SSL360Link The good and the bad.

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hi I'm Ronnie s Meer today I just wanted to pop on real quick and show um the new SSL 360 software that everybody on YouTube is talking about I'm sure in the music studio World um those guys with bigger channels have had it for months now and got to play with it it just came out today March 7th um 2024 so I loaded it on and uh decided to play with it a little bit it's cool it's a free update it's called SSL 360 link um it allows you to use your uc1 controller to control third party plugins like waves uh uad ssls brain works any other plugin um I map it to a couple other things um in the Box real quick and then show how it lays out in the 360 software I actually don't use the 360 software that much but this link feature was going to make this uc1 so awesome I like that everything Maps out I feel like it's faster controls than the soft tube console one that I used to have I have have not used the newest console one so maybe that got its latency feeling down with the knobs the uc1 I feel like it really feels like Hardware to me when you're turning the knobs um I've seen other people kind of about this and I all agree they didn't map the compressor section which is you know dedicated to their bus compressor which works great I wish they would have allowed that to be mapped and hopefully in the future they will because something like the API 2500 um it's got a lot of you know controls on it and that would have been nice to just map plus I think even simple like I'm you'll see I MA the la2a and la3a to the channel strip compressor and it works fine um but I think it would be neat if that bus bus compressor that's built onto the uc1 was meant to map to compressors cuz then stuff like an la2a or la3 that actually H physically has a u a Vu meter you could then use that Vu meter on the uh console just on the uc1 just like you do their bus compress ressor and so hopefully that becomes an update um because right now it's just kind of dead space so that's the only downside to this 360 so far the other thing I'm glad they did was you can use multiple 360s on the same channel I was worried that when the hardware is talking to a particular plug-in um that it wouldn't allow you to stack another plugin because we all stack plugins you know on a on a source whether it's a vocal or bass guitar or something so I was worried you weren't going to be to manip delate each one but you can I did run into a problem with the one plugin you'll see the uh the Pulsar 1178 when you put this the plugin in link mode because there's two ins and two outs you know it's a stereo unit most plugins when you put in link mode and you turn a knob the other knob follows and it does do that as long as you use a mouse on the screen when I went to assign it even in the assigned list it shows input a and input B output a output B if I'm using using in Stereo I kind of generally turn the inputs and outputs up the same I kind of like to dial things in evenly and if I feel like there's an all set I'll unlink it at that moment and then take the mouse and make the adjustment um but that's one of the other downsides so far other than that it seems like an awesome free update to let you use that controller across a ton of plugins so uh check it out and tell me what you think all right so popping in Reaper here hopefully this is lined up with the camera okay and um I got a couple of the 360s already but let's start with a new one just to show you so as you know you can pop open a 4K from SSL and you can control their plugins from this and it's I've always liked this actually over the soft tube for me at least I don't know about the new soft tube version I had an old one console one um but the response of these knobs feel so fast and good I mean it doesn't feel like there's a latency to it at all but now the new thing is they came out with today which is March 7th 2024 is this 360 link now they've always had the 360 plugin which um I don't use very often and I'll pop that open in a second but the 360 link as you see it's defaulted to just having volume control signal passes through here but you can put third party plugins in it now now if you own a bunch of these which I already own they come with um like for instance here's some preseted template they already have that looks like one of their channels but it's really if you click this little icon right here it's the 4,000 from brain works and now I can control that as you see and the compressors um turn it plugin on and off pop the EQ in and out is that n it's just disabling this plugin um here the compressor is enabled disabled the types you can see I'm changing the types here um you can also go to say their 9,000 that's just warning you that you're making changes again you don't have to have this open I'm just joed to show you that it's a for plugin and they have ones for the waves right here and they did one for you know kind of all the SSL stuff um each yeah and here's the uad version call it open their layout's opposite the EQ is only opposite side and then I did a couple other ones myself like this one's got this is from brainworks as well the AAC 1998 they call them the 99 but it's a 98 this has a lot of features on it um I had a hardware 9098 EQ back in the day and it's nice to be able to disable these bands when you want to but there's just not enough buttons on here so it's not that big of a deal I already assigned it like the main Basics gain control here's the peak whether it's shelf or Peak if I want to put this sheen on I would just manually click on it it's something I don't reach for a lot I don't really use this plugin a lot I I like it on snare drum on certain you know when I'm not getting what I want out of the SSL um I have so many different ssls that I'll pull this guy up and sometimes it really helps I actually like this on um some acoustic guitars too just subtle I like what it does um but it's not a main you know Channel strip I grab so there's a lot like I got ratio I got threshold over here and release I already did an la2a and stuff um before so I came back and kind of touched it up a little bit it's very easy to get like muscle memory with this I'm trying to remind myself to set things up so it's the same every time so like in other words I always have mix knob here the la2a stuff has this High emphasis knob here I'm I'm putting that on the the gates range knob and I'm just kind of repeating the same thing over and over so when I go to multiple LA 2as or if I call up a different one everything's kind of in the same spot I'm hoping that they update it where this is usable right now this compressor only works their compressor they they should have made these assignable for when you're doing like the API 2500 or some other just compressor you get more knobs here than you do over here and it would have been nice to be able to sign these or when you got a big Channel like that 9098 I just showed these knobs could have been other features but they don't function right now so I assigned on the la2a this ratio is gain Peak reduction is my threshold my release um I didn't do anything with it um the in andout works so it turns it off and on the Range like I said is this high frequency here um in threshold I made the mix knob on all the la2a and and I think I made um yeah I made the attack button actually a limiter and compressor setting over there being consistent like that if I pop open another one let's say we'll go to the silver it's going to be the exact same controls so it's easier to remember gain Peak reduction The High Frequency control the mix knob and then the peak is doing the limit and then again on and off and I did the same for their there's a little bit different settings but I kind of did the same for the la3a it's gain Peak reduction um high frequency the mix knobs the same spot and gain red or gain limit same button that way it's easy to remember settings so then after I did that I decided I might as well do my 1176 is you know things that I'm reaching for a lot this one I laid out a little bit differently so I did these are if you can see you toggle slowly 4 to8 8 4 to one I mean 8 to one 12 to 1 20 then it starts doing combinations of the buttons all the way to you get all buttons in mode right there um this is Ratio or I mean uh the threshold here is actually a attack release is a release if you notice little slash all these 1176 is right here this little slash they all pop out for a like side chain effect so I did the side chain down here and if you notice that knob pops out and then I did my head room here just like on that other compressor the 176 and I did the mix knob here same spot but I did I decided to do the input and outputs here so I can have two hands on it kind of like you might grab a real 1176 when you want to push and pull down the viome at the same time so I did the exact same layout the only thing I kind of wish that they did is once I got that compressor laid out and I opened another 1176 I kind of wish that they would let me do the same loud so here's the input and output again the head room the mix knob the attack and release and the ratios it's all the same and then I went on to do something like this was going to be cool I thought because you can switch the types but I had a feeling and I was right once you assign these knobs like right here as you can see I'm controlling the gain and frequency this changes the shelf and Peak here same with the low down here I can control it's it's still you know this is going to be awesome you can pop the EQ in and out but when you change types these data controls are knowing to talk to the other layer here it does not talk to this layer so you can't control this so if I decided to open this plugin up I'd probably have to do these manually that's only downside of that compressor setting you see I got it all mapped out not everything maps to this because there's more switches I did fast and slow or fast and medium and there's actually a slow setting in there um I don't use this compressor I do use it I shouldn't say that I use a little bit but I tend to use it on Fast and medium um but you know just to grab it and manipulate a little bit is is nice um and I think I have um I did the expand yeah right here gate setting and the attack same um did I do the filters yeah but there's I didn't have a switch to turn the filters on and off and then the side chain is yeah side chaining the Dynamics link side chining here whether that's on or off I guess I'm I'm just going to have to click on the filter when I want to use it by clicking here I don't really have another option you know what I could do since I could make this to switch because if this is flipping the here it doesn't do me any good if I can't control that right so let's make that change real quick so I can show you this which is nice so if you pop open this gear right here you get this whole control here and for instance I'm going to get rid of this type so you can hear if I clear all that clears everything you don't want to do that I just want to clear that link right there now there's a couple ways you can do this is kind of neat I can click on this and then I can click on let's see uh or actually I can do it this way I can click this button here in the software and then click the controller here and then it knows to assign that that quick um me turn that off so the other option you can do is besides just touching it like if you didn't have the uc1 and you were somewhere with your computer and you just kind of wanted to go through your catalog of plugins and do you know assign everything you can just do it by dragging to so I can either just type here because I already selected that it popped over there and clear that again or you can actually just grab it and drag it over to here like that let it go so that's on and all for that now and it you don't have to save anything it always remembers what you're doing the other thing I did was because there's enough knobs this 560 I do use a lot I like the way it sounds it's actually got a little more weight to it sound than the 560 it's in the vision so I already assigned all this but I just start at the top and worked on so you can see there's sliders every slider has a control [Music] and then I did Inn out and I think I use this gain knob which is actually an input but I since it was right here next to the EQ it made it nice to control that there's so many more plugins I have to go through I even did like the and they're not all uad it's I'm showing a lot of uad stuff right now but um like for instance this one is limited in some of of its features so I first had this set up this um type to switch mic and game uh line and I thought that's going to be dangerous because if you hit it by accident you're going to blast into the mic presetting like you know clicking over here and I don't want to do that um so what we have here is gain frequency gain frequency and even though that's a switch I still just may put it on the pot so if I switch it it's just changing this button in and out I skip this set of knobs once down here got gain and frequency and then if you notice the EQ gets popped in and out over here there's a phase button so that does the phase here and for the filters we're back up here the range of these filters are not as wide as the SSL so the knob will spin a little bit differently I erased this one let's just do it this way real quick and see if I can get the same layout that I have before so if I touch that button and then touch this it's putting plug in in and out we start at the lows cuz this is Subs touch things and I think I skipped that one let's go to this one or actually no um yeah see I'm messing myself up now back that up clear that let's do here and then gain and this is kind of frequencies and then I did the trim knob with this so the input gain on this is actually the trim knob you can see right there this doesn't have a mix knob and it's it's really going to be fun to mix with these things the other thing I wanted to show you um for instance let's say let's say this is a base Channel and we wanted to just let's say we just wanted to use their um 4000e which is obviously going to be mat perfectly because it's meant for that plugin that's why it opens like this let's just say we go with that base so that Basse sound is dialed in okay but you wanted some other low end from the 560 API so you can now I'll go to this 360 I can go to my favorites I can add the API and the cool thing is it's on the same channel now I've seen people kind to kind of bitching about they don't like when used a 360 software that I'll show in a second is now going to create two channels that doesn't bother me I would be more upset if you were limited to using this 360 link like one per Channel because then it wouldn't be useful to me because we know we stack lot lot of plugins and I want to be able to control all the plugins with this thing you can see there's a 560 let's say we bumped up the low end or something with mids let's say we were doing something like this on the base whatever add a little more gain now if I open up the 360 which is this button here says 360 there's also one up here and they put it on everything and on their own software it's in the same spot so if I hit that 360 button it looks like this now all the things you see without Dynamics right here are those 360 channels which are over here and we have some 550 eqs on them hit the 360 again and then the channels with all the Dynamics here like these are their own 4,000 you see it says SSL 4000 this is the 4,000 we just did on base now if you notice it's got two bases because this is the one with that 4,000 on it and this one here is that 360 link but we're using the 550 or I'm sorry 560 e API EQ on it so if I clicked on this and I wanted to back down that top end it was a little too bright on the base I can do that but then if I click over here I can go oh let me adjust at 560 and you can see and the cool thing is even though it says gain frequency and Q and sometimes you may not remember what that was on the new PL after a while I think muscle memory kicks in and you will remember but you can go to this 360 if you notice like over here it says gain frequency Q it matches what this says but over here it's reading what what that plugin is so this is 500 HZ 250 125 so you can just look at the screen and get familiar with 31 HZ 63 it's pretty cool um and over here this is the 550 so I'm only doing a couple bands here high frequency gain M frequency gain mid and then I jump down to here the low because the 550 is only a three band you know and the type on this is doing the filters I believe so if I close out of this a second where's it at yeah I assign this to these filters so if I click this often on you see it's changing those filters and then I did up here a high frequency filter low frequency filter so I think it's kind of the jits of it um it's a cool free plugin for anybody who has the UC one I don't have the fader packs obviously I have the baringer xtouch as my fader so I don't know what the update did for that but this is a huge update for me um and a lot of people who like you know cuz having this was I still liked having this over the soft tube even though I could control some of my uad plugins it was very limited maybe they're doing better job with what they're doing in the in the console 2 version or Mark 2 Mark II whatever they're up to now with that new the new one's completely a different body a different design but the SSL plugins are not really cheap and having this dedicated controller only controlling a few things was a little bit pricey still for some people but I still loved it but now it really makes it worth it because I can control anything uh I don't think I'm going to assign it kind of weird things like Fab filter eqs and on that's just too many bands and too many things to remember with this I mean you kind of like you know for fun let me try something I could do something like the Oxford maybe I'm not sure how many bands are on that thing yes it's probably way more bands than yeah it's way more bands than what I probably have here so I don't know that I would even use something like I might just use this but with the mouse still it's just I don't want to program everything just cuz I can program everything to me that gets too confusing um I could do something simple like this um did I just open that up like that yes I didn't mean to do that what I got to do is I got to favorite that 360 in my an folder go-tos that way it's it could be something I can access quicker since you have to open that up first anyway so we're going to load here we go all right so let's just do this real quick so this is low frequencies so let's do frequency and this is like lower mids I'll do it here gain frequency Q that's easy because there only three knobs and high frequency highs and then there's an output gain but you can't control this output gain because that can that always controls this main overall plugin here so again I kind of wish you could use these knobs here but I'm going to put the gain on the input because there's not really an input game and auto um let's do this let's do the power button here and then we're going to do Auto game here so that's done that's mapped that quick um while we're at it another one I use from them a lot is 1178 I'm trying to figure out if we're using this 1178 which I use quite a bit yeah since um the outputs are not I'm going to unlink I'm going to do this just so they have the same starting point yeah okay so let's link them and if I touch them here and I touch gain here uh it's only doing one but I don't know clear this link so that's weird it's in link mode so where is input how do they do this so there's that I don't like there's only one link controls and the controls are linked but it looks like you can only control there's no way to do both that's weird I'm going to have to play with this later but for now I'm going to put input there which is only controlling the one that's weird that it wouldn't when you put it in link even when I'm controlling this it wouldn't make that follow maybe SSL will pick up on that and do something about it same with this I mean I don't know well I'm just going to go ahead with and now now that means all the attacks going to be the same thing so I'm going to do what I was doing in the other stuff which is attack here my release here and so the ratios are all here and then mix knob here on off so technically I can use something over here I've already used all that up so let's just use like this filter knob so if I click over here so I can go all the different settings with this over here on this filter I'm going to have to come back and see how that does with this input thing in a stereo situation yeah I'm probably going to go through and do I mean there's I don't there's I have like a lot of people have so many plugins that I use and then there's a lot I don't use so I'm not going to need to do everything obviously did I do this one I like this one a lot too let me see I didn't do this one yet I use this on I have used this on my Tu BS mix I've used this on drum and I don't think I assigned this sh can I do this one the same way as I did the la28 also input we here output would be [Music] here side chain button here let's do threshold where threshold should go um nope crap can't erase it there you have to actually click over here to erase the link so if I do I already did no I didn't do release did I okay so release is [Music] here there is no ratio is there so okay so let's make the ratio attack that was okay um and then there is a mo there's a oh yeah let's make the mix like all the other compressors that's always here and then let's make t control here so this is a tone input output mix knob release attack threshold and then the side chain okay well that was easy enough all right I think that's pretty much it um maybe I'll do another video when I start getting into it more since it's so new today but uh that's that so far it seems pretty cool and pretty responsive the only thing I got a question though is um that Pulsar 1178 with the two channels um I'm going to see how they handle that and I'm hoping that they do something with this bus compressor section here because that works great with their you know their their uh compressor uh which is right here you know so if I open this up this thing works great for a compressor but this is what like the API 2500 I just did could have been using these and then possibly using the Vu meter for the AP 2500 would be great or even the la2a which you only have a couple knobs or those la2a and l3s it would be cool to have this and see the Vu functioning since they are units that have vus on them all right so that was a quick display probably not quick I probably babbled farted around with trying to figure out what I'm doing in that plugin like anybody else would um it's pretty self-explanatory you click some things you move some things boom it locks up you don't even have to hit save remember I mean they did a good job on that um and the only thing I notice also is for people to know is that uad2 plugin is different than the uad X which makes sense because they are actually installed as two different plugins so when you map the one set you have to go and do it again for the uad X version but big deal once you do it once it's done and then whenever you call up that thing it's ready to go um I think it's going to be pretty cool and I got way too much white light over here so anyway thanks for watching talk to you next time bye
Channel: In The Studio with Ronni Santmyer @BigBangAudio
Views: 7,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #solidstatelogic, @solidstatelogic, #SSL360, #SSL360link, #controllingplugins, #UC1, #SSLUC1, #UADFX, #UADX, #VST3plugins, #reaperdaw, #musicproduction, #recordingstudios
Id: 3Toqg814zDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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