Stage 5 | Live Stream | SPAR Swiss Epic

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[Music] look the sun switzerland amazing single tracks amazing views i invite everybody to come here to enjoy this race because swiss epic was one of the best of the world [Music] it's truly amazing you know i spent a lot of time racing switzerland during my career and i don't think i ever got the chance to truly appreciate it because i was you know focused and uh you know always in a bubble but now i have the chance to really enjoy it and look around and it's unbelievable it's indescribably beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] good morning and welcome to stage five of the 2022 spa swiss epic the final stage of the 9th edition of this race and today sees a slightly later star today we're broadcasting live from davos the final race village of three we visited a rosa we visited lox and yesterday we joined the riders as they transitioned to devos on the queen stage 100 kilometers yesterday the longest day in the nine year history of the spa swiss epic and today is the culmination of this five-day mountain bike stage race in the spectacular alps we're here in the beautiful grabunden region with swiss alpine scenic scenery all around us and the riders look to be conquering the alps after today's stage they can certainly earn that title and uh today's a loop course exploring the trails of this iconic mountain bike destination as part of the epic series a collection of mountain bike races all around the world and riders have already completed the 300 they've completed 301 kilometers of the week's total 359 58 kilometers to go today today and uh it's a climbing around about 1850 meters so it's still quite a concentrated day of cycling riders even though it's the last day riders will know don't be feeling the fatigue but they will know they've broken the back of the race but of course they can't let their guard down there is still 58 kilometers to go and a moment's lapse of concentration can lead to a mistake and all of those efforts those 301 kilometers covered could be um could be scuppered so a few days of sunshine yesterday uh yesterday an absolute contrast and we saw the likes of william factory cementing their overall lead over singer racing team six minutes and 18 seconds behind and the italian pairing choche and tronconi great effort from them to hold on to their third spot overall 19 minutes and 43 seconds back looks like the race is very much in the hands of william pirelli the austrian and italian pairing of raven steiner and george meyer really the pairing has certainly clicked because they have put the others to the sword and looked very dominant they had three out of three after three stages yesterday we saw a late attack from simon's dead john on the singer racing team very good tactical move and they took the stage yesterday but they are still only they're lying second on overall buff megamow another great performance from them yesterday bad luck early on in the week leaving them several minutes down but very much at the front of affairs yesterday han specking and jose diaz the dutch and portuguese pairing their backup team buff megalo 2 did lose some time yesterday and there has been a bit of a switch where buff meganma won baking and diaz moved up one spot on overall general classification still a very exciting day still to come we expect to see riders fighting it out for stage on is a very prestigious day to win the final stage of any stage race and we're going to be crossing down to the start line with buff megamoe so it's early in the morning here in the force uh hans ready for the last stage yeah sure why not it's already the last one it's been a hell of a week it's been good fun and the sun came out we have some good coffee we still have some good lags so you still have some good legs so that means once again attack mode for the stage win today yeah sure we try like every day you cannot show the other itis you have to show them after but of course we try to go and the good legs yeah i said it mentally before myself you believe what you say no so i have good legs today okay good did you get an award for you downhill on a flat tire in flims yeah the organization tell me i can come back next year did you get a free car for next year yeah that's really cool so everybody destroy your wheel and go on the flat tire you can come back for free next year that's amazing thank you see you next year see you thank you well contrasting images today yesterday we saw an absolute downpour of rain some of the riders saying that even the writers coming in saying that they'd completed the entire race in the rain and just looking at the women's overall general classification devos clusters women very much in charge of that in their orange chevita leaders jerseys and janus and morath looking to repeat that 29 victory they have a 13 minute and 37 second buffer over mtb pro merchandising team chingalani boston piana riding with them to the line and uh exciting sprint finish but the vos clusters just taking that just pepping them on the post and taking four out of four stages so far so looking but west and piano looking to exact some revenge on that today to win the prestigious final stage and loser and la court 42 minutes down road within themselves yesterday team efficient infinity ensure rare street coffee looking like they are very much in charge they're very much look likely to stay on the podium and uh the top three look very clear of the rest of the field the device clusters women marath definitely showing herself to be the strongest in the race and setting the pace really early on in the in the week and her efforts resulting in that 13-minute 37 lead and they'll know that all they need to do today is defend and enjoy and soak up the atmosphere soak up the trails as we cross down to the finish line to somebody who has completed all nine swiss epics so now i'm here at the finish line probably at the start line with sabina compasis you're the only one making all of the ninth swiss epic so uh how you feeling after probably nine swiss epic and four stages oh i feel great i i love this race and to me it's uh it's the finest trails it's the it's the best vibe uh ever in in a race so i really enjoy it which is why i'm here again yeah and and today it's a special day it's a stage five of this year's bar swiss epic and finally the sun came out after an awful day yesterday yeah yesterday was really tough but it was an adventure for sure i never would have ridden in that weather so i'm glad glad to have made that experience and today it will be tough as well because the trails will be very wet and the trail between uh coach nobody and wolfgang is very slippery okay but have fun out there and we made you at the finish line nine time swiss epic finish of san vita compass thank you so much well great to see sabine company back at the race and in the bottom corner we saw the team name is danny schneider danny schneider is the owner of the team and of course another rider who has completed all nine swiss epics another rider there are only three of them and three they call them last steinbox and they the other the last other last steinbach is none other than barty booker the 60 year old who has completed many absolute their bigs as well so a familiar figure at mountain bike stage racing as we look up at the skies to see what the weather looks like there's been a big topic of conversation over the last few days we saw some beautiful blue skies earlier on and perhaps lulling the riders into a false sense of security because yesterday there was a big change in what the skies looked like as though it's downfall downfall of rain and this does play a role with the trails the trails the condition and the surface of the trails change and make it all that more challenging the soil does get a little bit more firm which gives the riders a little bit more grip but of course then there are those super slippery routes we heard stefan so i'm referring to them as sniper routes and this is pretty much exactly what they are because a front tire hits one of those routes and suddenly the whole front of the bike washes away and before the riders even get a chance to hit the brakes they are down so maximum concentration required today on the stage only 58 kilometers to go as they are ready to set off on their journey a loop around devos and stage five of the 2022 spicer epic swiss epic is a jam-packed day of the famous trails paradise the boss network of single track and we're going to be ending off on the highest of highlights and taking in many of these legendary best and best love single track we'll be lining up on the start with the riders nervous faces a little bit of a buoyant mood today a little bit of a later start as we talked about earlier yesterday was the longest stage in the history of the race 100 kilometers 2 800 meters of climbing and we will be talking to one of the local lads and andrea billy has been putting in a fantastic performance riding at the very front of the race here to hear what he has to say about the trails in his back garden one of our local riders last day always something special yeah for sure you want to push one uh one last time yeah but yesterday evening we didn't know if we could start to this stage because france had an allergic reaction on a bee or west thing so but he's feeling better now and yeah we give it a try today so yeah let's see yeah but franz you had to go to the hospital yesterday and now you're here at the starting line yeah it's quite unbelievable the doctor said i normally had to stay 24 hours but yeah luckily the they took care of me quite quickly after the start after finish sorry it was quite critical so i need to go with the ambulance to the hospital and there they could treat me well with some necessary medication let's say i stayed there till the evening and then i could finally go home and yeah they said if you're feeling okay to race you can race but i don't know what to expect just uh to finish would be already a success today yeah usually we hope we hope the best for you but you got you nursed with you so andre billy is your nurse today yeah the doctor also said it's important that's always someone with you so do your your race is done better than a smaller race i guess and when it's really uh when it comes back it's it's it's a possible the reaction then i have uh some medications with me to immediately take it so okay so thank you very much andrina bailey and branson good luck for today's stage and the riders are about to start their final stage stage five of the five day stage race they've covered 350 301 kilometers already and today's stage is a 58 kilometer route and in total they'll be climbing around about eleven hundred and seven eleven thousand seven hundred meters of climbing that's the elevation gain of the race and we're just looking at the descent very important to remember that they're slightly downhill 11 850 meters of descent today's day is a looper on divorce 58 kilometers 1850 meters of climbing and looking very the riders will be looking closely at that first climb right out of the blocks really challenging climb up to the highest point in the race at 2 321 meters and then just a short uh short descent gentle descent into the first water point where they will no doubt need to refuel for the final run into devos and the heroes welcome in this final stage location the race village that you see right now in front of you beautiful scenes of devos and riders just disrupting taking off their taking off their jackets that they will be wearing just to keep make sure they're not burning any extra energy with the slightly fresh conditions we've seen nothing compared to yesterday yesterday the skies were very gray very misty today look like the sun's coming coming out and the weather is playing ball so we're going to be uh just having a look at uh trying to have a look at the faces on the start line you see rabensteiner and guest meyer on the right hand side it's even good spurts but they know they've still got a job ahead of them they've got to finish the job one day to go and 58 kilometers they know they've got to concentrate in every single one of those kilometers sing a racing team in front of us they had a great day yesterday simon stepjon fantastic attack off the front and setting it up for his partner martin fry just to complete the job martin frye the team number two one both riders in fact formerly riding with the bulls team the legendary bulls team forming really the mountain bike stage race fabric of the history of the sport and no doubt learning those clever tactics from the likes of karl platt and stefan some and of course thomas siege we'll be seeing stefan some thomas ditch and karl platt on the bulls media e-bikes they are following the race we have unprecedented coverage from a rider's point of view of this race we'll be right behind the front runners in both the men's and the women's categories just seeing exactly how it all goes down unspeaking thumbs up the writer in the dutch national championships jerseys and we have dario linda on the line he will give us a good a good idea of what it's like what the atmosphere is like on the line and a bit of a weather update as well dario over to you you're waiting to hear from dario now uh he is right on the line with the riders and uh well known expert in the area in switzerland and uh long history of mountain biking we're about to see the writers they'll be starting in about 45 seconds and guess meyer and raven steiner resplendent in their yellow jerseys very much in charge of this race you can see buff megamoe lining up all ready to put the riders to the sword might not be might be too tall in order to take off those yellow jerseys but the stage win is definitely up for grabs and many of the other riders will be also having that in their sights a big ambition for many riders to win today's stage a prestigious title to hold and won the any grand finale in a mountain bike stage race today they'll be taking in some beautiful views but for the top professionals it'll be very much uh victory will be in their in their list of agendas and the group of professional writers the uci registered writers set off on their campaign 58 kilometers to go 2200 sorry 1800 meters of climbing and uh that will be a big challenge for all of the riders including the uh the back markers will be completing the race and more or less we could say possibly almost double the time top professionals at the very pinnacle of the sport and the amateurs coming to the race and dedicating months of training months of preparation just to complete this and i'll be able to say they've earned really earned that medal especially after yesterday's stage a challenging stage 100 kilometers not only challenging because of the terrain but the weather made that made the uh the race just that much more difficult some came back and uh said say that it was in fact brutal and we will no doubt be able to cross to daario to hear exactly how the riders are feeling this morning and the weather in stage five looking at the weather report from davos doesn't look like there is too much rain predicted it all looks different on the mountains of course they are reaching heights to an altitude of over 2 000 meters 2 300 meters in fact so things could change at that altitude but we're looking forward to seeing the racing and seeing how the riders are coping with all of those difficult conditions we're lining up now with the masters category and the grand masters in their purple chevy to leaders jerseys exciting to see how these uh these riders cope with the stage there certainly very accomplished mountain bikers we can see we'll be able to see danny schneider and thomas stall there we go in their blue these the masters category the riders over 40 years old are able to compete in this category and a prestigious title to hold danny schneider on the right hand side thomas stall you also might be able to catch a glimpse of another of the last steinbach that is party booker that will maybe be able to just catch him out on the trail and if we don't see him we'll certainly see him at the absolute cape epic in 2023 well-known campaigner in mountain bike stage racing as we set them off on their 58 kilometer journey returning to devos in a few hours we'll be able to hear from them and just get their impressions of this multi-day stage race five-day stage race around the beautiful region of grabwindown just a little bit about the uh spa swiss epic fresh new route every single year the root designers design a unique test of endurance and resolve and skill so the riders will be able to earn that finishes medal that all the other predecessors all the riders of since 2014 will want to be able to hold that medal up and say they really earned it and of course not just from for the athletic achievement they will be able to take in the staggering beauty of some snow-capped jagged skylines it's of course the perfect antidote to that physical and mental demand of off-road racing the spy swiss epic is a two-person team and the top professionals and the ambitious amateurs are like explore some of the endless trails some of the legendary trails will see some of those trails today and they stay overnight in double rooms in rosa larks and devos for the most unforgettable alpine experience and we're down on the line with the women's category leaders in their orange chibita jerseys adelaide morath and bettina yanus looking very much in charge of that lead over 13 minutes up on their nearest rivals bust looks like she has recovered from yesterday's efforts and we had some interesting wardrobe choices yesterday we had a diet morath wearing full rain gear in fact she had to stop and to go into her backpack and take out her rain jacket and rain trousers and we saw deborah piana still riding in her just just her plain jersey without any rain gear so different choices for the riders but today's conditions are very different and no rain vests perhaps they'll have something in their back pockets a little rain vest to take the edge off the uh the cold the chill and the descent and uh but today it looks like their conditions say looking up at the sky they're making a weather call not to wear anything on the start a little bit of a later start not quite so early not quite as fresh as it was yesterday's start and we just caught a glimpse there of kim la court in her mauritius championship jersey as she rolls out to the start they're lying in third spot here in vera lawso looking to hold on to that third spot overall no real threat to the overall podium but today stage all to play for for the prestigious grand finale stage win as the riders leave the village of davos um as they roll out of the village we'll be able to hear pretty soon from the bulls media e-bike riders just what it's like on the trails unique experience for viewers to be able to take in the trails from a rider's point of view we really get probably the best apart from riding the race we'll get the best sense of what it's like to compete in the spa swiss epic as we have looking catching a glimpse of the top three teams already emerging under the steep climb we saw the profile of the race very steep climber early on in the race and we're on board with three-time winner of the absa cape epic stefan sun and we have daario in direct touch with him and to hear exactly what stefan has to say about what the skies look like and what the trails look like and of course the expression and the mood of the riders today on the final stage of the spa swiss epic in 2022 just following the front right it looks like there's a bit of a surge early on with the delight morath putting some pressure down and opening up a bit of a gap they have an eight kilometer climb to go until the highest point in the race and that gap looks pretty ominous maybe yesterday's stage efforts of uh wust and piana playing a role here their legs might feel very heavy very tired as uh vera lawso and kim la court are able to stay in touch with the swiss rider and the italian rider the italian swiss pairing very successful yesterday holding it to the line just missing out on the stage when but very much in control today already is adelaide morath and bettinianis stefan are you in touch are you uh are you in touch with us are we um are you able to tell us exactly what the mood was like this morning on the line in the women's category good morning neil good morning everyone i can hear you you know right now it's like a pretty tough wake-up call like from the start line directly into a concrete wall and the leading team already putting the pressure down and just going their rhythm they already have a gap of about 50 meters and yeah i think mixed feelings today at the start line at the women's field of course everybody looking forward to the last stage which is also going to be a fun one but i think after the long hard day with the rain and everything i think they can feel every every muscle and every bone in their body because it was it was pretty tough and great to see the uh the performance of uh piana uh yesterday in the uh in lying at second place overall and her partner um you need it worst what do you think uh today's ambitions for these writers will be do you think they'll be looking for another stage stefan or are they looking just to consolidate keep a good rhythm and ride their own race and see take a make a call at the end whether or not they're going to fight for that stage what what's your opinion on uh on the tactics of today i mean it's the last day there's nothing to hold back and you always start a race because you want to win it and uh it's it's very early still and i i think i think they'd still have to get into a good rhythm uh up that long first climb and then we we will see what yeah what unfolds during during the race of course um the leading team of davos classes they are really they're so strong they can just go good morning dario we can hear you [Applause] now we have dario with us he will be telling us all about we've been talking about the weather all morning and he's down on the line here in davos he'll be able to tell us looking at the sky having a local knowledge of the weather and of course the trails he'll be telling us all about uh his what he thinks will how things will play out today on the trails around the bus yeah it's going to be a real beautiful day so it's still wet but it's not already came out here in the forest everybody's excited about this uh last day so the trails are gonna be slippery probably at the end we have uh the godzilla trail this is uh yeah one of the slipperiest trails today but it looks good temperature is a bit higher than yesterday it's around 13 degrees at the moment but uh it will go up because uh the sun is uh still pretty strong even in switzerland so once again a mystic scenery here around the forest so there's fog in between the trees into the forest down here in the falls it's uh already sunny but riders have to first climb up on this first stage through the forage through the fog to the highest place of today's stage great to hear from uh from daria on the line and he'll have been talking to some of the writers down online early before the start and just uh let's cut down to some to hear from those riders on the start line before the start of the final stage of the 2022 spa swiss epic no no it's fine but so i just get ready now so uh last stage you're going for the cheesy for sure but as well for uh for the state today's stage and we will look how we are feeling today so let's start the race and look how it went everything so we are just quite relaxed do our best i've seen you in the morning all looks good thank you very much you're watching the riders in the next the following stock patches as the riders are seated and during the uh during the final stage we're catching glimpse of the mud from the deluge of rain that we had yesterday very different conditions we're seeing around the uh device area and we'll get a chance to uh get a much better view of the alpine scenery yesterday we're a little bit deprived you could say of those views that we've been craving and the views we've actually been seeing in the last in the first couple of days we saw some spectacular scenery but the weather not playing ball with any of the any of us watching hoping to catch glimpses of those alpine peaks just another start batch gathering of the 820 riders participating we have 37 professional teams participating and there are 50 countries represented in the field amateurs and professionals alike and you can follow on social media facebook instagram and of course youtube you'll be able to catch all of the uh all of the highlights and of course you'll get a chance to watch the full broadcast on our youtube channel in the foreground we can see john o'connor south african rider he looks to be coming to me becoming an epic legend having completed three of the epic series races three of the big epic series races the absolute epic is a well-known campaigner at the absolute epic the south african bike shop owner and uh he's also about to complete his uh his spa swiss epic in 2022 and he'll be earning that epic legend medal certainly an auspicious achievement to achieve just one of one of the finishes but to do three is really a remarkable remarkable achievement for anyone in the sport of mountain making no matter how experienced john o'connor an experienced campaigner having raced on the road in stage races as a professional looking to keep his career going and in cycling keep keep riding we see that a lot with professional professional riders they come back and they move to mountain biking danny schneider is a perfect example of that one of the last steinbach's using not wanting to still wanting to explore and enjoy the wonderful things that cycling has to offer [Music] so green fields as the riders set off on their 58 kilometer campaign today 1850 meters of climbing and uh will be looking to uh enjoy themselves out on the trails and if you're watching today and you're thinking of participating and we would like to conquer the alps in 2023 remember that registration opens on the 7th of september entries are sold out very quickly so if you'd like to take advantage of that get online go on to epic series dot com and you'll be able to be guided through the steps on how to enter and set your diaries to remind yourselves on the 7th of september to register for the 2023 spa swiss specific the spy swiss epic explores some of the uh some of the most gorgeous trails of the grabunden region and riders are treated to five nights of legendary swiss hospitality the accommodation is in double rooms in race villages and there is dinner and breakfast at the race village accommodation so riders get a chance to dine out and exchange war stories in the accommodation enjoying the camaraderie that comes with mountain bike stage racing and two-person stage racing post-stage recovery meal at the finish also just a chance to trade stories and stories that will be told many many years to come and also treated to door-to-door transport of their rider bags so it's pretty much what you could call a full service race with pretty much everything you could ever want there's a bike wash there's professional mechanics and of course that finishes metal for those who are able to conquer the alps and complete the 359 kilometer course around graubunden and we set off again and dario are you on the line are you able to uh catch up with any of the riders what's the mood down on the start line at the moment yeah the mood was already pretty good in the morning because everybody's excited for this last stage and the sun came out early in the morning the sun is here in the force temperatures are rising at the moment so everything is ready and everything everybody had a big green on their faces because yeah it's the last day it's probably it's a short stage for uh for a swiss epic stage but uh yeah it's it's a hard one with some real nice trails and only a real long first climb and the rest of it yeah it's like a mountain bike sightseeing around the force now we're just catching a glimpse of the profile of today's stage and dario you can tell us a little bit about the details of the trails paradise the davos singletrack the famous single track and we're ending on the highest of highs and we're taking in some of those legendary best love trails and these include the panorama the fluella itchalp and balgan trails and each of them is unique and hopefully we'll get a chance to see them from the bulls media e-bikes and to experience them and the riders will be enjoying the uniqueness of each of those trails and but the real highlight will be the finishes of this race as they receive a hero's welcome in davos and heroes welcome certainly for these two the yellow jersey wearers at the front of the race we're with carl platt at the moment and he's riding behind fabian rabensteiner and in front of him a man who's been setting the pace all week is daniel gearsmeyer carl what is the mood what is the speed down there of the riders now and what do you think the ambitions of this team are right now the uh team willier perelia good morning good morning altogether yeah it's exciting today because uh i thought maybe they the leaders are going to wait a little bit but today again no mercy they went really hard from the start first of all uh hans pecking jose diaz they they put some pressure on but then daniel geisma and fabian they went in front and no one could follow the speed was so uh unbelievable high and still i mean all the others dropped and i'm i'm with the leaders now together alone so if i look back there's a there's a gap of 20 seconds 25 seconds i think the ambition is clear for today they want to win the last stage and i mean it's also when you're winning the overall it's always a dream also to win the last stage and i think yeah that's their their clear ambition to go first for the last win today and what a great way to celebrate those yellow jerseys with a win on the final stage into devos and a hero's welcome and we really expected a lot from the likes of hunts baking and jose diaz jose diaz and unspeaking having a bad luck on stage three looking very good for a stage when in fact yesterday too they were down to the wire with the team we see in front julia pirelli and we also saw singer singer team singer took a victory in the end with a clever tactical move by simon stepjon and of course some expending a lot of energy at the front side with zebjon we really that we didn't necessarily expect him to uh put in such a late surge but uh clearly on great legs but today seems to belong to the yellow jersey where is looking to looking to really show their dominance today it's not something that we normally see in stage racing where the yellow jerseys uh make an aggressive move really early in the stage it's an eight kilometer climb up to the highest point but right now we're able to see just what the gap is we the riders the yellow jerseys are definitely out of sight and we're climbing now with thomas dietch who will be able to tell us thomas you'll be able to tell us how big that gap is from singer racing and in fact we see i think that would be uh the italian team on third line third overall they're looking to keep that gap to an absolute minimum you know we can see in the foreground there just right up in the distance we saw the bulls media e-bike of carl platt following the yellow jerseys and thomas tell us about the uh what the pace right now on right out on the trails yeah the place is really high now um yes uh yeah it's already 30 seconds in front of me just behind it's a stop-and-go team and and and then on the third position it's a two italian team with two italian guys with martino and dario yeah the base is really high just behind me it's uh once baking and yeah let's see what what will be the gap on top of this first climb that will be big already to hear from thomas ditch out on the trails he's a he's been a well-known campaigner in mountain bike stage racing he knows the sport inside out he's ridden at the very front of affairs at the highest end of the sport and who better than to bring us this unprecedented coverage of mountain bike stage racing at the 2022 spa swiss epic he's right with the second riders on the on the on the stage right now we would not want to guess too much at what that gap is but it looks to be well over a minute the yellow jerseys have flown and all the ktm alchemist attitude team can do dario chochi and martino tronconi all they can do is you can see on the left hand side with karl platt right now the yellow jersey leaders it looks like gas meyer is taking a bit of um he's leaving a bit of a gap to raven steiner raven steiner just easing off a little bit not wanting to go too far into the red kesmar clearly on a fantastic form and this pairing most importantly the team dynamic between raven steiner and guest meyer just seems to have clicked we heard stefan some over the last two days talking about that team dynamic and how important it is for the riders to click as a team to know exactly what the others doing how they're feeling and guess maya will just ease off a little bit letting his partner raven steiner catch up both accomplished mountain bikers both in fact are former national champions guest mario is the current national champion he's the current champion of austria in the marathon discipline and raven steiner the current european champion in marathon and uh we don't see those jerseys right now because the yellow jersey in a stage race always take press takes precedence over any other jersey that any rider any title might uh might be holding even if a rider is a world champion when they're riding in a stage race the yellow leaders jerseys take precedence so that's why we don't see those national championship jerseys on these two riders in front of us guest meyer and raven steiner but no doubt guest meyer is putting out as much power as he can striking the first blow on today's stage it may come together it's always hard to tell how the races will how the race will play out but we can see that the team that we expected a lot from today the team of mega buff mega mo not quite in touch with the lead we're going to be in touch with dario in a moment dario down to you on the start line yes and at the moment we're at the front with a car plot the highest point of today's stage it's not uh far away but this climb is uh once again pretty steep cuddle it is very steep i can remember the climb from two years ago when i was riding with alban lakantha and i'm happy to be on the e-bike and following the skies i mean they're going such a high speed it's unbelievable and the whole pack it just spread it out so you only see really own riders own teams single teams going on their own and trying to catch up to the to the leaders and daniel geisma he's he's really putting such a big pressure on on this ride because i think he's super motivated i adjusted the fact to where are all the other riders so hunchbacking maybe they started a little bit too early and you know when you start a little bit too early to push too hard then you blew your your legs a little bit and need to recover from it so it's always better to find your rhythm first and then go fast so it looks like the pirelli guys they recovered really really well from yesterday so they had a smooth ride yesterday and uh even simon shibial and martin fry they're even more back so they went really deep yesterday i think they suffered so much to have that stage win and yeah everything went really right and uh i hope they can recover a little bit on this first climb and then maybe come back on the downhill and hopefully they come back so this is the impression of the first update and i met uh hunts becky and daniel geisma right in front of the race on on the starting line and uh yeah they seem pretty excited about this uh this last stage so another cow here say hello cow i did say hello she was impressed she was impressed by you or by the leaders by the leaders i think ah okay by the speed of the leaders this is a cardboard former cape epic winner for a few times and this first climb this is the steepest and the longest one of today so carl did you think that will pirelli all already in the first time goes in full attack mode it looks like it looks like to me i mean obviously they recovered the best from yesterday i mean yesterday was such a such a hard stage in the rain and they're in really good shape if you recover that quick from a cold and uh wet stage like in long stage like yesterday it means you are in a really great shape it shows to me because they could go even in the beginning a very high speed and uh yeah they are unbelievable so we'll we will see how they continue now if they put the pressure on or it was just a test but i think i believe they want to win the stage today so they're pretty close to the highest point you can see on the right hand side then we go along uh the hernia and then already into the downhill down uh to to gotchna past there there's a long downhill coming then uh down to the force and then back around the lake of the force a real beautiful place then into the floor valley so that's the valley going to the anger deen we've been in the anger in the years before on a tournament road you can see the valley now ah you can see the valley exactly on that quickly exactly thank you very much karl flatt look at this amazing place and now here on this fire road we can see the followers and the gap is already uh pretty pretty big right in this uh first climb thank you very much carl platt so we're back live with thomas with the chasers this is the ktm team and the singer racing team am i right thomas uh no you are not right are you now seeing simon simon and martin fry are really suffering today and they are they are they are really uh yeah around one minute behind of me now in front of me it's a cutting team show with martino and dario and just uh in front of this italian team it's a fadri and vincent from scoring helmet i had breakfast with these two guys with uh fadri and vincent and federico vincent so go once more go once more then you're the engine and that's exactly what's happened it's funny to see that these guys are the chasers now of of the leaders because normally you think what does a a swiss epic content eat for breakfast that's obviously or something like that these two guys they just eat normal bread we had about three coffees a bit of cheese and uh yeah as i told you they went twice to the birthday what did you have for breakfast normally when you raise something uh something like the swiss epic thomas oh normally i i was eating like the same not cheese but normal bread with some gem and some coffee but that's it some parts are the day before and the day before but only that bread and jam is more than enough sometimes so i heard something i heard something about nutella nutella or the chocolate cream eater for breakfast what is what is this branch i don't know this brand you don't know it's uh it's chocolate it's chocolate competitor really yeah yeah yeah i'm sorry i love it yeah sometimes yeah yeah that's what i heard from carl it's true it's true it's getting steeper and steeper so the impression on the camera it's yeah we think it's not that steep but this first climb it's uh yeah this first lime is so so steep they're riding really small gears now because you can yeah you can see the steepness and they're pushing about 400 watts so if you push about 250 or 300 you're nearly stand you're nearly standing and so it but it looks so easy with these guys because they can push so big watts what's the temperature like on this apple is it getting uh freezing or is it uh still okay i think it's still okay it's it it's getting a little bit colder but the sun is shining and it's not getting too cold so it's chilly but absolutely okay so we're having a short stage today it's ten now so probably within two hours riders the first ride is uh coming and back and with the chasers with the i have an appointment at five minutes past 12 years that's what i told them five minutes past 12. what do you think how that should be that's possible yeah i think it's possible so this stage will be around should a little bit less than three hours i think yeah it's uh 2 45 or something like that it's good to have on the last day not a super long stage because some of the people have a travel day and uh yeah and you also want to enjoy you want to share your emotions with the other riders with the support crew and say thank you have a beer and yeah just spend some time after the race and celebrate the other achievement what they've done yeah and especially after the stage like this we had yesterday rainfall from uh the early morning on it was pretty cold so how long did you take to form yourself up kyle after yesterday's race oh i thi the the people who watched yesterday i think they they recognized i wasn't that motivated in the rain uh so i went back quickly to the hotel and i went to this part of the sauna i went 25 minutes got to sleep at 90 degrees woke up and had no sweat on my body so that shows how frozen i was okay liar [Laughter] at least you tried now it was it was really cold down here so even it went even worse during the afternoon but uh today completely changed it's uh sunny and a bit warmer what do you think about the trails uh kyle they're still pretty slippery even the single trails yeah we we're not yet in a single trails but what i remember from uh from two years ago they can get really slippery because there are some roots and uh some mud let's see because it wasn't raining that for that long and maybe the the surface and underground takes the water in it sucks the water in and it dries up quickly but uh yeah we will see in a short while how slippery it is exactly so there are some nice uh trails coming from the highest point we're at the moment with the leaders close to the highest point after this stage going up to gotchner passing by there at the zlift station gotcha then the nice and long downhill on single trails as well back down to the force on the tarmac road back into the valley of thriller this is the second high stage and then from there on it's a long and real nice single train back from the valley of floor to the force then they have to climb up a real short and steep climb and then they take the mountain bike trail down we call it the bomb down back to the force which is a nice man-made build flow train dario it's great to get the exact precise pronunciation correctly i'm glad that it wasn't left to me to try and pronounce the some of the names of some of those uh spectacular trails and difficult for me to translate and perhaps even difficult for me to ride them i think that some of them are highly challenging for any inexperienced riders but with uh for riders manumakis with any experience they'll be able to really get the most out of them some of the most legendary trails all around the world right here in the devos region in the grabunden area of switzerland they're the 2022 sparse recipient explores and just through the gates quite a narrow gate we uh see the riders with their wide mountain biking handlebars just having to pause a little bit to get through and again karl platt showing us what the swiss epic is all about these spectacular alpine views that we're getting to see now with just a little bit of better weather this morning out on the trails and uh just an idea of what it looks like to be a mountain biker at the spa swiss epic and we're right now on the panorama trail is the uh section of about four or five kilometers of a single track before the water points before they reach the feeding station and it'll be interesting to see if the yellow jersey holders do stop and get some fuel on board or whether they'll continue on their campaign to win the stage into the boss this is a tactic that we don't normally see in road cycling a big difference between road cycling tactics and mountain biking tactics in stage racing a really early attack like this on the road would seem like a really bad idea because it would give the opportunity for the other riders to catch up and of course burn some energy however in mountain biking there's a real tactical advantage to attacking early on a climb like this if you have the form if you're a team with the legs to make a big gap on an ascent like this what it means for the rest is that they have to push just a little bit harder on the downhill on the descent and of course pushing hard on a descent increases the risk of a fall and of course of a mechanical so it's all about pressure and pressure on the uphills isn't necessarily to gain a gap on the uphills but to force an error it's all about forcing errors on the downhill because they know that their rivals will push just a little bit too hard on those down to just to catch up and well-known tactic and karl platt will be a will be very well versed in tactics like that in mountain bike stage racing and just those subtleties can make a big difference to a campaign if you're looking to hold on to those yellow jerseys so maybe a move of um of attack on the face of it but a defensive move at the same time by guest meyer and the his italian partner the italian champion and the european champion fabian rabensteiner dario you're on you're in touch with uh kyle platt what's he uh what's uh what's the mood right now on these uh trails right now no doubt he's concentrating heavily won't be able to have an in-depth conversation but uh be keen to hear what he thinks of these of this panorama section of the trail yeah we know that uh good downhill he started his career as a junior german champion in the real early days uh calder was probably around 30 years ago yes it should be 30 or 28 years ago oh no okay that's it okay don't tell us so right in the middle of the panorama trail as we call that one this is the beautiful ride at the moment and uh always looking back is the gap big enough what do you think yeah the gap is quite comfy i would say about 40 45 seconds maybe more and this trail that has lots of rocks and it's easy to to get flat here so i hope they're taking it a little bit they're safe yeah it looks from a perspective in front of the of the computer or the tv it looks pretty easy but these rocks they're really sharp yeah these rocks are some of them are really sharp and because you're pushing all the time it's a flat trail and you're pedaling and you're sitting in the saddle you're gonna flat because you're you're pushing and you're yeah you're not moving uh your bum up and then you can hit with your back wheel some rocks yeah a few flat tires here at this year's swiss epic but uh yeah that's part of the business if you ride into the high alpine stage race like like the swiss epic we are here on the fifth stage this is the panorama trail above the falls with a beautiful view down the valley for all the riders but probably they won't enjoy that so if you're in a stage race or in a race like this carl do you know afterwards anything about the scenery are you just focused on the training it depends really how the race situation is if you're really on the limit you want to push you want to attack or chase then you don't get the scenery or very very rare i remember when i was younger and i did the first stages i never saw something from the scenery i was just focusing on the race but the older you get the more relaxed you get and then you get the scenery but it is very beautiful so i'm enjoying it even more than two years ago yeah good exactly especially this year you can try because you're on the e-bike exactly yeah yeah it takes some pressure off so we're going back to thomas with the chasers and as well on the paparama trail thomas the situation is still the same it's the team somebody implant exactly the same from before yeah the gap is i think bigger now it's around 40 seconds between the yellow jersey and the following team yeah and it's really nice here but you have ready to to be concentrated many sharp sharp stones and sharps rocks and even if it's not too steep actually and it's uh it's flat you have always to take a look on the floor so it's always vincent torn at the at the front of this chasing group yeah yeah they are yeah they are doing a nice nice base and um yes they don't last so much time but yeah they are making a good race did you have a look back so for the best chasers so uh who's that or how to the third group yeah the third group is uh he's unspeaking with another team but i don't know which one it's too team behind me around 30 seconds i know that uh baking is uh it's really fast in the tunnel and you will probably come back in the darling on this uh this second group with uh with me exactly and that would be a big advantage back into the valley because it's not that steep there it's on on a tarmac road big group is coming together and uh it could be probably able to close this gap between the first and the second group now we wish they found some at the front the ladies and they'd say yes if you can see on my camera they're just escaping up the steep part and i just stopped to take the the time gap but it looks like it's uh yeah already already over a good well over a minute and uh the situation is like uh adelaide is definitely the the hammer today because um but diana's here was already like a shouting a couple of times ah please take it easy bit take it easy a bit but still they are going so fast and uh i can see now the chasing group of the two following ladies t women's teams and they are in the middle of the of the man's a badge and trying to make their way up we are on 40 seconds already and still probably 15 seconds to go to the spot where i took the time of ardelite and betty everyone really digging deep looking good it's such a steep climb it's such a steep climb but they're doing doing really well and we are getting a quick push from kim le cord to make it around the loose gravel corner so i'll jump just right behind them and let's check the time gap it's about 1 minute 15 already so they really were putting the hammer down yeah that's that's something why they didn't think today because i don't hide morat and uh her team partner been pretty late at the start so bettina just dropped in about 20 seconds before the start it's not perfect preparation for a race oh maybe it's the opposite it was maybe just the right push of adrenaline to get the legs going okay it looks like yeah probably must be so they've been at the wrong spot early in the morning came back a bit a little bit late as we heard as we saw in the video with the adelhide border right before the race he was still wearing uh that we call it it's bindling in german yeah leg warmers leg warmers [Laughter] this is a stefan some few times cape epic winner right in the middle of the women's chasing uh group on this uh uphill to godzilla to the trail right now in front of us is the is the mauritius national champion of the marathon discipline and it's kim la court and she's just doing exactly what a good teammate does riding behind the uh riding behind avira lawza and it's clear from this that we can see that lawsuit isn't uh is perhaps the we could call the weaker partner with kim la court just having a little bit of an edge over her and uh of course it does ebb and flow throughout the week one day the uh the stronger partner could be uh lawson one day it could be kim la court but uh kim la court playing the role of just uh hanging back and riding very much to the pace of your lawsuit but just the odd quick push just keeping her in touch with that pairing of wust and piano very important tactically to not let the gap grow but of course there is still quite a big section of this climb to go so staying in touch with the italian and the swiss rider is very important if they want to contend for a stage win and that'll be their tactic of the day is to try and stay in touch as long as they possibly can to get over this steep climb this first climb up to the horn back at 2 300 meters and then they can enjoy the panorama trail the four or so kilometers of single track bit of an undulating single track for before the first water point and they can go on that slow descent down to the second water point and as they tackle the likes of the fluela valley their chop and finally heading into devos 58 kilometers and hopefully they'll get a chance to see their name and lights again today like they've performed well all week these both teams have performed admirably but definitely line honors belong or the the title of the 2022 spy swiss epic is definitely it looks like it's belonging to the team and tina yanus back to the men's category the leaders on the day a really surprising early move from team william pirelli just going full gas on that climb and distancing their rivals we expected more from the likes of huntsbacking hunts backing and jose diaz did put an early effort in and as carl platt was saying earlier perhaps just blowing themselves up as they hit they will be seeing some of the uh some of the rain the effects of the rain on the trail and just avoiding those deep paddles deep puddles of course spraying water up onto their bikes into their drivetrain onto their suspension so just avoiding any uh possible wear and tear on their bikes they want to try and keep their bags in as good condition as possible and of course the spray up of water does await them as well so just avoiding any deep puddles and of course in deep puddles there is often um obstacles that lie in weight and uh when you see the surface panel it's always hard to see how deep it really is so just another very clever and almost instinctive tactic of a mountain bike stage racer to avoid any possible football pitfalls it's all about minimizing risk especially at the front end of the field right now big move from these two we would could say it was a tactical move to uh put some pressure under their rivals but they may well want to keep that lead overall if they have the gap they may as well try and keep it and we did see rabensteiner looking back to see if he could catch a glimpse of the rivals we heard the time gap could be around just under a minute or so no big uh no big gaps there but we are getting a time check at the 12 kilometer mark and you can see clearly that will your pretty factory are in charge of the stage 30 seconds back to sang for its and ktm alchemist attitude over one minute back and one minute 25 and all eyes on buff megamo and lox locks the so-called local team the alien front class having a great week some bad luck in the first two stages and then really coming good the last uh the third and fourth stage and fans class d belgian and barely the local lad 142 done so if they need to get they want to get on the podium today they'll need to catch up with ktm alchemist attitude kt malcolm's attitude losing a bit of time they were in touch with sangparitz earlier on and the swiss team swiss italian team will look to close that 30 second gap if they want to win at today's stage perhaps they have year marked it they weren't completely in touch with the leaders yesterday so they perhaps had a so-called easier day the rainy day the energy sapping day so their legs may well be just a little bit fresher and could make all the difference if they're looking to catch on to the yellow jerseys the yellow jerseys may wish to cooperate them with them might be a good tactical move for the yellow jerseys to wait for sakbarids they will receive help from them maybe make a bit of a gentleman's agreement that they'll cooperate until the line and of course the agenda of yellow jerseys is to keep those yellow jerseys not necessarily to win the stage but we know one thing for sure that team sangpirits are in it today for one thing and one thing only and that's line honours the stage went to stand on top of that podium and to say they have won the grand finale of the 2022 spy swiss epic and again we have the most spectacular views this is what it's all about this is what the spa swiss epic represents it's about conquering the alps and of course not just conquering them but having a good look at them as well as we see some of the most fantastic images courtesy of the bulls media e-bike and uh karl platt able to follow on these downhills on his meet bulls media e-bike just seeing some of those iconic little swiss villages so characteristic of the region as the riders navigate these uh these trails not too tricky we've seen trickier trails not as technical as some of the trails we've seen in the past over the last few days and back on the start line we've got the future riders of the spa swiss epic just in training it's a bit of a long road ahead for them got a few years to go before they can line up at the start there is an 18 year limit no riders under the age of 18. so the few years to go for these little ones but clearly very much on the program to be conquering the alps very soon so these are the real young contenders it's a kids morning for now they have to go now boy look at these younger riders so throughout the whole morning we're gonna have a kids race in a different categories down here we have an invitational race so all the parents grandmother grandfathers are around not everybody is that motivated at the moment so yeah look at the ground it's still it's still uh really really dirty at the moment so the next one that just bathing by my commentator booth at the moment looks so good looks so funny and uh this is part of the swiss epic as well they're just coming by at me now i don't know the names but probably i can stop and ask for the name so there's a chasing group of two riders in the front go go kitties go go oh they went wrong at the moment look at this now they're back on track they don't know exactly where to go but uh yeah they're at the finish line now i guess i heard some screaming from uh carla i guess carl is everything okay up there yeah yeah all good i have to it's a really awesome trail going down here it's slippery the roots are really slippery so i have to be very careful and pushing a lot because these guys are flying but it's fine the leaders are pushing really hard even on on the downhill so i'm a bit surprised about these two yeah they're going guys i don't know how fast it is for the other guys but uh definitely they're not going slow this is probably the whole i have a motorbike in front of me and i would like just to pass to show the four team in front of me yeah yeah the force is some kind of great paradise so many different trails around here you've been racing here as well in the year before i've been racing here three years ago in the swiss epic and i remember this trail uh it continues for a long time and it's really difficult because you have to push all the time but it's so much fun even yeah so riders are now at the station at the lower part of the station so the swiss a line as we call it is coming down from here down to clusters so a man-made built a mountain bike trail with champs with and with everything but now they're going there remember that yeah that was three years ago now they're going to the right side here not going into that trade you're taking another one another nice single trail ah look at this i really want to run i believe here i believe here you can be jealous i'm so jealous about you guys so we're going back to the ladies and we have uh stefan sam in the front with uh skim the force close to spatina janus and adelaide's murad so adelhide still setting the pace yeah exactly they were separated by a little bit on the climb but now they are making their way down the first single track from the top and it's uh it's awesome scenery but it's also you need to be concentrated so much to not hit one of the sharp rocks what do you think about adelhide motor so spot leading all the time so this is the fifth stage and uh yeah yesterday she had so in between she had a break because she had to change clothing but otherwise she was always in the lead unbelievable yeah it's unbelievable but also i mean this is the result of hard work and and uh you know dedicated training and this is what uh what professional racing is all about and at the moment she's yeah she's really on a high she's on such a high level at the moment internationally as well and it's no no surprise that she can lead lead every every day and do whatever she wants the k swiss epic guys to play back is a team race so always two riders out together in one team this year bettina janas is together with other high motor but adelhide it looks like she's so much stronger than bettina yeah it might it might look like i mean bettina still has to keep up and i mean you you must keep in mind that they even if bettina is suffering a little bit but they are still already over one minute ahead of everyone else so both are incredible shape so it's a real teamwork here it's it's really uh important to talk to each other that they know how fast they're going to be and uh yeah we're back with the carl the men's leaders on this beautiful down in from gotzner down to uh the force carl you you often you often write a bit out of height ah no nearly never okay i mean i know here for already for a long time we've been a national team for a long time and uh here yeah in the training camp she rode together but it seems like adelaide is in a good in very good space so she's very relaxed and enjoying uh cycling or mountain biking yeah definitely she's enjoying the trailers around here in in interface so they're so so beautiful so at the moment we are on the downhill with the men's leaders um this is fabian ramenstein that that guy's my so carl is it slippery out there as has told me before so yeah so in general it's not that slippery but the roots the roots are very slippery so you have to take them very careful maybe if you go a little bit faster it's even safer do you know anything about tire choice from yesterday because it was so wet so did anyone ride with uh with rain tires i don't think so because uh it was it was wet but yesterday wasn't that slippery i mean some grass uh passages they were they were slippery but in general it wasn't too slippery i think today on the roots in this single trail you can see it's uh it's more slippery so sometimes when it drains really hard it's uh it's better than the day after right after the rain because there's not such mud on on the roots and on on the stones exactly so it dries up already so so in general there's no mud but here on the roots it's very slippery because they're still very wet from yesterday they've been taking all the water today there's no water coming from the top just water out of the bottle for the riders so look at these trails this is pure enjoyment yeah your enjoyment so when you see this situation even i get stuck sometimes a little bit behind the riders and then i have to close the gap so if you have like four five six teams and you're hanging in the back so you're always in danger to lose uh this uh the distance to the front guys and that's why oh i believe pirelli guys put the pressure on just to be safe and not risking too much in the downhills and just not always closing the gaps because closing the gaps always means a lot of pressure and making mistakes and also yeah wasting your energy so it's a big advantage for our general classification leaders fabian ravenstein and daniel that they're all alone in front of these race with the chasers it's uh still thomas uh teach so what's the situation it's still team sag moritz on second place thomas i still said merits on second place yes but many riders like coming back from behind and [Music] now it's a big bunch around the i mean not big but five team together on the leading on the on the chasing group so what do you think this is is it an advantage for the leaders to ride all the loans so in this big group they always get stuck because the mistake of the rider at the front yeah it's actually it's always like like now you are stopped by a barrier or by some route slippery you have to stop go for sure to be here alone in front look now again i have to stop back on the bike start again better sometimes it's even bigger to open up again to the front to the back to write your own speed because technical skills are quite different uh even in a professional race like this so do they train technical skills especially for uh for a race like a swiss epic where the technical skills should be so high because we heard it before that the swiss national team with the women's they got their own technical trainer so probably riders competing at the swiss epic should get technical training as well what do you think thomas i think that uh it's slippery and i'm concentrated on slippery route it was a recep right now yeah you definitely have to be used to this this type of terrain but it's really enjoyable it's really strange as i'm in a smart range but it's normal and the feeling here in the back of this group it's always pushing then stop you got some mistake in front and you push again and it's really really clever to for the for the strongest team to be in front alone for sure okay so now we're back with uh at the front with the lady stefan there's definitely hamburglar effect with you no no maybe more in the back but right now we don't have the elastic or the hand ugly um it's more like a rubber band is pulling the leading team towards the finish line to divorce because they are they're going so strong and we're now in the in the wide open uh downhill making their way towards the valley ow i got hit by the cow gate so this is a proper swiss cow gate it opens up when he rides troop and sometimes the people behind the right come back really really fast yeah now we're really fast we're going 60 at the moment so really quick yeah the guy and the the the women in the front they're working really really well together i lied still in the lead and pulling her partner towards the finish line turning left now into the next single track dario we're seeing some of the most spectacular trails in the uh spa swiss epic and it really is characterized by um by these beautiful single track and it's exciting to see uh stefan the pictures from the bulls media e-bike stephan song three-time winner of the absolute captain perfect rider to be able to follow these riders and no doubt no easy task and does require the expertise of a rider at the top of their game and stefan song has a an interesting job to be to to bring us this unprecedented coverage and of course with all the equipment that he has to cover has to carry and uh the the bulls media e-bike is a very special piece of equipment that is uh be able to bring us these pictures we see today we're staying with the uh women's race right now and we have adelaide morath leading the way with bettina janis just keeping as close as possible and uh just having a look now at that downhill section it's clear that uh we have uh a new situation that stefan will tell us all about it yeah the group has come together so we have three women's teams in the front now both other teams made or could close the gap in the downhill and we are heading now towards the valley with the three contenders in the overall and yeah so everything is open again the early attack was uh was put to an end just now at the downhill and it's slippery the women's field a few teams in the lead at steam moment on the downhill from gotzner down back to the force station at the man's race after 17 kilometers is that a villa pirelli factory racing is in front of both megano with a gap of two minutes and 32 and as we heard before there's a whole bunch of teams together on the chase at 8pm the team allows the team singer racing portekia factory and team saint maurice with only a gap to the leaders around two minutes and uh 34 two minutes 40 seconds yes we saw that gap there in the uh when we were following on the media bike with thomas uh and uh one notable point of that was that team sank pirates have joined that big gabaro joined that big group in fact the big group have joined saint maritz sang berets earlier on at the 12 kilometer mark had only a 30 second deficit to william pirilli factory so something must have happened to baron doon and dawn to have lost that advantage to the head though something has happened where they've lost that two-minute advantage over that a big leading big chasing group and in that chasing group buff megamoe ktm alchemist attitude larks singer racing team bottechia factory and of course sankari it's a little bit just trailing a little bit at the 17 kilometer mark above mega mode 2. we have already just heard that at the 22 kilometer mark william pirelli factory have passed through that time check and uh we've been waiting for a couple of minutes to see how far behind that chase group is the chase group of around about six teams and bad news for team ktm alchemist attitude churchi and tron cody have a mechanical let's hope they can repair it as soon as possible it looks like tyre issues we're going to go back to thomas to here down on the trail yeah side a entire issue for for martino he tried to rebuild but it's not working uh at this moment they try to put some more hair and the gas pump so the thing is that if situations like this happen if they have a mechanical they have to fix it by themselves so they're not allowed to get any help from not outer space but from a mechanic or something like that they have to fix things like this by their self declaring uh their own tools and with back at the moment with the leaders once more in this is spar swiss epic instability pirelli factory racing team they're at the wolfgang at the moment this is the part right in front of the force they're going down a little bit and then they're already heading into the floor valley so right now riders are at kilometer around 24 at the moment to leaders victoria we're going to be waiting to hear exactly what that time gap is and how much of an advantage will your pirelli factory have over that chasing group of now only five teams now that we've just seen ktm alchemist and attitude drop back from uh because of a mechanical trying to get air and sealant back into that tire and in that chase group is buff mega mo team locks singer racing team botakia factory and sangpirits who also had mechanicals mechanical woes as well having lost two minutes they were almost in touch with this leading pair that we see right now almost on their wheels only 30 seconds back but something's happened to them so they have dropped back to that chasing group and the local lads of um of team sankberets and passing through that time check the bullfrog pass timing check at 22 kilometers ah buff mega mo singer racing and um buff mega mo ii as well have joined them and five teams in that group at two minutes 45 seconds back four teams in fact chasing william pirelli factory now we wait to see where team locks is we saw some great performances from andre billy the last two days uh riding with france class and yes they've passed through at three minutes so they're around about 15-20 seconds behind you can see the time check board right now with buff mega mo and buff mega mode 2 putting the partnership of baking ideas in a very good position to go for the stage although if they want to win the stage they have over two minutes two minutes forty to make up and borrowing incident william pereira factory should be able to hold that at least for the next few kilometers putting their rivals under pressure and we're back with karl platt and dario are you in touch with carl platt hearing um just what the uh what the pace is like and um and how these two are progressing um it looks like they're progressing really good and really hard so they're on the downhill from it looks like a comfortable lead for the team villa pirelli factor racing it's already two minutes and 41 seconds but kyle they don't know about that no they don't know about uh their comfortable gap maybe when they're listening now to when i'm talking they they will know uh but yeah yeah like i said before it's always good to be in the downhill such a technical downhill in front and not to get not to get stuck behind some other riders yeah and they're pushing all the time it's really a decent speed so it's all the time on fire so i don't i think they don't even care about that so they're just setting their own pace at the moment and that that's what they made throughout the whole league yeah exactly they're just going their own speed but uh fabian is in daniel also they sometimes look back just to see where the other riders are but yeah they can't see anyone so the the gap is quite comfortable now the gap is quite comfortable as we have seen uh team lux as neil said he's on play six at the moment and uh yeah they didn't have a perfect preparation for this stage as well so france class had a beasting yesterday during uh during the race and he had to go to the hospital yesterday afternoon with the ambulance see how he had an allergic reaction has to go to the hospital stayed there for about two hours and then uh yeah he came back to the hotel and he was not sure if he was able to start at this uh last stage of the of the swiss epic this year uh it was a bit of a mess but he has his nurse with him so with his team partner is andrean bailey and he takes uh care of him so there have been a lot of peace around yesterday you came out without the stigma or caller did you get hit by this uh by this piece as well oh i didn't hear about the beast and yeah i never saw some some bees so i feel lucky so a few other riser riders get stung by a beer now uh yeah they're really doing well the team laps with only three minutes behind the leaders fifth place as we said before they are the local team the first local team with fadri baran dun and his german company with vincent on the fifth place at the moment yes we saw the uh the profile earlier just superimposed on the screen and we could see the progress of the writers that is a tracking uh tracking diagram of exactly where all of the riders are on the course and we can see in the lead the uh with the bulls media e-bike we're on about the 25-26 kilometer mark with the men and right now we're behind the top women's contenders the top three women's teams and we're riding with uh stefan some behind uh right now it's deborah piana who we saw yesterday riding in the stage the very rainy stage and uh almost uh getting that stage victory just being pipped on the post by dalek morath and looking very much in touch with the with the lead right now and going to be going for yet another stage win uh very much in their sights yeah we have uh and we'll have to see how ambitious they are with winning stay stage if we're all together at the finish line and just we roll it all three teams are together it should be an exciting sprint finish yesterday and we're going to be crossing back to stefan yeah we have uh quite a situation as you just said deborah is uh riding in front of me but it looks like she has lost her gear shifter she has lost her gear shifter and she's on the biggest gear right now trying to manage trying to manage the situation very well so that's one of the strange situations she probably writes the electric shift that's probably why you exactly yeah exactly she's running with the electronic shifting and she's lost the shifter and now riding in the biggest gear it's still okay here in the in the downhill sections but it will will be interesting how they managed to to deal with the situation later on if they have something to if they have a shift in the tech zone to change and if not then the climbing will be horrible later so that's that's a a thing that they are able to change or to get a fresh shift in the box in the next taxon if they have to carry yeah yeah a lot of stuff with them yeah if probably be she has to stop to change here and then to ride down but that's uh what that's a real it's really really bad now that's bad really bad luck and that's gonna be a mission so let's hope they have something in there in their tech boxes and they can try to minimize the damage all the teams are together well actually kim record and virga laws are out in the front on the downhill i can't see them anymore they are trying to to make a gap on this uh really slippery downhill so many roots that are wet and just incredibly slippery [Music] [Music] you can see from the cadence of the rider in front really low cadence means that stefan sam's words are confirmed that the rider is stuck in the biggest the highest gear possible and this not only is going to cause issues with losing time having to repair but also imagine the damage that she's doing to her legs having to ride in such a big gear uh the uh all-important maintaining the cadence of around about 80 or 90 revolutions per minute is all about saving the legs keeping the legs in good condition that seems to be more or less the optimum cadence for a mountain biker with some obvious exceptions in the steep sections but if a writer has to complete any kind of uh complete the rest of the course or in fact has to even just get down to the tech zone in a gear that she's in right now it's going to really cause a bit of damage and again threaten their hopes of winning the stage today oh so as we follow the uh follow the leading teams the top women's teams down we can get a chance to just have a look what it what kind of equipment it takes to follow the race and bring us these fantastic images hi my name is six years so we're right now with carl platt at the water point and he's just uh changing his battery where the riders would refuel karl platt needs to put a new battery back into his bull's media e-bike and he'll be no doubt getting back to the very front end of the field back to the yellow jersey holders fabian ravensteiner and a marauding uh daniel gerstmeyer on the front of the day on the front of the stage most of today after a very early move from buff megamo uh seems daniel gasmar took her back with the women's category and stefan i'm just showing from the images we're seeing showing how technical these trails are the roots are very slippery and the riders just taking a bit of a conservative approach on these routes just taking a bit of a walk over them knowing how slippery there we saw the back wheel there slipping out of course the rider in front of us has got technical issues she is stuck in her biggest gear in her longest gear having to pedal super low revolutions per minute just to stay in touch and no doubt uh her luck will run out at some point hopefully she can get down to that tech zone and uh let's uh let's see if they do have a shift if there is a shifter in that box each rider gets allocated to take a tech box where they can opt to put um a pile of parts whatever they choose so that if there are any uses out in the trail once the team gets to that texan they can dip into that box and pull out whatever they might need for the rest of the stage hopefully there will be something there for the rider in front the swiss epic every year in the nine editions there is a new route every year completely redesigned and rethought and we're going to go down to stefan to see to just hear what it takes to design the route of the spa swiss epic so this is a stefan wolfsberg the course designer of the uh swiss epic probably since uh nine years so since the beginning yeah yeah that's true since the beginning great job i love it it's probably one of the greatest job in the world well it's my hobby and it's my job so what else do you want yeah this year is uh like a special thing it's a nice time this was a long stage yesterday between lux and the force how could you find trails like that i know the region pretty well but you'll find some real good stuff well i'm in the alps during the whole year when i've got time and my friend family has to follow me so we came somewhere and i go with my e-bike obviously i when i started i didn't have an e-bike and it was it was really hard now i've got e-bikes and then it goes really fast so you try one if it doesn't work go back try next one yeah so everybody's happy with the stage so writers are coming back they probably know you that you're the curse designer and uh yeah they're happy with the uh with your trails yeah mostly yeah yesterday some said about the weather but i'm sorry about the weather so no i'm it's it's great to do this job because most of the people are happy they sometimes complain about the steep uphills but you know in switzerland it's really difficult to have do not have steep uphills yeah so you're already prepared for next year the 10th swiss epic did you already choose the the stages yeah main of the course is already done and now we have to do it to the authorities and then we get feedbacks and then we have to change probably everything again but i have a plan so for the three stages it's easy to find trails in switzerland but it's not easy to get the permission for these trails yes sometimes yes it depends on which region i mean around the walls you have many trails which are built so it's not that difficult we stay on this one but in the stages like yesterday you have many comments in between and they need to give you on everyone you need a permission and some say no problem and others are difficult and you have private owl land owners so yeah it's always the same thank you very much stephen making history at the swiss epic your spa specific ground in 2022 the longest stage ever 100 kilometers 2 800 meters however 2800 sounds like a little over 100 kilometers however mother nature is going to add some spice the race been very exciting till now i mean the leaders team they did very very well they stayed calm and they played always a good some good cards and uh for today i expect a lot of pain for the riders even for myself we expect lots of rain but and it's the longest stage of this swiss epic so i hope everyone survives nicely and can reach the finish line [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah uh so [Music] [Music] [Music] this was possibly one of the toughest days on in uh that i've ever had on a bike it was wet did i say wait no wait i think it was a little weight uh it was slippery it was wet and there were some hills so it was a tough day out but my partner rocked it like a champion no gloves you left the gloves in the hotel room and um but another uh another great day on the bike it's a tough day on the bike and thank you to the swiss epic guys [Music] and we're back live at uh stage five the final stage of the spa swiss epic and the ninth edition of the spectacular race in the alps in the granbunden region and we're with the women's category at the moment and the mechanical woes of the team right in front of us and that is the mtb pro merchandising team chingalani team of western piana mechanical issues with the gears unable to shift out of the largest gear and as they watch their hopes of a stage when disappear up the road we can see the riders up the road disappearing they'll be looking to get to that deck zone as soon as they possibly can to try and resolve that broken shifter we are currently with stefan some who may be able to uh doria i'm not sure if stefan some can give us more insights as to what's happening with that gear shifter stefan that's a big disadvantage to ride just in the in the highest speed absolutely it destroys your rhythm completely um yeah she had to dismount multiple times just to make it through technical section so on and off the bike really destroys the rhythm but then the cool thing is they don't give up they keep just fighting they want to make it to the tech zone and probably they already have a game plan how to fix this i just had a chat with one of the mechanics for me a local mechanic up here in the force and he told me that there are two small buttons on the rear uh the real derailleur and she can shift there so it's possibly possible to manually shift that but every time she has to go off the bike shift and uh and back on the bike again and the other thing is she can uh replace the the shifter in the tax zone if they have a shift that's the thing so she's running this is the big question yeah she's running away from this electronic shifting system and uh that's a big issue at the moment if they have something uh at the service station otherwise it's getting pretty hard another thing if she shifts down on her smartphone but probably you're not having her smartphone with you during a stage race like this yeah i think shifting manually is only an option if it goes really long uphill but at the moment you can see i mean she has to dismount do it on a 10 incline dropping left into a single track again but they made managing quite well so doria just looking at it now you'd be able to tell us but it looks like it is janina versus who has who has the issues with her shifter as the uh team mtp pro merchandising are struggling genina voiced that is the swiss rider who is having issues with that shifter unable to shift out of the biggest gear and deborah piana will have to nurse her through the stage and we saw a few moments ago they were at that point with the overall leaders devos clusters women and uh daria you'll be able to be in touch with stefan just to get an idea of where we where we have efficient infinity insure rare street coffee where is avira lawson and kim la court yes uh we're back with stefan and these are the leaders silvera loser and kim la curtis are still in the leads they fun they are still in the lead yes i can't see them they pulled a kind of a big gap on the on the downhill oh there was some confusion about where the truck went but everything okay everybody right on track now yeah um it's it's very up and down left and right so you can't see really far i need to check later on how far they get how big the gap is when i have the possibility to jump ahead i will try to do that and give you more information it was about 26 seconds that gotcha board and 70 kilometers to go but they're already at kilometer 22 at the moment okay so the gap is betting getting bigger and they have made a real good uh downhill from gotcha borton down or do you know anything did the force close this uh had a crash or a mechanical as well what happened to them to lose so much time in a short um so now tiana's shouting okay it looks like she had a crash at the turnoff bettinayana's also the number is flapping on her jersey um but she looks okay she was just talking to ardell height asking her if she's bleeding in the face but it doesn't look like so this is quite a hectic and stressy situation at the moment and the men are and the men are a little bit in their way [Music] told us adelhide uh no bettina was being in the face so but something happened on the way down and the gap is already one minute and 44 at the wolfgang pass so at kilometer 22 the gap is one minute 44 and this is for the mountain bike pro merchandising team so janina burst with only one gear on the second place together with deborah and then on third place with a gap of one a minute and uh 49 seconds it's bettina janus and edelheimer so what a drama in this last stage in the lead with the secure security that timon it's veda laws with kim record without any problems and both of the other teams they've been in real trouble within the last few minutes so i will try tried to chase back to the to the leading women see if i can manage that in a short amount of time so we try to catch back as well with uh with with the man so the men are already this is 22 kilometer time as we told you before efficient infinity injury right in front of mountain bike pro merchandising team one minute 44 in the back and then with the falls close this women team with one minute and 49 so pure drama in the women's race on this fifth stage and we're going back to kyle william pirelli factory racing team fabian steiner and daniel they're still in the lead and they're already on the way back through that uh heading back to towards the force exactly so in the men's race there's no drama is everything controlled the trek pirelli team is controlling the race very well so they're riding smooth so we did already the fluid pass and now we're on the uh on the downhill it's a beautiful downhill it's more raw lots of rocks good fun to ride so this is again mountain bike heaven this is mountain bike and you make me alps once again so every day a few times cuddle this trail is so good it's so good i prefer this kind of trails more natural some rocks and yeah it's not it's more i can't talk too much otherwise i end up eating it i'm sorry you ate some so some cow barriers just around here so cows are heading up to the to the mountains during the summer months here in switzerland normally they're down in the around the force and during us summertime they move up towards the higher parts of this area and this trail the floor trail ah so nice so you still can ask some throughout our youtube channel if you want to know what cow pizza is or something like this album pizza we call it pizza sorry sorry so the race at the men's uh competition is not as hectical as it as it is at at the women's company but the camp is pretty good and they're enjoying the downhill now once again a cow barrier for the riders in the front so during winter time on the right hand side we have a a real famous uh cross skiing slope cross country skiing slope during the whole area interface up here is filled up with a cross-country skiing slope a lot of skiing slope a lot of back country riding through the winter time and uh they even have a really famous hockey team up here it's the hot city record holder in championship in a switzerland and our race village is right in front of the yeah most beautiful hockey stadium in europe some people say it's the most beautiful hockey stadium in the world part of the world famous bangla cup a really nice hockey tournament throughout the christmas new year up here so hockey season will start uh in the next three weeks here in switzerland but uh yeah that's something about the force the force is very multi-sportable but in this week we're just focusing on mountain bike racing at the sparta swiss epic yeah carl the pictures are so beautiful i believe in real it's even better this trail is so amazing it's so flowy racing the gap is uh two minutes and twenty five to above mega mode two so the two buff teams with hans pecking jose diaz and hugo drescho and ricky mathila bergara that you get in the chase for place number one and then right behind these guys it's the single racing team on fourth place with two minutes and 35 team sang maurice dropped back a little bit they're now with three minutes and nine seconds on fifth place so probably their effort on the first climb up to goshner was uh was a bit too hard yes and it's interesting to see that on that chase group how much things have changed in the in the race nothing has changed with the leaders the writers out front willia pirelli for uh factory but uh buff mega mo team did put an early effort they suffered from it the singer racing team really was suffering in the very early parts of the race dropping back almost to the third or fourth chase group um sang baritz really right up there with uh team alchemist and attitude and team welcome statute sparrow thought for shoshi and tronconi they had a mechanical now they're lying over eight minutes back they were four they were really in solidifying their position in third spot overall but right now that third spot on the overall general classification podium is severely under threat so buff megama right now have a lot to do they will be focused very much on taking that third spot from team ktm alchemist so another race developing here out on the trails and around about the halfway mark through the 58 kilometer final stage around devos of the swiss epic and they look like they're going to be um really they've got their work cut out for them ktm alchemist they've got a lot of catching up to do because with buff megamo already around about four minutes ahead they've uh they've got to defend that third spot on overall if they want to be standing still on that podium in that third spot in devos just looking at guess my guest meyers hardly left the front of the race leaving where even steiner very happy just to follow the wheel and uh just a testimony to how strong the austrian is they call him the mountain goat he's tall for a mountain goat he's 1.89 meters and 73 kilometers not one of the pure pure climbers but that's not holding him back from absolutely tearing this race apart with an over two two minutes 24 lead over buff megamoe the finest riders in the sport and daniel gasmere is putting them all to the sword the pairing has definitely clicked all important team dynamic between raven steiner and gas meyer is playing out and is really working we'll be looking forward to more racing in the coming years in the coming the coming events in the epic series just to see if this pairing continues because of course they are part of the italian outfit there are four riders or more in fact in the italian outfit and they do chop and change they switch the riders around looking for that perfect combination keeping the fans and of course their rivals guessing as to who will be pairing with whom but with this pairing right now that seems to have gelled absolutely perfectly it's clear that we can expect more from uh from these two in the coming years in mountain biking they're only 32 years old both of them are 32. they've still got a good few years left in the moment at their physical peak and of course with the experience they've been gaining you just saw a bit of a bit of skills there from rabensteiner just lifting the back will and getting through these tricky sections all of these trails completely unique i've seen the talked about it earlier when we were describing what the route is all about and dario you'll know these trails intimately it is in your backyard after all so just talking you're talking a little bit about what these trails are like and how different they are from each other even though it's all part of the same network there seems to be uniqueness in each and every one of them yeah we have a lot of different trails up here in the falls as well uh and even today they're uh checking out all the differences between them so they've been on on gravel roads they've been on a single trail like this and later on they're coming into the kukaliban a man-made flow trail so uh as you said before the force is some kind of a trail paradise so we are yeah having a lot of trails around here all around the forces just open with them you can go up with the gondola you can't go up with the shuttle you can pedal up if you want but there are a lot of real nice trailers here but uh today it's a a bit special so it was dry throughout the whole summer so it didn't drain for the last two months that much so only only a little and everything was so dry and uh now it rained really hard yesterday and the trails are pretty slippery so especially the rocky parts and the the rooty parts so the roots are so slippery at the moment you know that and you really have to take care on trails like this that you're not getting a flat tire or you're not getting a crash so we had uh even today if it looks uh really good with the weather have you seen from the downhill from gorchner down to the force trail's been so slippery ride has always had to stop and had to get off of their bikes so now we're in one of these real slippery trails with thomas stitch and the chases at the men's competition so thomas we can't see much because your lens is a bit uh dirty but uh who's chasing really hard at the moment uh it's hands baking pushing really hard at the moment uh oh no it just adjusts it's in front just behind it's simon schnibien and martin pryor and the second mega mod team is on this on the first position of this this group with uh yes so it's a three teams buff mega no one and two and single racing team so as the single racing team came back at the beginning of the day we thought they're uh off because of their effort from yesterday exactly they came back they found some legs and now they they were looking strong in the in the last episode let's see what they can do in the next one but they are looking strong perhaps martin and steve simon get back there select yeah did they have some kind of a leg opener in on the first upper so at the beginning they've been really slow can that often happen sometimes uh in the first uphill after a hard day like yesterday after the day of yesterday after the the cold rain it's really difficult to to farm the day after the legs and that was the case for for martin and for shimon simon but now they are looking more strong they can follow jose diaz and once baking yeah and they make a good job and they are fast i mean they are pushing really hard now is it a big advantage that tough megano is in this uh chasing group with two teams yeah sure because in this type of tunnel it's a it's really big advantage it's it's not really technical but it's you have to really take care to every every small stone because some stone are really sharp some stone you can go full gas on yeah you have to be really concentrated on your bike but it's definitely really good to have two team so riders are now in a in a short uphill reaching the top right now then that goes down again on a on a gravel road and then at this short uphill is coming later on right after this trail at the moment they're around kilometer 41 with the leaders and the chases are exactly at kilometer 40. sorry to interrupt you just looking at that uh at those time checks even at the 30 kilometer mark we saw that uh team ktm alchemists are eight minutes 35 back and we look we have to look at the general classification before the start of today's stage the debuff mega man had a six minutes and eight second deficit to that team so that means right now looking at the time check that buff megamoe are riding themselves into that third spot on overall general classification so that's maybe why we see the urgency of hunts backing on the front he's not necessarily hoping to close that gap to the william paredi factory team he is looking to get his team into that third spot on the overall podium yeah it's not all about the stage today about the stage win it's as you told neil it's about the general classification but the thing is probably they don't know what happens uh in the back so they're just writing their own race i'm not sure if they get informations from outside about the general classification so yeah it's a strange situation what do you think thomas do they know something about that i'm not sure that they know that the cat engine has a technical issue but they know that they're not there and not with us and it's probably for this reason that says they push hard and they try to yeah to go away and perhaps to come back to the year jersey why not but because they are really pushing her now so there's nobody around to give some information from outside to to riders i saw just before in a long time that the team manager perhaps he gave some info i i'm not sure it was a team manager on the on the way to the to the last last climb yes for sure i just want to come to back to you steve from zambia there with the ladies with some informations yeah we are now at the tech zone the feed takes on so let's see what janine is doing yes she's going straight into the stack zone going straight into the texan this is our uh supporting zone it's a musket beach and she now has to check one of her boxes so every team carries their own their own box probably she has a shifter in the box let's see what they have to touch next man so this is uh the team right now the micro merchandising team he's not allowed to help no it's not allowed i'm switching to the head cam so they are searching their tech box they find a lot of stuff but they're not yet the shifter i think they're not even sure if they have a shifter no exactly on they haven't seen so okay it looks like it looks like they don't have a shifter um yeah i'm actually not quite sure what's happening now because she's she looks like she's getting a new shifter from uh moscovici not uh really sure if this is according to the to the regulation um if it's the official partner it should be okay but i will check that yeah you can you can check that but it looks like they have uh looks like they have something to uh to but but even that so you've been with the mountain bike pro merchandising did ditch the team the force clusters already came came back so you know anything about uh i have been i have been at uh at the front of the race with uh vera and kim le cord and there's still a mini move of a one and a half minute gap i think so it's quite quite big still i i tried to make my way to the front so it looks like it looks like the merchandise mountain bike merchandising gets their bike fixed here and let's see how they they end up now they have to pair the shifters as we told you before it's a wireless so janina what what happened i was she continued to ride but then on the on the downhill she realized that she lost the shifter okay i'll make my way up so stephan thank you for this insights from the tech zone we're going back to thomas now with the leaders and uh that's the good thing if you're in a big bunch on a tarmac road like that it's a big advantage going to the last uphill of today's stage on a tarmac road with the first uh as i told before it's a big advantage right instead to cook it's such a group yeah it's a big advantage now we arrive on the third futon and we will some some rider will probably take some some bottles and i will take a battery so they just grab a fresh bottle that no time at all and we are going back to stefan sam my name is stefan i was a professional racer for team bolt for nine years and since six years i'm doing the e-bike riding bring the live stream in the cape epic and swiss epic and yeah bringing all the all the action to the to the viewers and can you tell us just a little bit about the bike that you're riding we are riding a bulls e-bike it's for this year swiss epic it's a bulls e-stream evo am4 and it's basically a all-mountain platform with 150 millimeters suspension front and rear we have a gauze motor which is pretty powerful and and quiet that helps to not distract the riders while we are close to them we have a 750 watt hour battery which gives us enough power to almost go all the stage but for safety reasons we we swap at hot swap batteries uh at every uh feed zone and that's yeah it's basically a thing of a couple of seconds to to swap it and then we are back on the track again and ready to to catch the action can you just talk to um just to explain how the communication works so you can you what's special the innovation that we have with the helmet and the commentary so we are we are carrying a lot of gear in a in a kind of a heavy backpack but it's all neatly organized and there is like trend transmission equipment inside to to do the live stream but one of the most important things is communication with with the start line with the commentators and everyone and so we have made a custom setup with with the helmet where we it we look a little bit like fighter pilots with we have a headset that works uh really good also in in high speed that reduces noise and makes makes commentary uh possible so we can always hear editors talking we can hear the commentators talking at the start finish line i can talk to tom i can talk to carl who are the other e-bike riders and that makes our life really easy [Music] live with the front of the race and we're on the bulls media e-bike with karl platt following the marauding uh willie pirelli team and for the first time in quite a while we see fabian ravenstein to take the lead we've seen daniel gasmere leading almost all of the uh so 45 kilometers so far in the stage and get and gizmo are just leaving it up to fabian ravenstein to just set the pace so that gizmo can take just a small bit of respite in the draft of his italian teammates and unexpected attack at that uh first early climb the really steep uh first obstacle of the day in fact william pirelli factory just responded to an attack from huntsbacking and buff megamo and just made it stick and getting over two minutes on the chasing team currently at the 42 kilometer mark they are two minutes and 11 seconds ahead of singer racing team buff mega mo and buff mega mode 2 in fact the two buff mega mo teams chasing together and they will cooperate because looking down that list at the previous time check eight minutes and 35 seconds back our ktm alchemist and attitude all eyes on the two italian churches and tronconi as to whether or not they're able to close that gap to buff megamon and buff megamoe may have information out on the course that they are very much in contention for that third spot on overall gc but even if they don't even if they don't have information on the exact time gaps buffed mega mode will notice very the significant absence of ktm alchemists in that front chasing group chasing after ferrari factory racing so they know they need to make it count so if we see urgency on the faces of hunts becky and jose diaz to close the gap to pirelli factory it's all about distancing ktm alchemist and of course maybe even a stage when to boot if they can make that move stick we're still with carplay dario are you in touch with karl platt just to see really what the urgency is on the trail it's always interesting to see just who's setting the pace and uh and what kind of a what kind of just how how fast they're going really that's that's what you want to know what uh what's the what's the chances of that of of that stage win looking like yeah the stage one looks pretty good i think but kyle platz you know you get the inside this team is looking incredible strong again today yeah they they did today the right move to go in the beginning and then to keep out of uh all the stress with the other riders and they is so strong so they can go together and share the work so the last kilometers they were sharing the work also on the fluid past they they've been going incredibly fast so i was watching again daniel gasmes about 380 400 watts so that's their normal speed that's their comfort zone and now it looks like they're getting their stage one yeah they're going for the stage win and they for sure going for the channel of classification win it looks really good at the moment some kind it looks like a victory lap now about the force but this is the last real heart of the last appeal of today it's last appeal of these farms this epic at the 2022 edition they're at kilometer 47 now uh do you know the last downhill carl uh i don't know it exactly but uh when i see it probably i know it because there are so many and uh okay yeah then i know there are some some awesome jumps and uh is it this downhill yeah and they're coming down the regular ban and then back down to the force as they came into this beautiful race village here like they did yesterday village look i can see you you're downstairs there hello carl yes exactly so peace yeah they're looking incredibly strong today really comfortable so dario looking at that graphic on the screen we are at the 46 kilometer mark um out of the full 58 kilometers and all eyes as to what that timing check says at almost the 50 kilometer mark that's at the peak of the climb just before that final bit of steep downhill single track you can see on the if you go if you log on to the website you'll be able to see exact profile of the stage and that will denote what the trail surface looks like on the final and it is red which red is single track from that peak that we see just in front of the lead to pro-men line there we expect to see them there in just a few minutes and then we'll be looking back to what the time shapes look like and uh all eyes of course on william pirelli they are riding consistently they've had the luxury and karl platt said it himself that he did they did exactly the right thing to escape early so they could ride the single track on their own without any interference from any of the other riders being on their own means that they were unencumbered by other riders maybe just an odd hesitation here and there they could ride their own rhythm and keep their own flow and of course just with the huge firepower they have with daniel gasmar who is leading at the moment again just pulling this train along they have played the stage absolutely perfectly and that victory lap around divorce is going to be a sweet one that they'll remember forever daniel gasmar has won the swiss epic before he won in 2017 and looking to add another spy swiss epic title to his name and raven steiner as well a victory in 2019 riding with casa grande and gasmar having switch teams after riding with jock and kiss is now with the italian outfit and they've changed bike sponsors from an american sponsor now they have the italian bike sponsor willier and clearly things are going well for the all italian team and the pairing of uh guest meyer and raven steiner is certainly clicking and we're back with team singer team singer had a successful day yesterday martin frye matching perfectly the tactical move by uh simon stepjon just in the final closing kilometers in that sprint finish the thrilling spin finish of the longest stage we've seen in the history of the race 100 kilometers we're able to put in a bit of extra effort to get line honours and to stand on the top step of the podium but really a close look at what jose diaz is doing right now he's on the front driving super hard and there are now only two teams in that chase group of singer and buff mega mo jose diaz is putting maximum pressure down he senses that there is weakness and he knows full well that team ktm are not in that group we're going to be hearing from daria in a moment he's in touch with the e-bike riders hey that changed something in the chasing group because i only saw four riders so there's only one buff mega note team in this uh chasing group within the racing team it's only hands back again yes where is the team buff mega mode drop off now and it's only two to team with with the team with with me it's um he has a the birth mega team in front jose is leading and pushing hard and simon and martina i follow follow these these two guys nice comeback from simon martin nice comeback they were really fighting in the first climb but now martin try and simultaneously can follow the birth megamotimo is unspeaking and yes it's nice to see them it's nice what do you think the cap is only two minutes to the front can they close that gap in this last ten case of racing it depends because when i see jose yes he's pushing like like really crazy he wants really to push hard and to get to he gave all his energy now it's the last appeal from this specific has to give everything we're just in that really really tricky rocky technical downhill after the tar uphill and kim lagott had a flat tire so they had to put a block in as well and uh putting some more air with the co2 cartridge well it looks like it was a quick fix pretty much 20 seconds lost they should still have a comfortable lead but of course this adds some drama as well yes adding some drama once more at the women's race so the efficient infinity injure raspberry coffee team was in the lead with over three minutes now they have a flat tire or had a flat tire they tried to fix it but uh definitely after a flat tire you're always not sure if uh the air stays stays in uh in the tube wow probably you start to ride a bit different after flat tire am i right stephen yes of course you don't know because you pump some air but you don't know exact exact tire pressure so it's either too less it's or it's too hard so you start riding very very like almost on raw eggs and they're trying not to puncture again you also don't know if if you fix the tyre correctly but it looks like for now the the air is staying in the tire and they can continue they had a comfortable lead and they managed the situation very well like real professionals did they use your own tool that you created unfortunately not but they could have saved a couple of seconds if they used my tool but still they did very well exactly thank you very much you need to talk to them i need to talk to them and we're looking at the left-hand screen now the leaders in the mains category and the chasers on the right screen are the split screen giving us an idea of just the urgency of the pace right now at the very front of the race the leaders at the moment team willier seeing william pirelli are on a fantastic day which is right about a two-minute gap on the chasing group of team buff megamo and singer and daniel gersmer on the front most of the morning um opening up a gap really early on in the day on that first steep climb we are with karl platt's e-biker mountain the um bulls media ebike right now and no doubt stefan will be talking to him throughout the stage stefan son and uh believe that dario is in touch with carl right now so only 10 kilometers to go and once again the unbelievable daniel geismeier in the lead so he was really strong throughout the whole week couple yeah you guys maya is pushing again from the front i just had a quick talk to him asking him how much he's pushing and then when i saw it it was 450 420 so they're really on fire but i understand this completely now they get some extra motivation some extra power because they're winning this race this spa swiss epic and then they're getting their stage win yeah it was a perfect week perfect five days and uh they must be very happy so this is the last part of the upload so the highest point on this uphill is around kilometer 49 and at the moment they're about 48 five so only a few hundred meters of climbing for this guy at this year's 2022 edition of the swiss epic once again at the look down to the fourth and then the googly bun so we just had a chat with the organizers here so if they get help from the outset from musky beach the official partners of uh this edition riders are allowed to get some help they're not allowed to get some help from somebody else so we did check the rules and everything went correctly at the women's race so only their own box or some help from musky beach from the official partners only help from this guys is allowed at the swiss epic we're going back to thomas to the traces uh how does it look they're coming a bit closer or not i see any yellow jazz in front of us but they are still pushing hard so not possible to close the gap in the last uphill well let's see but it looks like really difficult if the yellow jersey in front of us are pushing hard yeah we'll be really behind now it's now it's a long long straight uh climb and i can't see any yellow jersey in front of us i think will be really difficult to close the gap yeah now the leaders jersey this is pretty close to the highest part of this up here so only a downhill is following now but again we will see a sprint decision between these two teams between buff megano and singer racing and we seen it yesterday so that the single team with uh simone and martin frye they've been in real good shape for a sprint decision they won the race yesterday in a sprint and uh yeah we will see if it's coming down to a sprint for the second and third place at today's can be really interesting can be really interesting we have in front of us in front of me to a good good downhill team that will be interesting to see the the last done so dario we're just hearing from carl platt that they have reached they've breached the summit the final peak of the 2022 spa swiss epic and the leaders of the race team willia pirelli have got to that point now where they're just entering the single track the final downhill the steep downhill single track and daria you know these trails well you know this section of the trail very well can you tell us what a little bit about what the riders are experiencing right now apart from the white hot urgency of winning a stage we're right now in the middle of this quickly bomb call platform pretty well okay i hit a route after a jump and then my front wheel slipped but the trail is so awesome to ride i remember it very well from last year so nice jumps are enjoying it so now it's probably a big relief for them they're pretty close to the finish line so the pressure is still daniel is doing rips and he's enjoying it already exactly some barriers in between and now back into the force once more they come down to they're passing by at the guidelock so pretty ghost guy's lost guys meyer probably that's why he feels like like a goat so beautiful trail once again in here and uh throughout the whole week people are chasing really hard right at the beginning into a rosa on tuesday already in the first climb they made the gap between the first and the second team so they sold from the beginning on which is the strongest team at this year's edition the 2022 edition of the spa swiss epic is it is daniel gerstmeyer and his partner fabian rabensteiner the austrian of the swiss dynamic and uh they are absolutely storming today and having a bit of fun on that downhill we saw some tail whips and uh guess my really already almost celebrating and uh don't wanting to uh put a foot wrong at this point it would be a very big pity to uh to make a mistake and to cause damage to himself or to the bicycle but uh a consummate professional daniel gasmar a well-known campaigner in mountain bike stage racing having won multiple stages of the absolute cape epic along with ravenstein not necessarily always together and they've been rivals in the past at the moment today and in fact all week they have proved as absolutely one of the most exciting duos in mountain bike stage racing proving they're proving their point today really early on and gaining a large gap over a two-minute gap on that first ascent and keeping everyone at bay all the arrivals at bay and leaving the trails clear for them to enjoy and to drive home their advantage and leave the others to chase we've got a chasing group we're looking at what the time checks are at that uh that last at the top of the last climb singer racing team have gone eaten into that gap a little bit with a buff mega mo and the gap stands at one minute 45 so looking highly unlikely barring incident and we don't want to say anything too early but barring incident it looks very likely that pirelli factory racing will be able to hold off the singer racing team and buff megan william factory just descending navigating those beautiful single track sections on their way into devos they have a flat section before they reach the final race village but the major part of the trails have been almost completed all but completed they'll be pulling onto the road in just a moment and they'll be able to enjoy just a flat runner to the finish and a bit of relief certainly that they have covered all of the obstacles anything that the race has thrown at them the 20 20 22 edition let's turn it on they've able to cope with absolutely perfectly and we look back in a moment certainly we'll be keen to see what thomas ditch has to say about how urgent that chase is with singer racing team and buff megamo and of course looking back with all eyes at ktm alchemist attitude having lost over nine minutes to the leading team but most importantly that eight minutes six second advantage they had over buff megamo at the start of today's stage we're looking right now at jose diaz pushing super super hard on the front hoping to maintain that advantage but we do see up ahead a member of the singer racing team looking to make another early gap hoping to get there uh i'd be to get a second place on today's stage the gap is no nothing to be alarmed about we do know all about that two-minute gap the two-minute rule in fact that uh it stands the moment where the riders are not allowed to be separated by more than two minutes and the rider up front this member of the singer racing team will look for his partner to catch up but jose diaz pushing very hard just in front of martin frye and at the back of that a very small chase group of two teams is hunt specking in his national championships jerseys josie of holland he's the champion of the marathon discipline and they head on to the flat section having navigated the final section of single track now it's just a very flat run-in to devos and they'll be looking to keep maximum pressure down no doubt they'll sense that they have the third spot on overall podium in their grasp and we'll be in touch with carl in a moment and uh dario are you are you talking with carl what's the uh what's happening on the ground right now yeah it seems to be a real quiet situation at the front so they're enjoying their victory lap call pod yes we finish it downhill they had lots of fun in it down here and now the last stretch on the tar and uh yeah you can see the relief faces and they're enjoying their ride now to the finish line it's only about four kilometers left yeah it's it's a very comfortable situation for the leaders so they know that they will win at this year's the swiss epic they know that they will bring that stage so nothing can happen to them it's really comfortable at the moment so uh but they're still concentrated yeah they're still concentrated i mean you have to fight on the car it's more or less easy riding but yeah that's that's the way how you want to win a race exactly so this is probably the best feeling after a long race to uh have some you know situations like that yeah i know situations like that but i also notice it in other situations it's also nice when you're finishing the sprint but this is still a nicer way they're on the tarmac now so it looks like it's uh once again both mega more one and two with single am i right exactly now they are both teamed together just before simultaneous make a small break in front but um yeah now they're all together or two team together with unspeaking leading this group and now it's jose just leading the group i think they are really pushing for their very quick qualification too so we just have a short break with the latest race situation at kilometer 37 it's efficient infinity injure with aveda loser and kimberly curry in the first place on second place with the gap to four minutes and 14 seconds it's the team the fourth closest and then with uh seven minutes and 19 seconds in the back it's the mounted by pro merchandising team chingolani with janina and deborah piana so let's recap vera los angeles they had a flat tire five minutes ago so stefan it looks good for this so the air stays inside the back tire yes exactly it really looks for for this couple in the front they are putting a high cadence and and really working nicely together on the i think they are in this race in this year's epic they are the the best matching riders in the descents they can really follow each other with really tight on the wheel so it shows they also really match very good for for this type of racing and yeah it looks like i have a comfortable gap in the front and back to the second a team in this stage the leading team in the gc so i have nothing else but this should look good for today it looks good for today that looks good for the stage win the falls closest women they had a comfortable lead in the overall classification so nothing can happen to them we're going back to the man because only a few kilometers to go 40 liters yes i could i could see the contenders coming the chasers on the side of the other side across the road but they are still i think one and one minute one and a half behind so still enough space and time to enjoy this ride for the leaders so no more risking so as yesterday the same last kilometer here through these beautiful houses in the homes [Music] i mean the is only over when you finish the racing line the finish line okay yeah anyway most of them they're not so loud they're pretty quiet yeah exactly right close to me these are the competitions of uh pirelli factory racing they're waiting for affording their winners [Music] make some noise yeah yeah okay once again diesel last season and now carl platt is catching up with the leaders with fabian robinsteiner and daniel guys by daniel geisma knows this feeling before he already won the swiss epic but this must be a specimen whoa so these two guys they really like in last year's edition so they had a crash on the third stage i guess then they went out of competition now they regroup so new partner for them now together on the last kilometer together in a team for this last kilometer as a winner of today's stage and as the winner of this year for swiss epic the gap is pretty big it's around one minute i think now they're celebrating now they're celebrating the boat and this is a view from the quickly ban from the last part of this is called the balkan now they enter into this uh crossbar only a few hundred meters to go for it to do what an amazing element of these two riders yeah so they're only a few hundred meters away from their win enjoy guys congratulations it was a big fun to ride with you thank you very much it was really awesome to see you guys throughout the whole week especially daniel geisma always with his teammate look at this steiner danielle geismeier the rpl factory team wins the 2022 edition of the spa swiss epic [Music] what a way to do it to win the overall and to win the stage all in one go and the pictures will last forever putting their name down in the history books they daniel gasmer has won this race in 2017 and ravensteiner in 2019 and together in 2022 the spa swiss epic title is theirs and what a masterclass display of how to do it and really really an unexpected move early on in the stage and we thought it might just be a tactical move but no it was certainly um their aim was to take it all the way to the line clearly they had a full run of trail in front of them and we're seeing here finishing now that right in front of us is uh hunts backing and he's letting rather letting the second place on the second place on the stage go to the singer racing team no great celebrations they would have loved to have won the stage like yesterday but they will uh no doubt be very happy with their performance today and a fantastic performance from hunts baking and jose diaz just enjoying that camaraderie and congratulating each other on having finished the 2022 edition and they will no doubt um just after the dust is settled or the mud has settled rather in this case they will look back at that clock to see just where ktm are finishing right now that there was word on the course that they were over nine minutes back which means that that six minute advantage they had has been wiped out but it all depends on what that clock says will be looking very carefully ktm alchemist and attitude the churchy and tronconi pairing were 19 minutes back off willier pirelli factory but significantly they were ahead by six minutes and eight seconds ahead of buff megamo however at the time check we saw that with all is all switched around and that advantage had been wiped out but we will be focusing our attention now on the celebrations of daniel gasmar notably on the front most of today's stage with ravensteiner able to match him pedal strike for pedal stroke an exciting rider on the scene of mountain bike stage racing guest meyer a massively strong rider and we heard from carl platt earlier that he was pushing out right about 400 420 watts on that climate for a rider 73 kilos that is incredibly impressive and raven steiner able to be a worthy partner of the massively strong austrian rider and that picture right there tells a thousand says a thousand things a thousand words about how their performance was just so dominant over these last five days winning four out of the five stages resplendent in their cheviot yellow jerseys the leaders jerseys with the steinbach on the left sleeve and uh some celebrations and see the rest of the riders pouring through they'll be doing some interviews with uh with the press and just telling how they did it how they managed to pull off that 2022 victory at the spa swiss epic as we see the riders still tearing down on the gorgeous trails as they head into the final finishing run into davos the last race village one of three race villages of the 2022 edition of the race we were in larks a couple of days ago a loop around locks locks and the first finish first race village was in a rosa three race villages and the riders having covered almost 360 kilometers and over 11 000 meters of climbing they will have earned that finisher's medal as they will be receiving a hero's welcome when they arrive in davos so dario's on the line with the riders will be hearing from him in a moment and uh also be looking at that clock that countdown clock just to see how much damage buff megamo have done to the team ktm out ktm alchemist and attitude of shershey and trunkoni they were 19 minutes back as we were talking about that 19 minutes back to william pirelli factory that is not what they're concerned about they'll be concerned about buff megamo the team on the rise throughout the week buff megamo had bad luck on stages one and two and stage three and four they made good and stage five they really made it count with some urgent chasing at the front and we're just watching just a bit of a recap on how today went to stage five the 58 kilometer stage with 1800 meters and 50 1850 meters of uh of climbing just looking back just to see the contrast of course yesterday's stage yesterday stage was pretty much rain throughout and with the riders coming home after a 100 kilometer loop a 100 kilometer transition stage beggar pardon between larks and davos [Music] just very early on we saw a move from the yellow jerseys an unexpected move after a quick surge from hunts baking we then saw the consolidation of daniel gerstmeyer riding on their willy air bikes and special bikes for the occasion the red bike of daniel gasmar perhaps denoting the austrian championship and the white and and blue bike of uh fabian ravensteiner he is of course the european marathon champion a title he earned himself in the middle of this year enjoying the trails unique trails in the region and the network of trails around the boss just uh showing us what mountain biking in switzerland in the grapen region is all about as they conquered the alps these trails magnificently a unique and uh real taste of any mountain marker and certainly a test of this team but they were up to it they were more than match their rivals all week in fact today was very much a point of trouncing their rivals in the early part leaving the trails free to enjoy and of course to drive home their advantage one point they had over two and a half minute advantage and that left them the luxury of enjoying the trails and just enjoying their final run-in to davos we're behind fabian ravensteiner with the bulls media e-bike of carl platt a worthy person to be following this leading pair on the trails [Music] flawless performance from guest meyer and fabian ravensteiner today showing that they were absolutely the dominant team no one to touch them on that stage three and four they were matched pedal strike for pedal stroke but it was more or less a position of just defense they could afford to take it relatively easy and leave it up to their rivals to attack but today they wanted to do that final victory lap around the davos trails and show the world shall the mountain biking world the strongest team in mountain bike stage racing really is on today's stage stage five the of the 2022 sparse epic swiss epic was a jam-packed day and exploring the famous trails paradise the devos single track and it was really the highest of the highlights for the riders and the weather play ball and we saw earlier some of the most beautiful views and also taking in some of the legendary races best love trails and the best love trails around the world not just in this region and the trails include the panorama the fluella ishab and volgan trails and each of them unique but one agenda was on the eyes of the team william pirelli was not necessarily to enjoy themselves but to do the job at hand to finish the job to finish at the race in yellow and to win the stage guest meyer on the front most of the stage ravensteiner matching and pedal stroke for petal stroke guest meyer the winner of the 2017 edition ravenstein at 2019 and finally they can ride together and win the 2022 edition and all looked very much in control as they navigated the trails around the boss [Music] is the bulls media ebike giving a chance for the world to see just how magnificent these trails are no doubt there'll be plenty of fomo and that's the idea the idea is to show the world just how magnificent the region is and how what a fantastic performance these riders here put out team williap already are the dominant team at the moment in world mountain biking they uh had a slightly disappointing absolute epic this year and no doubt making good they then went on to the uh to the epic series races and in fact they raced in the four island stage race and that was in april shortly after the absolute cave epic and they placed third riding together and just solidifying that uh partnership and racing with martin frye in fact martin fryer and simon stepjon the singer racing team won the four iron stage race in april and uh second place was the buff mega my team of dreku and bruce guess mine ravensteiner building their campaign building towards the 2022 swiss epic and forging that alliance forging that uh friendship and that bond that has made them so successful on the campaign in the uh in the grab window region of the 2022 edition of the race and you can see there guess my almost celebrating perhaps prematurely but we're very close to home this was the final descent the final descent into devos on the beautiful single track on the flowing single track the bermed handmade hand-cut single track and they could smell victory and they could also hear the announcer in the race village in davos and celebrations on the run-in on the last final corner and raven son of the first to raise his arm and guess meyer and ravensteiner what appearing what a display of dominance and of mountain biking and how to do it how to write how to ride a campaign and to dominate the race the singer racing team the pairing of steve john and martin frye a successful day out for them not quite the win they had yesterday but beckingham diaz great bond between these two the dutchman and the portuguese rider and we'll need to look back at that clock just to see how much damage they've done to the italian team the team of ktm alchemist in attitude they were only had a six minute and eight second deficit to the team but looking at the finish now we'll have to check back at the clock just to see if they have solidified that third spot over that was always their ambition to be on the podium at the 2022 spa swiss epic they wanted to win the uh spanish outfit backing and diaz it's a spanish team a dutchman and a portuguese really the stronger riders on the team buff mega mode 2 dreku and marcilio vergara the backup team for the pairing and the general classification will be able to get those results be those those all important the all-important list of just how well buff megamo have done today to eat into the advantage we spare a thought for ktm alchemist they had bad luck they had a puncture that they just looks like they just couldn't quite repair and of course when you're off the pace it's just so much harder when you're not in that chasing group when you're not able to capitalize on the cooperation and the motivation that you have when riding with uh with with a chasing team or a chasing group it seemed like they were losing hand over fist on the trails into devos so these are the trails that can be written by anyone who enters the next the 2023 edition we haven't yet seen what the course designer has in mind for the 2022 edition but we will be no doubt treated to some of the best trails of the grabunden region and entries open very soon we'll be reminding any rider who would like to come and enjoy these trails the iconic trails and to conquer the alps and just a look at the official gc results william ferrari factory clearly a dominant performance from them but looking down at the singer racing team solidifying that second spot overall seven minutes and 32 seconds down but buff megamoz hunts backing and jose diaz have moved up yet another place today and in the final stage they have taken over that third spot on the podium from ktm alchemist disappointment for churchy and tronconi and they are finishing at uh 28 minutes and 50 seconds 56 seconds down just over a minute um behind above mega mode so disappointing day for the italians and uh really exciting day for baking ideas their ambitions met on the podium of the 2022 edition of the spy swiss epic part of the epic series global portfolio of mountain biking races and also all credit to buff mega mode 2 that's the backup team of becking and diaz being in full support not necessarily um they weren't necessary for the dutch pairing over the last couple of stages but it's always good to have a bit of peace of mind for baking and diaz to have that insurance policy the help on hand if anything does happen now we're going to be going down onto the line to hear all about what the writers thought of today's stage and about how to win a mountain bike stage race so i'm here with the winners of the 2022 swiss epic fabian that was a fantastic last stage and a fantastic week yeah that was our plan our plan works uh perfect today and we want to put the pressure on the first climb on and so we go full gas over the first climb then we see the other teams were struggling and we can go down a bit easier without risk and then in the uppers we pushed hard and we feel good so yeah it was an amazing stage and an amazing victory here at this swiss epic exactly danny geisma it's the second win at the swiss epic after year after last year this is probably much better yeah of course also after my injury now i feeling uh quite good again also this week i i had great legs and with fabian a great partner and also a lot of fun not only pain and i'm super happy to win it again and also with the stage win today was really nice riding here another hard day that was the last day of this year's swiss epic but you're happy with your race yes we never give up we try every day we try every day and yes we try push in the beginning the stage we try to start move early maybe it's a little bit too much in the first time big line but we try every time and half stage for the finish we try to push again and put some some high speed and give all and we don't know what's happened now in the final we waited but we think we finish or we we won't finish in the third pro overall and we will see so happy as well can i take a party you're happy as well with this year's edition i think we made it to the podium not sure yet but yeah you have to fight always still till the last day the last minute and yeah today it was again like like we used to to fight for every second minutes again and i'm just happy painting that jose is back at the level and we can race full out and we have a good second team and it's been an amazing week and we're back live at the uh race when the women's category we the leaders of the day in the highly dynamic stage today we have seen drama unfolding right in front of our eyes right in front of the eyes of stefan sam he has been a witness to one of the most exciting stages we've seen in the women's category to date at the spa swiss epic and exciting right now we have the leading pair at the moment this is vera lawser and kim la court the mauritian and the namibian riders we've saw we saw the earlier the mechanical difficulties of um of the swiss riders and that was the mechanical we saw that the the gear was caught in fact with the derailleur and the pairing between the shifter and the derailleur had uh had been lost and mtb pro merchandising's you need a voiced shifter was completely broken so she had to stop in the tech zone and we also saw some blood on the face of bettina yanus which leaves it up to these two viera laws and kimler court to forge ahead stefan we would love to know what's going on on the trails in the women's category right now yeah um they're riding quite comfortably side by side just uh probably speaking the last tactics for the 10 kilometers mark as we passing the sign right now it's 10 kilometers to the finish awesome flow trail down to the finish line in the water they are riding really well and this this stage was really unexpected thought this morning okay it's going to be a subtle height tomorrow bettinayana's show again because they took the early lead and then the drama happened lots of drums really exciting to to see the women's racing well great to see that uh there is an opportunity for vera loser and kim la court to win a stage and we'll be having a look very closely at the time checks to see how much of an advantage they have probably it's likely that uh bettinianis and adelaide morath will be chasing well after them we would imagine that because of the mechanical woes of uh of worst that we would expect that team to be more or less out of contention for the stage win so it's up to the two teams the team in orange in the orange jerseys the dominant team and we saw earlier the gap to the gap back from vera lawso and kim la court was over four minutes so we'll have to look at those time checks just to see how much that gap has changed daario are you uh getting a sense of of what's going on behind the uh the women's the leading women's team at the moment yeah it looks like the false closest team is uh four minutes and 43 minutes behind still leaders behind vera loser and kim le curt and then another gap of three minutes to the third team to the mountain bike pro merchandising team single annie janina este and deborah piana and we see at the moment where the loser and kimble occurred on this last kilometers and very last is pushing kimber kurt at the moment so they're really going uh for this stage win so that's probably the only stage for these two because the week throughout the whole week it was the first closest chasing really hard we're looking at the time check at the 42 kilometer kilometer mark they have passed that time check and they're heading up to the 50 kilometer mark that is the highest the the high point just before that final descent so there are very close to the finish of the race and with a four-minute advantage on the stage it looks like it could well be theirs they have had a puncture we saw vera lawson kimblecord repairing a puncture they put a plug in they did all they needed to do lost only 20 or 30 seconds stefan some witnessing uh expertise in trailside repair right there he's himself has been an expert in trailside repair but looks like that the namibian and the mauritian could have the stage we see the mauritian in her national championship jersey that's kim la court giving vera lawso just a bit of a shove just to keep the rhythm high and they're sharing the load they're sharing the efforts kim la court the stronger rider on the day today and just showing how team dynamic plays a massive role in the success at a stage race and certainly success at the 2022 spy swiss epic they really would love to win today's stage a prestigious grand finale stage and dario you'll be knowing you'll be talking to stefan down on the trails just to get an idea of uh of what's actually unfolded today we've heard already about the mechanical woes we've heard about the crash of bettina um bettina giannis do we have any more details from stefan on what happened to the pairing of marath and bettina giannis so stay for the video in this last copy uphill with the leaders so did they know that that bettina janas and adel had mother had had a crash and do you know some insights about that um i don't i don't think that the leading women know about the problems of the of the gc leaders um i also didn't see the just a bit but it looks like that bettina turn off and then front was sliding on on some of the level um i on the on the long tarmac uphill i i quickly could uh talk to her and she said yeah everything is okay and they are fighting back but i really like the the gap this big the two women in the front they are pushing hard and it's only a couple of kilometers to go to the top of the mountain and then it's pure joy down to davos have you ever seen anything like that like pure drama in this last stage of the women's race we had a craze we had a flat tire we had a broken exactly though this is this is crazy stuff like you can have the whole stage right it's happening nothing and then everything unfolds on last day it's like uh yeah a problem magnet lying somewhere on the track i don't know what it is that shows how important real uh good race preparation is so to think about everything uh to get the real mechanic stuff with you to know your bike to know uh your partner to know how to fix a mechanical by yourself exactly 100 and it's also about managing uh managing problems on on the track because you know everything kind of happened and then you need to stay calm and make the best out of it just like mountain bike merchandise david given that uh janina had the issue with the shifter but she was pushing the highest gear through all those technical sections and she was never giving up and and still on the third place today so do they get uh some insights from from their mechanics if something like that happens so right in front of the race so you get informations or insights about your your equipment on the bike from a technical side because everybody has to fix it uh by his own yeah yes exactly and that's what what we did in the in the early days of of team balls we sat down before the stage race we had a chat right ahead of that to the mechanic okay look this is in the text this is what this is the part do you need something else what's missing do we need to practice like changing a derailleur or fixing a chain and we did all that uh just before the stage race and throughout the year to keep the to keep up the practice this just not to be yeah to be lost in a situation like that so everything looks good at least for these uh two ladies at the moment it's vera loser and kimberly court in at the front this is the real teamwork on this uh last stage of this year's sport swiss epic only a few meters to go till they enter the downhill exactly and it really helps to have a have a partner uh that's uh where you know he she he or she is there for you and can help you in in any situation even if it's just this small push up the hill it it helps you mentally so that's definitely allowed to push up your own partner up up the hill i think it's also allowed to push the competitor but uh that doesn't make sense nobody would do that you're a nice guy but you're not allowed to push them with your ebike no i'm actually not allowed no no no but hey i mean they are professional athletes they have been through these situations a lot of times and they know how to to manage and handle it but but some of the riders they don't even like to get pushed so uh yeah yeah yeah exactly i was i was one of them of course i had some some days in the states races where i was completely or coming out of illness and i was not fit enough and but i hated it i but i mean carl knew that so he would push me yeah you know the car pretty well so it does it was not that bad if he pushes you you have to stay back exactly i never wanted that you never wanted that so probably it's even better if the rider in front now this is kimmel accord he's setting the pace a bit lower and then for uh for the chasing team member it's easier to yeah just to pedal at the own speed it really it really depends on the type of rider but i made it to the top we are now heading down towards the walls so this is the final joyride back down and just keep concentrated don't really get him down onto the memory bomb no man okay [Laughter] yeah we had a lot of uh swiss words for uh all the youtube and the livestream community so we have the quickly bond we had what do you have more um there are only the bad words i think that they get filtered out so the all the bad words they come from our german friend a lot of peeps peeps in the livestream exactly that was not a technical problem that was called blood so the efficient uh inch wrestling coffee team verlos kimble accord at kilometer 45 on top of the last build at the east alp just went through enjoying their time in this beautiful downhill interface pretty fresh track i think about three or four years ago they built it that one yeah we have we've been riding this one in the in the pacific already was it last year as well i think it was last year yes now really cool really cool track and it's good for everyone so even if you are a kind of a beginner you can enjoy it on a slower pace and if you if you advance you can just uh speed up a bit yeah as fast you go as hard trailers so that's the good thing in in trails in the flow trays like this exactly so which style did you enjoy the most during the whole week steve fun which trail oh can i say all of them probably you can no i really the diversity is so great here whatever whatever you feel like for the day you can ride like you said before you take your normal bike you go for epic cross country oh you take the gondola you take the lift go to the bike park enjoy a gravity day or take the e-bike or whatever you want it's just perfect trail conditions everywhere yeah that's exactly how it is throughout the whole summer and uh even in autumn trails are amazing up here in this beautiful part of switzerland it's called grabinden so next year the swiss epic will be back and i think neil it's already possible to get a starting place for next year edition is that right no dario the entries open soon they open in september so we'll be putting up some information on the screen shortly after the finish just how it's how to enter to enjoy the alpine experience and to have an opportunity to conquer the alps and registration opens on the seventh year seventh of september and that's the for the 2023 edition so writers who would like to take advantage of of the race and to enjoy the swiss hospitality and a full-service mountain bike stage race five nights in swiss accommodation they will need to enter quickly because entries do sell out so set your set of reminders for the 7th of september fantastic display of mountain biking we saw there earlier just the riders of a team efficient ensure infinite efficient infinity ensure rare street coffee vera laws and kimberle court reaching that summit reaching that last climb of the day and heading down the flow trails and we'll be waiting to see at what point devos clusters women reach that uh reach that timing check mtv pro merchandising team chingalani seemed to be out of contention with that uh very unfortunate uh mechanical issue they had with their derailleur and their shifter and the voice clusters women do have a very large gap a very comfortable gap in fact of 13 minutes and 37 before the stage today they have last over four minutes on the stage today but vera lawso and in front of her kimler court in the mauritian national championships jersey they are absolutely on a storming day every every one of the riders every one of the top three teams have had their bad luck the team in front of us right now have had issues with their tire they were able to repair it very quickly within a few seconds 20 seconds 30 seconds or so making the rider in behind them following on the bulls media ebac stefan some proud as he himself was an expert in trailside repair pretty much the aptitude of a trauma surgeon able to diagnose and spot and come up with a solution and execute quickly no doubt he was telling us earlier about how he would practice those solutions practice those those repairs and clearly vera lawson and kemler court are well-seasoned mountain bikers well-seasoned campaigners in mountain bike stage racing and we've talked about the other teams also having their words bettini bettina janis had issues in fact she was asking her partner to slow down there was a bit of a gap early on we saw the team willia pirelli making a gap in the women's team the women's leading team the dominant team of the race of the week also putting some pace down on that climb and maybe putting bettinianis under a bit of pressure we heard her shouting at her partner and perhaps for adelaide morath the resort pony syndrome setting in just smelling home and just putting the pace up just a little bit not quite looking after a partner as much as possible and of course when that happens when a partner is on the limit that's when mistakes are made so let's uh get to hear from adelaide morath on the line when they do arrive exactly what happened there if it was an error or if it's just what mountain bike stage race is all about stefan spoke about problem the problem magnet phenomenon it does happen sometimes it never rains it pours but all fell all the cards fell in favor of this team in front of us vera lords of the namibian a multiple namibian champion time trial road and mountain biking and she is being led to the finish in davos by her friend and mauritian teammates kim la court and they'll be smiling already they might even get a chance to hear the announcer calling their names right now and dario you're in touch with stefan on the on the trail right now on the road in as we see danny schneider finish in the master's gallery cementing that masters category jersey but let's hear from stefan dario let's talk to stefan about if the if we can see the writers smiling yet as they head into davos they are probably they're happy to be over that uh last uh uphill so kimberly kurt and vera all say oh they're already celebrating relaxing it looks more like like giving full guards till the end it's absolutely full guards because it's like the uphill and with a nice headwind so there are also slip streaming they're not smiling yet but they can smell the finish line and what a great performance today of these two yeah that's it's really amazing even in a dramatic race like that you always have to stay cool and to stay focused on on the stage when and that did it pretty well absolutely it's only finished at the finish line yeah hi i never come to mitsubishi [Music] but it's true it really sounds stupid but it's like that even now mechanical can happen or a stupid crash or something yeah that it's exactly nice and we've seen that in in today's race so as i talked before shifted broken shifters flat tires a crash from bethinayanas we have some insights on the issue on that after the uphill the force closed this now four minutes and 43 seconds in the back and then eight minutes and six uh seconds in the back it's the mountain bike pro merchandising team chincolani and inaudible so it looks like a comfortable gap between the leaders and the second team so stage win for the veda loser and kimberly kurt i say it now stay fun [Laughter] yeah i'm not sure about the walking part but it could at least the push bike yes at least the pushback so that was really good i was a bit worried about the situation after the flat tire that the kimberley courthouse but they fixed that flight time pretty good and pretty fast yeah they were they were really really fast and managing it really really at first i think the the air was uh was still in the tire a bit and they had to decide if they want to stop or not but then after uh after a second bump on the rim it was clear that yeah and the only chances to just plug it and pump some more air yeah so they're riding a tubeless tire with some sealant in the tire so all these uh small punctures they get fixed pretty well and easily and uh pretty pretty fast but it was a really rough trail with lots of like uh razor sharp stones with uh looking out and you could easily you could easily destroy a wheel if you're not careful yeah the livestream was so fast both all of the ride has been so fast that we couldn't even figure out how rough the the trail was on on the way on the way down yeah absolutely like even with my big tires i sometimes felt uh felt astonishing the room so perfect only a few meters to go five minutes now at the gap to the second ladies the fourth close to swim and they just went through at kilometer 52 at the balkan so now this is pretty much the graffitale that shows elysee of the swiss epic for the for the two two women riders they're making their way to the finish line you wanna sing with me what do you wanna sing [Laughter] that's what a tray sounds like the trailer out of the flier was oh that was definitely so this once again a beautiful drone shot from that trail down from the east alp to the balkan so team by team is dropping here in in the finishing area says team divorce the man came in shaking hands everybody's smiling everybody's having a good time getting a finisher beer what an effort devoted performance congratulations to all the riders so coming back to the falls after a fantastic week of five days of racing and what an appropriate scene to see of um a mountain biking race that perfect beautiful single track section as the riders head into devos an idea just of how much fun these riders have had there's been challenges certainly along the way but an amazing reward that final bit of single track just before they reach the final finishing stretch into devos and a reward for a hard week 359 kilometers of riding all week and 11 800 meters of climbing in the swiss ups no mean feat to have earned that finishers medal and be excited to hear from dario darn on the finishing line just the smiles and celebrations of the riders as they know they have conquered the alps but we will be focused very much on this pairing right here a huge success for the mauritian and the namibian they will have dreamed of a day like today they have certainly had their fair share of troubles but they have emerged victorious of a day of drama in the women's category drama struck all the top three contending teams and kemler court and vera lawso have prevailed they've kept it all together they've stayed patient all week and they get that reward that stage when the hugely prestigious stage win in the grand finale of any stage and especially a race as prestigious as uh the spa swiss epic and they just are able to mount the stairs those tired legs just the last little bit of effort they have to put in before they reach the finishing line they will be able to hear the announcer by now and they'll be buoyed by the spirit of the fact that the prospect of winning a stage at the spa swiss epic in the back of their minds we didn't see them smiling before even though they were very close to the finish in the back of their minds no doubt will be that plug in that rear tire uh just praying on their minds just to the bar there we go they have a bit of a smile there and uh dario we're about to hear from stefan he can take us uh take us through the emotions down on that uh down on that last section of talk so daniel and fab and i fabian rabenstein they started celebrating at this point of the route but uh yeah the ladies are still going full girls they are still still going forward because they also don't know the gap towards the back or maybe they want to want to improve something in the pc but kim record is still pulled up the slide tail went down through the city of davos heading to the finish line but we got a thumbs up and a smile from her face so they actually know nothing can happen anymore they will be winning the stage the final stage of this year's swiss epic and it's a really great performance despite all the bad luck and all the drama that was happening today so they're only they're heading into entering the we are entering now into the arena the last couple hundred meters to go avoiding the oh no she's taking it straight through the model of pad and i think now they can enjoy and celebrate congrats well done [Music] what an amazing performance of these two winning the final stage especially especially in a stage like that so much winners of the fifth stage of 2022 at eastern of the swiss epic congratulations to the ladies the gap to the second team to the first closest women it was already five minutes and then another eight minutes at the last point at eight minutes and 16 seconds [Music] [Music] well what a performance from the mauritian and the namibian a dream come true they dared to dream as midway through the stage there was absolute drama happening and the issues afflicting all the top three teams in their dead stream we just saw in the background uh connie law's a husband of avira laws are there to congratulate his wife the fantastic performance from from the two and uh just consolidating their efforts and at the very end making absolutely sure kimler caught absolutely full gas they would probably have known they had a very significant advantage over their chases but just making absolutely certain in the run into devos as they prepared for that celebration not a very long celebration but they knew when they hit the grass they had the win in their grasp and uh congratulations from the rider that in fact followed them throughout the stage stefan some on the bulls media ebike bringing us the pictures bringing us the amazing coverage from the trail side and knowing exactly what went on it's really an absolute privilege to be able to get information from the from the bulls media e-bikes right there as it happens and we certainly were treated to a magnificent display of uh resolve and resolve on the on the part of vera lawson kemler court dealing with that puncture issue they had and dealing with it quickly and decisively they will know their seasoned mountain biking campaigners they know exactly how to do it and that experience rewarding them on today at all all the cards fell in their favor and they were able to take the final stage the prestigious stage into the spa swiss the final between the final stage of the uh 2022 spa swiss epic held in graubunden the race village of davos welcoming the riders a hero's welcome for them and we will wait to see just how far back the devos clusters women are they haven't got to the finish quite yet there's still a couple of kilometers to go they had a five minute and 49 second deficit on the stage to uh to the efficient infinity insure rare street coffee team right about the 53 kilometer mark 54 kilometer mark and uh mtb pro merchandising team jingalani had a terrible day out there with their mechanicals with an issue with the shifter you need a versus saying that she had a crash through during the stage and when they reached the downhill she realized that she'd actually damaged her equipment so credit for them for getting back on the bike and repairing it and all within the rules they visited the tech zone and got some trailside repair done and saved their campaign the first three teams on the overall are home from the women's category and uh vera laws are winning the stage with kim la court bettina yanus and del morath on their way home as we speak with the universe and deborah piana about eight minutes back or so at the last time check around about the 53 kilometer mark and the standing by to welcome the orange jersey whereas the devos clusters women the team had looked so dominant for the last uh four days winning four out of four not to be today with their woes we'll hear exactly what happened on the trail side from adelaide barath pushing quite hard on that first climb and putting bettina janis under pressure and bettina yellows having a bit of a fall difficulties throughout the stage and capitalizing on that via laws in kemler court but very much still waiting for the orange leaders to vitalize jerseys to enter the fray and to confirm their dominance on the 2022 spy source epic their lead never really looked in any doubt although they have lost over five minutes almost six minutes today to the pairing of loser and la court the team that they were really worried about are still behind them bust and piano we are with stefan with the uh with the overall leaders the orange jerseys and uh riding in front and i saw adelaide smiling they're really they're happy about this congrats for winning the 2022 swiss epic incredible performance a little of a ditch today with so many stuff happening but really the dominant team over the whole five stages finishing with the second place on today's stage and winning the overall and stefan all creditor bettina yanus holding it together and uh a crash is never easy an easy thing to recover from pushing pushing hard digging deep and now the grand finale enjoying the last meters media ebike where you can see the celebration they're celebrating a second place on the stage but more importantly the overall victory that a repeat of their 29 victory together in fact adelaide barath winning together in 2019 with her partner bettina yanus the all-german pairing devos clusters women exciting pairing before the race we always thought that this would be the team to watch and are the all fans all mountain biking fans and the and uh punters cited this team as the favorite team to win and they did disappoint they raised their bikes above their head uh for that all-important finish that stage finish picture that will go down in the history books they'll remember this moment for the rest of their lives and keeping their sponsors delighted with a fantastic victory and the champagne is close on hand as yes the traditional heroes welcome as they will taste that very sweet and sweet taste of success and just being able to enjoy the moment and soak it all up at the 2022 spa swiss epic we're joining the uh the mtv pro merchandising team the team that were plagued by mechanicals playing by an issue with the derailleur with a shifter in fact he needed voiced breaking her shifter but getting it repaired quickly losing eight minutes on the day and of course riding with piano they had an excellent week and they're here to cement their second position on overall general classification a fantastic performance from the italian and the swiss rider and they'll no doubt be celebrating they've lost not a lot of time not significant amount of time bearing in mind they still have a huge advantage over the third place on overall general classification laws and the court the moment is theirs they'll remember this moment the young riders young swiss and the young italian enjoying the moment as they cross the finishing line having earned that finishes medal and that spot on the podium we'll be able to see just uh we're going to hear from them down the line dario we'll be catching up with the riders momentarily just to get just to get a real feeling of how the proceedings wait on the day so we're confirming that result the uh pairing of vera lawson chemical winning today's stage in three hours and 18 minutes and 41 seconds along another long day out even though it was only 58 kilometers the final stage the final stage of fifth stage of the 2022 edition and uh devos clusters women coming in six minutes back six minutes and six seconds in fact behind the uh in efficient infinity ensure rare street coffee team and in third spot on the stage keeping their second spot overall universe and deborah piano overcoming their difficulties today team mtb pro merchandising team chingalani all congratulations for all of the riders great sportsmanship between them as they have absolute respect for each other because they know just how hard it is to conquer the alps to overcome the difficulties the tribulations and the challenge of covering over 350 kilometers 359 kilometers covered over this week over the five stages starting in a rosa passing through the start to the start finish town the race village of larks and uh heading finally into the last race village of davos today where we are today bringing these images live the celebrations at the 2022 spa swiss epic and in the background we can see the another former winner of the race ariane luty congratulating the winners and the protagonists of the day just to look back at this start this morning slightly later start for the riders as they headed out on the 58 kilometer course the last of the uh of the stages of the five days we've been spending out here in the grabunden region an early move on the climb the uh hearing of uh bettina yanus and the dalai morath just putting quite a lot of pressure down on the climb distancing their rivals and perhaps putting janus under a little bit of pressure see janus just calling to her partner just to slow down a little bit and to keep the pressure off there's no need there was no need for them to gain any more advantage if there's any reward for their efforts just have to look to our right the spectacular scenery that has become known for the uh spy swiss epic and any rider tackling this race will be treated to the most magnificent chocolate box views of the of the race and of the grabunden region today's trails were highly unique we saw the most we saw the most unusual um unusual trails the most unique trails we've seen and it's all part of that the trail network around the boss exciting trail network all riders can enjoy all year round but uh in the heat of battle we saw the uh the likes of uh bettina janus and adal barath being challenged by bust and piano and after their efforts on that first climb we saw the teams began to all come together and leaving the top three teams on overall and the top three teams on the stage to contend for a stage victory a prestigious stage victory at the swiss epic it's uh no mean feat just to complete the race to win a stage it is every athlete's stream in the 2022 edition of the spa swiss epic it's no exception as we follow the uh mtv pro merchandising team down the descent we have been hearing about the difficulties that uh janine versus had with her shifter and having to pedal in the biggest possible gear and with the whole system the shifting electronic shifting system just having an issue after a crash interference nina burst having to wait until the tech trailside repair to address it and at this point all she could do was uh pedal in the biggest gear and a little bit of uh urgency at the tech zone or within the rules being able to repair it by the official take zone partners and getting them back on the trails but this left it all up to the mauritian and the namibian a huge opportunity for this pairing to have the woes of their own an opportunity for them to win a stage get their name and lights and vera lawser leading the mauritian kimler court down the trails down the tricky trails this particular section of very rocky and of course playing another big role in the stage where they too had mechanical woes a flat tire that is the rear tyre of kim la court knowing exactly what to do being a season campaigner we've talked about it before it's all about damage control how a rider and a team can handle the inevitable ups and downs when the inevitable downs in particular is really defining the victory the difference between victory and defeat and getting back on their bikes very soon they were able to address it within 20 or 30 seconds and plugged the tire put a bit of air in it and just following the uh following the trails down into the boss with a bit to cover still and needed to consolidate that advantage and just to ride steadily knowing that uh the riders behind them were going to be breathing down their necks but we had stefan some on the bulls media e-bike to bring us all of the pictures and all of the live updates and all the information as to what was happening on a drama full day in the women's category with kim la court just giving her namibian partner just a little bit of a nudge just to keep the pace high as they approach the final section of the trails the last downhill trail of the race of the 359 kilometer race maximum concentration as they were able to surge on the final straight going into devos and just leaving it till the section on the grass for them to celebrate we saw some smiles before the section now the bigger smiles and they are able to really soak up the moment and enjoy themselves and a dream come true as we said it's an absolute honor to win a stage like the last stage at a stage race like this the spa swiss epic and consolidating that orange leaders jersey is the uh german pairing the all-german pairing of bettina janus and the delightful wrath enjoying the moment didn't win today's stage that would have made it five out of five they had to be content for four out of five having won the first four stages today it was a matter of consolidating and enjoying crossing the line and saving the day for themselves with huge mechanical woes you need a voiced and deborah piano team mtb pro merchandising team chingalani as the orange cheevito leaders jerseys wearers had a chance to celebrate and taste success so we're live on the finish line and we have dario with us who is currently with the uh the successful riders on the stage the winning women's team dario will bring you their words so 2022 swiss epic is done and a victory at the end of this stage race yeah i mean what i'm getting emotional because we had really a lot of bad luck in this year and um it's my first specific and yeah we we didn't expect to win today we just we had nothing to lose so we gave it all and uh yeah it worked i mean there are not super heavy and uh yeah i can't explain how heavy i am you pushed really hard till the end didn't you know that you had such a big cap to the second uh ladies team to force close this um we heard we had two minutes at one point and then i got a puncture um so we got a bit nervous and um and then we heard we had four minutes but you never know like yesterday we had a problem in the last 20 k's so we pushed to the end even though the gap was four minutes okay thank you very much kimberly carter straight moving over to uh vera losser vera we're live in the live stream now did that puncture at the last part we have brought you out of your consistency i think it gave us more adrenaline so we were shaking using to fix it trying to fix it and but luckily it kept the air in and then we could just go full gas to the finish so it's beautiful to to finish a race stage race with the wind yes it's amazing especially it's our first stage win here we start with the second place and then third the whole week and then finishing it off with the win is amazing and especially with having such a great partner yeah it was an awesome week lots of emotions but yeah nice let's celebrate yay so let's celebrate what a fantastic win today so adelaide four wins out of five stage and overall winner at this year's as we said we are at uh can't be better yeah we won that race happy for the day [Music] yeah betty was quite tired so we decided more to enjoy that stage and make it safely to the finish together so we are just happy to to be here [Music] if we took the right turn and i was looking for the signs and in this moment there must be a hole in the grass but they didn't see them i took the grass with my face but nothing serious i'm fine you're fine it was a big drama during this race you had a broken shifter at the third team mountain bikes in colombia you had a flat tire at the front and then you crashed so through the whole stage big drama in the women's race amazing that's stage racing in the last days you never can be sure that you we had a gap a comfortable gap but you can never be sure and so today the plan was to do to ride safely didn't take any risk no crash no defect okay that's a little crash but yeah it was now a plan to take the stage when today is just the overall and you're happy about your overall yeah yeah because i had really tough times in 2019 i won together in adelaide in 2020 i got mama mom in 2020 why one i broke my wrist in 100 pieces and now i am back on the top of the podium that's cool thank you very much and we're back live on the finish line and uh the successful riders of the 2022 edition of the spa swiss epic and all part of the epic series portfolio of mountain biking events the most exhilarating rewarding and spectacular mountain bike stage races on the planet and the global portfolio of best-in-class modern marketing stage races give riders an opportunity to challenge themselves and also to explore the iconic regions around the world accurate iconic mountain marking regions one of these races one of the eight races is the winds to whales held in the western cape and the wine lands of the western cape an awesome riding experience from lawrenceford elgin hermanus uh founded in 2019 and uh we visited many of the famous winelands of the region the fnb winds to wales route and taking riders from the wine from the wines of lawrenceford and elgin to the wales of hermanus we'll have a look at those images right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the hellenberg base in the home to the start of eight days of the untamed this is the 2022 absolute epic the race that measures all this is brutal i'd say hardest mountain by grace on the planet brings out character and everyday age you feel all sorts of emotions it's incredible you'd have to um just sit there out and you have to bite fast as we say in afrikaans and yo you have to work with your partner you can't do it alone [Music] it's very hard to cope under those conditions and to keep it together riding wise and you know meant to let you see yourself through those bits [Music] [Music] just take it step by step don't focus on what i see tomorrow focus on today [Music] yeah cape epic is a real adventure it's more than a race it's uh yeah through south africa beautiful landscape and uh yeah it's it's one of the best races [Music] why the beautiful people south africans really [Music] it's the last days here in sellenbosch enjoying the trails jumping on the trails and just having a good time [Music] four weeks ago we weren't sure if we can come here because um we are a super new team low budget we got i think maybe the last camper available in south africa and now we're here winning the overall it's unbelievable do this together and accomplish such a hard mission and challenge was yeah it's really a special feeling and to share with songo as well is really really cool [Music] so second edition of the andorra mountain bike classic pyrenees kicked off with a punchy 19 kilometer prologue day two was stage one phenomenal 42 kilometers with 1500 meters of climbing in glorious beautiful sunshine then the queen stage from canelo to la masala 60 kilometers with almost 2 000 meters of climbing about two and a half thousand descents the final day starting in julia delorean at natureland the rider's favorite stage 49 kilometers 1300 meters of climbing and time to celebrate [Music] is [Music] siempre [Music] it's not easy yeah yeah definitely hard yes great nice descents super beautiful country [Music] a [Music] play [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] some spectacular images from the epic series events and we're back live on the line as uh as we see the riders pour through into devos into the final race village and uh we've had an exciting week of racing and we'll be cutting very shortly to uh the results to see the the descriptive pros of just how well it's gone for the top professional athletes and uh we'll be seeing the stage winners and of course the overall general classification the prestigious chevita leaders jerseys being presented shortly but we're going to have a look at just what what the results look like after a long week of racing yes [Music] [Music] here we're live we're live right now with the the e-bikes the bulls media e-bike riders and it's a great opportunity for us to wish uh presenter dario a very happy birthday and we've got uh ready with the most enormous birthday cake hiding behind these bags yes that's true it's dario's birthday today can you hear me so big congratulations to daario on his 29th birthday today [Music] 29 years no no yeah daddy is saying he doesn't want to be 29 anymore 49 is perfect okay we're just looking at the clock timing down after four hours of riding the riders we're pouring in and just to note on the results two hours 37 is all it took for wheelier pirelli factory racing to reach the finish after 58 kilometers the fantastic performance by rabensteiner and gerstmeyer as they surged on the very first climb and took one minute and 14 on the singer racing team there was a chasing group select chasing group of buff mega mob and team singer racing team unspeaking and jose diaz finishing with the singer racing team and of course really their main aim was not only to win the stage but even more important was the overall gc they were looking for a third spot on overall gc and william braley asserting their dominance making it four out of five stages the race village of davos a scene of a heroes welcome and uh activities for all it's uh very much a family sport here at the spa swiss epic with plenty to do in the race villages for everyone while the athletes head out onto the course and challenge themselves in the alps shortly the general classification the very telling result sheet of how it's gone all week for willie apparently factory racing up to 16 hours and 19 minutes of racing raven steiner and guess my the italian and the austrian dominant into in this week's spa swiss epic and singer racing team a fantastic performance by the german team seven minutes 32 down with buff megamoe moving up another slot today yesterday they moved up a slot from fifth today they moved into the all-important and significant third spot huntsbacking in jose diaz in third spot at 27 minutes and 10 seconds off and unfortunately for team ktm alchemist attitude they had a puncture really early on they struggled to repair it and they lost important they lost significant time and uh with the late charge of buck megamo they lost that third spot on overall disappointing for the italians they are young they will be back no doubt to fight another edition at the swiss epic no doubt we'll see them in 2023 to exact their revenge [Music] and in the women's category an exciting day out one of the most exciting stages we've ever seen at the spa swiss epic efficient infinity insure rare street coffee the underdogs of the day and the cards fell in there fell in their favor today with lawsa and lecourt really taking the others to the putting the others to the sword clusters women in second six minutes down mtv pro merchandising team chingalani after their difficulties mechanical issues with their gearing eight minutes off the pace and fantastic performance and massive congratulations to their first stage whenever lawson and the court they'll remember this day forever saw a fantastic performance from the overall gc leaders all week we saw four out of four stages from janus and marath davos clusters women win the 2022 edition of the spa stress epic janice and marath having 15 minutes and 34 second advantage over mtb pro merchandising team chingalani bust and piano woes today yesterday fantastic day out nearly taking the stage with lawsa and lecourt efficient efficient infinity ensure rare street coffee using 36 minutes on overall but cementing that third spot a prestigious third spot on the podium will see them on the podium now will be able to gauge from their smiles just how much it means to the immersion and the namibian but the day belongs to the german pairing janis and marath former winners in fact winners in 2019 repeating that performance in 2022 as we watch the riders pour into the stage finish of devos one of three stages we started in a rosa we passed through larks we stayed two nights in lux and we ended up in davos in grabunden as we see the results in the men's category that the masters category stallback's danny schneider wrote sport at stage five they won in three minutes and ten three hours and ten minutes and six minutes ahead of their nearest rivals and in third spot terrier and roth seven minutes down seven minutes 51 down in the heart the tightly fought masters category and danny schneider of course we've talked about it earlier he is one of the last steinbach's one of three riders who have finished all nine editions of the spa swiss epic tremendous achievement another tremendous achievement for danny schneider and for his partner thomas stahl to have won today's stage and of course cementing their position on overall wearing their blue masters leaders chibita leaders jerseys and definitely another year for damage needed to remember at his home race you've been tuning in and watching the uh 2022 spa swiss epic and some of the most spectacular trails the mountain biking world has ever seen really is the home of mountain biking mountain marking heaven and registration for the 2023 event opens on the 7th of september entries do sell out so set your calendars for the 7th of september to be quick on the draw quick on the click as they say to register for the for next year's event that will be held in the month of august similar to this month and the riders will be again exploring the grabunden region and we'll be hearing a little bit later in the year from the root course designers exactly what that route will look like the three and more or less 360 kilometers we're looking at the gc results of the masters category that is the blue jersey holders stol bikes danny schneider radsport that's thomas stahl and danny schneider winning the overall in the category of riders over 40 years old by over 52 minutes 52 minutes and 19 seconds interior and wrath and bachmann and hurleyman one hour and 21 minutes down 20 seconds fantastic performance from starbucks daddy danish leader wrong sport the pairing the bike the bike company founder and the former professional pairing up and taking victory in this prestigious masters category the beautiful images of the town of devos the final stage location of the 2022 spa swiss epic glimpse of some of the swiss hospitality you'll be staying in if you do you did enter the race and a few of the alps to see some of the riders coming in having earned it finish his medal the last section of single track saw the beautiful images of the surfing single track and we have the results on stage five of the next category the male and women the men and women pairing of summer and summer as they finish today's stage in three hours and 39 minutes and 17 seconds and just a one minute advantage over cruisy and hen gartner that's called an larks team another local team another swiss team with the austrians peppering them to the post and in third spot the another larks team mountain bike romantic is harshmed and stalls from germany two minutes and 35 down closely fought stage in the mixed category [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the scene that every mountain micah wants to see as they arrive on the finish line and receive a hero's welcome after conquering the alps 359 kilometers and 11 800 meters of climbing very tricky very challenging but immensely rewarding having ridden in one of the most challenging stage races around the world and we have a look at the general classification in the mixed category summer and summer cementing that overall with over an hour advantage over their rivals kristin and turing and blancone espinosa from croatia finishing an hour back so just to note that this is a tightly fought competition today in the stage but a very dominant performance from samoan summer the austrians [Music] scenes from the start finish village in davos it was a loop course today in devos four hours on the clock and counting riders still coming in you can see the state of the grass or rather the mud as the riders come in this was a difficult day for the riders but not as difficult as yesterday we saw tremendous downpour of rain but today the riders were treated to blue skies and of course with blue skies come those tremendous alpine views join them on the final stage of the spa swiss epic in 2022 and uh just another reminder to set your clock set your calendars for the 7th of september so you can go onto the epic series website and in that also see the portfolio of eight mountain biking stage races best in class and most exploring the most iconic regions iconic mountain biking regions of the world and just a quick recap of the results on stage five in the grand masters category it is the norwegians once again asphalt and snowtimer taking victory a tight victory over karate and fair he's swiss pairing stallbacks fair fellows and party booker another last steinbach finishing his ninth spa swiss epic fantastic performance from the swiss [Music] [Music] so and we're just catching a glimpse of the podium where the top professionals in the men's and women's categories and of course in the other categories they'll be standing on the podium getting their name and lights we can see on the right hand side they're in the red shirt that is party booker one of the last time box the uh what are the writers to have finished all nine at the end of stage five we're going to present to you all our categories the top three on the stage as well as our top three overall on general classification to make all our presentations today merciful miles a massive thank you to rita brenshi the ceo davos clusters tourism association we start with our grand masters for the stage today 58 kilometers in and around davos third position big spike holiday bertie bucha hansier gerber [Applause] your second position on the stage stole bikes thomas girardi marcus faire [Music] [Music] and another stage win for our team from norway te rosa consulting fuel of norway ola oswalt and ernst nedhammer [Applause] ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together for our top three teams and the grand masters at the end of the stage whatever you do do not go away now we're gonna be celebrating the top three teams on general classification in the grand masters category [Music] after 359 kilometers with eleven thousand seven hundred meters of climbing we present to you the top three grand masters teams overall your third position pixel spike holiday bertie buchan hans jerk gerber our two epic legends [Music] your second position and they're both swiss epic ibexes stole bikes fair velos punteja thomas girardi and marcus faire [Music] and the two vikings have conquered the alps and the winners of our grand masters terosa consulting fuel of norway or la hospital and oh snap hammer [Music] [Music] and they need one massive round of applause our grandmasters congratulations and after the grand masters champions of the spa swiss epic t rosa consulting field of nowhere or osvaldo an old snaphammer congratulations so [Music] welcome to the top teams in our masters category at the end of stage five the final stage of our spa swiss epic third position on the stage liz angelo christophe terrier and ismail ross your second position in our master's category the team cami de cabals 360 degrees joan febreren javier mascara [Music] [Music] at another brilliant stage for our stage winners the all swiss teams stole bikes danny schneider rashford thomas stolen daniel schneider [Music] [Applause] [Music] and please put your hands together one more time at the end of stage five these are your top three teams [Music] and we are paging holger and francisca from lux mountain bike romantic please for the award ceremony foreign beautiful foreign [Music] after five stages 359 kilometers 11 000 700 meters of climbing here in krabindin these are our top three masters teams overall in third position it is the team sky picks and congratulations to epic legend andre bachmann with andreas hurliman what is his last name your second position overall it is the team liz angelo christophe terrier ismail rhodes [Music] your overall master's champions in the spa swiss epic ralbindin stall bikes danish neither thomas doll and danielle schneider [Music] [Music] [Music] and the little ones joined the podium as well come on let's give them a massive round of applause to our best in the masters mercy field roy and remember 3 30 we'll be doing the awarding of our absolute epic entries for those who have qualified here at our spa swiss epic [Music] [Music] in our mix category your top three for stage five third position the team larks mountain bike romantique holger harshmate and francesca stotz [Music] second position on the stage another podium for them this week the old swiss team core don lux daniel chrissy karina hengartner [Music] so [Music] winners of the stage as they've done all week the popa florida arts club freister team from austria alexander zomer and sabina zomer [Music] a massive round of applause for our mixed teams and congratulations alex and sabina [Music] no nothing here [Music] your three best mixed teams at the end of five days in gerald at the end of stage five on general classification and in third position the team cbz osfaltos willier alejandro blanco and christel espinota [Music] your second position after five beautiful days in graubunden including our swiss epic ibexes stole bikes meets dirty socks marco kristen leia turing [Music] [Music] and the green jerseys are theirs for life your swiss your spa specific ground blinded mixed category champions the popa flow erbe ortz club freistadt team from austria alexander and sabina summer [Applause] [Music] a massive round of applause and congratulations to all of you to bring a brilliant five days on the bike in our mix category duncanville miles merci [Music] ladies and gentlemen we present to you now our top three women's teams at the end of stage five for our spa swiss epic growl binding and to make those presentations we thank you again retorenci our ceo of the tourism association davos clusters your third position for the stage today mtb pro merchandising team chingolani janina west and deborah piana [Music] second place in the women's category and what fantastic racing it's been all week davos gloucesters women bettina yanas adelaide mourad [Music] and big smiles now as we get ready to welcome our stage winners for stage five the team efficient infinity ensure rare street coffee vera loser kim la courts [Music] [Music] fabulous racing from these teams today and a huge round of applause for these six women at the end of stage number five [Music] [Music] and this now is the podium for our top three women's teams at the end of the 2022 spa swiss epic ralbendon third position overall efficient infinity ensure rare street coffee vera loser and kim la courts [Music] second place overall after five awesome stages mtb pro merchandising team chingolani janine avoist and deborah piana [Music] and now i need to make it loud please beautiful people in divorce our overall winners in the uci woman's category for the spa swiss epic rambling in 2022 davos clusters women bettinayanas and adelaide morats [Music] [Music] and there they are your sixth best woman on the day and your winners davos closest women bettina janas adelaide morad [Music] and our future champion joins us on the podium as well [Music] [Music] time for the final category [Music] 359 kilometers 11 000 700 meters later we on divorce at the end of stage five and these are the top three teams on the stage your third position buff megamore hunts backing jose diaz [Music] second place singer racing team martin fry simon stevian [Music] [Music] and your winners of the stage william pirelli factory fabiani robinsteiner and daniel geismeier [Music] [Music] please a big cheer for our top three teams at the end of stage five at the winners william pirelli factory racing fabi and daniel okay [Music] [Music] now [Music] and our final presentation is our top three teams on general classification overall and these are our top three uci men your third position at the end of our spa specific ground in buff mega mode han specking jose diaz [Music] second position singer racing team martin fly simon stibian had a wonderful stage win this week as well congratulations martin and simon yo spa swiss epigraphind and uci men's champions overall four out of five stage wins william pirelli factory fabian robinsteiner daniel geisma [Music] beautiful people zombie libra rizika plows a massive round of applause and a huge congratulations to your spa swiss epic rambundan champions william pirelli factory fabian ramen steiner daniel geismeier and that concludes our finish line presentations will be back at 3 30 when we do the presentation and the draw for the absolute cape epic entries phil and dunk rito you rockstar [Music] well emotions running high on the final podium celebrations in devos in switzerland at the 2022 spa swiss epic the 9th edition with a scenic and iconic backdrop of the alps big thanks for joining us from all of us and we'll see you at the 2023 edition entries open on the 7th of september see you next year for another 360 kilometers of challenging rewarding trails in the bunden region of switzerland it's goodbye from us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Epic Series
Views: 14,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mountain biking, mtb, cycling, racing, epic series, cape epic, swiss epic, 4islands mtb, fnb wines2whales, w2w, sport, uci, uciworldcups, gmbn, gcn
Id: inwFp_RnSAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 307min 50sec (18470 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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