Standing Up to Bullies and Pushing Back Against a 'Woke' World: Public School Teacher Jessica Tapia

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[Music] real life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to Proclaim truth equip the Saints and impact our culture today if this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings to us that's like saying amen or yes then that rating will encourage others to listen [Music] now open your hearts to what God's word has to say to you here is Jack Hibbs hey welcome to this episode of real life and we have something truly today that I believe that if you are willing to listen and to spread the word uh regarding what you're about to hear to someone you know in the public school system and you might be saying well that's everybody well that may be true so spread the word here's the deal today I have with me Jessica Tapia and she is a public school teacher for six years she's been a public school teacher she has her master's degree in education she has um uh experienced um a challenging upbringing to say the least she is a woman that I would think people would want to emulate and get behind in support because she's a success story she has uh taken what we would say in biblical terms ashes and has turned them into Beauty her life matters uh her faith matters she's a woman of faith and she has taken a stand and she's done that in the public school system but that has become unacceptable and so she has recently lost her job as a public school teacher for her faith in California but her story is not limited to California this is happening in school districts all across the United States so you need to tune in you need to give extra attention because I do believe that you're going to derive courage from her testimony and you might even get um some direction as to what you should do Mom and Dad or what you should do principal or teacher regarding the Dynamics of what's happening with this assault on our public school system so Jessica welcome thank you it's an honor to have you here and so just tell us about yourself I mean I I mentioned a few things but let us know who you are and we'll talk about what's happening and then um really frankly what you're going to be doing about it yes well first of all thank you for having me I told my husband immediately after I was fired and I I put a little post out on my Instagram to start sharing with the world and then I started receiving the media requests and I looked at him and I was like the first thing I want to do is talk to my pastor so I've done a few other um interviews but I'm so happy to finally be sitting with you um so who I am I'm obviously a follower of Christ I'm a wife and a mother of three um I went to California Baptist University um got a couple degrees there my teaching credential which is so interesting to me looking back now that I I went to a private Christian College to receive my teaching credential and then now I'm in this position where as a Christian public school teacher I've been removed from my position for standing in in the truth of of the Lord and of the Bible so that's interesting to me but um everything for a reason I'm I I truly have peace even though this is like a lot of people look at this and they're so sorry for me and I I want to tell people don't be I really believe that like God is doing something with this and I'm not sorry I don't want you to be sorry I want you to just come alongside me and so many have and just you know stand up and together like let's make change because we all see and know that it needs to happen we truly are the majority we just can't be silent anymore that's so true so so true so again how long have you been a teacher so six years and this whole thing went down at the very end of my sixth year of teaching literally two days before summer vacation so tell us about um tell us about what and what I guess what I'm asking what's the day in the life of a public school teacher walk us through that for those of us who don't know what will I encounter um as a public school teacher uh for the year what am I going to be facing um in in the system so I um this this past year I had just moved to the high school level actually and moved to the high school that I attended and that I met my husband at in the high school where I was very very influenced by my coaches one of my coaches actually invited me to her Bible study she is now my mother-in-law so a lot of history there yeah it was incredible to go back um and hopefully you know have that same influence on on my students that my coaches and teachers had on me and um but it's different it was different going back um just dark and heavy it's one of those things where you just walk on campus and you feel the culture as a Christian you can feel we as Believers we know that even walking into a store or a city or wherever you can sense that there's something up right and so that's the the sense but to be more I guess descriptive just you you compare to what you know and what you've been through so when I was there as you know a student um for example you know dress code you know a girl wouldn't dare to wear a spaghetti strap but now I'm walking around and and there's students in what look to be bras actually yes we've seen that and you are correct and and it's and it just seems that no one's saying anything so then you don't feel that you can say anything and we're all just going along with it and it's just getting worse um so it was definitely not what I things have gotten to a point I think culturally and morally um at least speaking for the school that I was at um to where I didn't feel like I could even teach anymore I didn't feel like the students were even wanting me to teach or open to me teaching they were just like in their own world so they would so look I mean I'm old enough to be your your dad when I was in school attention was demanded if you didn't pay attention you paid the price uh you learned or you repeated a class until you got it right you weren't going to advance to the next grade until you until you got it down there was no just go with the flow thing uh my goodness back in my day we actually got spanked in school um and so what I'm saying is this um people well how could that happen that's terrible I'm not going to get into that part of it I'm not sure at the time I agreed with it but the point was um we were producing people who were way smarter and disciplined disciplined in all areas by the way it's not just it's not just can you read the book it's do you have over the school year did you develop character so um it's my understanding that in the public school system there's a great level of disrespect I don't have to I don't need to do this what's this for you you know who are you to tell me um and yeah the the immorality um the the attack that has been levied against you walk us through that why why did they have an issue and what have they said to you how did they communicate that to you yeah so it all started um like I said literally a couple days before summer break um of last year so at the end of May of last year I noticed that students had found me on social media because I was getting some really awful comments and it didn't normally get comments like that from students or from who you don't know I didn't know at first when I read the comments this is your private page it's my Instagram page I had recently made it public to share about a business that I had started and to sure it's not the schools no it doesn't even say that I'm a teacher on there it doesn't say where I teach it's my private personal where I share my beliefs my opinions and my Christian religion um students decided to look me up for whatever reason I don't know maybe they were looking me up to see my kids that I talk about to see my horse that I talk about I don't know but they found something they didn't like um specifically it was a video I was out shopping one day and just seeing all of the The Pride clothing and this time I was very shocked to find that they're now making this stuff for toddlers and babies yes like 12 month yeah Pro and so I was sharing that you know bringing awareness of that to to other moms and um specifically like in my caption said I I think this is wrong a three-year-old cannot wrap their mind around what pride is why are we making yep completely normal comments because this is America and you have the First Amendment right sharing my opinion to sharing my opinion and all the right students found that and they airdropped that video across campus and of course made it into a phobic thing and made it into a hate thing um and I was just blocking and deleting as I was receiving comments from students because I don't you know I'm a teacher I don't want them on my page and they shouldn't be there um and I didn't want any trouble well after I had deleted one of the comments they came back and said too late we've sent this into the district so this is intimidation and bullying now so the uh the woke world that says bullying is terrible their masters at bullying and the woke world that says uh don't criticize me you have to accept me they cannot they can't accept anybody that's outside of their Lane and their Lane is uh very very petite or very narrow um and I'll just throw this in there it's because they're extremely fragile um they bent they break when they Bend they they have no ability to cope and eventually they're gonna have to go into the real world which they will not make it they they will fail because they haven't learned how to debate they haven't learned how to cope uh they they are the same equivalency to what you used to see at Toys R Us when they were in business of a of a three-year-old or a five-year-old screaming and slapping their mother in the Toya aisle because they wanted that toy and mommy said no and so um the remarkable thing is that you're exercising your first amendment constitutional rights and everything about what you're doing is private but um they went and made it um a a public thing in the sense that you can't do this how dare you right as a as a teacher I should not have stated my opinions isn't that amazing so as a t on your private page you are a mom you are a an equestrian a gal with the horse and you're living your life and they they insert what they're imposing upon you then is these are the rules of the school or the administration and we're imposing that upon your your private social media platform 24 7. you know not just when you're at work we are holding you to this at all times if you're going to be so do other teachers know this is going on yes yes they are they're coming aware of it because of my story getting out um good so after those videos and also several posts this is what this is what really confirmed that this is spiritual warfare for me um totally facing spiritual warfare like I've never faced it before at least to my recognition was when I was brought into the school district for the first meeting and they presented me with what students had found on the various things on social media they sent into the district at the back of this packet of papers which had several allegations so essentially students found things they didn't like on my social media and then use those to craft allegations against me as a teacher a couple of them being that I broadcast sermons to my classes and I just looked at the district personnel and I was like I'm gonna be so honest with you this is the only thing I can think of that uh this allegation would be made upon I'm a PE teacher on Mondays we go to the track and they have a mile to do and that's the one day I let them listen to a podcast or music of their choosing and I do the same but I don't put in headphones like they do because I need to be vigilant that's right but I put on oh no or worship music or you know something of my choosing you don't want to hear what they put on the students and it's just loud enough in my pocket it's not blaring it's not being broadcast it's just loud enough so I can hear it as I walk around and watch my students and so interesting too because I've had several students as they walk by comment like oh I love that song Or what church do you go to and it's you know kind of been great to strike up conversation with some of my students but then all of a sudden the students on my social media and found my other opinions and beliefs and went to work crafting allegations against me and um anyways what I was starting to get at the back of that packet was printouts of screenshots the students sent into the district several of them were Bible verses I posted on my Instagram and I'm just thinking using bible verses to back like these allegations against me yeah because the Bible is so dangerous and evil you know yes yes and how could we have such a thing you know what's amazing to me what you're describing and it's sad because when I'm going to say it the young the young people are not going to understand what I'm going to say because they've never been taught is you are literally describing these kids as being brown shirts these are the brown shirts of Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime Brown Shirts were children who were taught by the system to turn people in wow they're called Brown Shirts uh so I'm just going to call them Brown Shirts normally these kids would normally be more concerned about their acne or their hair that was me or are they going to pass they are they I'm not going to make the team what is really bizarre to what you're saying is these are kids who are little police officers which makes them brown shirts that I I can't imagine that happening unless what happened to the brown shirts of the 40s 1940s they were groomed by adults they were told so to speak I'm exaggerating right now but we'll give you a donut or we'll give you a candy or a piece of chocolate if you tell us if you hear people saying these things and they turn people in and so it's amazing because we're living in this this moment so the only way to stop this I you've probably seen this on on the on the PE field or in the classrooms but the only way to stop what we're talking about is for good people to punch back and you say I couldn't believe a pastor just said that well you need to get used to it because in First Corinthians uh 10 6 um I'm sorry second Corinthians 10 6. the Bible tells us that by our obedience to Christ we punish Disobedience right which means we're to do the right thing and if that right thing causes evil to be exposed that's the whole point so what what I'm what I want to say about Jessica is that she's courageous she's strong she knows not only her biblical calling she's exposing evil but she's also um exercising Her First Amendment rights in America she has that right to do exactly what she's doing technically technically those brown shirt little punks do not have the right to do what they're doing they've been groomed by a social structure that is a form of communalism communism and that's what's happening and so teachers you need to stand up you need to do what Jessica's doing in fact Jessica what are you doing yes so after that first meeting that I kind of described with the allegations and the Bible verse printouts and all of that I responded to all of those vocally and then they took some time to process what I um voiced based on the allegations and then essentially decided what they were going to do with me called me in for a second meeting and basically told me I'm lucky to still have a job what I had done was so serious and wrong because that's intimidation but keep going and it was it felt really awful to hear that from these District Personnel because before all this they respected me they adored me I've done so much for the district I think I was a student there straight A student there athlete lifeguard sub coach all the things but because of this one finding it was like I saw their whole vision of me just flip and it's like a mask switched on their yeah and it was instantly like even if you are calling me back I don't I wouldn't even feel comfortable coming back you clearly like don't like me anymore um so well I'm sorry to put words in your mouth but um if I were your attorney for example I would say something to the effect of if they invited you back they they previously already made it clear that your views are not welcome and what we are as human beings is our views and so the environment is not a free environment hi Jessica welcome back but you're not free right uh hi welcome back but you cannot express your personal views and you cannot be an American you cannot exercise the Constitution and you've got to be woke uh if you want to keep your job so all of these things are actually illegal for uh that to be imposed upon you but yes and that's exactly what happened in the second meeting they said I was lucky to have my job back I was barely allowed to come back here are the directives you need to follow and we're going to be watching you closely for 45 days for change of behavior and that right away change of behavior I've behaved the same way for six years of teaching I have nothing to change so you're not going to find any change of behavior there and then the directives were affirmation for me of what I was already feeling in my soul about the whole situation so first a directive that I knew well I can't and won't do that is I need to refer to students by their preferred pronoun and gender and in the meeting I wasn't voicing to them nope not doing that no I was just internalizing all of it as they spoke their directives over me for returning that Monday um the second allegation was I was to refrain from speaking to students about God or the Bible that's illegal not really hurt my soul um so I'm sorry I keep interrupting you but it's because I find your this is incredibly fascinating so you are to hold to the social construct that we are inventing you will do as we say and you should be so lucky that we're going to be so nice to you to allow you to come back but we are going to dictate uh your life and um we are going to scrub this God thing out of your life when most people don't even realize that the public school system was founded by three guys one of them happened to been a guy by the name of Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Rush was the was another one and I think John Adams is in there but whoever the third guy is is a real big hitter and they're they're founding of the public school system was based on this there are people homeschooling their kids in colonial America and some of them are not teaching them the Bible so we're going to create the public school system and the Bible will be the preeminent textbook as well as the McGuffey reader these will be the foundations of the public school system because some kids are not getting a Biblical worldview that's Thomas Jefferson friends go look that up and now our system has divorced itself from God completely and you are um in this machine that is Godless and what's interesting about what they're telling you to do they're actually uh doing what they claim nobody's allowed to do and that is you got to stay out of politics you got to stay out of politics what they're doing is pure politics okay and their political agenda is you will submit which is actually tyrannical and um so you were fired yes so after receiving those directives so those were the the two that I previously voiced those were the two instantly like inside I knew I'm not complying with those and um they also vocally in that second meeting with the presentation of directives vocally told me that I had to lie to parents if a student came to me with a preferred gender or pronoun that info had to be withheld from parents for the sake of the student's privacy and I was so taken back by that that I looked at the assistant superintendent in the eyes and I said are you asking me to lie to parents and they said yes it's the law it's for the student's privacy so it's a subversion of Parental Authority they told you to learn and I said we're talking about the well-being information regarding the well-being of a child and they said yeah exactly you don't you don't understand there's some students where when their parents find out they kick them out of the house it's not first of all that may or may not be true I have no input on that I have no knowledge of that but that's not their concern their concern is math right geography let's leave home at home yeah yeah exactly so I'm assuming now our system and by the way those of you listen you think this is a California issue it's a national issue somebody just told me last night oh we're moving to we're moving to uh Tennessee we're moving to Nashville where we don't have these we're getting out of California we're moving to Nashville and it was so bizarre because I told the guy said well that's funny about four days ago I just talked to somebody who moved to Nashville and they were talking about how insanely awoke their school system is and it was worse than California so the point is this it's a national this is a national battle and by the way we want to make this a national battle we want Jessica to be an encouragement to you the Bible tells us in in Joshua chapter 1 uh God tells Joshua over and over again in just one chapter be strong and of good courage do not be afraid for I'm with you wherever you go he keeps telling Joshua that Joshua the great first general of the Israeli forces God has to keep telling them be strong and of good courage Don't Be Afraid why because Joshua was prone to be discouraged and to be afraid God doesn't waste his breath and so all of you who are in the public school system we've got to figure out unless there's maybe there's something out there right now forming but there's got to be some form of an alliance that maybe Jessica can invent and and take it nationally right take it nationally to have it be like you know almost the uh the the national school teachers Reporting Center where where you bring your Jessica story and let's get these incredible uh agencies that will represent you in court uh for free there's there's uh the Pacific Justice Institute there's advocates for Faith and freedom there's the alliance uh for for defending Alliance defending Freedom fun there's there's uh Liberty Council there's so many that are waiting to hear but listen we're going to lose our system uh to what I was alluding to earlier and I didn't finish this I guess is you're going to be bullied until you stand up to the bully this is human psychology a bully will push a kid around all school year long until that kid we've all watched movies like this haven't we sandlot movies like this where the kid finally gets fed up and punches the bully in the nose and then from that time on the bully leaves the guy alone every boy knows this by the way every every first grade boy knows that you punch the bully in the nose and then the rest of the school year is fine well there's a lot of people now who are School teachers and or administrators that are just nothing but overgrown bullies and they're intimidating you know you have a bully on your hands when they threaten and intimidate you in our nation right now you can punch them back by legal means if you're a Christian get friends praying read your Bible read the book of Joshua read The Book of Proverbs at the same time get on the phone and get a very very strong attorney and what you do is you do what Paul the Apostle did you exercise your Roman rights Paul exercised his Roman rights when he as a Roman citizen was attacked he said I appeal to Caesar only a Roman citizen could do that and listen the authorities in caesarea they were bound to then file documents sending Paul to Rome they had to that was the law Paul used the law of the Roman Empire to advance his cause and Paul went to Rome and you need to do the same thing you need to know hey wait a minute I'm a school teacher this is my life this is my love um I'm being told that I cannot have a Bible on my desk oh yeah you can it's your constitutional right they're threatening to sue me or they just fired me or they're telling me this or they're telling me that there needs to be some form of place for you to go to yeah so um this is so vitally important we need to I'm so sorry we need to wrap this up but um tell us where you're at what are you doing now uh tell us about going forward and what you hope to see happen yeah so just really quick before that the third meeting um was after I took three months of stress leave to figure out what I was going to do next regarding the directives new in my heart and soul I wasn't going to comply with several of them do I resign or do I as you stated you know stand up to the Beast yep and I actually for most of the months was planning to resign had half of a resignation letter written and for some reason could never get around to finishing it and it was I was so stressed out one day and I was telling my mother-in-law I just I I need to finish this letter like I have three little ones so I was never able to sit down and type um and she just was like Jess there's probably a reason that you haven't been able to finish it just trust and then maybe I just started praying and then maybe a day or two after that had a Divine appointment of a phone call with a couple in Washington that I had only connected with through Instagram got very close to the wife because of her faith and they spoke over me I really want to say prophesied over me and they they gave me the answer that I was praying for asking God do I resign or do I vocalize to the district that I won't comply with these things I'm ready to come back to work but here's what I won't do and they said don't resign you'll keep standing up to resign would have been to quit and sad to say there's been a lot of really good people that I know that uh they didn't come and ask they didn't come and get prayer they came and told me I quit and I just kind of cringe when I hear that because I love what Winston Churchill said he said it's always too soon to quit you know and so we're so proud of you um how do is there anything that we um you you so you're going to court yeah yes we're still waiting for the right to sue letter which was new for me I didn't know that you had to have a right to sue yeah um but we're waiting for that from EEOC and then from there we will begin litigating in the Riverside County Court um and for now just you know spreading the story far and wide and I already see many parents I believe waking up to what's really happening in in the school system I have hundreds of messages from teachers that are either have shared they're very inspired by what I've done or they've shared with me that they were in a similar position and resigned which makes me sad but um and then I actually have several teachers that are going through this with me like currently having to make the decision and so I'm encouraging them to stand up is there a do you have a how do people reach out to you is it I know it's all happening so fast are you ready for that do you have that on my Instagram is where I keep everyone up to date yeah it's um my Instagram name is Jess underscore saying can you spell it so it's j-e-s-s underscore s-a-y-i-n-n-n just saying okay we'll make sure that that's that appears and people get that um really quick you have been bombarded with media um you um I'm not exactly sure when this podcast is going to drop but probably by that time you will have been on numerous uh news uh and uh radio interviews and all but one of them will be uh Tucker Carlson yes that's set for the 27th I believe that's Monday 27th of February this is huge because uh he has the largest viewing audience so just think about that millions of people are going to hear this and I pray I pray that out of the millions that there's at least a million or 500 000 School teachers that are going to say you know what wow I need to defend what I love and here's the here's the thing when good people abandon the Public Square or when good people just shut down evil fills that void evil rushes in it's the way evil works when light goes out darkness comes if you notice that when you turn off your light in your room darkness comes isn't it amazing when you turn the light switch on where does Darkness Darkness Go I mean think about it because light itself is a physical structure I mean these are photons that actually fill up a room where did Darkness go and by you standing you are dispelling the darkness and I want to talk to every Christian or at least good teacher that's out there you have to be a Christian to be a good teacher if you love the kids and you love teaching and this is going on to you or for or it will happen to you you need to stand you need to stand because these are the days evil advances like the thug on the on the campus who's pushing people around and we have got to figure out as God honoring bible-believing submitted committed Christians how to exercise as Paul did his freedoms for the cause of Christ and so I want everyone to be praying for Jessica please this is a prayer request that you would pray for her that you would stay and in tune with what's happening and follow we'll do a follow-up podcast as time progresses um but I just really want to just pray that your legal counsel is absolutely lionhearted your legal counsel must be like a dog on a bone so as they say a relentless and so uh we we pray for your legal counsel we pray for you uh we pray for these poor kids who are being manipulated by frankly people that I have um just about zero respect for uh these these people who will manipulate kids to spy and to promote their Godless agenda uh there should be shame written all over them uh but uh you know the way that we must combat this is to stand in the truth and to exercise our freedoms while we have them and so um we're impressed and I I just I'm so grateful for you and I just know that God is going to use this he will never waste um the opportunity to glorify his name through a yielded child of his and that's who you are we love you we're with you and so I am just absolutely so so grateful so you guys stay tuned this has been powerful my goodness I just this is no pun intended but this is real life what Jessica's talking about and and it's it's amazing and so um it's it's time for you and I to live out uh what it is that we believe in and it is time for real life and it's exactly what Jessica's doing so listen as always we're asking you please you want to help us uh keep us from getting canceled things like that this is how it works um that we need you to hit that subscribe button we need you to do that if you want to give us a review um look I'm going to live without you doing that but here's the way the world works if you hit the Subscribe button or if you give us uh a review it helps the algorithm the machines that read this stuff uh actually move us up in this world of ours and it's the way it is sorry but it's the way that it is so please subscribe it's all free stay with us we're going to be bringing you more and more information about not only Jessica's story but um just the progress of how we stand until the Lord comes back we stand in our faith and as always you guys can always go to for so much more so listen Jessica thank you so much this Jack Kemp's podcast as well as all the broadcast Outreach opportunities are listener supported will you consider partnering with us through a special gift go to to learn more and stay connected foreign
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 192,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: calvary chapel chino hills, jack hibbs, jack hibbs calvary chapel chino hills, jessica tapia, jessica tapia teacher, real life with jack hibbs, standing up to bullies
Id: 0XCW7yRMqaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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