SRT (Retrievable) Redirect

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what's up YouTube popular mechanic here today we're at the legendary SRT redirect Tre uh this is where we did the Figure 8 and you guys seem to like that so I thought uh why not show off this other SRT redirect I thought of it's pretty cool I'm sure there's something similar but I've never seen it done exactly like this uh so let's hop up and I'll show you guys how to get her done okay guys so we've got our primary tie in point up over here um we've walked out on this limb as a scenario and we're going to go ahead and we want to redirect on this piece here so I'm going to set you guys up and uh I'll show you how to do this okay so once we're in position here um we're ready to do our redirect we're going to go ahead and we're going to take a carabiner we are going to clip it above the Rope Runner we're going to lanyard in release some slack and then we're just going to take this captured bit of rope and Carabiner and we're going to wrap it around the branch um this one's a lot easier to adjust and load share than the other ones uh if you want a little more tightness you'll just kind of leave that Carabiner back so it sort of cinches it down so that's pretty good for me so we'll go ahead there okay so that's what the first part of this redirect is going to look like now this is raw solid um and like I said it shares the load quite well between the tie-in points um for the retrieval part of this redirect we're going to go ahead and grab the tail of our line or an alternate rope I recommend something like a petzel roll clip or you know a carabiner with a pulley in this case I'm using the hitch climber and an orca cuz that's what I had on my saddle okay so we're going to go ahead take the hitch climber pulley I mean obviously before you tighten this down super hard you can go ahead and install this okay so you've got the hitch climber pulley for the retrieval end and we'll just go ahead put the Carabiner in there and there we go that's Rock Solid you're set up and ready to go um and you should always have your tail with you obviously in the tree so you'll be able to uh retrieve this from the ground or from the canopy or if you have an alternate rope you could have the groundsman to it I'll show you a quick closeup of this and then we'll show you how it retrieves so that's what it looks like there just Rock Solid I like it okay guys so once you're safely on the ground or on a limb where you would like to retrieve your redirect you're going to go ahead lanyard in if you're in the tree or just simply undo your slack okay we're going to undo a bunch of slack or take the device off if you're done then we're going to go ahead and pull that retrieval end okay with the hitch climber pulley so that pulley is going to give you some nice efficiency here so we're going to go ahead let pull that down we got to take everything off here now starting with the pulley obviously you don't want any knots left in your rope if you don't have a an eye or something like that in your rope so you've got this B we're going to go ahead and take this out of the Rope Runner and then you're just going to pull this bite a rope okay just keep pulling till that line comes through and then it'll just come out and the beauty of this is that that Carabiner is just going to slide right back down the Rope to you okay guys before we close just one more thing I wanted to show you obviously this can be done with a quickie as well some may prefer this um some may not I guess if you're on a smaller limb um and your Carabiner sort of levered at the ends this might be a better option but it it's really up to you I mean carabiners are tried and true I know you're not supposed to use them in certain configurations but I mean honestly you're not going to break a carrot um so you I mean you can just go ahead and you can use the quickie one cool thing about the quickie obviously it's uh it's a little more compact um and then when you put your tail end pulley here or whatever you're using um you're GNA sort of have more efficiency because this pin will roll and sort of act like a little um act like a little pulley so it might be a little more efficient um but I mean the choice is yours the options there there's there's plenty of options out there nowadays I just wanted to point it out that I it's not that I didn't think of it it's just uh I initially thought of it with a carabiner okay guys thanks for watching today's video make sure you like comment subscribe and we'll see you next time
Channel: Poplar Mechanic
Views: 5,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: srt canopy anchor retrievable, srt rediret, srt retrievable redirect, srt canopy anchors, srt retrievable anchor, srt anchor, srt redirect, climbing srt, canopy anchor ideas, retrievable canopy anchor, soft 8 canopy anchor, advanced canopy anchors, alpine butterfly canopy anchor, best canopy anchors, retrievable canopy anchor srt, srt top anchor, best srt climbing system, srt climbing knots, srt climbing redirect, arborist tree climbing srt, srt climbing training
Id: -1FiC7bgPhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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