Stable Diffusion IMG2IMG animation settings Pt. 1. I bought a new GPU for THIS!!

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look at that look at that is oh my gosh oh my God [Music] hey everyone today we're going to be talking about stable diffusion if you saw my last video I spoke about how Google collab has changed their terms and how now they're using a Computing units to measure how much use you can have of Google collab and that kind of you know messes things up for some of us even the ones that pay I don't know how much it is affect you but it's definitely made me want to go out and I bought a brand new GPU so from what I understand you can't just use any GPU I had to buy a Nvidia GPU I got the RTX 3080 and it seems to be working fine with that so I you know that works for me unless they create a version where it just runs smoothly with other gpus then I would recommend getting a Nvidia GPU if you have one then definitely try this I actually want to show you some stuff I worked on since I've installed it locally and here's one of them this is more my more recent one each image on itself it looks great I mean this is as close as we're going to get at the moment to something that's like an animation I was also able to create this one right here I mean this looks amazing and I'll explain why I prefer running stable diffusion locally now because to me it's just giving me some amazing results so let's get into it alright so I will not make a tutorial on how to install it locally because there's already some videos about it so I don't want to repeat uh the information that these people have already put out because you know they put a lot of work into this and a lot of it is stuff that they set up themselves and then you know they set it up for people like me and you who want to get into this so I would definitely want to recommend you to AI entrepreneur this guy really gives you a breakdown of how to install this uh you would want to go to his newest versions of because if this is changing so you want to go to the newest versions of how to install it locally onto your computer and I also recommend a nerdy rodent because this person also has a lot of cool settings that I was able to implement into my videos so once you follow the tutorial I recommend it and you have stable diffusion installed you want to go ahead and open it so once you open stable diffusion you want to go image to image and this is where you make videos this is where you could make a video if you saw my absinthe video you're going to do something similar here where you're going to have to export the individual frames from the video you can do it many ways whatever software you're using to edit and Export you have to make sure that you export it as a PNG or jpeg I do a JPEG so if you want to just be safe because this works for me I just use jpeg so whatever section you want to use export it as individual frames and when you export it you want to make sure you export it with the number zero so that it numbers all your frames like this so when you put 0 it will exported as zero zero zero zero zero zero one and so forth so yeah so you export all the frames put it in a folder and inside this folder you have all your frames right here right and so let's just get one frame let's drag it onto stable diffusion right here you have your frame right here yeah so make sure uh you get the the width and height that you need I believe this is 960 by 960. uh whatever you do just make sure it's the right width and height in pixels and then so you put your prompt in here the cool thing about this also is that you can interrogate and when you press interrogate it's going to give you a prompt based on the information that it sees here which is kind of crazy so it's going to show it's going to say something to the effect of women standing in a room with a window behind her or something like that watch so let's let it load okay here it is woman holding a laptop computer in her hands in a room with window and a blue light by Sailor Moon that's weird um yeah there's no laptop so let's take away the laptop and she's not holding a computer uh let's just say we'll take all this a woman in a room all right let's leave sailor room let's see what happens if you run it as is you might not get the best results let's just try it let's see what we get so yeah as you can see this is not the results you probably want uh I will show you little tricks that you can do to make sure this looks better um first of all the two settings you want to pay attention to is uh CFG scale and denoising strength so the lower you get on the noise and strength the closer it'll look like the actual video I believe that when you put this the FC G scale higher it tries to lean more towards what the prompt says so it's about finding the balance between both of them so I'll put the fcg up and I'll put the noising down so let's generate that all right so look at this this looks way better this image alone looks great now will this look good once it's animating will it do good in every frame we don't know that so what we have to test out is other we have to test out other frames to see the consistency of this so let's close this and add another frame a little bit that's a little different let's try this it looks okay but it's it's not keeping the style uh the way the other style I also wanted to mention that uh AI entrepreneur also gives some great tutorials on how to download Styles so there's this thing where you can create styles to train the AI so like if you want to make your art look more like disco diffusion you can switch the style and it will follow that so I apply the settings come here generate actually that looks pretty cool I mean it looks kind of creepy it reminds me of like the covers of Goosebumps if you guys remember that I don't know if I'm if you guys even know what that is but yeah so that's the kind of styles that you can add uh I have I like using this uh mid-journey style because I like the way mid Journey looks if you're not familiar with mid-journey it's an AI generator as well that runs through Discord um but yeah you can mess around with these let's try cartoon style young blonde woman let's also and here's also something that's going to help you out a lot here uh in the negative prompts is things that you don't want so I don't want like blotches of like that make everything look a little bit more muddy I also want to remove the blurriness and I want to remove the saturation [Music] I want to remove the details and let's try that definitely looks more cartoony but uh not what I want so another thing you have to pay attention to is the seed as it is negative one means that it's random so if you don't get results that you want you can run it a couple times and then figure out what the seed is right here and then a copy it down here so you can get a more consistent style that you like so I'm getting crappy results so let me actually put an artist name Krakowski and let's see if it gives me something better okay that that looks pretty cool so now that I add an artist name and a style it actually gave me some really good results if you go to here down here and you press restore faces let's run it again uh it cleaned it up slightly so now that I zoomed in a little closer look at the face man oh my gosh look at that that looks amazing like this is what's so incredible about stable diffusion that you get amazing images like this so let me test out different frames okay okay yeah this looks really cool so what I did is since I like this style I copied the seed from here and I pasted it down here and so now I get the consistent style throughout the video so once I have a style that I think looks pretty consistent what I do now I go to batch image to image I go to make sure I go to the folder where I have all my frames I copy the location put it in input directory and in that same place create another folder and just name it some just name it the same and then underscore out so that it's easy to follow so you copy you paste it press out since you created that folder everything that's going to be generating will go into that folder so let's run this nice look at this oh my gosh oh my God some of these look kind of funky because obviously it's not going to be perfect look at that look at that is I mean as individual images if it looks amazing once it's done you come into the folder where all the AI files are at you press on the first one make sure that the Importer jpeg sequence is on or PNG sequence is on right here in sequence options press import bam there it is bring it in doesn't come out the same size as the video for some reason so I have to extend this uh just make it longer sometimes I just do it like this faster I just press alt and then drag I might actually make have to be more precise so it's one 125 I believe all right let's see what this looks like all right the thing about AI right now is uh I haven't seen anyone dose something that looks like super smooth as if someone animated this hand-drawn you get a lot of like flickering um a lot of inconsistency in the style you see but like the individual images look amazing look at this getting so close getting so close to getting those smooth animations and then at that point man I feel I I feel for those that animate because this is going to be difficult to compete against but hey I mean if you have a unique art style and you have a unique animation style then there's always job security just like anything if you're very skilled at something you can't yeah you can only do so much with AI because it's if you want something very very distinct if you want something that's very much like that's very specific the AI can't do everything it can only do certain things but it but it can do some very impressive things that can potentially affect uh people who do animation so if I had a video where someone's not moving I can use uh epsonth and I have made a tutorial on that I can get several of these images or like get one of the images and run it through Epson and it'll look pretty smooth but since she is moving so much it's probably won't work so well with Epson I'll mess with absinthe and stable diffusion on my next video and see what I can come up with just tilting the head all these this is like incredible yeah it's very impressive I'm sure if I tweaked the settings a bit maybe I can improve this but for now I'm just gonna leave it like as is yeah hopefully this was helpful if definitely check out those tutorials when you're running this on your local computer it's free I mean the only thing you have to pay for is the GPU and honestly if you plan on paying for Google collab for several months with the way they're doing things now at that point just it's just buy a GPU invest that money so that you can create some cool stuff like this um yeah so that's it for today uh I will at the end of this video I will show you what what I was intending to do with this clip which is have her like open in a window uh and then showing the AI after that and then closing it so here it is and thank you for watching take care God bless hey everyone this is me from the future one of these animations is not the one that I worked on during this video I actually discovered some settings that I really liked afterwards but all the information that I shared here is still useful and can get you started to get some amazing results but you can expect the next video very soon so thank you for your time thanks for subscribing peace
Channel: enigmatic_e
Views: 219,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stablediffusion, discodiffusion, aianimation, img2img, aiart
Id: Jo3c551NT3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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