Standing Pilates for Seniors to Improve Balance, Strength and Coordination | 20 Mins

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hello my name is rachel and welcome to my channel today we're going to be doing standing pilates for seniors you don't need anything at all but i would like you to do this in your bare feet if you can alright so go ahead get yourselves ready and i'll see you in a moment [Music] okay so the reason i said bare feet for today is because i really want to work through mobility of the feet and the toes and get you a little bit more aware of where you are on the ground okay this is to help with your balance and your mobility so let's start with our feet hip width apart making sure that the ankles align with the knees knees in line with the hip bones here hands on the hips and we're going to look down to start with and we're going to try and bring all those toes up off the floor so keeping the ball of the foot down the heel down but lifting the toes now you're going to try and spread your toes out as much as you can and then bring them back down onto the floor i'm going to do that again so we're going to lift them up spread them out and lay them down and one more lift them up spread them out and lay them down okay so try and feel that connection between your feet and the floor now we're going to slightly lean forward so the weight is going into the toes you can feel your toes are starting to grip then you're going to come back to the center then you're going to slightly lean back so you feel the weight in their heels and back to center so going forward and back to center and going back and center and last time forward and center and back and center okay so i want you to take the weight over onto the left leg bending the right leg there okay so you can feel that that heel is lifted and we're just going to do little circles with the ankles so just going out and out and out and again really feel the toes on the floor now as that ankle is circling around bring that heel down let's transfer the weight to the other side lift up circling out good so trying to keep the toes on the floor as you do it good and three two one and come on down so check that your alignment is still the same feel those toes pressing down so you're going to start and work through the legs now work with some balance just do what feels right for you okay so you don't have to do the full exercise as i am you can modify it if you need to so hands down by your side pull your tummy muscles in we're going to bend the knees like so and come up bend and come up so as you bend think of sticking your bottom out and up and go as far as your knees will allow you okay as long as they're happy that's all that matters good and three two one coming up now we're going to lift up onto the toes and i want you to try and bring your arms all the way up we're going slowly and then circle back down and lower the heels so we're lifting up keep those shoulders down circling and down lifting up circling and down good lift and lower lift and low now you might find you don't get there every time same with me but we are working on our balance and down let's do a second set of knee bends so we're going to bend and up then and up that's it good sitting back using our legs our hips here also working a little bit into our lower back and our glutes i'm gonna do three more three two one well done now we're going to lift up slowly does it so up onto the toes bring those arms up pull your tummy muscles in and circle out lifting up and circle out lift and lower lift and lower good lift and low one more lift and lower well done okay so let's take our legs a little wider and what i'd like you to do now is draw the tummy muscles in lift up the right foot and try and rotate out so you're rotating from the hip other side lift rotate out and now let's have a little check that when you bend your knees your knees are able to go over your toes we don't want them coming in like this so if that's not working for you bring your toes in a little until you can get your knees over the toes okay so we're going to pull the tummy muscles in we're going to use our arms so we're going to breathe in bring the arms all the way up keep your back straight exhale down inhale and exhale inhale and exhale good four four three two one now you're going to stay here we're going to interlace those fingers reach the arms up and we're going to try and lift the right heel and down lift and down lift and down and lift and and stay there left side lift and down lift and down lift and down and lift and down come on up we're going to repeat that so we're going to bend the knees and that's it good four four three two one stay down interlace the fingers reach the arms up lift the heel right heel lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower other side lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower and lift and lower come on up bring those legs in give them a little shake out okay so we're going to do a little roll down okay i'm just going to go sideways for you going to make sure those feet are hip width apart you're going to pull the tummy muscles in you're going to take a breath in breathe out let's take the chin to the chest let's pull the abdominals in bend those knees and just gently roll forward reaching down towards the floor okay and then from here we're going to reach the arms out extending that spine so trying to lift slightly through the body can you see and then come all the way up and circle the arms out to the side taking a breath in breathing out into the chest rolling down all the way down now reach your arms out stretch stretch stretch now start to lift your eye line lift your chest coming up arms out to the side one more deep breath in breathing out into the chest bending the knees rolling down good reach the arms out so sitting back lifting the eye line and coming all the way up arms out to the side and back well done okay so going into a little bit of our balance work now so if you've done my first video for seniors this one will be familiar to you okay so we're going to stand here with our right leg bent we're going to pull the tummy muscles in we're taking the arms out to the side let's turn the palms upwards okay so pull up through a standing leg and then you're going to lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower four three two one and try and hold it there for four three two one and calm down let's do the other side so same thing so just reset the body so pull the timing muscles in take the arms out to the side and then we're gonna lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower good for four three two one you're going to hold it here for four three two one and come on down let's work the side of the leg side of the hips now so taking that right leg out to the side arms down turn your palms forward and again lift up through the body we're going to do a little lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower so it doesn't have to be big this is about working on balance lift handler last two lift and lower lift and can you hold it there foot off the floor for four three two one and come down other side so reset every time you come to the start the exercise reset think of core standing up nice and tall lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower very good four four three two one you're gonna hold it there for four three two one and come down we're going to take the leg to the back okay so i'm just going to turn sideways so right leg to the back tummy muscles in a little tip forward okay and then arms out palms up shoulders down and then we're gonna do lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower good four four three two one you're going to hold it there for four three two one and come down we're going to change legs all right i know this is challenging so you just do what you can tum these in all right slightly forward arms out and then we're gonna lift and lower lift and lower good lift and four four three two one hold it there for four three two one well done and come on in okay so give those legs a little shake out all right so back to feet hip width apart okay now i want you to lift your hands up take your hands behind your head and we're going to tilt over to the side so i want you to feel the stretch up through the side of the ribs then i want you to reach your arms out bring them back and come up other way you're going to go over reach the arms in opposite directions come back and up over extend bend and up over extend then and up now no arms just going over inhale exhale up inhale over exhale up inhale over exhale up one more over exhale up now stand tall bring your hands around it's almost like a prayer position so you've got your hands together and you're going to pull in so your thumbs are just touching your sternum just here okay and then i want you to maybe go a little higher you want to just get to the point where your fingertips are just under your chin and there's contact between your fingertips and your chin now we're not going to lose that contact so keeping your hips where they are you're going to take a breath in and as you breathe out rotating to your right all right that keeping that contact and then coming back to center and other way rotating left and back to center rotating right and center left and center two more and center left and center well done bring those hands down roll your shoulders up back and round up back and around up back and around and up back and around now bring your right arm forward all the way forward lift it up and as it goes back i want you to follow it with your eyes so turn to look behind you come forward up and back forward up and back forward up and back two more up and back let's do the same thing on the other side so bring the hand forward as it goes back follow it with your right so we're doing gentle rotation of your spine up and back up and back that's it four three two one well done coming back okay i'm going to turn sideways we're going to take our right foot forward and our left foot back so this is balance but also ankle and calf strength we've done this one before in other videos it's a very good one for working the ankle mobility and challenging your balance so you're going to bring your hands forward we call these aladdin arms in the uk after aladdin which is a pantomime here okay so we've got our right arm crossed over our left our right foot forward our legs are straight you're going to take a breath in as you breathe out push off that left foot and just bring your weight forward onto the right now see if you can go back down without falling or tripping or losing your balance so take it slow so pushing up and coming back down pushing up and coming back down so you should be feeling tension all the way through the back of that left side up down up and down you're doing great two more and down and up hold it here and i want you to bend both knees not too far this is just about balance and up inhale bend exhale straighten bend and straighten bend and straighten for four three two one well done take the hands behind you bring the feet parallel to each other reach those hands out and just have a nice stretch through the shoulders looking up towards the ceiling well done let's do the other side so taking your right foot back left foot forward squaring up those hips aladdin arms but this time left hand over the right or left arm above the right shoulders down pull your tummy muscles in now press off that right foot push yourself up and then slowly lower back down and as you can see the coming down is a lot harder because you've got to really control that body the more you pull your tummy muscles in the easier it will be coming forward and back forward and back good forward and back forward and back let's just do one more forward hold it here tommy's in little bend at the knees and straighten bend and straighten bend and straighten bend and straighten good four three two one coming up bring your feet to parallel take the hands behind you interlace those fingers reaching out and that nice stretch there okay now what we're going to do is pull the tummy muscles in bend your knees hinging at the hips so hinging at those hips bringing that body forward bringing the arms as far overhead as feels okay for you then you're going to release the hands come on down take a breath in breathing out and slowly coming up let's try that again so hands together at the back interlace those fingers stretching out bending the knees hinging at the hips folding the body forward release the hands take a breath in breathing out coming up and one more time interlaces fingers reaching out stretch that chest bend the knees hinging forward good arms overhead and down take a deep breath in and breathing out coming all the way up to standing okay and that is your session for today so thank you so much for joining me do press the like button do subscribe if you can please share this with any friends you think might like to join in with us and i look forward to seeing you again soon take care and bye for now if you'd like to support me and this channel then you can buy me a virtual cup of coffee on kofi see all the details down below in the description box [Music] you
Channel: The Girl With The Pilates Mat
Views: 219,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilates seniors 60+ Girl with the pilates mat, standing workout for seniors, standing pilates for seniors, senior pilates workout, standing exercise, exercise for joint pain, seniors workout, pilates seniors 60+, pilates for seniors, standing pilates for leg strength, balance exercise for Seniors, standing pilates, standing mobility workout, 20 minute standing pilates, 20 minute standing pilates for seniors, 20 minute standing pilates for flexibility, 20 minute workout standing
Id: 6UJvtZN_Cyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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