Stacking Cordwood The Proper Way!!!

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[Music] [Music] how we rain so hard yeah haha I think CDC so welcome back everyone so if you haven't noticed winter is coming winter is coming definitely in our area which means firewood today we woke up and it was a chilly 51 degrees what a contrast from what it was a couple days ago and it was the first time really you know that first day in the end of towards the end of summer where you can you could just feel fall coming when I feel that I get anxious about firewood so our firewood has been curing all summer long and Jack and I are going to start putting it up we actually ran out of firewood last year we went through probably six cords or so we're going to put up twelve this year just to be safe and we're going to stack it in a way that you probably haven't seen before and I'll share that with you at the end of video so we're going to get started here and hope you guys enjoy the enjoy the show so this year we're going to be stacking our firewood piles in the old well the Germans argue that they invented it and the Norwegians say that they invented it I'm going to go with the German narrative is it the Holden housing it's a round pile that we should be able to put a little bit over two chords in and they look wonderful it's a great way it's a self-sustaining wood pile that you don't have to have supports on we've done them for several years now it dries very well it's easy to get to and it looks great so we'll just kind of get started here and if you you that we're starting on this on this kind of a heavy nylon mesh all this is going to come come make sense here a little bit once we get the pile up so it will start by taking our flat flattest pieces that we have jack and we'll lay a perimeter so let's put let's put bigger ones down here jack because we're on a bit of a slope to help level the pile out so maybe something like that height there and the flattest ones here glad the heart rates are going to be healthy I just realized why we're doing that thing on the bottom as soon as you mentioned an area like this yeah that's not the reason but you will see and see what the reason is this mat system is going to come clear here but if you don't if you're not using this and don't have it the process is going to be the same now if you want to get yourself nice perfect circles what you do is is cut yourself a piece of rope about five feet long get a screwdriver or a nail or a stake and stake it where you want the center of the pile and then tie a loop in it and go around 360 and scribe a line in the graphs of the sod wherever you're stacking and that will help you to make perfectly even circles it's worth taking a minute to do that because they look really nice and they're a lot stronger that way so we've got the mat so we have a perfect circle here so Jack what we're going to start doing is stacking these starting on the seams here and not going outside of the of the the base insert we'll start going around right here now if you get really oddball pieces cast those aside that have big knots or they're crooked we'll just use those to throw in the middle the non uniform pieces these would be five feet tall and see it's got to go kinda like a pie shape to the inside circle diameter is smaller than the outside now as we're going along through our piles we're looking for little pieces like little kindling pieces like these sit them aside the perimeter because these are going to come in really handy now come over here I'll explain it to you so if you look here now we're a few courses up we're actually starting to lean out see how the pile is leaning out now if we go up that's going to continue to grow out and they'll fall out so every once in a while when that starts to happen we'll have to take a little piece like this here span the cross make a little bridge and you see how now that's Jack that up again now we can continue to stack and keep that these piles kind of leaning inside you understand okay please look to you me too best time of the year yep yep Ruby yep [Music] like how we train so hard on your heart I think so you take such thing as you will notice you into a human oh okay so that's a pretty good start Jack and I were out of wood so I didn't figure I didn't figure out my locations real great when I would start when I started the processor because it's about a hundred yards there to the north but we'll shuttle it back and forth here with the track team with the tractor and then we'll just keep going but it's going pretty quick [Music] [Music] [Applause] with that you know the problem is is that you I don't think you've ever had a pair that fit you very well either where and Mama's are mine we need to get you a proper pair yeah well uh next time we go to coastal we'll get you a nice pair that fit you better so what we want to do jack is just kind of make a nice gradual dome in the center here without anything sharp - sharp sticking up so this is the best part all right you see right here I want the the logo right there we'll put it right this way and on three I'm going to throw this over ready one two three okay this is a cord would cover oops we got some hookers right there right there that's right let's give it a rotate around like that okay so now line up the straps do you see the straps on the bottom yeah see the ones that we lay down on the on the bottom layer hold on make them straight here so straight down like that go ahead and latch all the latch em all you see the wisdom here so now as we our piles will all be covered and we can adjust it to the top to the pile and the wind won't blow it off and we're all set okay so right here on the side you can see it gives us exactly the wood count in here so when this is at five feet high which is what we have right here it means we have two twos 2.2 cords of wood at four 1.83 1.4 and a 2:1 cord of wood so you would get a really good idea and how much would we go through and how much we burned just by looking at it that's right because this is because the cover had to fit up fit over it actually we could have we could have stacked this a little bit more in here and we'll do that with the next load so it's so we don't have the voids here so rain doesn't sit on it so it sheds rain good feature for what there Vince there's holes in there so as the wood heats up and there's a wood dries and the moisture comes up it escapes out the top and doesn't stay in the pile like if you wrapped in this in plastic or just a tarp all of that moisture just stays in there and the wood has a hard time drying out neat huh I think that that is this the cleverest thing I really liked it last year we on our piles you know they say that a lot of people say that you can kind of stack the top of the wood and use bark kind of like a what would you call it like a tile roof and it sheds the water off I didn't have very good luck with that I did that and I found that my wood got all wet because it just we had a really wet spring and then the snow sat on it and melted down and trickled down into it so I didn't like that so we ended up halfway through the winter trying to strap these big white tarps on there with bungee cords that was nightmare and then the wind would come up and they would blow off we'd look out and the wood piles are not covered it was really a nightmare this is going to solve all that so I'll put a link to these if you want to I get when these for yourself they made by cord wood covers they're actually being built by or the concept was come up with one of our subscribers that contacted me and I was really stoked to order some so we've got six of them that will be 2.2 so what's that 11 cords of wood that will have all into these covers and then we've got I I don't know how much I've got cut over there I probably got 20 cords at least I mean I haven't this is haven't even scratched the surface so we're not going to have we're not going to get them all under these covers but I thought that was kind of cool and I'm very happy to have these so all right well I thought you'd enjoy that thanks for watching and bear start think about getting your firewood in because winter is coming all right we'll see you guys in the next video you forgot to click the thumbs up now is a good time we don't ask for patreon we don't ask for fan funding we just simply ask for you to comment thumbs up and support the channel thanks for watching and if you'd like to get your cordwood cover I'll put a link here in the subject heading move fast I checked on Amazon and there's only five left so once those are gone I don't know when they'll be back but they are a really really great wood firewood storage system for that would work just about for anybody so thanks for watching and we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 841,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: axe, off grid, firewood, cordwood construction, construction, building, roundhouse, self build, tiny house, axe cordwood challenge, cord wood, round, splitting, ax, stackwall, chopping, earthwood, bucking, ecology, wood, woodland home, roundwood timber frame, eco build, timber framing, cordwood challenge, natural building, homesteading, cordwood wall, cordwood, homestead, woodcraft, self sufficiency, modern homesteading, off grid homestead, wranglerstar, self reliance, sustainable, permaculture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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