Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven Live
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Channel: OLD TAPES
Views: 56,850,685
Rating: 4.8601871 out of 5
Keywords: vintage, retro, music, klip, tape, old, orginal, Led, Zeppelin, Jimmy, Page, Robert, Plant, JPJ, John, Bonham, john, paul, jones, LedZeppelin.com, \\Led zeppelin\\, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Bonham (Musician), Rock Music, Stairway, Live Music, Celebration Day, London, Classic Rock, Greatest Rock Band Ever, Stairway To Heaven (Composition), Stairway To Heaven (live) (Musical Recording), Music (TV Genre), Earls Court 1975, Guitar (Musical Instrument), Classic Rock (Musical Genre), classic
Id: xbhCPt6PZIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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Osaka 09.29.71 is amazing to me with the organ, it sounds so much better than the mellotron
I love the piano 05.30.77 during the 77 tour
LA 6/23/77 wins for me. Page's solo is incredibly fluid and stunning, one of his best live solos ever. Plus Plant's voice is amazing here!
The version on the BBC sessions album is imo the definitive version of stairway, it's haunting
Seattle 77 has the best solo. But everything else, I prefer this version. If only there was a way to combine the two
I love this
This is my go-to video on youtube!