SSL UC1 with a Behringer X-Touch Compact DAW Control Surface

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and hello today we're having a look at the x-touch compact from behringer and how it works with the ssl uc1 um and if you don't watch the video i can tell you it works very well so if you've already got um an extra touch compact no reason not to get a uc one the two complement each other quite well in fact the uc one complements any uh mackie compatible controller um pretty well they're kind of mutually exclusive although it's probably not that intuitive to think they're going to be that way in practice they are but i'll start off anyway showing you from scratch i've got the x touch compact here and let's set it up with its script and i've got a ridiculous number of scripts here but just ignore that when i wanted to touch compact we'll give it a port it doesn't really matter what the port is but if i did that in and out it's the same um i don't think i want 13 do i that's just unlucky let's go 12. okay and we've now got um the usual control you'd expect so i can record enable tracks along the bottom here i can select tracks i can mute tracks individually and i can solo tracks and of course i can change the padding of tracks um as you can expect and i've got all the usual control um i can change assignments over here i can play i can stop i can pause oh and i i'll just show you this i can change and mix the colors this is something i was working on yesterday and i was quite chuffed because it's fairly easy to do as part of the script but quite effective so i've now got a set of um i've set up eight at a time because that's how control services tend to work um and i've given them different colors or you can go back and just leave it as it is now these will persist um with the fl studio project so it's just a one-off thing and it's just an easy way to get going um it remains to be seen how much i'll use it but i think i'll probably make quite good use of it because this was the layout i had before anyway i digress um if we go in and look at the 360 software you'll see there's nothing there at the moment and that's because we need to add some channel strips so if we're doing that by hand i need the ssl native channel strip 2 and we'll just load that first one up and you'll see it's appeared in the strip and to save time um you'll see on on to my other videos i've got um shortcuts for doing this and i've got a stream deck here with the button which just happens to be set up you can also do it if you've got a uf8 you can set that up and i think i also showed with my logitech mouse which works quite well [Music] interestingly i think i've put two on there because i didn't move the mouse onto the next channel strip and never mind i wonder what that will do i think i'll probably move any further i'll add the others i'll just remove that duplicate one um it may or may not work but let's not risk it we don't need you sir okay now if we go back to the 360 software just make that a bit bigger you can see that these are the ones i've just added um let's go across to the start here um now what can i show you in terms of functionality um i've currently got track 16 so let's go down here where you can see what i'm doing so insert four now if you are sharp eyed you'll see that it says insert four here and as far as fl studio naming is concerned it's named that insert four and it's named insert four on the lcd on the uf eight gives it a number of five they're one out and unfortunately that's just down to the way if our studio um has numbering for a master track and current track so um you're always one out on the as far as the numbering is concerned but the naming is spot on and indeed if i go pop back into fl studio will we name one of these so these are all the default names um let's rename that and call it uh i don't know what track are we on was it track three track three so this would be um you'd name it whatever your instrument was um and i don't know if you can see but straight away it gets renamed down here you can see i've highlighted track three and if we go into the 360 software i think the names are down the bottom picks up track three and it does that on the fly so as soon as i'm typing you'll see it go in so the integration is very good between fl studio and the uc one um i don't think i'm pretty sure that the fl studio is not one of the supported um doors and thus by the way it just seems to work really well so that really hasn't bothered me at all um from here um you've got all the functionality you'd expect so i'm on track three i can change i might help if you can see what i'm doing let's zoom in i can change things like the range release you can see the knobs i'm basically twiddling um all works really well and is reflected in uh fl studio in terms of um the uh channel strip plugin um and you'll see i've actually done that in other videos where i've got the plugin on the window and i've got the 360 software up and fl studio all in the same window and they're all working well together um and really that's the point of the video uh i guess is the exercise compact works really well with the uc one works really well with fl studio um except for this bug bear with the track numbering but to be honest that doesn't bother me i'm just pointing it out now anything else i should show you while i'm here um i think i've shown you the basics so just to summarize which i think i just did all work well together if you've got a next touch compact and you're thinking about getting a uc one rest assured they do work pretty well together and vice versa next touch compact is um it's a nice control surface it's different to the x-touch one the x-touch one is the larger model that has scribble strips and meters now you might think that they're necessary what i tend to do is what i'm attempting to do here is on my setup i can have the the mixer immediately above um the control surface and it's possible to see if i just move that across to give an indication on the screen so it's possible to have the metering happening about immediately above each mixer level and as you change one thing you'll see it gets reflected immediately in front of you on the screen in fl studio and if you're playing a track uh you can use the lcds or the equivalent of lcds the metering on fl studio you don't actually need to have it on your control surface so um not trying to detract from the x-charge one the x-touch one it's a nice um dual controller and does a little bit well does it do a little bit more it doesn't do a little bit more but it has um as i say the scribble scripts and the um metering which is nice the control surface here the compact has a slightly different layout but by and large you can pretty much do everything you want to do on the compact [Music] i'm struggling to think there might be a few extra buttons and bits and pieces on the x-touch one but what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts and having a nice straightforward layout which you have on the compact is actually quite nice and helps you focus on what you're supposed to be doing which is creating music i mean that's my biggest flaw is i like playing with technology i like coding the scripts um i've kind of ended up in a situation where i'm retired now by the way i'll do like a week's worth of coding and messing around and playing with technology and i'll do some of these videos then i'll do a week of doing music um using it all and that seems to suit me quite well i find after i've done a week or so of one thing i'm ready to do a week or so or something else um but um yeah you're probably in a slightly different situation than me i'm quite fortunate um given where i am at the moment anyway thanks very much for your time um that's all i'm going to show you today my wife's just come in so i'll say to you thanks very much
Channel: Ian Walker
Views: 3,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z1eEMIihwd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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