St Botolph's -- Fr. Alexander Tefft -- Homily 14.01.2024

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[Music] Jesus theor of Life come to lose the condemnation of the first and as God he need death no cleansing for the sake him that fell he is in the Jord where [Music] [Laughter] inace that all understanding washed washed with the cleansing and love power of the spirit from all the poison of the might we have been set on a path new [Music] anding leading to incess Joy and gladness found by them alone with God is recile the voice of the world the love of the light the morar the foron of [Music] the cth in the wilderness unto all the there is for behold Christ is come to deliver the world from [Music] corruption the with voice most blessful the father made known clearly his beloved from the Bo he brought forth he said while he is my child and my nature he sprang forth from mankind beaming beaming bright with spend my living and my Providence of Mor [Music] The Godly [Music] CH The Godly children stood in the fullness of whistling wind the Angels distant pres serve them free from heart wherefor in theiving oh thou who are suely praised the Lord and God of our [Music] fathers the of the drons were B in Burn [Music] the right the right religious children he do wash your way with the of the spirit all the for the sing the and [Music] G praise we bless and we wor the Lord strange my the of with you the children in the of the and what contain the Creator Baptist in the FLH the people's bless as so fre ex unto all the ages the Theos and mother of the light let us honor and magnifying [Applause] song that is more H and more glorious the everyong is to [Music] heing in [Music] when God for protect of [Music] be mag magy [Music] my to be Bap in the oh David in the [Music] spirit do do the draw onto God [Music] and [Music] for for in the of the Jordan he made youing was corrup magy all my soul him receive BM from the for you make you [Music] clean away the evil of your before the Lord thir come to The Living Waters for Christ water have with him and with the spirit he themto the magy my soul into the voice of the father were witness let us preserve ourselves so through and the seal for as the HEB BR of all escap destru when the door were mocked with blood Soo this Divine lover of regeneration shall be our Exodus W We Shall Behold the uning light of the trinity today the master neath the of the for understanding are the wonders of the child oh the P Bri Truly Blessed Mother through thee have we found full and perfect salvation anding the aing him oh of Thanksgiving bring it as a gift us to [Music] aor glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit magy my soul the Dominion of the UN God Head of the three hypostases that which to Moses was in the bush fig we see accomplished here in a wondrous manner for as the poor fire bearing virgin was kept safe was kept in safety when she brought forth the light bringing Bor so a Jordan stre not H with the they received him now and ever and unto Ang magy my soul Deliver Us From The Curse oh King Eternal through the spirit commun thou anoint our mortal Ence and perfected thou blessed in the univ and triumphing and triumphing withy force of Darkness thou make it pass [Laughter] [Music] to my soul is more H and more glorious the everyong is at to praise the as is you the world transcending inell days when they SE to praise me good accept our faith for th know God for th the prot of Chris [Music] magy the Holy Father magy my soul that Deliver Us from the as understanding are the wonders of child the all Truly Blessed Mother through the perfect salvation and Fring the of Thanksgiving bringing us toen the of the Orthodox Church the honor of Lord pres the a of Christ and every priest GL all our Brotherhood called into tend compassion all gracious P again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord Merc help us save us have mercy on us and keep us oh God by thy Grace calling to remembrance of our all holy Immaculate Most Blessed and glorious lady theot and ever Virgin Mary with all the saints let us commend ourselves and one another in all our life unto Christ Our God for all the powers of Heaven praise thee and unto thee they ascribe glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit now and ever and unto ages of [Music] Ages holy the lordus God and worship His holy on the Seal of tius oh of fishing Nathaniel Peter with th as well as children for the command upon the [Music] many that KN he just this one to him and he show them and [Music] F Constantin chrisa glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit In The [Music] JO oh is great and true [Laughter] [Music] s in the sh for [Music] heo [Music] [Laughter] [Music] in the Savior who is GRA and [Music] true [Music] sh heo Prest Thomas prot Alexander the prot John the priest Moses the priest Peter the priest Christopher [Laughter] [Music] let [Music] that praise the Lord praise is the Lord from the [Music] heaven Praise Him [Music] [Laughter] to thee Oh Lord you aome oh his praise all his to [Music] the this glor shall be Christ has from the the of [Music] of praise the glory of God praise is gold in his Sanctuary Praise Him in the thir of his see the resurrection of Christ let us worship the holy Lord Jesus who all is bless praise him for his mighty him according to his [Music] exness verily we cease not to worship the resurrection of Christ for we are saved from our sin holy therefor is the Lord Jesus manifest the resurrection pra him with the sound of the trumpet praise him with the and with shall be re the Lord for all that he has given us for God for our sakes dwelt among men [Music] [Music] sh [Music] the [Music] the on the cross the light Ines the light the resurrection of the God glor [Music] to praise God praise him in the of his honorable and Majestic name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit now and ever and ages of Ages [Music] [Laughter] amen bedord for us and for our Christ our true the prayers of his father the Sy [Music] [Laughter] everything Christ Thee the most thou has renewed us all in the the Jordan turn th was bz in the Jordan of oh savior th reing and the Throne of the father and spirit th Christ all God only sh make me joy and gladness of the broken bones May Rejoice hide thy face from my sin and blood of all my misdeeds create in me a clean heart of God and renew a right spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] and my mouth shall be clear by praise for if thou Hast desire sacrifice [Music] acen shall [Music] offer [Music] that which is proceed with the understanding is higher the [Music] heav throughing salvation through water th Fe by descending into the waters we s to God wonderous are thy Works Oh Glory to thee [Music] glory to the father and to the to the holy be has thyself with the [Laughter] waterers of [Laughter] the for oh rest thyself with as with the god and th who has [Laughter] [Music] me with us hold thy head before the th that mightest of the world Pro and save our soul me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and ever and unto the ages of Ages amen Most Blessed of the the for through him who was of the this was taken captive [Music] was Rec the curse was UN was death was put to death and we were brought unto Lord wherefor with we cry aloud blessed th Christ Our God who has been will pleas glory be to thee glory to thee who has shown us the light glory be to God on high and Earth is Good [Music] Will Bless thee we worship thee we glorify thee we give thanks onto for my great Glory oh Lord l king God the Father Almighty Lord the only begotten son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit God Lamb of God Son of the father that take away the S of the Lord have mercy on us take us Away The Sins of the [Music] world receive our oh thou that S at the right hand of the father and mercy on us for th Lord oh Jesus Christ Christ to the glory of God the Father every day will I bless thee and I will praise thy name forever if forever and ever sa Lord to keep us this day blessed are th L God of our fathers and praise and glorify be thy name and forever amen let th Mercy Lord be upon us as we do our hope in the bless are the Lord teach me th the trth bless the Lord teach me th stat bless of the Lord teach me the stat Lord th has been our refuge in all [Music] generations I said be merciful unto me heal my soul for I have against I have unto the teach me to do thy will for th my go for is the Fountain of Life and shall be SE oh you thy Ling kindness unto them that Know Thee holy Godly Mighty holy Mor have mercy on us holy God holy Mighty holy M have mercy on us holy God holy Mighty holy have mercy on us glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit both now and ever and thees ofes on Earth imortal Mery on us oh [Laughter] [Music] ohly [Laughter] oh ohly imortal [Music] Mery oh rising from the tomb and breaking the BS of a thou is Loos loose the sentence of death O Lord thereby delivering all man from the s of the enemy manifesting thyself to thy disciples th send them for to preach and thr them th peace to the whole world oh the heart alone and rich in [Music] Mercy oh Heavenly King Comforter Spirit of Truth who art in all places and fillest all things treasury of blessings and Giver of Life come and abide in US cleanse us from every stain and save our souls oh good one glory to God in the highest and in Earth peace Good Will among men glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace Good Will among men oh Lord open thou my lips and my mouth shall declare thy praise it is the kingdom of the father and of the son and of the Holy SP Spirit now and forever and to the ages of Ages in peace let us pray to the Lord for the peace from above and for the Salvation of our souls let us pray to the lordy for the Peace of the whole world the good state of the Holy churches of god of the Union of all men let us pray to the Lord have for this holy house and those who with faith reverence and fear of God enter therein let us pray to the Lord for his Eminence our Metropolitan Sean The Honorable presbyter the diate in Christ for all the clergy and the people let us pray to the Lord for our Sovereign Lord King Charles the royal family G government all in civil Authority and the Armed Forces let us pray to the Lord for this city and every city and Country s and the faithful who dwell therein let us pray to the [Music] Lord for helpful Seasons abundant of the fruits of the earth and for peaceful times let us pray to the Lord for Travelers by sea by land and by air the sick the suffering for captives and for their salvation let us pray to the Lord for our deliverance from all Affliction wrath danger and necessity let us pray to the Lord help us save us have mercy on us and keep us oh God by thy Grace calling to remembrance our all holy Immaculate Most Blessed and glorious lady theopus and ever Virgin Mary with all the saints let us commend ourselves and one another and all our life unto Christ Our God oh Lord Our God whose might is beond compare who the glory is incomprehensible whose Mercy is boundless and whose love toward mankind is ineffable do thou thyself oh master in thy tender compassion look down upon us and upon this holy house and grant us and those who pray with us thy Rich mercies and compassions For unto thee I do all glory honor and worship to the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit now and ever and unto ages of Ages amen when Israel went out of Egypt and the house of Jacob from a people have the prayers of the mother of [Laughter] godor his Sanctuary Israel his Dominion the praise of the mother of God [Music] saor the SE beheld FL and the pr of the mother of God and stand back but the prayers of the mother of God saor save us glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit the of am the praise of the mother of God oh savior saor oh again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord Merc help us save us have mercy on us and keep us oh God by thy Grace Lord Merc call to remembrance our all holy Immaculate Most Blessed and glorious lady theop and ever Virgin Mary with all the saints let us commend ourselves and one another in all our life unto Christ Our God oh Lord Our God save thy people and bless th inheritance preserve the fullness of thy Church sanctify those who love the beauty of thy house glorify them in recompense by th divine power and forsake us not who Hope on thee for thine is the might and thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit now and ever and un ages of Ages I am filled with for the Lord will hear the voice of my supplication Son of God risen from the dead us to sing to you hallelu for he has inclined his ear unto me and in my days will I call upon Him Son of God R from the dead sing to you hallelu the PS of death have encompassed me the per [Music] of me of God RIS from the de save us to sing to you hallelu tribulation and sorrow have I found and I call upon the name of the Lord Son of God [Music] PR to you hallelu glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit both now and ever and [Music] son God being Immortal accepted for our salv to take flesh from the holy mother of God and ever Virgin Mary and without Chase became you were crucified Christ God by the tring of being one of the ho trity glorified with the father and the Holy Spirit save again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord Merc help us save us have mercy on us and keep us oh God by thy Grace calling to remembrance our all holy Immaculate Most Blessed and glorious lady theopus and ever Virgin Mary with all the saints let us commend ourselves and one another in all our life unto Christ Our God oh thou who has granted us to make these common supplications unto thee with one Accord and as promis to We Three have gathered together in thy name that will grant their requests fulfill now oh Lord the desires and petitions of thy servants as may be most expedient for us granting Us in this world the knowledge of thy truth and in the world to come life Everlasting for thou are a good God and lovest Mankind and unto thee we ascribe glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit now and ever and unto ages of Ages Master Lord God of Angels and Archangels for the of glorify witness For unto the glory and worship to [Music] father now and forever and of the trity was made manifest for the voice of the father witness to theing thee his beloved Son and the spirit in the form of a cty of oh Christ Our God appear and glory to the let the house of Israel say that he is good for his blessed is the entrance of thy holy ones always now and forever and the ages of Ages Lord the worship of the Trinity was made man for the of the father witness to the calling the his beloved Son and the in the of confirm the truth of his oh Christ Our God who has appear and Enlighten the world glory to the let the house of now say that he is good for his mercy endureth forever was B in the Lord the worship of the Trinity was manifest for the voice of the father bear wit to thee calling the his belove son and the spirit in the form of a dark of the world oh Christ Our God who appeared and has enight the glory be to the let all let all that fear the lord now say that he is good for his Mercy In Forever when th baptized in the Lord the worship of the Trinity was made manif for the of the father bore witness to thee calling beloved Son and the spirit in the likess of confirm the truth of the word oh Christ Our God who has appeared and enlightened the world glory to glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit now and forever of wisdom stand [Music] ight blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord God is the Lord [Music] andto us save us oh son of God who was baptized by John in the Jord C glorified by the chair of him and worshiped by every Heavenly power for what of nothingness has brought all things into created us to that not sinner but the point of repentance of Salvation who has well Saed us humble and unworthy servants even this to standar the and praise Master receive the of s of christly and visit us in goodness part of every transgression voluntary and involuntary sanctify our souls and bodies and grant us to serve the in Holiness all the days of our life through the intercession of the the of the trity was made for the voice of the father wit to thee calling the his beloved Son and the spirit in the form of confirm certainty of the world oh Christ Our God who has appeared and has enlightened the GL glory be to [Music] [Music] thee [Laughter] oh of the word of God who is first called Apostle Andrew in preaching and then you the other Apostles Enlighten them of Iberia and liar of the Holy Spirit ho equal to of the Apostles now pray to Christ God for the Salvation of us [Music] Soul glory to the father and to the son and to the holy SP neither the desolation of the fence nor the depth of th humility could the light of thy virtues where be upto the faithful of our righteous father wherefore we treat do thou also Enlighten us who venerate thy blessed meory now thees of of Ages am on this day thou appear the whole world and thy light of s Lord is us sing th praise with thou thou appeared th Lord un approach let us pray to the Lord Lord have mercy for Holy art thou Our God and unto thee is God glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit now and forever and to the ages of Ages holy God holy Mighty holy Immortal have mercy on us holy imortal Mery on God holy God holy Mighty holy immortal have mercy on usy [Music] holy have Mery on holy God holy Mighty holy Immortal have mercy on us is strong [Music] holyy on glory to Father glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit both now and forever and through the ages of Ages amen both now and forever and unto ages of Ages [Music] holy Mery on us [Applause] the Blessed he that come the name of the Lord blessed are thou on the throne of the glory of thy kingdom who had seated upon the cherubim always now and forever and to the ages of Ages ameny strong [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] holy [Music] the for engrave tone the Lord will give strength unto his people the Lord will bless his people with peace the Lord will give strength unto his people the Lord will bless his with peace bring unto the Lord he sons of God bring unto the Lord glory and honor the Lord will give strength unto his people the Lord will bless his people [Music] withon in fourth tone blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord God is the Lord and have appeared to us blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord God is the Lord [Laughter] the [Laughter] to wisdom the reading is from St Paul's first epistle to Timothy let us attend my child Timothy faithful just saying and worthy of all acceptance for to this end we both labor and suffer approach because we have our hope set on the Living God who is the savior of all men especially of those who believe these things command and teach let no one despise your youth but be an example to those who believe in word in manner of life in love in spirit in faith and in Purity till I come give heed to reading to exhortation and to teaching do not neglect the gift that is in you which was given to you by Prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the priests meditate on these things things give yourself holy to them that your progress may be manifest to all Brethren to each one of us is given the grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ therefore he says when he ascended upon high he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men in saying he ascended what does it mean but that he also descended into the lower parts of the Earth the one who descended is the same who ascended far above all the heavens that he might fill all things and he gave some to be Apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of Ministry for the building up of the body of Christ until we all arrive at the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect man towards the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ peace be to thee the reader and to your spirit our [Music] hearts hallelu [Music] hallelu bring unto the Lord sons of God bring to the Lord glory and H [Laughter] Hallelujah h [Laughter] wisdom stand upright let us listen to The Holy gospel peace be to all the reading of the Holy Gospel according to Matthew Glory To You Lord glory to you let us attend in those days when Jesus heard that John had been arrested he withdrew into Galilee and leaving Nazareth he went and dwelt in Capernaum by the sea in the territory of zebon and naali that what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled the land of zebon and the land of naftali toward the sea across the Jordan Galilee of the Gentiles the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and for those who sat in the shadow in the region of death light has dawned from that time Jesus began to preach saying repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand after this Jesus revealed himself to his disciples Again by the Sea of tiberias and he revealed himself in this way Simon Peter Thomas called the twin Nathaniel of Canaan of Galilee the sons of Zebedee and two other of his disciples were together Simon Peter said to them I am going fishing they said to him we will go with you they went out and got into the boat but all that night they caught nothing just as the day was breaking Jesus stood by the beach yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus Jesus said to them children have you any fish they answered him no he said to them cast your nut on the right side of the boat and you will find some so they cast it and they were not able to haul it in for the quantity of fish the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter it is the Lord when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord he put on his clothes for he was stripped for work and and sprang into the sea but the the other disciples came in the boat dragging the net of fish for they were not far from the land being about 100 yard off when they got out on land they saw charcoal fire there with fish lying on it and bread Jesus said to them bring some of the fish that you have just caught so Simon Peter went aboard Bo and hold the nut a Shore full of the L large fish 153 of them and although they were met so many the net was not torn Jesus said to them come and have breakfast now none of the disciples asked him who are you they knew that it was the Lord Jesus came and took this the bread and gave it to them and so also the fish this was now the third time that Jesus was revealed to the dises after he was RA from the dead Glory to you glory to you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen the sea blue curtains on the the bay window never move no one Twitches them no one Peaks outside no one ever opens them up to let in the light the sea blue curtains never move inside there slightly Dusky plum purple yes definitely a tinge of red no one ever exits the house except the pale girl she goes up and down London Road shopping for Essentials hardly ever lifting her eyes and when she does lift them her eyes are half shot no one sees the priest they say he lives there Vil V Vil Chuck vasil yuck whatever his name is he never wanders out Beyond Providence Place not even outside to the front door except occasionally to bruy beach in the middle of the winter where he baptizes babies and adults alike in the 7° waters off Brighton in the channel the walls of that Victorian Mansion are blue as though they were the bodies of people he dips three times below the water surface in the Min of seven Waters of his home country in Eastern Europe in all your or 15 years of living with 11 other youngsters in that house they call a parish you've never once felt warm incense wafts from The Parlor from the East End Of The Parlor where the icon screen stands from the kitchen Beyond The Parlor nothing but a smell of boiling cabbage or broccoli never the smell of a fish frying on the hob never the smell of baking bread his four bedroom Victorian summerhouse faces East that is the East End Of The Parlor faces East that's enough reason to milk his parishioners for £ 1,500,000 to buy that Victorian house that end the tower at top the staircase nobody ever goes up to the tower on top the staircase but the top is curved sort of like an onion Dome of an Orthodox Church in his native Eastern Europe three porches encircle the house the front porch the southeast porch off the pantry and the Northwest porch off the Parlor the southeast porch off the pantry gets the Sea Breeze you were only 5 years old they knew that you had asthma most babies born of C-section do you were only 5 years old standing there with the seab breeze clinging to your wet pajamas when they put you out there all night for the crime of wetting the bed the Northwest parlor is reever reserved for the 15year olds the 15y olds who touch themselves you've stood there the Sea Breeze the cold air the night wind lashing against the scars turning red on your back and your buttocks and your legs of your the F he says in his distinctive accent that priest of yours conon Apostolic 25 the punishment punishment he re recites these cannons as though they were laws as though he were a scribe of anent Israel why do you put up with it because if you abuse a child enough years the child comes to mistake that abuse for love if you abuse a child for enough years the child feels ever so secure under the Lash of the wind and the whip secure as the tower top the winding staircase it's ever so tall nobody ever climbs that staircase except father and one or two others the tower commands a splendid view of the channel or lamos as the French call it the sleeve Dusky dingy plum purple rather like father's cassic the sleeve in French or is French you've always had a CR Rush on her since you were I don't know she's Hall of 17 now she shares the Southwest bedroom with four other girls you share the Northeast bedroom with four other boys and then there's the bedroom at the back how did she possibly get with child was it one of those shopping trips down London Road was it one of the boys from the Northeast bedroom they all seem too young what would St basil the great recommend as a punishment St basil of caesaria and capid doia on the day of the delivery father leads you by the hand he grips your hands so hard the fingers hurt he leads you up that winding staircase up to that room at top the tower there's no bed there only a table and some steel instruments he makes you watch a lesson in the fruits of lust 45 minutes it usually takes they insert a catheter into orel's bladder to drain her of all fluids then clean the lower abdomen with rubbing alcohol the first incision only opens up the abdomen it's the second that opens up the uterus and that spinal injection that spinal an anesthetic they gave her maybe it didn't quite work from the movement of the Dome of her brow it is clear that she is fully conscious fully awake the onion domes of the Bel Brighton Pavilion do not make an Orthodox Church the list of 350 cannons called laws as low as the miles of the southern English Coast General Coastline do not make a priest no name such as vasil vesu vasilos makes an apostle no matter how many bodies he dips fully head underneath into the salty Waters of the channel no matter how better baptisms this does not make him a priest this does not make him an apostle except an apostle of regions below kind Providence never looks with kindness upon a cult of sassacus M masquerading as the Orthodox Church there are only two criteria ever for the Salvation of a bishop or priest the honor of God and other forms of mercy and without Mercy his name is written in hell kind Providence looks rather upon the bright blue Waters the bright clean Waters or the dingy dirty plum purple Waters of the sea Where Mercy casts his net launching out at night into the deep from the shores of Lake Galilee of kinat the lake the shape of a heart of a harp yes and of a heart they leave the city of tiberias and the coastal towns three friends fishermen Shimon called Kea or the language of the Gentiles Petro The Rock his friend Yan bar and his brother yob they launch out into the deep at night but they take no fish at all not even one carpal keeps all the caned laws are one prudish prawn no fish at all at Sun brise a day break from the shore Mercy calls to them have you any fish no says Shimon shamefaced cast your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some they cast The Net 150 red belly tilapia blue tilapia black catfish kinetic sardines and seab breams filling the nut to Breaking Point and yet it never tears apart can't you see says johanan to Shimon don't you know how to spell fish fish he asks yes says yanan fish in Greek y he th ipsilon C ma can't you readus Jesus Christ Jesus the Christ of God the son savior it is the Lord I tell you it is the Lord 3 years earlier he set fo of the water of the Jordan he cleaved the Jordan in two he entered the river not to wash away sins but to crush the head of the Tyrant to crush the head of the old old Tyrant called Leviathan The primordial chaos to bring the wisdom and power of the logos upon those chaotic Waters the first sign and the first promise of his resurrection now he sits by the Shore by a charcoal fire and the bread of life breaks the bread of life it is not some law it is not some Cannon some guideline turned into a law that saves you as the scribes of the tribe of Z Lord and the Warriors of Na in the region shadow of death tell you it is a piece ofos so and a warm charcoal fire loaf of bread by sunrise in that upstairs Tower room or has been 72 hours in labor the first incision only part s the abdomen the second opens the uterus and saves the child postpartum bleeding bleeding is a common side effect of cerian section and like so many cerian babies including yourself this baby will probably suffer from asthma and nervous conditions all his life in the wee hours of the morning you bundle up the pale girl's child you bundle it in swaddling clothes you take a tiny bottle of milk and you leave that house that cult that perish forever no one ever left before now one tiny baby born of C-section will live and so will you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen let us all say with our whole soul and with our whole mind let us say Lord Merc oh Lord Almighty the god of our fathers we pray thee hearken and have mercy Lord Merc have mercy on us God according to thy great Mercy we pray thee hearken and have mercy Lord have mercy again we pray for all Pious and Orthodox Christians Lord Merc Lord Merc Lord again we pray for his Eminence our Metropolitan SE Lord Merc Lord Merc Lord Merc again we pray for our Brethren the priests y among deacons yo deacons and monastics and for all our Brotherhood in Christ Mercy Lord Merc Lord Merc again we pray for Mercy Health peace life salvation visitation pardon and forgiveness of sins for the priest for our Brethren the priests y amongst deacons y deacons and monastics and for all our Brotherhood in Christ Merc Lord Merc Lord Merc again we pray for his Eminen our Metropolitan Sean Lord Merc Lord Merc Lord Merc again we pray for the Forgiveness of sins of all Orthodox Christians of true worship who here in all the world lie asleep in the Lord Lord Merc Lord Merc Lord Merc again we pray for the blessed and ever memorable for founders of this and benefactors of this Holy Temple and for all our fathers and Brethren the Orthodox dep part of this life before us especially the arch priest Michael the arch Commander def the arch priest Sergey the arch priest arh the arch priest John the priest Moses the priest Peter the priest CHR the priest David the Proto Deon Gregory the Deacon phip thean Mary Andre Patrick terzis Dart Sophia leil and Marina and all Orthodox Depart of this life before us who here and in all the world lie asleep in the Lord Lord Merc Lord Merc Lord Merc again we pray for those who bear fruit and do good works in this holy and all venerable Temple those who serve and those who sing and for the people here present who await thy great and Rich Rich Mercy Lord have mercy Lord have mercy Lord have mercy oh Lord Our God receive the fervent supplication of thy servants and have mercy on us according to the multitude of thy mercy and send down thy compassions upon us and upon all thy people who await thy great and Rich Mercy for thou are a merciful god and lovest Mankind and unto thee we ascribe glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit now and forever and to the ages of Ages pray to the Lord yeum Lord havec let us the faithful pray for the cumans that the Lord will have mercy on them Lord have Merc that he will instruct them in the word of Truth Lord Mercy that he will reveal to them the gospel of righteousness Lord Merc that he will unite them to His Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church Lord save them have mercy on them help them and keep them oh God by th Grace Lord bow your heads unto the Lord e cumans oh Lord Our God who dwellest on high regardless The Humble who has sent forth as a Salvation of the race of men thine only begotten son our Lord and God Jesus Christ look down now upon thy servants the cumans who have bowed their necks unto thee make them worthy of the in Du season of the labor of regeneration the Forgiveness of sins and the robe of incorruption unite them to thy Holy Catholic and Apostolic church and number them with th elect flock that with us they may glorify the all honorable and Majestic name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forever and to the ages of [Music] Ages again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord help us us have mercy on us and keep us oh God by thy Grace wisdom we give thanks un the M Lord God of hosts who has made us worthy to stand even now before thy holy glory and fall down before th compassions for our sins and those in committed in Ignorance by the people receive our supplications oh God make us worthy to offer under thee gifts and spiritual sacrifices for all thy people and bloodless sacrifices for all thy people and enable us when thou has placed in this thy Ministry by the power of thy Holy Spirit blamelessly and without condemnation in the pure witness of our conscience to call upon thee at all times and in every place that hearing us th may show mercy upon us according to the fullness of thy goodness for un thee are do all glory honor and worship to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit now and forever and to the ages of Ages am again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord help us save us have mercy on us and keep us oh God by thy Grace Merc wisdom again and often times we fall down before thee and beseech thee oh good one who lovest mankind the looking down upon our petition th would cleanse our souls and bodies from every deferment of Flesh and spirit and grant us to stand blamelessly and without condemnation before the holy altar Grant all so God to those who pray with us growth in life and faith and spiritual understanding grant them always blamelessly to serve thee with fear and love to partake without condemnation of thy holy Mysteries and be accounted worthy of thy Heavenly Kingdom that guarded Always by thy might we may ascribe Glory unto thee to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit now and forever and to the ages of Ages [Music] [Laughter] aen [Music] no one who is bound with the desires and pleasures of the flesh is worthy to approach or to draw nigh or to serve thee Oh king of glory for to serve thee is a great and fearful thing even to the Heavenly Powers nevertheless are that unspeakable and boundless love toward mankind th this become man yet without change or old and as master of all this take the name of our high priest and deliver unto us the ministry of the lgic sacrifice without shedding a blood for thou alone oh Lord rulest over those in heaven and on Earth who art born on the throne of the cherubim who are lord of the sahim and king of Israel who alone art holy and rest Us in the Holy Place wherefore I implore thee who alone art good and ready to listen look down upon me The Sinner and an unprofitable servant and cleanse my soul and my heart from an evil conscience by the power of thy Holy Spirit enable me who am ued with the grace of the priesthood to stand before this thy holy table and perform the sacred mystery of thy holy and Immaculate body and Precious Blood for I draw near unto the and bowing my NE I pray thee turn not thy face away from me nether cast me out from among thy servants but go s that these gifts may be offered unto thee by me thy sinful and unworthy servant for thou thyself are he that offereth and is offered that accepteth and is distributed o Christ Our God and unto thee we ascribe Glory together with thy father who is without beginning and thine all holy and good and lifegiving spirit now and forever and to the ages of Ages Amen Let us who in a mystery represent the cherubim and sing the thce Holy hymn to the lifegiving Trinity now let aside all care of this life that we may receive the king of all who cometh invisibly by the ranks of angels H Allelujah H Allelujah Hallelujah let us who in mly represent the Cher of him and sing the th holy himym to the lifegiving Trinity now let lay aside every care of this life that we may receive the king of all who cometh invisibly are born by the ranks of angels Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let us who in the mystery represent the Cher of him and sing the thce holy himym to the lifegiving Trinity now lay aside every care of this life that we may receive the king of all who come invisible are born by the RS of angels hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah have mercy on me oh God according to thy great goodness and according to the multitude of th compassion blot out my offenses Wash Me poorly from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin for I acknowledge my fault and my sin is ever before me against thee only have I sinned and this but evil in thy sight so that thou are TR in thy sentence and blameless in th judgment for behold I was conceived in wickedness and in sin have my mother borne me for behold thou desireth truth in the inmost being the depths and secrets of thy wisdom Thou made manifest unto me th shalt C me with and I shall be clean Thou shalt wash me and I shall be light with snow th shall make me joy and gladness of the broken B may Rejoice hide thy face from my sins and blot out all my misdeeds create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right Spirit Within Me cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit from me oh give me the comfort of thy help again and establish me with thy Sovereign Spirit then shall I teach transgress thy ways and sin shall be convered unto me Deliver Me from Blood guiltiness of God of God of my salvation and my tongue shall sing the moud of thy Deliverance oh Lord open thou my lips and my mouth shall declare thy praise for if thou H has desired sacrifice I would have given it but with whole bir offerings I will not the sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken Spirit of broken and a contrite heart oh God shalt thou not despise [Music] oh God be gracious to me The Sinner oh God be gracious to me The Sinner oh God be gracious to me The Sinner and have mercy upon me forgive me my brethren forgive me brothers and sisters lift up your hands in the Holy Place chess [Music] [Laughter] GL [Music] for [Music] lay aside every care Earthly care of this [Music] love his Eminence are Metropolitan seaan may the Lord God remember in his kingdom always now and forever and and to the ages of Ages the holy patriarchal sea of Antioch peoples in the Middle East and throughout the world the peoples of the antioc and Orthodox Christian arch dases of the British ises in Ireland May the Lord God remember in his kingdom always now and forever and to the ages of Ages the sick the suffering all those in need or Affliction of any cause all those who have asked us to pray for them unworthy though we are all those who have no one to pray for them may the Lord God remember in his kingdom always now and ever unto ages of [Music] Ages our fathers and mothers brothers and sisters who have already fallen asleep before us in the hope of Resurrection un life eternal especially the arch priest Michael the arander ofr the arch priest John the priest Moses the priest Peter the priest Christopher the the Proto Deon Gregory the Deacon philipos Naim the huran Mary Andre Patrick terzis George sopia leoba vasil and Marina may the Lord God remember in his kingdom always now and ever and un ages of Ages you and all Orthodox Christians may the Lord God remember in his kingdom always now and ever and unto ages of Ages the noble Joseph when he had taken down the most pure body from the tree crafted in fine linen and spices that soring placed it in a new Tomb in the Tomb with the body in Hades with the soul as God in Paradise with the feet and on the throne of the father and the spirit was thou Christ God filling all things thyself uncircumscribed truly th tomb has been shown to be more spacious in the heavens for in any Bridal chamber is the Fountain of our [Laughter] [Music] Resurrection good Lord with pleasure andion build th the walls of Jerusalem then will thou be pleased with right sacrifices with oblations and whole bird offerings then shall they offer young BS upon thine altar [Applause] oh [Applause] by the young oh [Music] oh [Music] hallelu [Music] Hu [Music] let us complete our prayer unto the [Music] Lord for the precious gifts he set forth let us pray to the Lord Lord have mercy for this holy house and those with faith reverence and fear of God enter therein let us pray to the Lord for our deliverance from all Affliction wrath danger and necessity let us pray to the [Music] Lord help us save us have mercy on us and keep us oh God God by thy Grace Lord that the whole day may be perfect holy peaceful and sinless let us ask of the [Music] Lord an angel of Peace a faithful guide a guardian of our souls and bodies let us ask of the [Music] Lord in forgiveness of our sins and offenses let us ask of the Lord all things good and profitable for our souls and peace for the world let us ask of the Lord that we may complete the remaining time of our life in peace and repentance let us ask of the [Music] Lord an angel of Peace a faithful guide a guardian of our soul souls and bodies let us ask of the Lord a Christian ending to our life painless blameless peaceful and a good defense before the fearful judgment seed of Christ let us ask call into remembrance our holy Immaculate Most Blessed and glorious lady theopus and ever Virgin Mary with all the saints let us commend ourselves in what another in all our life unto Christ Our God oh Lord God Almighty who alone art holy who do accept the sacrifice of praise from those who call upon thee with their whole heart receive also the prayer of us sinners and lead us to the holy Altar and enable us to offer under the gifts and spiritual sacrifices for our sins and those committed in Ignorance by the people and make us is worthy to find Grace in thy sight that our sacrifice may be acceptable unto thee and that the good spirit of thy Grace May rest upon us and upon the all these gifts here spread forth and upon all thy people through the supplications of thine only begotten son with whom thou are blessed comp whom th are blessed together with thine all holy good and life-giving spirit now and forever and to the ages of Ages peace be to all to your let us love one another that with one mind we may confess I will love thee oh Lord my strength the Lord is my firm foundation and my deliver Holy [Music] Spirit the [Music] [Music] the doors the doors in wisdom let us attend I believe in one God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and Earth and of all things visible and invisible and in one Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God the only begotten begotten of the father before all ages light from light true God from true God begotten not made of one Essence with the father by whom all things were made who for us men and for our Salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man and was crucified for us under pontious pilot and suffered and was buried and the third day he rose again according to the scriptures and ascended into heaven and sit at the right hand of father and he shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead whose kingdom shall have no end and I believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord The Giver of Life who proceeded from the father who with the father and the son together is worshiped and glorified who spoke by the prophets and in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic church I acknowledge one baptism for the Forgiveness of sins I await the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come Amen Let Us stand upright let us stand with fear let us attend that we may offer the holy oblation in peace Mery of [Music] Peace of prise the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God the father and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all with your spirit let us lift up our hearts we have with the let us give thanks unto the [Music] Lord is to worship the Father and Son andly [Music] Spirit the [Music] TR in [Music] it is meat and right to himm thee to bless thee to praise thee to give thanks unto thee and worship thee in every place of thy Dominion for thou art God ineffable inconceivable invisible incomprehensible ever existed and eternally the same thou and th only begotten son and thy holy SP Spirit thou it was it this bring us from non-existence into being and when we had fallen away it this raised us up again it has not ceased to do all things until thou has brought us up to heaven and Hast endowed us with thy kingdom which is to come for all these things we give thanks unto thee and th only begotten son and to th Holy Spirit for all things of which we know and which we know not and for all the benefits bestowed upon us both manifest and unseen and we give thanks unto thee also for this ministry which thou do about save to receive in our hands though there stand beside thee thousands of Archangels and tens of thousands of Angels the cherubim and the seraphim six Wing many eyes soaring a loft borne on their wings singing the triumphal hymn shouting proclaiming and saying holy holy holy Lord of sa Heaven and Earth are full of thy glory hosana in the highest blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord hosana in the highest your glory in the highest blessed is he that comes in the name of the [Laughter] [Music] lordana in the highest with these blessed Powers oh master who lovest Mankind we also cry aloud and say holy art thou and all holy thou and thy only begotten son and thy Holy Spirit holy art thou and all holy and magnificent is thy glory for th for who has so loved thy world as to give thine only begotten son that all who believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life who when he had come and had fulfilled all the dispensation for us in the night in which he was betrayed or rather gave himself up for the life of the world took bread in his holy and Immaculate in blameless hands and when he had given thanks and blessed it and hallowed it and broken it he gave it to his holy disciples and apostles saying take eat this is my body which is broken for you for the Forgiveness of sins and likewise after supper he took the cup saying drink of this all of you this is my blood of the New Covenant which is shed for you and for many for the Forgiveness of [Applause] sins oh having in remembrance therefore this saving commandment and all those things which have come to pass for us the cross the grave the third day Resurrection the Ascension into heaven the sitting at the right hand and the second and glorious coming thine own of thine known we offer unto thee on behalf of all and for [Applause] [Music] all you we [Music] you we give thanks [Music] unto you and we pray we PR [Laughter] pray to [Music] you again we offer unto the this rational worship and beseech thee and pray thee and supplicate thee send down thy Holy Spirit upon us and upon these gifts here spread forth and make this bread the precious body of thy Christ amen and thou which is in this cup the Precious Blood of thy Christ amen changing them by thy holy spirit amen amen amen that to those who shall partake thereof that may be under vigilance of Soul under forgiveness of sins under communion of thy Holy Spirit under fulfillment of the Kingdom of Heaven under boldness towards thee not un judgment nor under condemnation and again we offer unto thee this rational worship for all those who in faith have gone before us to their rest forefathers fathers Patriarchs prophets Apostles preachers evangelists Martyrs confessors Aesthetics and every righteous Spirit made perfect in faith especially our all holy Immaculate most blessed and glorious lady theopus and ever Virgin Mary oh my [Music] soul [Music] [Music] every time God his the the is [Music] all Su our face [Music] [Music] is [Music] is the the protect of cre for the holy prophet Forerunner and Baptist John the holy glorious and all Lord of Apostles for the holy fathers slain at sin for the holy virgin martyr Agnes for the venerable theodos and NEOS of Sinai for the holy equal to the apostles Nina the enlightener of Georgia for the venerable Sava of hilandar the first Arch Bishop of Serbia whose memory we celebrate and all thy Saints and whose supplications with us oh God and be mindful of all those who followed as sleep before us in the hope of Resurrection into life eternal especially the arch priest Michael the arander defr the arch priest John the priest Moses the priest Peter the priest Christopher the priest David the Proto Deon Gregory the Deacon philipos Naim thean Mar Andre Patrick terz bis George Sophia leoba vilia and Marina and Grant them rest Oh Our God where the light of their countenance watch over them and again we beseech thee be mindful oh lord of every Bishop of the Orthodox who rightly divideth the word of thy truth of all the presbyter the diaconate in Christ and every Priestly and monastic order and again we offer unto thee this rational worship for the whole world for the Holy Catholic and Apostolic church for those who live in Chastity and lead a Godly way of life and for all Civil Authorities and their Armed Forces grant them oh Lord peaceful times that we in their Tranquility may lead a calm and peaceful life in all reverence and godliness among the first be mindful oh lord of his Eminence our Metropolitan Sean whom do th Grant the holy church in peace safety Health honor and length of days rightly dividing the word of thy [Applause] truth and of those who offer the pr these precious gifts of the Lord Our God The Honorable preser that heaed in Christ in every priest monastic order and all their salvation of the Salvation of the whole world stability of the whole world The Good the estate of the Holy Churches of God the salvation and help of the people here present Those whom they are remembering and of all mankind be mindful oh lord of this city in which we dwell and of every city and and Countryside and of those who in faith dwell therein be mindful oh lord of those who travel by sea by land and by air the sick the suffering captives and their salvation be mindful oh lord of those who bear fruit to do good works in thy holy churches and those who remember the poor and upon us all send forth thy mercies and grant us with one mouth and one heart to glorify and praise that all honorable Majestic name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forever and to the ages of Ages and the mercies of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all Spirit having commemorated all the saints again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord for the precious gifts here set forth and Sanctified let us pray to the Lord that our God who loveth mankind receiv receiving them upon his holy most Heavenly and ideal altar as a savior of spiritual sweetness will send down upon us in return his divine grace and the gift of the holy spirit let us pray to the Lord asking for the unity of the faith and the communion of the holy spirit let us entrust ourselves in one another in all our life unto Christ Our God unto thee we commit our whole our whole life In Our Hope Oh master who lovest Mankind we beseech thee and pray thee and than and supplicate thee send down thy holy SP both safe unto us to partake of thy Heavenly and Dread Mysteries of the Holy and thy sacred and spiritual table with a pure conscience under forgiveness of sins under pardon of transgressions under communion of thy Holy Spirit and inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven un boldness towards thee not un judgment nor under condemnation and th sa oh master boldness is without condemnation we may dare to call upon thee the Heavenly God us father and to say Our Father Who Art in Heaven be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from the evil one for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Spirit now and forever and to the ages of Ages amen peace be to all to th Spirit bow your heads unto the Lord the we give thanks unto thee Oh King invisible who by thy boundless power has made all things and in the multitude of thy mercy has brought all things from nothingness into being do do thou thyself oh Master look down upon from Heaven upon those who have bow their heads unto thee for they have not bowed down to the flesh and blood but to thee the fearful God therefore oh Master do thou thyself distribute these gifts here spread forth unto all of us for good according to the individual need each Voyage with those who Sail by sea Journey with those who travel by land and air heal the sick thou who art The Physician of our souls and bodies through the grace and compassions and love toward mankind of th only begotten son with whom Thou Are blessed together with thine all holy and good and life-giving spirit now and forever and to the ages of Ages hear us oh Lord Jesus Christ Our God from thy holy dwelling place and from the Throne of Glory of thy kingdom and come to sanctify us oh thou who sest on high with the father and art here invisibly present with us and thou say by thy Mighty hand to impart unto us that Immaculate body and Precious Blood and through US unto to all the people oh God be gracious to the sin oh God be gracious to the sin oh God be gracious to L let us attend the holy things are for the holy one is holy is Lord Jesus the Lamb of God glory of God broken never div has eaten yet never consumed but sanctify as those who [Music] partake the the great fullness of the cup of fa the holy [Laughter] blessed I believe oh Lord and I confess that thou are truly the Christ the son of the Living God who does come into the world to save Sinners of whom I am chief and I believe that this is truly thine own Immaculate body and that this is truly thy own precious blood wherefore I pray thee have mercy upon me and pardon my transgressions both voluntary and involuntary of word of deed of knowledge and of ignorance and made me worthy to partake without condemnation of that Immaculate Mysteries unto forgiveness of my sins and unto life Everlasting amen of thy Mystic supper oh son of God accept me today as a communicate for I will not speak of thy mystery to thine enemies neither will I give thee a kiss as did Judas but like the thief will I confess thee Remember Me Oh Lord in thy kingdom not un judgment nor un condemnation be my partaker of thy holy Mysteries oh Lord but unto the healing of soul and body forgive me my brethren forgive me brothers and [Music] sisters oh God [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] Brer precious and holy body of Lord God Jesus Christ isy for the Forgiveness of [Laughter] my looking for the blessed and the Glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ all the all draw near to Christ My Immortal King and my God the precious and holy blood of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ is imparted unto me the Unworthy priest Alexander for the Forgiveness of my sins and the [Laughter] [Music] Lo touched my lips shall take away my iniquity and cleanse me of all my sin behre Jesus only be reverence of Christ holy Resurrection praise for th God we know none other beside the we call upon name Oh Come All You faithful that us adore Resurrection through the cross have joy coming all the world ever blessing the Lord sing his resurrection for in did he endur the cross he has destroyed death by death God oh the [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] pr [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] am purify himself the people of his own [Music] for the [Music] [Laughter] oh the [Music] ringer so [Music] [Laughter] to [Laughter] [Laughter] to [Music] in the fear of God with faith and love draw [Music] near let us go forth in peace of the Lord let us pray to the Lord Lord Oh Lord who bless us those who bless the and sanctify those who put their trust in thee save thy people and bless th inheritance preserve the fullness of thy Church sanctify those who love the beauty of thy house glorify them in recompense by thy divine power and forsake us not who Hope on thee give peace to thy world to thy churches to the priests to the Civil Authorities to the Arm Forces to all thy people for all good giving and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from Thee the father of lights and unto thee we ascribe Glory Thanksgiving and worship to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit now and ever and unto ages of [Music] Ages our hearts ofes blessed be the name of the Lord from this time for and forever blessed the name of the Lord from this and and forever let us pray to the Lord Lord have mercy the blessing of the Lord and his Mercy come upon you through his grace and love for mankind always now and ever and unto ages of Ages glory to thee Oh Christ Our God and our hope Glory GL to thee glory to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit Now andever andto the ages of Ages Am Lord Lord Lord Merc father bless may He Who dained to be baptized for us in the Jordan for us and for our Salvation Christ our true God the the intercessions of his all Immaculate and all blameless holy mother of the precious and by the power of the precious and life-giving cross through the protection of The Honorable bodess powers of Heaven at the supplications of The Honorable glorious Prophet Forerunner and Baptist John of the Holy glorious and all laudable Apostles of our venerable and god-bearing fathers of the Our Father among the saints John chrisam Archbishop of Constantinople of our holy glorious and right Victorious Martyrs of our venerable and god-bearing fathers of St bov patron of our community of the Holy Father slain at Sinai of the venerable the holy virgin Mar Agnes of the Holy the venerable theodos and NEOS of sin of the Holy equal to the apostles Nina the enlightener of Georgia of the Holy the venerable Sava of hilandar first Archbishop of Serbia and of all the saints when we commemorate this day have mercy on us and save us for as much as he is good and loveth Mankind through the prayers of our holy fathers Lord Jesus Christ Our God have mercy on us and save [Music] us amen I will now invite the reader Yim to come forward and read a short expository piece on how people are received to the Orthodox Church more ways than one there are more ways than one to walk through a door you can walk with your eyes open or closed you can walk backwards or forwards or sideways you can walk dressed or undressed in silence or talking with the right foot first or the left there are more ways than one but all achieve the same goal there are more ways than one for a baby to come into the world there are natural births breach births and cesarians some babies come fast some come slowly some early and some late there are more ways than one but all achieve the same goal there are more ways than one to enter the baptism of Christ some are quick others Take Years some people are young others are old some enter by baptism and crism others by crisma alone heathens were never born at all and need baptism first heterodox came out of the Dead womb of Heretics they are still born but born nonetheless they need Resurrection through the gift of the Holy Spirit turning their false birth into what it was meant to be there is only one way to enter the one true church through the baptism of Christ by the Holy Spirit there is more than one way to enter the baptism of Christ and all achieve the same goal am I facing the camera to every mind controlling cult leader out there masquerading as an orthodox priest to every schismatic and sectarian out there advertising on YouTube and masquerading as an orthodox priest to everyone out there without Mercy who dares to blaspheme God by calling himself an orthodox priest I warn you watch out for when the curtains turn red you will find no refuge with me no compromise no surrender never never never stay tuned you may be seated
Channel: St. Botolph's
Views: 102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GF_S5hbTimM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 23sec (8723 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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