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but first up there are comic book superheroes with all sorts of fantastic powers x-ray vision the ability to read minds the next man I want Daniel debate claims to have the power of telekinesis and can move and bend objects using only the power of his mind out of all the superhumans I've investigated this next man claims to have a power that just seems impossible telekinesis is basically the ability to move objects without the use of the touch guy Bothell he says he has the power to warp distort and move objects was simply the power of his mind the mind is more powerful than what you think so you have to believe in yourself if you believe you can reach and grab it I want to find out if his claims are real and see if he really fits into Stan's superhuman Lake I'm meeting guy at a diner in downtown LA I hope there's more to him than spoon bending tales of telekinesis go as far back as a legendary magician Merlin [Music] using just the power of his mind to move the massive boulders as Stonehenge could these legends have some base in reality I've actually heard you have telekinetic powers is a true well that's why I'm here for it we have these powers I always wanted to do things that other people cannot and slowly but surely I started to practice all kinds of telekinesis or other forms of movement mind power etc things can you do with telekinesis for example a spoon just a regular spoon now watch this if you put your hand on top just like that okay and just you know but touching it just moving your hand you create an energy and then it starts to move like that what's going on no wires around alright you're selling me here your Stephanie what you thought was a form of telekinesis or what other people perceive as a telekinesis you take all the senses that you have be putting together in the right way and you can create the six maybe even the seven steps you're saying that the Sixth Sense is a combination of everything we do my personal opinion is but it's just so hard for me to believe what's happening let me see him always seem first handed to him do you know him you guys buddy something's up [Music] you see just touch it touch temptation the reason why I'm having such a hard time believing what I'm saying is because I mean this has always been in the realm of like the magician or something you know I have to think that this is trickery guys ability is certainly baffling it's time to play things by my rules as well I'm taking him to a hardware store he's never seen before and I will choose the objects myself what so now we're on my turf so I really want to find where capabilities live so this is spoon like it's made out of metal it's got some straight edges a little bend to it so let's see what you can do with this [Music] I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right although that was amazing it seemed from eyes that you made object moving without touching them you're still moving your hands sure I've only seen guy use metal objects so far I want him to prove he's not using magnets how much convincing would you want to be he can use me so much this works this okay paint paint stirrer yeah just sit see now I think it's kind of a balanced okay [Music] okay all right we see that was different than all the other stuff because you were pushing it your other hand was gone the paint stirrer definitely wasn't metal which cancels out any idea of magnetism I have no idea what's going on so I do this for every avenue available okay I've seen spoon benders before the guy says he does it for real magicians supposedly use heat to do it so I want him to bend a key while I monitor heat levels with an infrared camera okay there's no unusual heat but the key is already starting to bend focus now on that area are you able to hold the camera and give me one end and still if you keep the key in the exact same position this has been moving the key around because I can't focus okay like this yes okay can you close your hand and I'll try to put the heat through my hand [Music] there's still nothing out of the ordinary on the infrared camera tell me if you feel something put your hands touching me slowly but surely I hope okay okay so you put this in my hand all right I am confused I've watched guy closely and it's clear there aren't any strings are abnormal heat so I found no evidence of trickery I'm at a loss I have no idea where to go with us this is not possible now I want to find out what's going on inside your mind when you do these I need some scientific proof of what you're doing is wrong I'm taking guy to a neuropsychologist who will look at his inner brain workings and find out if he's truly superhuman something that is actually scary bizarre which I've never seen in people this machine isn't mine in the Cold War telekinesis was investigated when a Russian woman used her mind to move objects no answers were found but I'm here to investigate guide Bob Lee's claim to possess this power I've already seen him move objects and bend metal I've scrutinized how he does it but still found nothing this is not possible now to look deep into the inner workings of his brains I brought guy to meet neuropsychologist bill Scott whenever our neurons are firing they create signals that are detectable on the surface of the scalp bill will measure the brain activity with an EEG an advanced piece of equipment that will amplify electrical frequencies release from guy's brain I'm curious about guys to see what might be happening from a baseline condition of him not doing anything to when he's performing his skill every state that we experience there's brainwaves that are involved in them a statement of telekinesis is one that we've actually not i personally not looked at before sounds like an open brain surgery to me before connecting guy up for the final test in google i want him to show bill what he can do and see if he can see something I've missed put both of your hands just like that now tell me the truth then bill you can see here your job is to count how many times you felt or you feel that I touch you close your eyes okay excellent and you're gonna watch here bill yeah it's very important now I'm gonna touch your hand few times and just count with your heart how many times you food I'm touching it's very important that you exactly just how many times you feel touch exactly one here one there and that's about it's yep I think so yeah [Music] [Applause] open your eyes okay Danny tell me the truth how many times you felt that I touched your head six times six times yes I didn't appear to at all sure I never touched any numbers yeah add to zero zero never touch do so what's going on here you felt it mm-hmm he didn't see it now he was here hi would % yeah my buzz he moving your hands back and forth like this yeah like that that's what what's happening yeah just like that is this exactly what that was exactly yeah I mean I honestly felt it yeah I really felt it were you impressed by the demonstration I was amazing yeah it was absolutely amazing I've never seen anything like it I'd like to see him actually move something with his mind I've seen guys move many different objects please close your eyes and he's demonstrated his ability several times to the doctor I felt two touches right here wow that's incredible he touched me with it in my nose and you apparently felt it okay and there's nothing in front of my face no he never even got close to you if he really does use his mind he's surely superhuman but we haven't looked under scientific testing will the EEG machines show anything superhuman in guys brain frequencies basically I'll do any kind of movement with it whatsoever [Music] [Music] all right no wires are attached you know no miss yeah what she did is so unbelievable I can't believe it myself like I saw it right in front of my eyes and it's just unexplainable [Applause] your assignment says I mean how can you explain what just happened I really can't guys brain activity when he's doing nothing is completely normal but bill measured guy's brain gamma waves during the pin move and found some astounding results something that is actually scary bizarre which I've never seen in people the point that the pen first moved she had this very large burst of gamma activity so he really is actually doing something odd with his ring the gamma waves could be the answer to guys powers absolutely that is about over twice as high as someone would have if they were having a seizure we see that that's amazing because the peak isn't just anywhere is that the exact moment with the pin moved I've never seen anything like do you believe you just saw telekinesis are you believer yeah I don't I could not explain that I wasn't sure then I was still skeptical but when your hands were back and the entire thing flipped in I'm sold the data suggests that guy bubbly does possess some kind of power but sometimes we just cannot explain what we see
Channel: Guy Bavli
Views: 2,198,656
Rating: 4.6632514 out of 5
Keywords: Master, of, the, Mind, guy, bavli, metal, bending, control, power, mentalist, expert, human, over
Id: LNctiOZPdO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2014
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