SSB TGT 2024 | Pedagogy | Learning Process & Outcome Syllabus Wise

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hello everyone and very very good morning all good morning everyone and welcome you all to 247 YouTube channel and this is SB learning and characters concept is concept is same but try trying to change the content nature of learning transer of learning yes defitely if if I am trying to give you the best content then reciprocal approach hind okay March exam I will try to [Music] finish like and then we will start our session success is a vehicle which moves on wheel called hard work but the journey is impossible without F called self-confidence vehicle completely impossible without whe that is called selfconfidence self the self confidence is the F hard work is the will so selfconfidence selfefficacy self-belief according to Albert B plays a vital role in the meaningful learning of Cl and I try to put you the approach of syllabus with the question and syllabus today we will discuss the concept of learning learning concept nature of learning with MC discuss okay start you ready first of what is learning learning of knowledge of skill ofit of attitude rainning all of a part of learning process so process of acquisition learning is the acquiring knowledge skill attitude and behavior learning is the process of acquiring knowledge skill attitude and behavior learning is the process of acquiring knowledge skill attitude and behavior learning is the process of acquiring knowledge skill attitude and or behavior of yes learning attitude behavi yes learning AC knowledge skill attitude Behavior Behavior behavi any s of action any sorts of action that you are doing in day today life that is called that can be called your behavior action yes learning is a relatively permanent change a relatively permanent change it leads to a lasting change in understanding or capacity to perform it leads to Lasting change in understanding understanding capacity to perform rning is a relatively permanent what relatively permanent generally permanent temporary Rel permanent temporary relatively permanent relatively permanent the things that is updated according to Time Communication skilless CL generally learning yes graduation graduation seminar B col City col internship Rel permanent the things that is changes according to time that is called as relatively so Rel permanent learning is a relative permanent change it leads to Lasting the change in understanding and capacity to per capacity to perform so relatively permanent change means the the things that are getting updated day by day the things that are getting updated day by day that is called as relativ per assimilation of information assimilation of information it involves integrating in new information and experience or abilities sir learning Ram experience done p learning is a dynamic and lifelong process learning is dynamic learning is not static modelas model the learning is ongoing process Dynamic process a learning is a continuous process that is through the learning lifelong process learning Dynamic process it continues for Lifetime it continues for Lifetime multiple means occurs through direct experience observation instruction and environmental interaction learning multiple there are multiple ways of learning yes there are multiple ways of learning multiple ways of learning there learning I can learn from I can learn by watching I can learn by observation I can learn by experiment I can learn by doing learning by listening learning by instruction learning by environmental interaction learning by enviral interaction yes learning are multiple ways of learning learning rate cognitive emotional or behavioral changes learning rate cognitive changes leive learning comprehensive yes one everyone though cognitive process modify emotional respon modify Behavior modify learning yes learning learning is innate this the statement learning is in we agree with the statement en learning is refle reflex action reflex AC can we say that reflex action is learned reflex action reflex action is learned learning is acate reflex action is learned learning is not nerv system not reflex are unar question answer which of the following best describes learning learning best describe temporary change acquiring knowledge only relatively permanent change in understanding and capacity experiencing at one time event what is a crucial aspect of learning that involves integration of new information experience or abilities what is a crucial aspect of learning that involves integration of new information experience or abilities memory attention reflection adaptation motivation no one inform adaptation very good in a science class students contact an conduct an experiment to understand the principle ofy exp this best exemplifies example learning social learning cognitive learning experiential learning what type of learning is this B learning enfor experience experiential learning what do you call it experiential learning option is option D D in a literature class literature class student ask to analyze a complex poem individually and then engage in Socratic seminar to discuss their interpretation behavioristic constructivist humanistic activist this is constructivist option b is correct of learning learning done nature of learning learning PR question explain approach students are asked to analyze I am not aning I am not analyzing for themselves they're analyzing themselves yes the learning learning is a processual nature process learning onging process Dynamic process or lifelong process learning an ongoing process lifelong process and dynamic process obviously the learning is adaptive in nature what adaptive in nature it facilitates adaptation to new OB learning is adaptive in nature learning is what adaptive in nature learning is personal and unique learning is what personal and unique individualized experience vary among Learners abil are individual difference the learning individual learning is individual la is indidual every indidual isi every IND unique every individual is unique okay every individual is unique everyone has their unique style of learning rate of development by rate of learning rate of learning varies from Learners to learners multiple intelligence the multiple intelligence the then learning is relatively permanent change obviously are lasting change in understanding or capacity and learning is multi faet multi multi comprehensive com em learning too learning cover that is your cognitive domain effective then I ctive effective and psychot cognitive domain effective domain oh psychot domain done learning s yes learning involves cognitive and emotional and behavoral changes learning involves active engagement learner do not actively participate and actively engage that is not learning so active engagement active particip important negative py done learning is socially influenced social interaction contribut significantly social interaction a point group Collaborative Learning learning Lear no done learning is influenced by motivation obviously conditions of motivation learning learning yes learning there is VAR learning sty learninglearning auditory learning style visual anesthetic audit learning sty AUD learning by listening learning by watching learning by doing learning by listening learning by watching learning bying is aesthetic there are different St of learn learning is transferable yes learning is transferable is transferable of skills and knowledge transfer from one section to another chemistry help knowledge of mathematics helps me in physics and chemistry learning examp learning is influenced by environmental and situational factors learning involves feedback obvious improv learning helps in cognitive development it enhances mental process and understanding yes learning involves cognitive development learning involves reflection the Reflection Learning involv skill acquisition yes ability learning processess extend beyond the formal education formal learning formal learning informal learning is formal learning is informal as well as learning is goal Orient because you have a purpose you have a goal learning is d by objective and Des outcomes classroom learning influence learning is technological integration obviously techn oper dig ini technology for enhanced learning experience learning learning is self-directed allows for individual in initiative in learning for learning is selfir done learning is universal obviously formal B informal B which characteristics of learning emphasizes the importance of acquiring Knowledge and Skills that can be applied in various context learning Co characteristics acquiring Knowledge and Skills that can be applied in various context adaptive nature transferability multi-dimensional active participation answer which characteristics of learning emphasize the importance of acquiring knowledge on skills that can be in learning can be transferred from one situation to another situation answer those it can be applied from one situation to another situation transferability in the context of learning what does multiac set in the context of learning what does the term multiac primarily referred to multip the dynamic and evolving nature of the learning process the involvement of cognitive emotional and behavioral Dimensions the transferability of acquired knowledge to different domains the individualized and vared experience among Learners in the context of learning what does the term multiac mulac primac comprehensive multip water or comprehensive the involvement of cognitive emotional Lial dimension overall changes holistic changes holistic changes n yes so answer will be option b be the right answer what characteristics of learning underscores the idea that acquired Knowledge and Skills are not easily forgotten and can be applied in various situation over an extended extended period what character learning transferability multifaceted nature relatively permanent change that changes is called as relatively permanent change in the in the realm of learning theories which theoretical framework is associated with the ideas that individual actively organize and interpret their experience creating their own unique mental model of the world own unique mental model of the world one unique mental model of the work connectionism Gest ologist bism soci cultural theory on unique model unique model of the about the world soci mental mindset according to according toyy every individual has a unique model of mental mindset within the framework of educational psychology what is the term of the phenomena in which a learner consciously adapts their learning strategy monitors their understanding makes in intentional effort to regulate their cognitive process for optimal learning outcome EP epistemological belief metog thinking about thinking knowledge about knowled that is metacognitive awareness what is the term for psychological phenomena where Learners on intentionally attribute their own knowledge to others assuming that what they know is common knowledge this is called cognitive in connection implic priming entric bi okay start abilities will improve over time but for that you have to start Talent ability some con constant learning pedy comment the answer in the comment box thank you for us goodbye question answer of class thank you
Channel: Adda247 Odia
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Keywords: pedagogy class, ssb tgt syllabus 2024, ssb tgt syllabus, ssb tgt recruitment 2024, ssb tgt apply online, ssb tgt classes, ssb tgt pcm syllabus, ssb tgt apply, ssb tgt post odisha, ssb tgt syllabus 2024 odisha, ssb tgt apply step by step, ssb tgt notification, ssb tgt previous year question paper, ssb tgt 2024 syllabus, ssb tgt recruitment 2024 syllabus, ssb tgt apply online step by step, ssb tgt apply online 2024, adda247 odia, adda247, ssb tgt 2024, ssb tgt class
Id: CD1jJg9lVfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 24sec (2424 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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