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man Lizzy I'm gonna cut your hair so good you don't even know what's gonna hit you okay because I'm cutting your hair so good let me climb up on there I cut that hair let me let me get in there with them sweet cheeks I'm cutting your hair babe looking look at it I'm lying you're flying on top of me it's scary all done hey I don't like that haircut I look stupid look at the chops on top of my character's head I look like I am grass hair you're mean I just tried my best for you I only want the best for you you made me look like grass you made me look like Ash Ketchum for Pokemon you hurt my feelings I'm gonna go what the frick our neighbors are so weird look at him he's staring into my soul right now yeah why is his music so loud he's so weird music and he's a pile of watermelons for no reason why they say I'm sorry what was that is it like a dish what was that it looked it's just it's just a black bar over there do you see that yeah wait the Watermelons are exploding what is happening I don't know what that was but we got to be quiet I think the reason that thing came out of nowhere is because maybe he was too loud whisper we need to we need to escape it's like that one horror movie where like everybody has to be quiet or you're gonna let me tell you those one things no I wanted to see what it is stupid look it's sort of infection virus thing it's gonna eat us no it's the letter F from alphabet Lord please follow me follow me follow me let's see Lucy what do you mean do you remember the alphabet Lord do you remember that thing remember that stupid trend from here jump out of your jump out here get out of here get out here right now close that window oh that was kind of loud that was kinda we gotta go to my office it has a nuclear bomb hidden come on wait what did you just say up there in my office there's a nuke hidden in in the banks inside of the office come on get over here right now you have five be quiet shush be quiet [Music] and tomorrow what the heck why are you yelling it's gonna attract him again now I'm yelling Lizzy oops whisper whisper whisper he'll leave you alone okay so many people we could do is Catch it with some sort of butterfly net I think you I think you're you Solutions are terrible I think we should take my general Solutions and go up to the top of the tower up to I hate that Coronas how's it going we should go up to the top of that Tower up there and then we make it rain fire like dude I think we should just capture him with some sort of ow animal control truck sorry get up get up get up get up get up get up I yelled I yelled I'm sorry I'm sorry terrible idea would you want to try to catch him with the net you know what I'm gonna let you do that I'm gonna go get my nuclear bomb I'll be back I'm going I'll see you later sayonara oh what are you gonna do after you blow up you're yelling again Lizzy stop yelling I'm talking to you after I blow up the whole city I think I'm gonna go get cheeseburgers car your car's gonna be blown up too no because it's a Toyota oh you see you're talking too loud he's gonna find us if you keep talking this Loud Let's see gosh dang I can't help it I just you're so hyped that's you all the time hey open sesame there it is I told you I had one in here you just where did you get this um the United States government um I don't need to hey Lucy look so I'm gonna put this like right there all right okay we're talking kind of loud I'm not gonna lie to you hello he's here he's here he's here get ready tomorrow um quite the plan babe what I blew up the city I don't think we have to worry about being loud anymore he should be dead I think we solve dark creases crisis so averted every day well close did not speak at all it would be so nice if she somebody stop me he's shooting her boyfriend pretty loud and nothing came after me so I guess it worked yeah nothing came after you I am out of here I'm out of here she doesn't even know what's about to hit her but what do you mean hit me oh no no no no no no chance obviously the new Barbie did not work I don't know what time you follow me follow me follow me yeah yeah cause we're being loud as Frick obviously you said that your butt I'm out of here I said okay shut up well I think we should get a nap because clearly your bomb didn't fix the prop oh hey I'm in I'm in your hometown right now it's my hometown the sewer you are so mean to me I'm kidding you don't like Minnesota stop stop it come here come here come here come here come here I was kidding she can't even see me when she actually can't see me this is actually kind of funny look at her here oh nothing oh wait it's getting in here you're trying to pretend like I was blind or like I didn't exist let me go let me go let me go you're too short to get on the bar yeah well you're too short to get on the bus come on follow me all right so you want to make a net or something let's see Noelle have you ever caught butterflies before Oh when I was like um young like as in like five years old oh you're too cool now yeah that is so I'm a real man I drive RC I'm a real man I eat cheeseburgers over there for McDonald's Happy Meals and oh Jesus Lizzy's being a bully today guys can we get one like if Lizzy's a big bully a big stinky bully I'm not a bully just come here come on come on follow me we're gonna go make your nets talk quiet talk soft you know Now That We're Men we trained her under we're another men we have facial hair that's weird let's see please be quiet I'm singing The Men's song for you all right I'm not talking so he's not after me listen are you kidding just be quiet no oh my god let's see you're causing a scene another man foreign just got spanked like a man what you just said you know what screw it I'm gonna make a net and put my own type on that five minutes later let's see I got a net watch out watch out watch out oh my gosh I just spanked her come here come here whip whap I'm gonna spank you it's like what is that even a handlebar spanked you do you see that that was awesome I just spank Felicity Noel look at this ready ready you're weird we're hitting like a baseball bat but POV [ __ ] [ __ ] stop I know it is a net you'll see for real see the police are coming for you they're made where'd my net go this is oh my God oh my God hit her yes all right let's try catching this freaking freaking friend you're not gonna catch anything it's not a mess yes it is I have an idea let's see what if we cage him what do you mean cage him watch what if we seduce him and then cage him do in with what with um sing the alphabet he probably likes that a b c d e f g h i j k sing more no no stop you're making me dance I'm trying to find a net for this guy you're supposed to sing you're supposed to sing that was uncalled for it was funny I'm trying to find a net Lucy God damn find a net you said that the other thing we didn't get yes yes yes yes yes yes this is it this is perfect all right all right you ready ready look at look at look at look what what do you have what do you have right here so what we can do trash can that's a trap now look A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O pow why do you want you you maybe if you go under the net me go under the net go under there you're gonna be our test subject throw the cage on him throw the cage on him Yates is though there we go he's in the cage you can find in the cage he's gone let's see where are you look he's gone he's gone he's dealt with him no we haven't he's not he's still out of the cave now he's dealt with the cage there it goes good enough good enough dealt with him come back to the Island Factory yeah we're about to go rob a bank Chuck E cheese I didn't want a rubber band up this Bank okay I'm gonna teach you how to rob a bank and you're gonna like it you teach me how to drive car I don't know how to drive you kind of did that not too bad I just I'm kidding I know how to drive now I was kidding it was it was all a joke a joke don't worry don't worry go in there and Rob your your freaking Banky Boo or whatever all right bro let's rob the bank you ready to Rob this Bank bro you gotta open the door sorry sorry sorry sorry I got excited I got a little excited yeah okay okay okay okay is there anyone even working here well I mean maybe it's our lucky day because we left it unlocked it's unlocked bro it's our lucky day this is gonna be easy what is that don't don't press don't okay you do not press that button press that button we gotta go freaking open it open it now oh geez where's the money where's the money where's the money where's the baby money there's nothing in here run to the car good idea there's a cool park across the way and we can look innocent if we go to the park follow me follow me follow me if I'll make it in here okay sorry I was breaking the walls my bad it's in here all right we're out of here let's go we're out of here yep don't worry don't worry we're going to the park because then we're gonna look innocent I hear police sirens we need to go get out right now I'm partying wait let's just spark the car let's dump the car here and then and then the park the park right over here we just need to come right over here and then oh my God they have a slip and slide let me go quickly yeah I forgot what button and I pressed she jumped off it okay that was so sad you're so fat you're so fat dude the slide even called you fat it's okay hey come play with me on the teeter-tot fatty oh let's do it [Applause] this guy and then you launched me into the sky I hate you I'll put it oh my gosh there you go there you go you ready you ready you ready to go of course where'd he go are you okay is it okay are you okay eco you should try it okay let me try let me try dude this thing is still launching wait wait let me get on here are you ready you ready suck you suck bro you suck you can't even throw me you can't even push me you can't even you can't even throw me good way [Music] [Applause] how fun is that [Music] they ask you how you are you just have to say that leave me alone I'm gonna go out on top of this why I don't come up here about me I'm on top of the side you're too fat to get up here huh fatty get out of here Jesus Christ that's okay I'll go make friends with someone in the bush yeah sure you want to come play with me my other friend he really fat over there he really fat and he sent me into orbit with the launch with the launch with the lodge oh that's so bad here to talk to him of course of course dude come on come on follow me follow me come on let's go let's go come on come on over here holy grab your fast buddy calm down calm down a little bit come hey calm down hey Eco I have a new friend and I want to show you him his name is [Music] I've read some bad things about you Mr Church what do you mean what I do well you see my friend in the yellow overseer said that you sent him into orbit with your fatty well that's a lie because he's he's lying he did that himself he's framing me you wouldn't like thank you [Music] how did we just wake up if you said a nightmare was that a nightmare did we just witness the same nightmare dude he screamed I saw something you were being mean to me and then your new friend murdered me because I don't know what you're talking about man I found him in the bushes I'm trying to get some candy man I just wanted candy I wonder I want some hers oh you want some hers what about some Kiki do you watch okay anyway should we just go up and uh well uh Frick I don't know what to do because our play date kind of got ruined by the uh they definitely got ruined bro and that was not nice oh Jesus she's right there following me back down here back down here back down back down here McDonald's oh I think it is oh it is it is way out that's gorgeous oh we should go about guns [Music] [Music] we're in the police department um wait the bank standings the bank's getting robbed wait that was me why are you stuck in a window dog uh bro I I can you come get me out of the closet sure sure I'm coming to get you out of the closet come on Us in the closet police brutality wait no this is I'm not police brutality I mean let me go I'm out of there I left see you outside I'm in the police office I'm in the Commissioner's Office are you getting spanked right now bro bro where are you are you still getting spanked no no are you getting oh you're kidding oh you monster kill him we're gonna kill him we're gonna kill you we're gonna kill him screw you out we need to play we need to play and get to the car get to the park and get to the car man get to the car it's right behind me powers oh my God oh my God oh my God go go go go go get it get in anyway we're back in the station baby we're back in the station now what I'm proposing what I'm proposing it's just like happy death day here and I'll hop in do you remember that movie um maybe something really is no problem it's like where they keep waking up and then like it's the same it's like she keeps dying like she has to try to prevent it and then she dies again I crashed sorry be dead thing now we're balling don't worry about it dude there's no way we can die right now shot calling there's no way we can die right now there's no trains on this track I don't know we're we are the train dude we are the train we are Detroit we're assuming we are the train dude right here right here right here my name is hobo Joe or hello hobo Joe my name is hobo Craig you smell like poo homo Greg oh that's right that's what we gotta do when we're hobos ain't that a rat one there cup up top I'm gonna go stand in traffic I'm gonna go steal a home here or follow me follow me let's hope the F guy doesn't find us he also is out somewhere wait is this a home here bro nope oh wait oh it is oh hi hi hello what does this do where we go through here oh I think we go through here yeah yeah I think I think this makes sense this makes sense oh the elevator drift okay okay you can go up here up here and then open this up we're here now we can break into the house because the elevator probably had key key cards look it look at the studio bro this is a studio apartment oh don't come in the bathroom hello don't come in the bathroom [Music] door so bad yeah are you pooping on me I'm gonna this is my apartment I'll take this one my apartment this is mine mine looks better than yours mine is a fire safety notice on the door you don't need that that's cool you don't get a door hey hey you don't get a door either then okay what what is happening why can't I get what is that noise hello oh um are you are you okay are you cooking in here I think he's here I think he's here I think he's here okay I'm not having a heart attack let's build let's build uh a little Peak hole you know what I mean oh I like little people like this right here oh hello it'll be cool let's let's go see I'm gonna go see if f is anywhere near us okay watch my six um hello f is beneath us bro I don't think so I think we're fine I'm gonna go check okay all right let me know what you see bro I'm coming with I want to see there's nothing down here you're just capping bro you're capping we're completely fine did you knock yourself out hold on let me just call the elevator down let me just call the elevator there's no elevator you go yeah bro get trick bro he tried to kill me exposed bro shut up look we need to find F and we need to freaking kill him where do you think he is uh inside the building somehow how the frick did he get there because like I'm looking right now there's no way for him to do that all right let me get the Epic next spot laser oh my God these are so good I know you can't see this but trust me when I say it is a laser and laser beam laser let's go back to the place where we saw him first you destroyed the entire there is there is there is there is he's made [Music] wait you've never been on a slide video you've never been on a slide I'm gonna push you down a slide and it's gonna it's gonna be it's gonna be bad what's my crowbar I throw your body down the slide I'm gonna send you the Chuck E cheese and I'm gonna put biodegradable underwear on you so when you go climb in the no that's how that works anyway so we got the big slide as you can see we're all the way at the top oh hey a bunch of F's are down there waiting for us from the alphabet lore so so they they guys can you comment down below this is a bully because she keeps texting me she's in the other room right now she hears me right now but hey get get in get in get down to get out of the backslide get on the back seat right now get on the back seat right now you look so share okay here we go three three shut up you penguin shut up here we go we're slowly going here [Music] [Applause] we are going down number two how is this slide working this is amazing wait look at the rainbow look at the rainbow but I'm getting so hungry right now oh my God you need to get some burgers when we get to the bottom for some burgers some barbecue bacon burgers and barbecue bacon Burgers I heard something I just heard something I heard a heartbeat I heard a heart you heard a heartbeat maybe a heartbeat because you're afraid maybe it's used because you're overweight what is happening there hey hey stop it stop it [Music] I did die inside here we go oh my lordy oh man what the freak dude why are we still live we're alive we're alive for now okay dude wait look at the apps right there you see them um hello it's really laggy it's just really super laggy they're right behind you hey follow me follow me I'm running see you later penguin I hate you let me free let me go [Music] sorry I had a burp after my Coca-Cola incident hey stop it hey I have an idea whoa okay anyway guys so basically what we're gonna be doing here is we're gonna be getting new slides like check this slide out this slide kind of kind of bad kind of bad if you know what I mean I'm not allowed out on my way too much but you know that's against the point yeah all right anyway you ready go down I'm gonna send you down penguin oh bro I'm rich sorry guys what happened bro I almost died where'd you go penguin come on he's gone in the face what happened oh it's breaking it's breaking oh no he's dead he's gonna die is so sad guys can we get one like on this video If you think the penguin deserved it like the video all right what's the next water slide I got everybody like the video and here right now definitely deserve it like my video you better like it right now I'm not gonna do nothing you're all talk I'll bark like a chihuahua do you just bark you furry oh my gosh all right my turn to go down wait I'll hold on I gotta spawn in some of the creatures I gotta spawn in some are you looking at me funny don't look at me I'm freaking looking at you funny don't look at me look at Amazon [Music] don't freaking hit the wood Jesus oh let me break this one um you want me to break it for you no I got it I got unless you want to break it for I mean you could break it for it all right thank you definitely not certain death down there for you I know oh my God oh my God oh my God what a spiral going on here oh my God the commentator we have a commentary there ladies and gentlemen he's coming right for this look at this camera why does it smell like cheese you grease ball that's how it is oh my God they're jumping at me they're jumping at me they're jumping at me don't oh look at him he's Daddy I told you I hate you I hate you you penguin freak you're freaking penguin I'm gonna escape to you I'm gonna extend you back the Madagascar you stupid penguin go back to Madagascar what was that what's that one penguin movie remember that one penguin spy movie or whatever it was called Madagascar oh that was from Madagascar oh my God I'm old dude yeah I'm gonna send you back the Madagascar get a gas car shut up look at get in getting this bro get in this bro what is this okay I'll definitely get in not okay all right all right Jordan man I need to spawn in your friend down at the bottom my friend yes I have new friends cause birthday be mean to me shut up shut up I sent you on your face goodbye see you later enjoy your ride bye-bye very much so keep my hands up in the air about nothing about you oh no he's going down through the tunnel and then he comes out and he sees the F and he's dead and he's dead and he died you wanna go kick your dead body I'm gonna go kick your dead oh I keep rolling man drop kick you oh that's so sad I have won the last water slide for the ending are you ready really cool water slide I like this water slide yes yes it is and then it goes down and then it points and then you go through into rainbow and then you play chess but realistically you're not gonna be playing chess because at the very end there's gonna be a bunch of F's waiting for well one F because it's it's laggy it's it's pretty crazy it's laggy there you go there you go let's let's let's slide are you ready are you ready big man I'm gonna let you slide okay you go you yeah get in there man what the frick did you get in there get in the seat man set me flying right all right man enjoy your ride enjoy your ride oh there he goes there he goes I'm ready [Music] fast oh my God hate everybody Oh my Jesus you went into that face look at him come out oh here's the fun part he's going down what a cool little uh meat I'm going straight still what yes man oh you look so happy man such a happy penguin right now this is very nice oh he's going through the slide oh oh it sounds dead doesn't sound too good oh he's going through LSD oh Andy I'm lucky for you the F's aren't in here until now oh no this is so sad so I did a bad thing lissy I might have bought something a couple days ago what did you buy um well you know this fella named just joking I might have bought his little uh his mod now come on inside don't mind don't mind the the beautiful men on the wall are these people oh well if you know you know that that would be uh dark Corners I bought the alphabet lore pink looking has an alphabet lore pack that he created and I bought it yeah let's let her eat well yeah I stole the letter e because he's honestly like my favorite color like look how cool that color is guys do you like that color comment down below nice all right well let's see there's about a through m in it and these packs that are released yet um there's more coming in a few days don't worry I ordered those ones too boys have their own free will they're kind of blocking our driveway at the moment they spelled something for you oh my God oh my God you because you smell like cheese you're the one once I'm attacked and for no reason okay oh my God I just killed one they should want to kill me now it's just LL otherwise known as lissy's life [Applause] it's you no you hit my right so funny look how they walk no no okay I'm hopping in my car what is f doing up there it's kind of wild on up there huh f are you good up here homie F in the check guys comment down because then when the other letters come around they're gonna tell their friends and they'll Target you I keep getting stomped on Lucy can you stomp on him for me actually I found him I know what could work better than that a stove it's working oh my gosh can you help me kill the other elk well it does dead look at it go look at it I'm hitting with my oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I killed him right him over I wonder if since they're enabled now if he is active hey yo are you in here oh he's here he's moving look at him go he goes you know how in the alphabet lore he goes are you driving my car maybe you're not allowed to drive my car do a bad stop it I'ma drive away I'm coming stop it we need to win babe you don't understand we got to see all of the alphabet lures so we need to go around town and find them that was really uncalled for and not necessary in any sort of way all right well you know what we've seen EU scene F we've seen K we've seen I we've seen L and we've seen L there's only one L in the alphabet we need to see a b uh C uh a d Deez Nuts the alphabet shut up like you didn't know him let's go drive around let's go find some letters baby boo yeah by the way guys I say cringy names we're at a point in our relationship where I literally call her stinky and that's just her name I'm not stinky smell girl whatever trentino I'm not trentino Lizzy look it right there okay is that that's M otherwise known as um [Music] look at his mouth he's kind of vibing like you what why did you just run away from him because I'm scared of um you're scared of me you're scared so what can we spell with m [Music] it looks like a ghost I kind of vibe with it yeah because you look like a ghost because you have blonde hair in our super pale why actually that's cool each kind of Vibes I'm not gonna lie where's he going we're supposed to go for a ride you went down that way okay get back in the car we're going to find more okay okay oh I don't need to see that alphabet Laura's gone wild all right get back into whip ski we're going to find some more get in babe okay I'm getting it I'm trying all right so we need to keep looking for letters wait I think I just saw a health bar over here what what is that something in here I saw a health bar the frick was that I don't know anything street though oh you saw him running down this get back at the car let's we gotta go chase them okay okay where do you think they went weird no they went into like you see what letters they were I thought it was G I see an M down there again get out and search around maybe maybe if we look around a little bit I'll look around maybe they went into a building maybe they're back here somewhere yeah hold on um hello agency and and M and G oh my gosh she just what the frick was that I just saw him for a second let's see there he is geez he's so fast it is cool it kind of looks like a tuba looks kind of like wow you didn't like games well I'm gonna kill him no no don't hold on give me give me give me slow give me stove die I I killed them both look at M now I'm laying M on your face um where did she go see ah they all have more um well now he's dead man all right so what letters do we have left to see oh a lamp Lizzy this is an interrogation anything you say will be used against you in a court of law did you kill Little Debbie no I I just I I just got mad because you said you like your cakes more than mine I'm leaving I know I'm I'm not being held accountable it's not that type of cake it's not that type of cake goodbye I'll I'll see you later I'm driving my beam around here okay if you like Little Debbie load I'm looking for the rest of this alphabet no you don't you don't have better cake than Little Debbie oh I crashed a whip ski Wow Let's look for any I hey Jesus Christ is not that serious lady yes it is I make better cake than the Debbie you jerk you don't even cook for me oh there's a bee 's listen I just saw a beat let's see Lizzy Lizzy is a b-i-um no that's you for like uh a bee dog that's what I was gonna say all right I'm gonna kill him now murder all right we need to find the rest of them because Little Debbie over here decided to blow up my car I'm not a Little Debbie I wish you were [Music] Deez Nuts no just let her be weirdo why you call me weirdo why you call me these mean names let's say I don't like this game anymore all right I'm leaving you with your little D all right we're going in here what is down here though because maybe there's a letter down oh my God is that a butt crack Oh My Little Debbie Hey Little Debbie let me get a banana what huh was that the cake you were actually talking about yeah [Music] [Laughter] all right so guys we've actually seen all of the released alphabet Lords so I'm gonna spawn them all in for you guys and then you guys need to tell me what's your favorite one down below and if my jokes are funny if they're still funny because people say I changed uh I've gotten older that's all I've only gotten older here you go so here's all of the letters d e f g h i j k l m and then we're gonna start with P mix well whenever this releases um so if you have a yeah I already did that all I already I already I just survived it's a Vibe which one's your favorite out of all of these ones guys what do you think is your favorite I want you to comment it down below right now all right let's see we're in Minnesota today oh boy I bet you that's gonna be a nice mall today shut up shut up it already snowed look we're here because we got reports of the alphabet lore being somewhere within this military facility in here yeah that's what you're you're your dad told me I don't have Dad I can't get over the snow pile let me help you you help me push the car yeah yeah let me push the car for you hold up right there push it [Applause] rolled my car my car thank you very much because it's pink and it's really my car you don't even drive Lizzy get in get in here what oh there's something blocking the road up here anyway okay well I guess we're gonna have to get out what do you mean I don't drive you don't the last time you said that I that I came to California and you were driving remember you you you you you you said don't worry I'm good all today um let's see run go go get in the car get in the car no maybe it's a trap it's it's r-u-n and they look kind of happy like this right here looks kind of derpy he looks friendly he could be nice Gage is stomped on my girlfriend I need to go let's see let's see oh oh my God running away you left me here to die with the alphabet I didn't leave you come on come to me and oh geez just teleport to me yeah oh my God bring Lucy she always she literally gets lost in a freaking what uh uh uh bedroom yeah sorry I had a slow brain moment hey we have seen some new alphabet lore creatures that we've never seen before is that a freaking jet that just flew over we saw some creatures and we need to stalk them until they come here hey so we need a drug we need a drone and we also need Gilbert the Dilbert hold on where's Gilbert hold on Gilbert trust here he is your favorite Gilbert the Dilbert Gilbert the Dilbert Fluttershy I hate Fluttershy that's not Gilbert that's what hey leave her on right now oh my God they're back they just killed Fluttershy oh well deserved maybe these guys are actually nice wait let me let me get another Pony Rainbow Dash Rainbow Dash Rainbow Dash oh okay here we go I know what's wrong with it it ain't got no gas to get in here get in here get in here we're leaving you can drive with a missing wheel I'm doing it right now I guess you are we need to get away from those rainbow friends because they literally just tried to eat ponies so they're gonna definitely want us come on follow me come in here so what I was supposing we can do where did you get lost again oh there you are okay we can get some drones you know what I mean yeah so here here's a drone for you and um here's a drone for me so now we need to go stalk them you know how the drones work right oh yes I do I'm already flying mine all right all right cool cool cool cool we just need to go and look to see if they're still around where we just saw them I know we just saw them but I'm looking around for them do you see anything oh yeah I'm looking around too I'm flying my drone I found him I found R in you where did you already fly it to to find them where we were before um I see r and u so that means are you are you still there Lucy I'm gonna attach a missile to my thing I just crashed my drone oh wait I'm all good I'm all good about to crash my drone I'm in this like industrial area looking for the the letters I'm back uh I got out of my drone I got out of my drone I'm back at where I'm at okay it's my drone yeah it's all good we need to look around for the other letters too because there could be more than r u and n it could be the letter F so keep looking keep looking I'm still looking I'm getting dizzy flying this drone press e to get out of it all right so we need to also look for f but I mean we might have just caused some attraction to ourselves what was that let's see I heard our car just get kicked let's see [Applause] oh you just came after me I came after you no the letter you stupid oh my bad my bad I'm jumping on top of the shacky shack where you at oh there's you you I hate the letter U why because it may it starts it's the first the war hey how you doing uh why is R weird ow and just bounced me all right I'm out oh my God Audi patodi I'm gone like the wind when Lucy farts okay we need to go I'm gonna hide right here right here right here you're hiding from Lizzy not from the letter ah where did you go they found me they are and you found me oh man are you what are you happy no oh wow you guys need to go away go away I don't want to get hit anymore I don't want to go away is that letter F wait you see letter F oh my gosh Missy where are you where are you the warehouse is abandoned warehouse oh he's mad I'm outside right now I'm looking for you we need to eliminate them eliminate the targets where are you I'm gonna teleport to you right here let's see where is he where is he where is he where is he he's in that building right there in this building oh yeah there he is he's so evil looking let's see let's see go talk to him go up there and talk to him hey uh letter F I just want to say you know oh my oh my God I just saw f u r that's lissy she's a furry Lizzie they're fear for you mean to me let me climb this ladder I need to get away from that furry oh my God now there's rfn what does that even mean wait rfn stand for rough really I can't spell I'm on top of like this thing now up here really freaking new like like the people through this video subscribe subscribe oh I'm stuck let's see where are you you see I'm sneaking hey you how you doing hey this hey I'm free again elbows alessi guys coming El Bozo de Lucy down below we need to figure out where the missile is this facility has a missile on board maybe if I get another drone I can scope the area out here let me just get over here are you getting beat right now Lizzy no I'm not oh man oh ow there I am we need to find oh is that the missile right there okay okay so we need to go this way it's my path clear for the most part I don't even see any of them I see lissy flying around because she's freaking bimbo look at this so this is the missile here we need to make it selfish Lucy I was telling the people how we're gonna destroy this place damn it that was so funny I'm sorry I had to do it okay I need a gun I need a gun where's the guns at six of the bloated let's see where are you no way you're not gonna find me oh yeah yeah oh no no what I sniped you I just freaking sniped your head off okay now I'm gonna go over there and explode that missile before any of the shenanigans gets us both killed I don't want to die the missile there it is what what it didn't scare you I didn't even hear you your mic could out where were you you were hiding there you're trying to scare me no staring scare you no oh yeah I'm somewhere else okay so look at look at look at look at you see this right here I'm gonna jump up on this brick and I'm gonna shoot the missile okay wish me good luck everybody didn't work out good we need to we need to we need a new plan we need a new plan shoot double shovel oh someone shoot the missiles they know I'm trying to kill him boom did it work I shot it no no okay maybe if I go further maybe if I go further maybe if I run back further Let's either take you home for the team right now you're taking one for the team oh yeah I'm taking more than one for the team shoot the tip oh what oh my God oh my God you just blew up everything really ring Lucy she's dead with it works though the missile worked it worked bring Lizzy she's still dead oh there she is oh we did it Lucy we freaking did it now we need to just hey hey I'm gonna send one more drone over that place to see if they're still there because we gotta make sure that they're gone gone you know what I mean it's only fair yes ma'am I'm gonna just keep flying through here real quick okay do I see anything no I almost just crashed my drone oh I think I did I think I did no I'm good I'm good I'm good oh that was scary whoa my drone is so high up you see anything right now I don't see anything whoa Lucy's getting high over there what's new whoa I'm sure what are you doing you went all the way up well I hit the top okay yeah all right Lucy so we're back doing another jump Challenge and we have the alphabet lore as you can see we have a through M wait is it um um um double check yeah M A through M yeah that is a lot of letters what do you think's gonna win um I don't know what oh this is I think the normal alley or the Big L the Big L like you wait this one right here yeah that's the Buffalo the one with the gem on its head I like this one well I think the cab is gonna go the furthest honestly I think at the end the cab will go the furthest I'm not sure but guys can we get 5 000 likes on this video hit that freaking like button likes ten thousand I don't even okay anyway let's begin with a where do you guys think this guy's gonna go well I gotta make sure I don't have the speed modified on this bad boy I think it's gonna fall in the ditch I think you're gonna fall in the ditch all right here we go one well what the frick okay here we go speed this guy's slow it looks like you walking whoa whoa they actually kind of went hard because the way over here this is pretty good eh yeah unlike you sayonara okay anyway let's start with b because b stands for Blissey Valencia NC here we go whoa that was actually going a little bit further went a little bit further you went about five feet further maybe ten feet what do you guys say all right all right see time C time C stands for car crash cause Lucy can't drive I got in G what the frick I didn't even mean to get in g i possessed here we go here we go here we go satellite radio here we go oh this guy's slower than crap now we need to try D for for um what here we go one add two a one two three four I'm I'm way back flip back flip a little wakey Dicky oh he kind of he kind of he slid a little bit he slid right into a yeah that's kind of weak yeah this is kind of sad all right you better do better than that I want to be you're being e all right Lizzy give her all give her your all get give her all yeah oh oh whoa she's actually kind of ball and she's kind of moving holy crap let's see you double bounce you're a cheater you're disqualified disqualified disqualified disqualified I'm killing e he doesn't deserve to be here all right that was disqualification for double jumping that's what you get all right we're gonna do F next to the most popular of them the angriest like let's see here we go okay let's see how's it going oh okay okay okay you go you go jump what did I just eat I just ate D I think Oh e f g yeah I didn't kill anything behind me all right here we go three two oh whoa he's flying let's see oh my gosh he actually pretty good jump he made it pretty far I I'd say so good job F good thing you didn't double bounce God you are so sexy all right now let me go Bank let's see you want to have the Ado for G yeah all right you give her your all GG all right here we go okay we go I'm running oh wait where did she go where the heck did she even go let's see where'd she do I get a second chance I get a second chance I was just so good I'm going again let's go yeah guys what do you need to say about Lucy down below she's literally a cheater right I didn't even double jump she didn't double jump there that was actually way better you passed f up good job all right my turn H Mr h-e-h this guy kind of looks like it goes kind of looks like listen here we go three two one oh this this one's not that great this one was pretty mid oh I hit the ground the eye is so adorable look at it you want to be the eye yes it's the cutest thing I've seen all day go ahead should I go oh go go go go oh my God it's moving oh wow that one actually was moving pretty quick there oh and hey look you spelled hi hi viewers okay get out of that now it is the letter oh Jay has the button Jay has the butt for some reason yeah because it has a button three teeth ow you just killed blessy and now you broke my look how high it jumped oh lordy oh Lordy let's see how far Jay can go here we go let's go I'm in the hole watch this sorry I I had a little cough attack Jay gave me um something and he didn't do that great he made it between h and f so that's not bad but the best one so far is G lissy is right it is G yay all right let's see do you want to be K because it has like this cute little kawaii face kind of look at it look at the face it looks it looks like albeit okay okay all righty trip she's really good at jumping for some reason reason what the heck all right well next we have L which I'll take L because I'm an L right let's see right I know no not now here we go foreign wow that one wasn't very good it didn't even go as far as Jay you suck all right that is so sad can we get one like on this video please one like on this video and I can feed my family of lissy give me McNuggets I don't have money babe I don't have money man I don't have money babe I spent all my money on else where pack sorry stop [Music] stop before no mother don't say it there she goes she's kind of dumped up she's kind of got that cake oh oh she sucks Elle you're right next to L you're right next to L my bad it just it was funny it was funny timing funny funny uh do you want to be this L because you are right you start with L you see that a little letter L I don't know how it looks like you that's it it's going oh wait where'd she just go oh there she is there she is okay okay okay oh oh L and wait we can spell that hold on like this video guys we need a five ten thousand likes all right I'm gonna be buff letter M because I'm way more muscular than you look at this here we go three two hold on I gotta get my beef off first oh sorry I didn't mean to do that oh sorry I didn't mean to do that here we go three two one wow oh my God literally flying oh my okay well I hit the edge of the map and yeah it worked pretty well good job man he looks so happy he kind of looks like you no he doesn't all righty Lucy so for the last one we have cab but to be special we are gonna spawn two of them and so we can both do it how does that sound yay all right sounds good getting yours get out getting mine what is this wait what is the attack abilities on this um I don't even think he has any I think he just drives around he has any it's kind of goofy ah okay you ready I'm back here we have to get all the way back here let's see we have to build up all the way here we go right there right there okay [Music] three two one go oh I'm racing you I'm winning oh I think I just killed somebody um I'm killing the letters I'm actually just killing the letters look at this I can't believe you I can kill the letters with the cab hold up this is the ultimate trick-oroon screw uh I screw screw H um screw B screw a I hate a the letter a is stupid exclusive give me a gift give me a kiss Alyssa give me a kiss Alyssa give me a kiss Alyssa anyway guys if you want to see more videos like this with the alphabet lore or jumping the pit leave some comments down below hit that like button and we'll see you in the next video goodbye Lucy she'd be twerking she be twerking look at that look at that look at that I'm not twerking
Views: 601,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmod, garrys mod, shootabirdie, birdy, birdie, alphabet lore chase, cursed alphabet lores, cursed alphabet lore, running from lanky box, gmod alphabet lore, if you see alphabet lore outside your house, run away fast, gmod nextbot, gmod nextbot chase, new gmod, new garrys mod, alphabet lores, alphabet lore, running from alphabet lore, alphabetlore, alphabet lore movie, fan movie, alphabet lore fan movie, alphabet lore full movie, full movie, gaming movie
Id: r4tlkVKoAus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 3sec (3663 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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