staircase 1

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staircase is a means of navigating different floor levels in a building in this video let us understand the parts of a staircase and some basic facts about its design and depiction this is a flight of a staircase it has a series of horizontal surfaces and vertical surfaces the vertical surface is the riser and the horizontal surface is a tread and together the combination of the two is called a step a staircase is a combination of number of steps which help to reach from one level to another let us now understand the parts of a staircase in a section the vertical dimension covered in one step is called the rise the horizontal dimension covered in one step is called the going a staircase rises up at an angle from the horizontal this is the pitch of the stages in the process of rising from starting level to the last level the horizontal distance covered by the staircase is called the total going or total run on reaching the next level a person steps is first on the landing every staircase has a handrail rising along with it the person rising up can use it as a support the height of this handle is measured from the meeting point of the riser and the tread there is a landing on both the ends of the circus when we depict a staircase in plan the section plane cuts the staircase in two parts one below the section plane the other above the section plane let us understand how this situation is depicted in the plan of a staircase in this plant these series of rectangles are the traits as seen from above those on left are the ones below the section line and on the right are the ones above the section line and this graphic of continuation line at 45-degree shows this difference treads below the section line as shown by form line and those above the section line are shown by dotted lines the combination of continuous series of steps is called a flight and this is the width of the flight this arrow shows that the staircase is going up the condition of a flight going up or down is always mentioning a drawing with reference to the level of the floor depicted on that drawing so only up condition or only down condition or even both up and down may be depicted on a plan depending on the level of the floor this arrow should be used to depict this condition a detail on this will be shown later in the video if depth of a flight taken as say a then age should be at least equal to or more than the width of that flight always the following is the depiction of a typical staircase for use in buildings it's called the dogleg staircase which has two flights which take you from one floor to other the continuation lines at 45-degree different sheet the visible steps and the steps above the section line the landing which joins the two flights as in this case is called the mid landing the width of the flight and the depth of the mid landing is the same the depth may be more than a but never less there is a formula that gives relationship of the tread and riser dimension hey rises the dimension of the riser and going is the dimension of the tread this is the range of dimension which this relationship is acceptable let us understand the calculation of number of risers for a given height between two floors for a flow to floor height of 30 300 millimetres let us assume rise to be 190 millimeter now divide 3300 by 190 and we get seventeen point three six rises now since all rises must be of equal size for comfortable use it is not possible to take a riser of 0.36 size let us now assume that there are 17 full risers divide 3300 by 17 and this will give you size of one riser which in this case is 194 point 1 1 mm but in dimensioning we will not mention the size of one riser instead we'll mention it as floor to floor height that has to be divided into 17 equal parts it is important to mention the number of parts along with the floor to floor height depiction of staircase in plants of different floors will vary there are maximum two or three condition of this depiction depending on the number of lowers connected by the staircase let us see these conditions one at a time in the first condition that is the ground floor in this case a staircase starts rising with only one flight rising up which is cut by the section plane thus part of the staircase below the section line is shown by form lines and the rest of the staircase is shown as dotted one arrow from the floor mentions only the up condition of the flight intermediate floors have one flight rising up and one flight going down from that floor that's when the section plane cuts the floor we see firm lines of the flight which is going up and the stake is going down from that level which are differentiated by the continuation line the two arrows from the floor depict these conditions in in relation to that floor the terrace is the last flow reached by the staircase in this case it has a flight going down and the full staircase is visible since it is below the section plane we draw the whole staircase or part of it using firm lines depending on if there is any projection above it only one arrow from the floor shows the condition of going down from that floor ideally there is a railing or a wall to prevent anybody from falling down does these are the three conditions one may depict in plans of staircase of course there may be many more conditions which may differ and may be depicted as per their specific circumstances of shape and projection above a person either rises from a landing or reaches a floor at the landing landing is a space which is part of the floor the mid landing joins two flights in a staircase let us revise some important parts of staircase handrail as a protection from falling and support to rise up balusters a vertical support for railing riser the vertical surface in the step tread the horizontal surface to step for rising up in a narcissus staircase the structural slabs supporting the staircase load is called the base slab seeing the step in detail the meeting line of the tread and riser is called nosing this usually has a tread projecting over the riser by 25mm by doing so the dimension of the tread may be increase for the same pitch of staircase some public staircases have mild steel angle nosing to withstand wear and tear due to heavy traffic this is the height of a handrail taken from the nosing of the step balustrade is the combination of all balusters in a staircase flight staircases may be classified as per material of construction their construction system shape as the material of construction a staircase may be thimble steel stone or RCC staircase as per their construction system staircase may be one with the way slab folded plate staircase or cantilever staking these are a few examples of classification as per the shape of the staircase in plan you straight flight quarter-turn dogleg you bifurcated spiral which has all the nosing lines starting from the central support you curved staircase a staircase is an important provision in any building it is not only used for normal movement of persons furniture etc between floors but is also a means of moving out to safety during fire or any such mishap all building codes give provisions for design location dimensions etc for different use of staircases refer to your local building codes for all such provisions at the time of detailing of staircases hope the video was useful thank you you
Channel: random architecture notes- Nakul Dhagat
Views: 2,457,133
Rating: 4.7150135 out of 5
Keywords: architecture, details, staircase, tread, riser, staircase plan, dog leg staircase, mid landing, landing, stairwell
Id: ll5JUHwoiFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2016
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