St. Anthony Church Tour_Tigard, Oregon

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I'm father Scott buyer and I'm the proko vicar here at st. Anthony's and this is our church in fact we are the church We the People prepare the church this is where we worship come with me inside that's you may have never noticed this stone that's engraved Sam Evans church 1959 what is the 1959 form it's the year that this church where it currently stands was built Church we existed previously in other places but this church right here is confounding here in this spot let's go inside the church first thing you see when you coming to the church is the baptismal font and it's empty right now because we're not in season but this is the place because baptism is our entry into the church theological you can't receive any other sacrament until your bath dust and so to the fountain Wilfong is what we what we bless ourselves with with the holy water when we come into the church usually facing the tabernacle behind me you'll see what we believe is dynamic disciples believe in Jesus as Savior growing following Jesus gathering faith community love unconditionally and lead others to Jesus it's possible to walk great I am this is st. Anthony of Padua who is he holding he's holding the Child Jesus I probably got you to the balcony if you've ever been late for mass on Easter Sunday maybe they've sat up here Frank the curious our Rose window maybe you've never noticed it but it's a symbol of beauty and many churches like no in France ours it's nice really Janette but it wasn't to see the Rose window good to see the church you know it's Bunder from here you can see all the major features of the church most notably its have an apple that's the first thing we want to look to when you come into the church why because Jesus is present then we'll go up in just a minute and get a closer look you can also see the altar the crucifix you can see the Ambo the chair for father John or for myself sits with what is called the deciders chair you can see the previous table with the sacred vessels on you can see the music ministry at the piano and organ up in the far left corner and all the all the seats for the choir members let's go now if you like and we'll see up close the tabernacle we've made a way to the foot of the sanctuary this is the sanctuary the carpeted area that's a step up and beyond all the way to the bathroom to the wall in front of the tree traffic sometimes you hear people say oh I saw father on the altar well it doesn't mean that I was on the altar it means that I was in the sanctuary is what we that's the proper way of saying I'm in the sanctuary the altar is actually right in front of me it's got all right because we're doing them left in the season and on top of it is the book of the Gospels it's the altar of sacrifice but we're on our way to see the tabernacle anytime together into the sanctuary when you're not during the mass genuinely that's a genuine flexion it's showing reverence to Jesus that I know he's there let's go a little closer if you like you will see Jesus you notice that there's two candles one on either side to show that this is a sacred space it's set apart on the outside are the words Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus that means holy holy holy and here you see grapes grapes and grape leaves a vine remember the story remember when Jesus told the parable of the divine of the vineyard you know in addition to that wine comes from grapes and the blood of Christ comes from wine so here we have grapes on the outside of our town metal now let's open up the tabernacle and see Jesus inside ask y'all to be reverent in this moment here you can see two angels says Dominus Deus Sabaoth and here it says Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus the Angels give praise at all times to our Lord and here on these inner doors you'll notice there's two doors is the Alpha and the Omega names for Jesus Christ he is the Alpha because he goes before us and everything and he's the Omega because he goes behind us in everything he's always ahead of you and he's always behind you and this is the key to the tabernacle I like the key the one sacrifice of Jesus offered is the one sacrifice of him dying on the cross for us if you look at our crops here's Jesus but his eyes are open that's unusual for church churches to have crucifixes with Jesus he's still alive he's a suffering Jesus and if you notice the wounds that he has kappa there's one two three four on the feet but his side is not years because he is still alive once he died they pierced him with the Lance to make sure that he was dead above the cross above his head nothing you see the letters INRI which stand for here is Jesus Christ King of the Jews this is the altar of sacrifice tables you can use for almost anything he's into the working for eating for sowing an altar is an altar of sacrifice this is where we offer bread and wine offer the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross here's the Gospels actually here - I should point out this this is a cross this is the Sun Jia Damiano cross it's a Franciscan cross that Saint Francis had in his time and you'll notice all the littles all the little Saints here next to Jesus and you know you've got apostles and Saints and they're all together it's like a communion of saints there's a stone here this right here is where our relic is a relic is maybe a fragment of a bone or here or something of a saint now I don't know what syncs relic is here I should know that for this video but there's a Saints relic here and so every time it's celebrating Mass this stone is here this is the precise chair where father John and I sit during mass in a Cathedral and we call the Cathedral here it's just as I his chair it's a little table where we set things this is called the Ambo and this is where we read the first reading the second reading the song can be read from here the gospel is read from here and it's the homily can be said from here too this is a place where the Word of God is told to the community here we have some of the sacred things and vessels that we use in church this right here is called a thorough it's what we use incense we put incense inside the durable and it's smokes and smoke symbolizes our prayers that are going to happen we use that only will use it occasionally these are cups that we use we fill them with wine and of course they're consecrated into the blood of Christ these are called ciborium now they pulled the bread that becomes the body of Christ this is called the low Gobbo and it's used for the washing of the hands this is a chalice set up with a paul a pattern a purification and the chalice notice on the chalice this is my chalice it was given to me for my ordination has the word jesus jes us and i cross and then there are certain saints here and a symbol here of the Alpha and the Omega do you remember what that was Alpha and the Omega this here is called the Roman Missal and this has all of the prayers that we use for the be further madness the Eucharistic prayers of which there are four that we usually use and then there are others but it also has the opening prayer the closing prayer the preface is all of those prayers are here this is one of our processional crosses this is the Centennial cross that you saw an example of on the altar alright we have another one here let's walk further into the sacristy I'll show you some other things these are our best mints here's a white vestment used during Easter time on Saints some Saints Christmas Easter the rose-colored vestment here we only use twice a year we use it on God that day and love tari Sundays there during the third Sun days of Lent and Advent this is a purple vest but usually during Lent and drink Advent red we use on Pentecost and we also use it during saints who have dyed red sigilyph in their blood that was shed for their lives it's also a symbol of the Holy Spirit as I said at Pentecost Gold we can actually wear on festive occasions like Easter which is our most solemn feast you can wear it gold or on Holy Thursday during the Easter season during Christmas greeting is for ordinary time you notice that it with each one of these there's a stole that fits like that and then divestment goes over the top of the stole so you don't always see the stole now you may not have seen this before this Pope usually wear with a stole of the same color and it's almost like a big cape that you wear and and so it's a it's used it can be used at baptisms at weddings that is if it's not a mass and it can also be used for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament I've opened up some of the cupboards here just so you can see what's here these are all of our vietnamese books next to them you see all of the spanish books the books with the readings the books with special prayers and glasses and over here we have some of the english books in the drawers we have just lots of purification of the hand washings different colored altar cloths this is called a monstrance inside and we put our Lord in what's called a Luna he goes we place him here so then you can see him and when this goes on the top of the altar next to every place the canvas is called candelabra and all the candles are lit and it just shows glory and magnificence to our God also here in sacristy is where the altar servers get ready for mass this is sort of their area and they've got their own elves and varying sizes and they've got sinkers of different colors as well to wear with the album's if you've ever thought about the communion altar server and encourage you to think about it it's a good way to serve God and serve the people at Mass it's the altar service you get to ring the bells and during mass to symbolize for the people that we should really focus on God in those moments this is where the altar servers sit and here is the Roman Missal that they use to next we'd like to show you some of the art in the church there's a lot of art our church from the station is the crossed windows but also another thing is the music I'd like to invite our videographer and music minister Nicholas Shaw at this moment to show us a little bit about the music so there's instruments you'll also see some technical things like you see a speaker here on the floor and even up here you'll see a mixing board and this is where we control all the sound because the people in the back of their church still need to hear so there's lots of technical things that keep us heard and it also allows us to record the mass up here in the corner is probably one of the most well the instruments that are most associated with the church and that is the pipe organ and so right now oh you can't hear anything because I haven't turned on any of the pipes but these little knobs here all are associated with a different set of pipes so I can press this open deities in now I hear that and the more knobs I press the louder Morgan gets [Music] if you've ever heard the term pulling out all the stops that's what it literally means is they would pull all the stops out of the organ and fill the church with beautiful music when it comes to fiscal art we have statutes you already saw the statute of st. Anthony but up this way we see the statute of Mary Immaculate Heart Mary she's touching her heart on the other side of the church you see st. Joseph he's holding the Child Jesus Jesus like a little blue ball in his hands that is the woman then Jesus holds the world in his cannons these are a votive candles and you notice we haven't seen them burning before what you do is you light it and you say a prayer and we'd offer this prayer for everyone who's suffering and Kovach 19 right now people like these candles in front of Our Lady of Guadalupe who for our Mexican and Hispanic people is really a patroness she is the patroness of the Americas you notice here that she's standing on the moon the Sun is behind her she's pregnant I don't know if you can tell that and this is st. Michael was holding her up and holding on to her mantle over here you see Our Lady of liván who's who is revered by her Vietnamese community she appeared in Levon and in Vietnam and so we have an icon for her this is called an icon an icon is something that is a window to the divine when we do into God in this icon he saw Jesus the teacher can see he's got a red hand raised in blessing and he has a book of the secret scriptures here - these are our stained glass windows and this window in particular has the Ten Commandments notice there's four Commandments on one side and sticks on the other that's unusual normally it's 3 and 7 y 3 and 7 that is the first three commandment to do with you guessed it with with our relationship with God and the next seven commandments have to do with our relationship with you guessed it with each other I'm looking right now at the stained-glass window of st. Aloysius Gonzaga Gonzaga University is named after and he was a saint a Jesuit who died at a young age it wasn't afraid to die of sick and died of sickness he wasn't afraid to die he was very heroic I'm looking right now at the Stations of the Cross the Stations of the Cross tell the story of Jesus passion from the moment he was condemned to death until he was buried in the tomb it involves the time it was crucified on the cross when Veronica offered him a pop a piece of cloth so that he could wipe the blood and sweat and dirt from his face and during Lent we we say together the Stations of the Cross and we go through all of that giving special attention to each one of the stations you've probably walked by this hundreds of times this is the bread and the wine that we used for mass and we just put them on this table so that a family can bring them forward at the operatory I thought it would be very important to show you the confessional this is our confessional or reconciliation chapel it's got a light here the light if it's on with the white light means that it's open and you can go in and go to confession however you'll notice means there's somebody in there that should also you notice that the priest will put their name here but soon Steve's confessing today father Scott buyer that's me this is whether the piece it's for confession usually has a stole long he'll usually begin with some sort of prayer or acknowledgment that you've arrived and those some of the arcing in this room there's a statue of Saint Michael the Archangel he's slaying the devil there's an image of this is actually a very old icon this one is not but it's a replica of a very old icon called the root low back on Russian that country of the Holy Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit I don't know if this is the father Simon hoisted this might be the son the father and the spirit of the Father Holy Spirit from the son I don't know enough about it to tell who's who but even they are together and they're sharing a meal and this is a representation for maybe those of you who are old enough of when the three men came to visit Abraham and they told him that he would have a child in his old age through Sarah his wife you notice that there's this a symbol of the Holy Spirit and again the son Demi I'm across this used to be a Franciscan parish before it became a diocesan perish I perish part of the diocese and so we still have a lot of Franciscan human influences the influence of st. Francis and his order up above here you see a stained-glass window of the Holy Spirit you know it's through the Holy Spirit that confirmation baptism Eucharist and confession have their power all the sacraments that their power through the Holy Spirit that's why you see especially here in our teen federal symbols of the Holy Spirit I'm going to take you now to our adoration Chapel just to close as you finish balance as you fit fashion a good place to go it's the adoration Chapel just to say a few prayers to Jesus and to spend some time with them before you go on I'd like to tell you our adoration Chapel before we go it's called the Divine Mercy I raise your Chapel as three-story watch your step lady put a little bit you've seen here before again the first thing you should look at when you walk in this level it's Jesus present in a town and as you look around you notice the things there's a candle next to it Saturday maybe can't tell from there but the candles lit and it symbolizes that Jesus is present in the tabernacle so one thing I forgot to mention out that when we were in the church there's also a Campbell there that is lit whenever Jesus is present in the tabernacle which is most of the time you also notice if you look around the Adoration chapels some images the st. Francis notice the birds next to is next to his foot very he was a friend of animals and as a sink he was the founder of the Franciscan Order never became a priest he was a deacon but he was devoted to the poor helping the poor and devoted to God to the other side we see a statue of Mary with Jesus and they're both carved out of wood and they're beautiful statues you also see something you maybe can't see is a votive stand and it's called this is called the Divine Mercy Chapel and so there's an image Jesus divine mercy Jesus I trust in you here in this Chapel as well and this of course this image of Mary so giving you a little bit of a tour thank you for joining us today on the tour it was sort of fun to give the tour was fun to give the tour I think Nicholas and I both enjoyed it and we pray that you are well and then you also enjoy the tour god bless you and your formation and your in your faith life and if you didn't got any questions don't hesitate to ask thank you you
Channel: SATIGARD YouTube
Views: 1,105
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Id: J45FCZs0O_8
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Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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