Stanford student reacts to “Why Stanford REJECTED me, the “perfect” student”

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why is Stanford rejected me the perfect student I've seen a fair number of videos in the college admissions industry and I'm not sure if I've seen one pop off quite like this video I found it when it was maybe a day old on 2000 views 330 000 views in less than a month this content creator W Amy this video has definitely been a W for Amy now before we even get into it I want all of you to click the link in the description to her video and drop a little like because if you've been around the channel before you know what's probably about to go down with this reaction now I ain't here to start no beef no smoke Amy is a grown 22 23 year old woman so she's not going to take offense to anything I say here but there are different perspectives in the college admissions industry I feel like there's a lot of fallacies out there and so who better than preaching P to come here and clear some of the smoke I let's get right into the reaction okay Amy what you got for us 4.8 GPA 35 on the ACT and fives on 11 AP exams Stanford rejected me and here's why I can't even blame them I fed up hey it's Amy since that fateful day when I received my rejection letter I have been contemplating day and night about why I got rejected from my dream School while I go over my application can you find the mistakes I made I'm gonna try my best to find all these mistakes I better believe that so to start I'm obviously Asian did y'all catch that hang on let's rerun that real quick just so that everyone can pick up on that mistake real quick made so to start I'm obviously Asian I you know I've watched this video once before and I think that this is a very common theme that comes up in this video but also if you've just interacted with other human beings in the real world in regards to all Asians and this college admissions scheme now if you look similar to me if you look similar to Amy over here it's very very easy to come out here and say that College admissions becomes a lot harder because you're Asian because of things like affirmative action because of the way that colleges discriminate against students of our ethnicity now with that being said is that a legitimate excuse for not performing and not getting into a school absolutely not from the moment you're born till the moment you pass you will still be Asian if you're Asian so why sit here complaining about it when you can just go ahead and try your best to excel in whatever it is you're doing there's absolutely no reason to just be sitting here crying over the fact that you're Asian and Amy does like a reasonable job in this video of trying to balance the fact that she's Asian as an excuse when with the other things but it comes up so many times in this video that I feel like there's a need for me to come out here and say that just because you're Asian doesn't mean you can't get into these Ivy League schools you can't build a resume at that tier I feel like there's other much much more blatant mistakes that are being made that should be avoided for a lot of you guys things that you guys can learn from then complaining about the fact that you're Asian okay you're Asian now what you're gonna stop being Asian like huh under other colleges and universities I also put the nearby college that I did concur enrollment with and for grades I was number one out of 375 it says one I don't know I said five here literally and so I was about Victorious four unweighted these are all the classes so we got a valedictorian over here top tier GPA she already told us she got 35 on that act she's better where I had once these are her I'm guessing her senior year of course you know pretty good course load academically when it comes to statistics Amy has not done wrong she is truly outdone herself here these are what you want to be aiming for when you're applying pretty much the same thing I qualified for Aime the American cinematics examination that was intense I was an all grades winner in the UNC math contest I got the Colorado math award in Colorado math Olympiad bronze medal a lot of math Awards National Merits of these my different Awards here so if you look closely here notice that all these Awards fall under that state Regional level there's a lot of like uh bronze medal is what we're seeing over here a lot of like different a lot qualified for this I've started getting into this these are your top five awards that you're allowed to list on the common application I hate to start bringing in comparisons to to me but if that's just going to be the easiest example here my top five Awards nothing came below the national level everything was up there at the top and I didn't put anything that was like a third a place you know type award on this top five list these were truly awards that were not only at the national level but there were other things there to back it up in particular what I mean by that was I had dollar amounts I won cash prizes I won scholarship money I had awards that were truly unique and in themselves would be considered very impressive you have to understand that when you're applying to a Stanford level school it's one thing to have the statistics to get you in but it's another thing to truly have the awards and other proof of your activities that allows a college to buy into your ability your character and immediately as we're getting off of this video and we're taking a look at the honors like beyond the statistics I'm not really seeing that wow factor of impression there and I'm curious to see whether she's going to go over that herself in my future plans I said I would like to be an engineer or doctorate I got a company that doesn't make it any easier right you're applying as engineering as an Asian you know keep that in mind right you're applying for the top of the top you got to be at that level Target score of 35 where I had the breakdown tests math level two I got an 800 in chemistry I got a 790. AP subject test I got fives in all seven of these AP classes just breezing through them that's very impressive but it doesn't really help with College admission I was president of moo Alpha Theta maths Society where I led a team to first place I did initiations okay she's throwing a bunch of different activities at us right now I'm gonna speed read through all them and just give you the rundown okay so here's the rundown Amy has a mix of activities over here she has her math related activities which seems to be her clear interest coming out of this but as well as that she also has or what I would find to be the most impressive thing is the volunteering right four years of consistent volunteering if you're interested in applying to the medical field this is something that I'd absolutely want all of my subscribers and fans and viewers to have definitely try to mimic something like what she's done over consistent four years but other than that it starts getting a little bit weird as we go down the list I mean things like NHS are cool some of the other activities she's done are solid and then she has three like JV and Varsity Sports thrown in there but that doesn't seem to be a core of her application at all so as we dig deeper into this activities list I feel like I'm struggling to find truly like deep enriching meaningful activities that she was super committed to during her entire time in high school that actually connect to the career path that she wants to go down as well as just in general there seems to be a between some of just the random activities she's thrown on there and then the actual quality activities just don't have that level of true depth that I'd be looking for my number one activity on my activities list was my science fair and my research work that I did you know how deep I went into that Not only was that like a four year thing that I was committing easily 10 hours a week to but the number of awards that I had to back it up when they gave you that little like 100 to 150 character space to just write Awards and things I didn't even know what to start by writing should I talk about my papers do I talk about my patent my Awards where do I fit everything in there was this much going on with my number one activity and then following that each of the other activities each had their own like spin in depth to it all of them really crafted one cohesive story with my application it had Direction nothing here felt like a filler And yet when I look at Amy's application you're applying to Stanford and yet your bottom like three things or three different sports that you play in high school that you're not trying to go to college and play it's very conflicting and that's probably a big reason why Stanford wasn't so sure what to do with her application I did the friends of Rachel Club I was a tournament assistant at the Rocky Mountains things that she's done in no way is Amy over here like a bum like she ain't like about she was actually grinding in Junior and Senior year but it's all about like what you put your time into right like when I was in my junior senior year I was working hard but I wasn't over here like dripping in sweat over trying to work on the you know prom Committee in my junior year I was out here doing me right focusing on me my interests my things you gotta have like a vision for what you're out here doing I'm not trying to be Mr high and mighty over here or download my purchase Oh I got into a bsmd program so that makes me better than everyone who's ever applied to colleges that's not what this is but the thing that I do like to to take a lot of pride in in really in anything I do in life is that I I think very deeply about the decisions I make I don't like to waste my time and so when it comes to the extracurriculars that I did everything was just a thoughtful judgment I didn't look at my peers and get anxious so I'm missing out on doing this leadership or that leadership everything was strategically crafted it was thought out and it helped truly build the pillars of my resume and when I felt like there was something actually missing like maybe when I was in 10th Grade I was realizing okay I could use a little bit more volunteering side to my application it's very science heavy right now I know I'm interested in applying to Medicine I made sure to do my work in my non-profit build that up and allow it to truly support what I was doing I want all of you guys to start thinking like that it's not about the volume of activities that you do here you could have like 20 times the number of activities that she has here and you still won't get into Stanford because that's not the problem here that's not the problem you truly want to become someone with a few key core activities that ground you in your character help you stand out and those things you can actually get really invested into and allow them to benefit you it's like a gift that just keeps giving and that is it why do you think I did not get in let's get it I'm curious to see her neural enough I was friends with a salutatorian and he would always tell me about how he created an app that would make Marching In marching band easier with the formations and stuff and at the time I was like an app but have you done math competitions no to be honest like I knew that was really cool but I wasn't out there creating cool things like apps or like starting my own program until the very last summer before senior year when I made that math path math program that okay I'm gonna pause Amy real quick right there I like the way that she's thinking about this the not entrepreneurial enough I think that's that's a good way to phrase it but I think an even better way to phrase it is to switch out entrepreneurship for ambition not every person has to start a business has to start something new but what you do have to do is provide some form of like value to the world or convince the colleges that you will provide that value once you come there there are totally kids who commit their entire High School to doing things like like the math counts the science olympiads uh that kind of stuff and they find a lot of success because in those situations while they may not be inventing something new they're convincing the colleges that they are extremely talented they're very very brilliant and if the college invites them to come to a school like Stanford they can take access of those resources take advantage of them and go on to to do the next big thing colleges are looking for great students to come to their school but but they're also looking for the true standout brilliant Steve Jobs next Google CEO type people and with that being said if you're able to create some kind of new value provide something new in high school then it truly goes a long way why make colleges have to think about you being a prospectively brilliant student when you can actually do something like science fairs or research or start a non-profit or business or even this like as simple as this marching band app to just truly bring out your Innovation and show that you're actually a go-getter you're actually going to find problems in the real world or when you see problems you actually go solve them that's what you want to be able to convey to colleges now Amy over here not only is she bringing up now that she didn't really do those things and she was really trying to push for those entrepreneurship type things a little bit too late into high school right junior year makes it you know it's better than doing nothing at all but it does you know start to push the limits of how much you can truly do in that time frame but also she was doing the the math counts type pathway or or the math competitions but she didn't really get to that top top National level or like uh or earned those awards that a college would look at and truly see us having that incredible potential and because of that because they're kind of lacking in both departments that definitely did hold her Stanford application back to a fair extent and even though those kids and probably you are a little stressed about college don't worry because things work out eventually just okay so let me make some solid points in the rest of this uh video if you want to see them go check out her video in the description I don't want to take everything away from her Channel and uh you know before we we close this out I think we all have to go check out the YouTube comment section here now you know how I feel about YouTube comments I pretty much don't read them at all but I do want to see some of the sub-human IQ takes that we can find so uh let's just let's scroll down to a random comment and let's pick let's pick this one um I'm definitely no expert but I think the reason you didn't get accepted was because it sounded like you were trying to rack up achievements almost like check off a checklist the resume seemed almost robotic like you had such amazing achievements but they were all achievements that you were collecting almost just to pull on your college apps you see what I mean like look everyone thinks that they're an expert on what they're doing everyone has their own take this is almost the same reason that why when you get so invested in like this college admissions research you just can't get a straight answer out of anyone people always be given these like sus comments Bros unless they've actually done this successfully gotten into a school like Stanford and they truly have the qualifications to be doing so don't listen to these people okay they they a lot of them don't know what they're talking about they just kind of like speak words and it's a YouTube comment section bro like come on man come on once again please make sure to check out Amy's channel in the description show her some love her Channel's been popping off recently and I was able to react to this video and we were able to learn a lot of good things from it so I appreciate her for having the confidence to put everything out there on the internet like this thank you all so much for watching this has been preaching P like comment subscribe your boy is out
Channel: Preaching P
Views: 84,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wamy why stanford rejected, wamy, stanford rejection, stanford rejection reaction, college admissions, college application tips, stanford, preaching p, college admissions advice, ivy league stats, ivy league reaction, stanford reaction, college admissions process, college applications, how to get into ivy league schools, college app mistakes, college app advice, college app tips, Why Stanford REJECTED me the perfect student
Id: whn12ofxq-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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