even when they are they look saturated obviously there's signs of a good movie as I did say in my opinion that he is the greatest director of all time firstly the locations obviously this was before he could make iconic sets and this is a great first sign that he always used a location to his fullest secondly the cinematography Kubrick was a photographer before he became a filmmaker so it makes sense why the framing and the shots are absolutely unique you know what I'll quickly say this before I talk about all his other films not a single one of kubik's films have bad cinematography so hopefully I don't keep repeating myself you're repeating yourself you're repeating yourself you repe you're entering a world of pain yeah this isn't much of a step up from fear and desire but I will start with a positive that being the lighten as it gives us iconic images and I catching scenes the Kubrick's films would be known for also the final 10 minutes are intriguing and is what I think of when someone mentions this film because of the brilliant use of sound and once again the liting but apart from them that's really all the positives daav Gordon was not an interesting protagonist whatsoever what do we learn about him by the end of this that he's a boxer and he's a nice guy not much else called to the story as a result it left me bored we've not just gone but everyone else the score is also really repetitive this is something I don't usually critique as I normally love repetitive scores such as the score for the Untouchables as long as it's good which this unfortunately isn't if you can't tell I'm really struggling to say anything about this I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel hopefully I'll be able to talk a lot about my next kubric film in this ranking and tonight I'm going to love the man handle you before I get myself into hot water and I hope I can't stress how obvious this is but I do not condone God I'm not home in this movie but I don't condone the message of this movie what am I the only reason I watched it and many of us did was because it has Kubrick's name on it so Lilia I do have to say this is the first movie on this list that I didn't dislike though this is nothing to write home about one thing that really surprised me was the tone and how comedic yet dark it can get and it kind of works mainly because the narrative is all over the place tonally so they both coincide perfectly with each other and it's also thanks to the hilarious performances by James Mason and especially Peter sers I can see why Kubrick brought him back for Doctor Strange Love what Kubrick does like to grasp on to in his films and I'll probably say this later on is the humanity in the world and you can see this with the characters relationships with each other especially the interactions between ler and OV simply because of the subjects that def find each other conflicting on and how they respond to them however the story after the first half gets born really quickly as there just nothing to get invested in except for what Humber will do after L's mother's death no not not in that way but the real crime this movie commits outside of its pedophilic themes is calling a character Humber Humber oh God Joy this was a segment to get through Peter the horse is here oh yeah there's a lot of love about the killing but at the same time there's quite a lot of critique for starters I think the plot is really interesting especially during the final third it's just such an interesting premise that pays off wonderfully in end however I think how it's structured is where I draw the line it's nonlinear plot had me really confused at certain points in this movie as there are simply too many times where time jumps back and forth which leaves me wondering is all this even necessary if anything this makes me think P fiction is one of the greatest films of all time because of how well structured this nonlinear plot is oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration and it's not even my favorite Tarantino movie what along with the confusing narrative I also think that this is the worst shock kuric film I'm not saying this movie's cinematography is bad overall it's all right it's just with his other films his cinematography was on another level compared to anything else you'll ever see really overall this is where I see the most improvement from kubri during his early work as he managed to have memorable characters and a typ law which both fear and desire and kills kiss missed and I do think this speaks to what Kua can do as a director with such a basic premise given to him okay people may get mad at me that I put this so low just hear me out this isn't a bad film I think Clockwork Orange is really good it's just kuuk made a lot more films that were even better tonally this film is brilliant managing to make me somehow sympathies with Alex by the end despite the horrific crimes him and his friends commit earlier on in the film the use of music is absolutely phenomenal putting a nightmarish aspect towards Singing in the Rain I had no idea was simply possible to the point where I have no idea what to feel whenever I hear that song anymore is it happiness is it negativity I I don't know anymore and again like fear and desire kubic makes a great choice locations used which still surprised me that this film was made with a $1.3 million budget this is just an incredible example of a filmmaker making great use of the budget given if I did have to complain about this film I would say that the second act doesn't really connect too well with the first and third maybe I'm missing something b as soon as Alex gets arrest and put in prison the story comes to a complete stop at that point oh my nose and that's such a shame cuz for the majority of kubik's films the first shot gets me hooked from the beginning and A Clockwork Orange is certainly a great example so to see it go to waste by the second thir is kind of sad if it sounds like I hate this film I don't it's just kubic made quite a few better films before and after this it appears we've been boarded by another ship might be another hot take but forget about it Barry Lyndon is without a doubt the best looking film I've ever seen in my life the cinematography along with the unique lenses Crafters just for this film blend brilliantly as every camera shot completely erses you in the time period period pieces are usually Hit or Miss genre for me as there are some that are just completely disregard and some that I just Embrace with open arms and Barry lyen is definitely one of them also the battle scene's magnificent if there's one thing kuber can do brilliantly along with every single filmmaking aspect it's direct extras as every single one is set out how they should be and act as human as the protagonist meaning that even if you slightly lost Focus to Barry Lyon you're absolutely guaranteed to be drawn towards a random Soldier if there was one complain that I'd give to this film it's that I really couldn't care less about Lord bullingdon every scene that has him and Barry arguing over something minuscule couldn't deter me from the story even more except from the Jew but apart from that it's fantastic yes it's 3 hours long but with how well it erses you into this world that run time flies by here close your eyes close your eyes close them no for what kuer called his best work I don't see it and even though eyes wide shot is magnificent there's still other kubic films that offer more what I would say lows this movie from the ones above it is that you really don't feel anything when you're done watching it maybe it's because it's premise on the surface is basic but when you go through the layers it's actually sort of scary and mindblowing I was completely engaged with this secret CO as soon as I was aware of its existence thanks to the mystery that surrounds the identity of the people involved and why they're there in the first place Tom Cruz serves as a great Insider into this mysterious cult as he pretty much does this in real life but at the same time if you want to see the best Tom Cruz performance from 1999 just watch Magnolia Nicole Kidman is also really good but my only problem with her isn't Nicole herself it's the fact that the promotion lied to everyone thinking that this was a movie about Nicole and Tom when in reality it's mostly Tom also believe it or not this was filmed in England only some establishing shots were filmed in New York I mentioned that because after sparkus he filmed every movie in England and it shows how much attention to detail he put into his production design it looks completely believable from the second the film starts right until the end helping me lose myself more into his films also it's the only film he's in right there there he is I didn't know if that was a good way to end this segment but at least it in then like The Sopranos where it just cut to Black mident I'm Spartacus I'm SP spus that guy sparus I'm incredibly surprised I have ranked sparus this High I'm unsure if this is the first historical epic I've ever watched but if it is then I cannot wait to see more just going through spartacus's life alone is incredibly interesting from his Escape From Slavery to the large scale battle near the end because of how brilliantly paced it is there are too many moments to count where we're waiting for a character to snap or an event to ur and when they happen they're left in your mind for a long time this is because of how well kubric executes dalon trombos script it's so surprised how little creative freedom kubri had with this such as only working on half the film's cinematography the constant fuse with K Douglas behind the scenes and as I just mentioned he didn't even work on the script I would argue though that he only made this film to favor his career so come on leave him alone the scale of this movie is also incredible better than Barry Lynden in my opinion yeah I said it I also think sparkus is one of the best protagonists on this list as we learn so much in such a short or not so short amount of time thanks to K Douglas's brilliant performance we go through a man's life with both a convincing depiction of this man's life and a sense of humanity despite the limitations kuak had this is still a great film it's just this could have been so much better if he had full creative control which wasn't a problem for the next five if you think that I'm saying the full title of this film incredibly fast then you're solely mistaken fine I'll do it but in one take dror Strange Love Oh How I Learned to stop worrying and love the bomb there you happy anyway dror Strange Love was probably kuri's best true film everything about this is his own style from the adapted screenplay to the cinematography to the complex themes it tackles every element that you associate with his films as here and continues here for years to come the performances are also exceptional George C Scott is absolutely hilarious in every scene he's in his facial expressions and overthe toop body language is what sells it for me and how can I not talk about Peter cellers playing three different characters the depth of each performan is so different to one another that not only do I think this is one of the best performances of all time but whenever the president and Dr strange L on screen I completely believe that they are two different people the film is also a brilliant comedy on a rewatch I was laughing a lot more than the first time MBE because the first time you're more concentrated on the story wondering how both sides can possibly avoid nuclear war so the second time around the jokes really HTE you more often as well as the little aspects in the performances that also make it funny if this isn't a sign that kubik's films are some of the most rewatchable movies ever then I don't know what is France is a country you have to drive through to get to Italy if someone were to say to me what my favorite war movie was was this would be a top three for sure the originality that kubic brings to the war genre in Paths of Glory is something that I don't think any film after it except maybe another film on this list and dun could ever replicate especially the cinematography to me this is the first truly visual looking kubic film all his signature shots are here from the tracking shots to the extremely wide Center shots that pulls this away from any other film you'll see made around this time period for being less than an hour and 30 minutes of run time kubic doesn't miss a be the intense buildup to going over top the scarily unfair conviction of the free soldiers and their unfortunate executions are no pun intended executed so brilliantly that it makes you think on a much deeper level on the aspects of World War I or any war movie from outside the cruel battles and from a perspective of how some soldiers would unfairly treated just for serving their country it also amazes me that this is a film barely about war but rather the negative aspects that affect people because of War which shows us in the most unsettling way possible the humanity that comes with it which is a theme that kubri always touches upon just watch Paths of Glory it's probably the easiest cubic film to watch thanks to the runtime especially compared to with his other films like bar Lindon Spartacus shark T here's Benji going to be hard to talk about The Shining without saying a point that no one has said yet but I'll try The Shining is probably my favorite horror film simply because its Simplicity is all that it needs to make me feel uneasy it doesn't rely on jump scares but even when it does such as when Jack strikes Scatman with an axe yes that's is real name and the use of the editing during the iconic scene with the twins basically what I'm saying is what makes this scary is how natural everything is that's scary it is not the plot but it certainly drives it also I can not get enough of the Mana it is certainly one of the best locations not only in any horror film but any film ever there's just so much mystery surrounding it and it background which gives us a fair understanding of why it's abandoned and why Jack ends up going insane and the Maze oh my the scale of it the impact it has on the Final Act which leads to Danny covering his footprint from his dad which is one of the smartest decisions in any horror film I think we can all agree on that so come on it's The Shining for me and many others it was our introduction to Kubrick's vision and still continues to be spoofed referenced and paraded to this very day yeah did that tree just speak f m just like Paths of Glory Full Metal Jacket is a war film but it doesn't focus on the fighting aspect it focuses on the reality that thousands of young people had to unknowingly pay during the Vietnam War which is why it's possibly my favorite war film from the beginning of the movie where we're sucked into the repetitiveness of the army camp is frankly unbelievable I dare any of you who's watched this to find one fault with this section of the movie the use of production design is not only one of the most unique because it doesn't portray Vietnam as a jungle ridden Battleground it is also one of the best uses in cinema history all the characters are fleshed out flawlessly giving each individual only a few minutes of run time but just enough so that we understand their morals which makes us feel like we've known them for years making a majority of of their eventual death so heartbreaking the soundtrack is easily the best out of any of kubik's films from the lighthearted ju to positional use of sa and be during a conflict to the ending scene of all the soldiers singing about Mickey Mouse which is genius it's a little reminder that these people being drafted off to experience the harsh conditions of War were still only kids after all the average age of a Vietnam soldier was only 19 it does suck that this was overshadowed by platoon because this is definitely one film you should see before you die and it's only number two on this list let's go to the Moon we're not going to the Moon we're going home words could never truly experience how I felt about 2001 from the moment I put this in my DVD player and press play and I heard that music for the first time for the first time ever during a movie I felt brainwashed this is easily the best example of kubric dominating any genre he Ste foot in which is why I think he's the greatest of all time the mystery surrounding this film has always intrigued me even after seeing it kubic just gives some of the pieces of the film to the audience to let them fill in the blanks which is why it's simply genius every frame of 2001 is a Payton there is just so much to analyze from the props to the set designs to the costumes it's no wonder that most sci-fi films after this like Star Wars and alien look and feel the way they do there are also so many shots in this movie that puzzle me into wondering how they manag to get certain camera shots which is something I really think about during the film let alone multiple times the pacing can sometimes be a bit slow in some spaces but if you're like me and a brainwash from start to finish you're begging for it to be slow it does suck that this is the only film that gave kubric and Oscar and that Oscar was for visual effects of all things but at least he managed to get one unlike Alfred hcock unlucky lad so what else is there for me to say it's 2001 it's without a doubt one of the best experiences you'll ever have watching a movie and it's undoubtedly Kubrick's best so there we go honestly looking at all of kuri's films and slowly seeing how he progressed his art was incredibly interesting I know some of my placements of films were probably unusual but at the end of the day they're just my opinions all right so I can now defend sparkers with my life get get out of here get out of [Music] here
Channel: Benji Sandero Productions
Views: 2,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uj08AnMJGB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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