"Srila Prabhupada - The Modern Messenger of Bhagavad Gita" by Amarnath (Amarendra) Prabhu

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vasudevaya um namo bhagavate vasudevaya um namo bhagavate vasudevaya omec jnana Timmy Rhonda see Jana and Jana Shailaja chakra unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namaha sri chaitanya mano becomes happy Tamina brutally swayam Roopa Kodama him the dot is pedantic um namah om visnupada yah Krishna break I a brutally Srimati bhakti vedanta swami ET nominee namaste Saraswathi daivam gaura vani Prashar any nearby Shoshone Nevada pass chat catarrhini jaya sri krishna chaitanya prabhu nityananda sri advaita gadadhara srivasa adi guru bhakti Linda Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Harry Harry Harry Rama Hari Rama Rama Rama Hare Krishna so welcome to the Wednesday feast program I am very grateful to all of you for coming here and attending this this program in the presence of our wonderful beautiful Lordships Sri Sri Radha go pelipper they dancing sweethearts of Boston there's a very beautiful verse from the Puranas which described the glories of the bhagavad-gita it says Gita sjostrom edom Poonam yeah petite Prieta puman visnur padam above naughty by ashoka river Jetta this is a version Sanskrit which means Gita sjöström edom poem that this Astra or this literature called as the Gita the song of Krishna bhagavad-gita the song of God how is this book Gita sjöström edom Poonam it's all pure and anyone who comes in contact with this book also becomes purified so therefore it's very important to hear and read the bhagavad-gita regularly now the second portion of the verse bug Geeta Astra madam Poonam ya Appetit Prieta boom on those living beings who hear the bhagavad-gita to be more precise those human beings who study the bhagavad-gita Vishnu or padam of OP Northey they would definitely achieve the lotus feet of Vishnu or shri krishna and while staying here while living in this world buyer shocked adi vegeta they'll be free from all the ideas and influences of fear lamentation hankering and illusion so it's a great benediction people in this material world are always storm nted by constant stress yes constant fear if you see if you carefully study even the birds in this material world they are constantly fearful you would see the the eyes of the birds and the neck of these birds constantly moving they're always afraid of when there's going to be death who's going to shoot them who's going to kill them who's going to eat them so fear is a very strong emotion in this world and to express and gift somebody a path by which you can it only be fearless that's a great benediction yes so Krishna is making that happen simply by singing this beautiful song called as the bhagavad-gita vish nor padam of up Northey by ashoka de bourree Cheeta so while being in this material world we become free from all ideas and influences of fear lamentation illusion and hankering and ultimately we achieve the highest aboard of the lotus feet of the Lord which is naturally free from all of these things the abode of Vishnu is called as why Kunta yes we have heard this term why Kunta the word Kunta in Sanskrit means anxiety or stress and Y means V gotta that place which doesn't have or that place which doesn't possess Kunta why Kunta so this material world is Kunta stannum it's a place filled with illusion and stress but this spiritual world is free from all ideas of the spiritual world is free from all ideas of stress and anxiety why Kunta this there are many verses but I would like to discuss one more verse about the glories of bhagavad-gita this verse by one of the great arch areas it states bhagavad-gita kingi de DITA Ganga Jalal of ikana capito sacred ava Murari samara create a pasion Ayame muchacha it's a very beautiful words it means bhagavad-gita kingi de DITA anybody who studies and meditates on even one verse of the Bhagavad Gita even for some time kingi de means little so bhagavad-gita kingi de Dita those who meditate even for a short period of time even on a short verse or a segment of a verse of the bhagavad-gita and Gangaajal l love Akane capito and if that person takes a drop of Gangaajal on the tongue that's all all their life have done nothing else but just taken one drop of Gangaajal bhagavad-gita kingi that heeta if they have meditated on ketta even for a little time and if they Ganga JAL Allah vicuna capito accidentally or knowingly if they are drunk even a drop of Gangaajal and third chakra daivam or Arisa Murchie and if they have worshipped Murari shri krishna even little for such a person now listen to the fourth line and we ready create a Tasya na Yamina cha cha such a person will never have any discussion or conversation with yamaraja see the bells ringing she she Radha go people so what are the three things bhagavad-gita kingi de dita little meditation on bhagavad-gita and Ganga JAL Oliver kanika pita and little drinking let me finish the sentence little drinking of Ganga JAL little sipping of Ganga JAL and little worship of Murari Sri Krishna is sufficient to save you from hell but our aim is not simply to escape the negative but to achieve the ultimate abode where there is eternal love and no death yes so this bhagavad-gita is a very sweet nectarean flow of knowledge now the bhagavad-gita is a portion of the Mahabharata if you read the Mahabharat it's very dramatic no doubt it's it's a very well scripted and well written story historic narration but the readers and the students of bhagavad-gita find bhagavad-gita to be sweeter than Mahabharat yes very interesting point bhagavad-gita comes from Mahabharata but then people who study intensely the bhagavad-gita find its sweeter then the source that is Mahabharat same is the case with the srimad-bhagavatam the srimad-bhagavatam is one of the Puranas yes it's the origin is the Vedic literature but the readers and devotees studying the srimad-bhagavatam find the srimad-bhagavatam to be sweeter than the ocean of vedic knowledge so when one devotee was asked one great archery about this he said he gave two very wonderful examples he said if you observe a tree are the roots very tasty is the trunk very tasty is the branch very tasty but this fruit is very sweet the fruit comes from the tree yes the source of the fruit is the tree and the tree is not as sweet as the pulp of the fruit which comes from the same tree and what to speak of the mango fruit we have people gulping down their saliva that's how tasty arm is our mango is in India they the juice of the mango is called as amorous yes Rus means taste and arm means mango so sometimes I say our aim is not to chase amorous the mellow of our mango but to chase NARAS the mellow of the holy name so this is the first example bhagavad-gita and srimad-bhagavatam are like the fruits the mango fruits while the Vedic Scripture --all oceanic body is like the tree although the fruits come from the tree they are not they are sweeter than the tree the second example is that of sugarcane juice when sugarcane juice is boiled and heated wonderfully worked on you have something called as jaggery which is sweeter so now the origin is sugarcane juice which is sweet but jaggery is sweeter so similarly srimad-bhagavatam and bhagavad-gita are like those fruits and that jaggery which comes from a source which may not be superficially very sweet but these fruits are tremendously sweet some devotees even say very wonderfully that the Vedas have emanated from the breathing of Maha Vishnu yes so they are wonderful but the bhagavad-gita is special because it has not come from the breeding of Krishna it has come from the lips of Krishna one has come from the breathing of Vishnu one has come directly from the lips of Krishna the only literature which comes directly from the lips of Krishna is bhagavad-gita directly so we should give so much of time and energy studying this book it's not simply a book composed of some pages it has the solution to solve all our problems Krishna spoke the bhagavad-gita five thousand five hundred years ago but even now it's worshipped not just spiritualists people even from the management schools in yoga studios in Ayurvedic centres they used bhagavad-gita in fact some doctors also used bhagavad-gita one doctor I remember in Mumbai one patient went to him with the problem of insomnia and as medicine the doctor gave him the bhagavad-gita and he said you just read this ten minutes before you want to sleep and naturally even if your insomniac you will sleep so this is the level of taste that people have in the bhagavad-gita but shrila prabhupada he came to this Western world and painstakingly he translated each word each chapter in fact word by word as it is only so that we read it he is put all of his time and energy and compassion in these books Prabhupada said the bhaktivedanta purport that pro-pot has gifted us with is a manifestation of his transcendental ecstasy the relation that Prabhupada has with krishna that happiness and that mode of compassion for all of us is seen through these bhakti vedanta purports the bhagavad-gita as it is so those who have the bhagavad-gita as it is don't just keep it as it is please take it off and start reading it and those who don't have it will be very happy to gift you one while you just before you leave the center you can remind one of us and we would be very happy to give you one copy but the price is you should promise that you will study it every day one time Sheela propath was giving a talk in one of the universities about the Bhagavad Gita and one girl stood up and she said Oh Swamiji you're giving us this knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita why did it why did it take so late why did you come here so late why didn't you give us earlier at the age of 70 you're coming here if you would have come here before so many would have benefitted from your travel now if we were in prophets place we would be really annoyed because we come all the way and people blame us said Prabha why didn't you come earlier proper very cool he looked at the girl and said I was waiting for you to be born so prappas wit and his compassion is just matchless Sheila Prabha peak lessons from anything another example of frou pods humor was one time Sheela proper was in his room and one very surrendered disciple came to Sheila proper then said shrila prabhupada I feel like sitting at your feet Probert said that's never possible because I'm always traveling I'm never at one place so in this way Prabhupada was very humorous but his humor was also you know backed up with mood of complete surrender to his guru dev and this mission of distributing the books another example was one reporter came to prabhupada very nice story she came to Prabhupada and she said shrila prabhupada you have these big big temples you have these books where do you get the money from roper looked at her and said we depend on Krishna's mercy now this answer she didn't understand he just went over her head so she repeated herself she said but Prabhupada to do all of this you need money where do you get the money from Probert said Krishna's mercy now she didn't understand so she she thought maybe because Swamiji is old he's not able to hear so she repeated again she said but where does the money come from Probert looked and said Krishna but then where are your funds Krishna how do you print books Krishna where do you get the land from Krishna so now she was she you know she had no option she you know she was almost losing the game now so she looked at Rama Sharma Raj yes and she asked him well where is the money coming from now he was in a fixed what to say so he looked at proper looked at the reporter and said Krishna now the reporter thought let me change the topic so so she said so Swamiji can you tell me something about yourself before you came to America what was your life how was it where do you come from can you tell me so proper looked at her very coolly said why should I tell you that so she became humble and said well Swamiji if you may wish you may tell me proper said why should I wish now the game was up so so Ramesh sure Mirage went close to proper then said proper in the West people like to know about the author if they learn about the author then they will buy your books so when propath heard that he said ah now you asked I will tell you so Prabhupada smooth every action that Prabhupada was completely Krishna conscious even his humor even his vision even his compassion everything was Krishna conscious prabhu pocket see krishna everywhere this is the quality of a great soul when propath came to the West for the first time to America everything was new to him this culture completely was new so he would take a stroll look around and see different things how they work he was fascinated how cars are left-hand-drive here he was even fascinated by the thought of laundromats he had never seen one in India because you just wash and you dry but look these things are fascinating so probably everything was new for him and his initial disciples proper was completely surrendered to them wherever they arrange the program Prabhupada would go he didn't even know where he was being taken so one of his initial disciples they told from APOD i have arranged a very nice program for you you should come so Prabhupada dint even ask where it is he said sure wherever it is I would be very happy to speak about Krishna so now you know during that time during the hippie moment there was this tradition of the nudist groups where they would be completely naked literally live in the forests where nothing do whatever they want eat whatever they want sleep wherever they want that was their lifestyle so Prabhupada he was being taken to one of these assemblies he didn't even know so proper there's a sadhu he said there was nobody in the audience so he picked up his corrals and started singing jai radha madhava and he had his eyes closed he didn't even see who's coming at the end of the giradam of a song the hall was packed with all the nudist members and they were all completely naked so proper you can imagine he sings jerath her mother and he opens his eyes to find this only Prabhupada can do things like this so he chanted yamuna thira vana Chari and then he finally opened his eyes and hairy ball so much enthusiasm to come in here bhagavad-gita that y'all forgot to wear clothes and this is not what prophet said proper is a perfect master I was thinking if I was in his place I would look at the disciple and say where did you get me but shrila prabhupada being a perfect master he could recognize everybody to be part and parcel of Krishna so you know how he started his talk he opened his talk like this so all of you know very well how pleasurable it is to take off once clothes and enjoy bare body so everybody they shook their head and said yes yes we are completely realized in that fact we know how it is so Prabhupada said by taking off one's clothes and enjoying with one's bare senses if there is so much pleasure the actual reality is we are all wearing material clothes now the actual level of pleasure is taking off these material clothes and enjoying with our spiritual bare senses they said yes that sounds fascinating how to do it roper said today I will teach you how to take off your material clothes body they said yes we are already nude we would like to go ahead on this path prophet said the process of enjoying your bare spiritual senses and being free from material bodily consciousness is very simple and he gave them the mantra hari krishna hari krishna Krishna Krishna hurry hurry hurry Rama Hari Rama Rama Rama a hurry so this is Prabhu pond perfect master the depending on time place circumstance Prabha knows how to deal with people similarly one time are you enjoying these pastimes of rofl yes it's fascinating and very purifying to speak about Prabhu pod so one time Sheela Prabhupada was with his disciples on this the on the shore of a water body and they were having their morning walk and they were discussing chanting the holy name and then you know the typical property would have is Abid sri rama rama ram rama had a korean questions and answers back and forth so suddenly probe had looked towards the ocean and there was a big ocean liner big one and that was being pulled by a small motorboat okay a big ocean liner was being pulled by a small motorboat proper looked ah what is the lesson out of that so everybody started scratching their head so what is the forgiver than the perfidy we don't know what is the bacteria than the purpose so they said proper we don't know so proper said such a big ocean liner such a small motorboat how come the small is pulling the big so some started scratching here some started scratching here some said it's catching their head nobody had any response one brave devotee said maybe because the ocean liner is weak proper said why is it weak so another person said because its engine is switched off proper said yes so what is the lesson out of it so nice we just answer now another lesson proferred we don't know what this means prophet said such a big object cannot be pulled by such a small object but it is being pulled because the engine is off similarly V as spirit Souls we are part and parcel of Krishna who is great therefore being his servants we are also big like an ocean liner we are also big and we are being pulled and attracted by small motor boats like these objects iPhones you know it becomes difficult to live without them you know it's like binti Regina without you I cannot survive all the romantic Bollywood and Hollywood songs can be sung for gadgets these days because people are so attached they cannot live without these gadgets one of the most common points that I read in the newspaper also is that as far as attachment to technology one of the signs that you're an addict is that you take it even when you are bathing or you're in that washroom or the bathroom you take your phone that's how we attached we are so they are all like motorboats and we're like big ocean liners because we're spiritual beings and these things are pulling us propath explained this then he said because our inner spiritual engine is switched off because our connection with krishna is switched off we are being attracted by these things things of this world are supposed to be used and people and relationships in this world are to be loved but sadly these days we are loving things and using people this is our situation yes so we are being pulled here and there pillar to post by these motor boat like material objects that's because our spiritual engine is switched off then propagate the mantra switch on the spiritual engine and that was hooray Krishna Hari Krishna Krishna Krishna hurry hurry hurry Rama Hari Rama Rama Rama hurry hurry then he said if you chant this mantra your spiritual engine will be switched on and then no longer will you be pulled by material temporary sense objects it was a very beautiful lesson if we were there how many of us would hardly think of this and connect it to what propun did he could see Krishna everywhere this is the vision of a pure devotee therefore he established a scon this worldwide organization yes it's gone it has three parts to this word the first part is is the last part is on and in the middle or two letters K see Krishna consciousness is Krishna consciousness switched on or off if it is on we are part of s con and if it is off we are off the fence and we commit offense we must always ensure that the Krishna conscious engine is switched on and for that we must have regular chanting of the maha-mantra and reading of bhagavad-gita this chapter is called as most confidential knowledge this is the middle portion of the bhagavad-gita the bhagavad-gita has 18 chapters 700 verses and this is the ninth chapter of the central portion and Krishna is giving the most important confidential knowledge of bhakti in this chapter in fact as I was mentioning in the previous class the Bhagavad Gita is very wonderfully divided it has 18 chapters and there are six there are three divisions of six chapters each yes is the mathematics right people at the back are we all awake by the way so six threes r18 thank God we don't need a gadget right to calculate okay so we have three portions in the bhagavad-gita of six chapters each the first six chapters talk of karma yoga yes connecting to Krishna through activities you perform activities and karma and connect to Krishna yoga the last six chapters Krishna covers jnana yoga connecting to Krishna through knowledge but in the middle six chapters which are seven to twelve so one to six is karma yoga seven to twelve is bhakti and 13 to 18 is jnana yoga so in the middle six chapters Krishna talks about bhakti yoga it's a fact bhakti or devotion is is a topic which is widespread and it sits there everywhere throughout the Bhagavad Gita but these six chapters in the middle basically mainly focus on bhagavad-gita and it's very fascinating if you are an author you would write the whole story and you would write your opinion at the end isn't it you would end the book with your opinion just like we say God has the last laugh so you as the author would write your conclusions and opinion at the end but Krishna talks about bhakti which is most important in the middle six chapters very fascinating because there are reasons for it the first reason anything that's important is always protected yes would you keep your money outside would you keep it would you keep your wallet next to me well I don't mind but you wouldn't yes you would keep it very safe your keys your car keys your your bank account number details passwords pin all of these things are very kept very safe only you know about it even people who look behind from from your back they can see because it's like 15 digits long all your passwords are like small letter big letter then there's an there's an asterisk and then there is a alpha beta gamma God knows so many alpha numerics and it's well coded so anything that's important anything that's of supreme value to you is always protected so bhakti is the supreme wealth that Krishna can give us so very well he has protected it in the closet where the doors are karma yoga and jana yoga and inside in the middle six chapters krishna keeps bhakti we find this even even in our body what are the two most important parts in our body hmm eh-eh-eh heart and i was asking this somewhere else and the person said hand and leg I said interesting another put his friend was sitting next to him he said he's saying this because he doesn't have brains so naturally he's talking over hands can fix so things which are of real importance like our heart and our brain are also well protected the heart is protected through the the heart is protected through the ribcage the brain is protected inside the skull so things which are hard are always used as protection and things which are important and soft are protected so bhakti Devi or the process of devotion by which we can approach Krishna is soft tender and really valuable so it's protected through the doors of karma yoga and jana yoga second reason karma cannot stand independently jnana cannot stand independently but bhakti is self sufficient so it's like they share their boundaries with bhakti if karma yoga has to be successful there has to be a tinge of bhakti which is in the center if me Anna Yoga has to be successful it should have a tinge of bhakti which is again in the I sometimes those who are from Mumbai will understand this I sometimes say that bhagavad-gita is the first ever transcendental what a power that Krishna is giving Arjuna those were from Mumbai will understand this or you can understand her Gita to be a divine burger where the actual stuff is in the middle and it's covered by the bread or the bun on both sides so jnana yoga and karma yoga are important but the ultimate perfection on the path of achieving happiness is bhakti so bhagavad-gita and that way is a very wonderful book it's meant for everybody one very common notion is that bhagavad-gita is meant for people who are old but trust me that's that's one of the wrong reasons that people give outside another reason another popular notion is that don't purchase Bhagavad Gita her majority people fight my counter argument to that is keep the bhagavad-gita out for 15 days and see how less you fight the fight is still on so you might as well keep Paco Gita at your place yes so it's a very wonderful book meant for everybody don't wait till the time we grow old because we never know when the last minute would strike there's a very beautiful words which says angam Gullit impala thumb mundum dashana Vahine ahah jajaja tune damn brother yas Egret redundant Matata Peenemunde Shetty Asha pinda the time of old age is very painful angam gali thumb the census literally melt gull na means to melt yes the sense is literally melt Polly thumb mundum and they hear open field poly thumb mundum - a novena hagatha tun Dom all the teeth gone we started off with three cricket teams 11 threes or 33 but by the time we grow old we have to play gully cricket six on each side pilita mundum - a novena hagatha hotend 'm Verdot yas Egret redundant m-- even our legs become so weak and we need the third leg called as the walking stick is that the time when we are going to take up the book which is n tied to the chapter which is n titled the most confidential knowledge bhagavad-gita is considered to be the life manual if you buy a gadget you get a manual with it yes if you throw away the manual and try to use the gadget nothing is working useless you throw it away but if you read the manual or switch on the left button okay then press this on the screen oh now it's working so if you follow the instructions of the manual you will know how to use the gadget so life or this human form is a gadget that God gives us we are spiritual beings using the gadget of this human form while the manual of this gadget is the Gita it is meant for everybody if we don't use the Gita as the life manual we live all our life using this gadget knowing nothing about how to use it and finally at age of 60 people commit suicide not knowing the goal of life so therefore better approach is to start as soon as possible don't wait till the end bhagavad-gita is a wonderful experience meant for everybody don't hear bhagavad-gita over Facebook most of the sayings of the Bhagavad Gita on the Facebook are never there in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna himself is thinking if Krishna comes online on Facebook he would say I never said this if Prophet Muhammad Jesus Christ and Krishna all three come online on Facebook the most rated discussion between them forming a group would be I never said this and Jesus would say me too see that's the confirmation so in this way so in this way let's not read and understand Geeta on the Facebook instead let's keep the book in front of our face and study it so thank you so much everybody for coming it coming here I hope this was a boost to your inner desire to study the Bhagavad Gita shrila prabhupada ki bhagavad-gita aqui Gor prema and a hurry you
Channel: ISKCON Boston
Views: 476,197
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Keywords: Bhagavad Gita As It Is, ISKCON Boston, Amarnath
Id: ybLexF0BuQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2016
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