St. Peter's Lutheran Church - Live Stream 6/28/2020

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning welcome to worship in God's house a very special day we get to celebrate a baptism and we think about our own baptisms as well because when we're washed clean of all our sins we get to pray to the Lord and rejoice that we are his dear children and he gives us a job to do so today we're gonna learn about that great mission and how we get to go on out into the harvest fields of the Lord and work for him we'll follow a special order of service if you picked up a bulletin you'll know that we're gonna do the gathering right on Holy Baptism and then we'll have an opportunity for us to think about our own baptisms as well so with all that in mind we'll worship the Lord together please stand in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen [Music] [Music] I tell you the truth no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the spirit flesh gives birth sir we we were sinners at birth sinful from the time our mothers conceived us [Music] [Music] as baptized children of God we confess our sins holy and merciful father I confess that I am by nature simple that I have disobeyed you in my thoughts words and actions I have done what is evil and failed to do what is good for this I deserve your punishment both now and in eternity but I am truly sorry for my sins and trusting in my Savior Jesus Christ I pray lord have mercy on me us [Music] Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy cleansing her by the washing with water through the word and to present her to himself as a radiant church without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish but holy and blameless therefore is a called servant of Christ and by his authority I forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] let us pray well God protector of all the faithful you alone makes strong you alone make holy show us your mercy and forgive our sins day by day guide us through our earthly lives that we do not lose the things that you have prepared for us in heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God now and forever [Music] con Gatien maybe see that this time we'll continue with the sacrament of Holy Baptism my dear friends in obedience to the command of our Lord and trusting in his promise you have brought this child to be baptized scripture may explain the universal need for baptism as children of Adam we belong to a fallen race from our parents we inherit a sinful nature and would be lost forever unless delivered by our Lord Jesus Christ he willingly took on himself the curse of sin and by his death on the cross redeemed us in all people christ almighty word gives baptism its power to save the Apostle Peter declares baptism now saves you scripture also clearly teaches that the power and the promise of baptism is intended for young and old alike on the day of Pentecost the Apostle testified the promise is for you and your children for all who are far off for all whom the Lord our God will call in bringing meliha to baptism you are doing what is God pleasing jesus said let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for to such belongs the kingdom of God truly I say to you whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it the Gospel of Mark chapter 10 it is in Baptism that God grants a new life of forgiveness joy and peace to little children by the power of God's word this gracious water of life washes away sin delivers from death in the devil and gives eternal salvation to all who believe receive the sign of the Cross both upon the head and upon the heart to mark you as a dear child of God Malea Rae Tuttle i baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit you'd like that the Almighty God Father Son and Holy Spirit has forgiven all your sins and by your baptism you are born again and made a dear child of your father in heaven may God strengthen you to live in your baptismal grace all the days of your life peace be with you now brothers and sisters in Christ our Lord commands that we teach his freshest truths to all been baptized and Christian love encourages us especially parents and those you've chosen to be godparents to pray for this child and assist in whatever manner possible so that Melia may remain a child of God always you are to pray for her support her and ongoing instruction and nurture her in the true faith trainer up in the way she should go according to God's Word and if you are willing to carry out this responsibility then please answer yes I will as God gives me strength yes I will as God gives me strength let's all pray merciful Father in Heaven we thank you for the blessing of baptism by which you offer and grant the forgiveness of sins life and salvation help us to regard our baptism as the robe of righteousness that we are to wear all the days of our life and look with special favor on Maliha grant her a rich measure of your spirit that she may grow in faith and godly living make us willing to carry out our baptize our responsibilities to those who have been baptized so that we all may finally come to the blessed joy of heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord amen god bless you I'll let you return back to the your seats and we'll continue now with the morning him please stand [Music] [Music] [Music] my lips and my mouth [Music] hasten to save me Oh God [Music] praise be to God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit let us worship Him [Music] please be seated it was so good to hear Lilia make a joyful noise and to be brought in to God's family in the Old Testament the family was the chosen once the children of Israel and that wasn't to mean that only their DNA or their physical traits were what mattered they were people of the promise and God made a covenant with them and we know that this foreshadows how he would make a covenant with us and we would be part of his kingdom - we read from Exodus 19 the account near Mount Sinai after they set out from Rafa Dean and came to the wilderness of Sinai they camped in the wilderness Israel camped there in front of the mountain Moses went up to God and the Lord called to him from the mountain this is what you are to say to the house of Jacob and to tell the people of Israel you have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I carried you on eagle's wings and brought you to myself now if you will carefully listen to my voice and keep my covenant then you will be my special treasure out of all the nations although the entire earth is mine you will be my kingdom of priests and my holy nation these are the words that you are to speak to the Israelites Moses went and summoned the elders of the people and he set before them all these words that the Lord had commanded him all the people answered together everything that the Lord has said we will - this is God's Word in place of our Psalm today we have special music Tom's going to sing a song one day [Music] Jesus will buy every wound former things shall up pass away no more tears [Music] and one day you make sense of it all Jesus one day every question resolved every anxious thought left behind no more fear when we all get to hell what a day of rejoicing that will be when we are Seiji we'll sing and shout the victory one day we will see face to face Jesus is hell a greater vision of grace in a moment we shall be changed [Music] in what name will be free for Andy Jesus one nail this trouble we'll see we will see your glory revealed on that day when we are get to hell what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus will sing and shout the victory one name we will see face-to-face Jesus is a greater vision of grace in a moment we shall be changed yes in a moment we shall be changed in a moment we shall be changed on that day [Music] when we are all get to hell what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus will sing and shout the victory will sing and shout the victory that was beautiful and we are of course blessed to know the way to heaven Jesus and we'll get to see Jesus and be with others who believe in Jesus God tells us how that is all to happen when we read the words of the gospel appointed for this fourth Sunday of Pentecost please stand for the gospel Matthew chapter 9 in part of 10 Jesus travelled through all the towns and villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every sickness when he saw the crowds he was moved with compassion for them because they were troubled and downcast like sheep without a shepherd then he said to his disciples the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few therefore pray that the lord of the harvest will send out workers into his harvest Jesus called his twelve disciples to himself and gave them authority to drive out unclean spirits and to heal every disease and every sickness these are the names of the Twelve Apostles first Simon who is called Peter and his brother Andrew James the son of Zebedee and his brother John Philip and Bartholomew Thomas and Matthew the tax collector James the son of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus Simon the zealot and Judas Iscariot who betrayed him Jesus sent these twelve out and commanded them do not go among the Gentiles and do not enter any town of the Samaritans go instead to the lost sheep of the house of Israel as you go preach this message the kingdom of heaven is near heal the sick raise the dead cleanse lepers drive out demons freely you have received freely give the gospel of our Lord give thanks to the Lord call on his name make known among the nation's what he has done you may be seated will join the sing now the hymn of the day spread Oh spread the mighty word [Music] in the name of Jesus Christ workers in God's harvest field will focus on words I read from Matthew chapter 9 and 10 I'll just reread a portion at this time then he said to his disciples the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few let us pray Savior equip us with your holy word that we may indeed go harvest for you as we have such wonderful work to do amen do you have a favorite hymn I like so many of them it's hard for me to pick and yet I know there's one that's always on my top ten list it's a hymn that we often sing this time of year because so many called workers take up their new positions pastor sours actually at an installation of a friend this weekend and many times it seems like just about into July you've got people who are preparing to do the work of the Lord in new locations maybe even their very first location so the hymn I just love to sing hark the voice of Jesus crying who will go and work today fields are ripe and harvest waiting who will bear the sheaves away loud and long the master calleth rich reward he offers the answer quickly when he calleth here am I send me send me so who are these Gospel messengers that that hymn is talking about I used to think that it was just like foreign missionaries we would have Mission fests and speakers would come and tell us what it was like to be in foreign countries and the foods they would eat and how the work was going and we'd sing that hymn but later I realized no matter where you're at no matter what you do for a living that hymn is saying Jesus wants you and me always always to be his gospel messengers so what does that look like well here at Saint Peters we have a gentleman who served nearly 20 years that we're going to recognize next Sunday his title was business manager and he certainly was a gospel messenger we have a younger man who three years ago was installed he just got married this month and along with the others who in the front of the classrooms we call them teachers and there's two fellows who regularly get into this pulpit and do their thing as they share God's Word and we call them pastors but they are probably 50 or 60 committee members or team members on various offices and Sunday School and everything else and we know that they're all gospel messengers - what about those 24/7 gospel messengers in the home they're called dads and moms and they take care of everyone under their roof because Jesus has given them the call to do that and placed his authority in their hands hold but there's more you know that nine hundred plus Gospel messengers are here the Sturgeon Bay community is blessed to have so many people from Saint Peter's in the family as gospel messengers you don't need a title you just need the master giving you his call and you doing what the master wants that's what it is and that's why that hymn says let none here you idly saying there's nothing I can do there's a wonderful purpose that God gives you and me no matter what we do as we share this wonderful message of Jesus you could say this was the first organized evangelism in the whole New Testament how does it start well in Matthew chapter 9 we see that Jesus has attracted a number a large number of people they want to hear what he has to say and he looks up and what does he see the Greek word is Blanc tis my is a great word it means his guts ached he was moved with compassion because they were like sheep without a shepherd they were like these sheep that had gone through a rough patch of thistles and thorns all caught up and bleeding no one to lead him no one to feed him no one to give him anything that they really needed so he begins to heal he begins to teach he begins to share that he is the Good Shepherd you see their religious leaders had demanded much from them but given them nothing they had no comfort they had no one to really have compassion on them and Jesus does something about it because he sees the soul he did take care of their outward needs but he knew the inward condition of each and every soul lost and helpless without him and so he says to his disciples take a good look what do you see and then he compares the whole world to a harvest field ripe green all over all these bleeding souls that need him are suffering without someone to tell them and so he says the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few he just states the fact look at all the souls every single one that God sent Jesus for and Jesus bled and died and and rose for every single soul and there they're ready to be harvested but if they don't know the truth how will they know the way to heaven the harvest is plentiful yes he's describing even our little corner of the world here in Door County harvest is plentiful have you seen the people around there's a lot we gotta go tell them workers are few and that's sad isn't it not enough to go get it there's a limited time if you're a farmer you know we gotta get right now out there look at that harvest everybody oh where is everybody we we need workers we need harvesters we need Reapers to come we don't want it to rot away in the field so what does he do he says therefore pray that the lord of the harvest will send out workers into his harvest that's the first thing pray literally the Greek means beg God plead to God for more workers have you been doing that lately or are you often like me focused on things that are more important that matter more in my little world and not praying about the mission that praying specifically for workers and that offends God you see he's the Lord of the harvest we can't make it happen he's the one in charge so we confess to him Lord I don't have any solutions I know that our pulpits and our our classrooms and our mission fields are lacking workers help lord please raise them up get your kids get your grandkids to consider being a pastor or a teacher or a staff minister so that they can consider what it would be like to do this full-time for the lord lord help we need more workers and so we pray and now I have to ask you what if that was it what if all you did was prayed and didn't do the work picture to farmers as they both pray there's a drought and the summer is really lacking rain Lord we need rain one farmer says ok I said my prayer and then he starts going about his business to find a new job what he's gonna do because of the drought the other one who prays gets his fields ready because he knows the clouds are coming and the rain's gonna fall because he asked God he begged God and he knows that God listens to his people that's what we are to do let nobody sit around idly and just pray for workers without being ready to do the work I'm not sure how much time passed in between chapter 9 and chapter 10 but the next thing we read about here is Jesus telling the disciples hey I want you he calls them and he says as you go preach this message the kingdom of heaven is near that's our message - I think sometimes people get confused about what we're supposed to tell others as if somehow we're supposed to get into religious arguments with people or or try to fix them you ever try to fix somebody you can't fix him just tell him about Jesus tell him of the love of the Savior who bled and died for them who gives us this wonderful blessing forgiveness he's calling you again to stand under his cross and be forgiven freely his perfect feet were pierced for all the times that my footsteps have not been in keeping with God's Holy Word his righteous hands were scarred because of all the dirty filthy things that my hands have done his head was crowned with thorns for all the times my head's been filled with anger and wrong thoughts but you know what he did on the cross he prayed he prayed to the Father for others not even for himself he prayed perfectly he gave up that perfect life all this Jesus did for me all this Jesus did for you freely when was the last time you got something for free and didn't say I think there's probably a catch here somewhere freely he gives forgiveness and salvation freely and now he says yeah got it go give it away to others freely you have received freely give heal the sick raise the dead cleanse lepers drive out demons wait a minute who did all those things Jesus did in fact for a whole year he showed his disciples that he had authority to do that he really did heal and cleanse and exercise and I don't mean the workout her team kind of I'm I'm talking about kicking demons out of Mary Magdalene and others he did it all he raised irises daughter from the dead and after they saw him do it they had to wonder who is this that has that kind of power and he says you're my representatives you go and do those things too now if I were a disciple I would say that's a pretty big job how can I possibly do that but they have to remember that God's word has the power and we do too you're not going to see me go around cleansing lepers or raising the dead because God's Word and sacraments are the tools that we have we've got the written word we don't need the miracles to back it up we've got all the authority of Jesus right here and so we teach as Christ taught and the Apostles taught and we share that message which has been freely given to us and we want to freely give it away let's do that mission work don't just pray get ready to do the work yourself and just like Tom saying about one day when we all get to heaven you'll have that reward that the hymn is singing about rich reward he offers the one day there's gonna be someone who taps you on the shoulder and says excuse me I think you're her yeah you're the one you check that little box on the envelopes that said missions and you you put some money in there yeah you sent somebody over to the the place I was living in and they told me about Jesus you're the one thank you or they're gonna have a chance to tap you on the shoulder and say I thought that was you my Sunday school teacher you're the one who cared so much about my soul you're that pastor aren't you I think I heard you a few times whoever you may be in whatever line of work you have don't forget what Jesus has said we could do the his messengers and one day when we get to heaven you'll say oh wow that was the best possible thing we could ever do let none here you idly saying there's nothing I can do while the multitudes are dying and the master calls for you take the task he gives you gladly let his work your pleasure be answer quickly when he calleth hear mine send me send me amen and the peace of God which transcends all understanding let that guard your hearts and minds through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord the lord of the harvest amen let's join the sing the hymn [Music] [Music] be seated as you see on the screen there are three ways to give and at this time some announcements will be made over the internet broadcast and the radio so we'll get a chance to listen to some music [Music] you're listening to the worship service of st. Peter's Lutheran Church in Sturgeon Bay st. Peter's is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod orwell's the wels is a worldwide church with congregations serving all 50 states in Canada and also serves over 25 foreign countries through World Missions our closing hymn today is hymn number 234 praise to the Lord the Almighty this radio broadcast is sponsored by the family of Harry and Adeline Zach and thankfulness for their 90th birthday which they celebrated this month as well as the Lord's blessing of 69 years of marriage which they will celebrate on June 30th the video broadcast is sponsored by Gary and Shelley Hansen thankful for God's Amazing Grace we thank you for worshiping with us today st. Peter's is continuing in church worship at this time if you wish to worship in person on July 4th and 5th please sign up ahead of the time on our website or call the church office at 9 to 0 7 4 3 4 4 3 1 if you would like to contribute to st. Peter's ministry we're welcome to mail your offerings to the church at 108 West Maple Street Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin 5 4 2 3 5 or make a donation online at Saint Peter's Lutheran dotnet that's St Peter's Lutheran dotnet thank you for your support our ministry to share Christ for more information about our church or school or to speak to a pastor please contact us at seven four three four four three one God's blessings to you today in always from st. Peter's Lutheran Church right here in Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin [Music] well give thanks to God for Harry and Adeline Zack as they both have birthdays 90 years old this month and they're celebrating 69 years together as husband and wife we also will pray for our nation and we'll pray for Malia and we'll have an opportunity to think about all the ways that God can use us as his messengers please stand Heavenly Father we thank you for so many blessings that you have given us especially for the gift of your son Jesus Christ you've blessed us with the gift of grace so grant us joy and sharing the gospel with others forgive us for the many times we've forgotten the mission we are on we've lost track of our priorities we failed the pray for workers to go into the harvest give us boldness to be your messengers and inspire us to love lost souls with the very compassion that you have for us we humbly pray that you would move more and more of our young men and women to consider preparing for public ministry either as pastor or Christian teacher so that your word may be proclaimed in churches and schools and mission fields raise up some from our own congregation that will hear your call and minister full-time responding here am I send me send me open all of our eyes to see how ripe the fields are for harvest that there are souls lost and Shepherd lists there are opportunities to be a blessing in the lives of others move us to freely give as we have freely received we praise you Lord for having accompanied Harry and aniline Sauk through the years of their life and their marriage both Harry and Adeline turn 90 this month and I've spent 69 of those years together as husband and wife you've crowned their lives with many blessings as companions on the journey through life they've loved and consoled and supported each other but most importantly they've grown closer to you continue to bless them by your Holy Spirit Lord and be with those Lord who are in distress at this time grant them healing and comfort and lead them to trust in you at all times we ask for your special blessing upon Malia Tuttle Heavenly Father we thank you that you have brought her now by water in the Holy Spirit into your family and you've given her forgiveness sins life and salvation you've given her a voice to praise you and your wonderful works so thank you for this gift of life and for this gift of baptism bless Malia with your presence and unfold her in the arms of your mercy Keeper forever in your love Lord at this time in our nation many are struggling be with the leaders of our country our counties our state's give them wisdom to do what is best in this present crisis in a restless and turbulent world enable us by word an example to promote harmony and integrity wherever you place us in life let righteousness and sound reasoning prevail and deepen the desire of all our citizens to live in peace watch over us and see us through to save for better days ahead and now in accord with your invitation we bring all our needs to you as we beg and plead through the words that Jesus himself has taught us to pray our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name your kingdom your will be done on earth as in heaven give us today our daily bread forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for the kingdom the power and the glory are yours now and forever amen the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all please be seated and will join us in our closing hymn praise to the Lord the Almighty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning what a blessed day it is it's so nice to see you here in church and we invite you to worship with us again however next week I won't be inviting you to the 1005 service because we have only one service on Sunday next week everyone know what time it is 9 o'clock on 9 o'clock outdoor service and afterwards we're going to have a opportunity to recognize Bob Johnson and throw him a retirement party send him off in style awesome opportunity for us to give thanks to God for his two decades of service here as our business manager and of course we want to feed you so if you are coming please RSVP don't be like those people who go to a wedding and said oh you knew we'd be there well I don't need to RSVP please if you want a meal provided by us we need to know how many adults and children so use the link obviously you can't just click here and your your bulletin but take it home and you can see it's on our web page and everything else so there is Saturday night church though at five o'clock we'll be recording that for our broadcast on the fourth of July and that will be in church and pray for some nice weather so that we actually can be outside if not our back-up plan is we'll have it in the gym but we hope to have a big party with 300 some people out there and enjoy with social distancing of course and the opportunity to really throw a nice retirement party I talked about missions today a lot you know you can actually go to the lwm s rally virtually because I got to see it yesterday and it's going on throughout the next several days and there's a taste and see event which is really kind of neat so click in there you can watch a good friend of ours was singing away at the opening rally and I said I know her she's a Schrader so anyway those announcements and more are in your bulletins remember we're keeping the church sanitized so please take those home with you and after you get a chance to maybe just say hello to everybody thank God the special grace of baptism and all the blessings that he gives we'll look to see you next week hopefully outside have a great day [Music] you
Channel: St. Peters Lutheran
Views: 1,112
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: DxYNG4yiwGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 15sec (3675 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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