Sri Lanka's Worst Market Scammer

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markets motorbikes shopping Boise locals and all necessarily in that order another progressive day lies ahead for this straight possibly whites but questioning and non gender conforming male and we're gonna start right here Oh music oh no t serious no I think you I think we're in the clear it's a tiny little marketer hello do you sell socks yeah yeah just need three pairs and also just some simple black ones like I'm wearing here so much of these 190 rupees okay what size just let us I see okay let me need three pairs please wow so easy and simple don't need to bargain when the price is good I know that's what I was telling to the camera that your price is already very fair so no need to spend half an hour getting it cheaper this is a mocking face yes ninety mocking voice yes I like that do do sometimes people bargain and get cheaper no you have cheaper or cheap or even cheaper than the hell yeah cheap are no good one time to time you you seem broken I'm happy with I'm from Germany yes it's so percent okay let's dig into the Federal Reserve and see what we have you have changed yeah it's very good I just arrived yesterday and then I realized that I've been using the same pair of socks I have shitloads underwears I have about six or seven t-shirts but only had three pairs of socks so it's about time I I get a new supply just out of curiosity I'm not gonna buy but what does your bags here cause these rug sacks this straight white male get an answer here this one how much of these I'm not gonna buy yes I just want to know people like to know the price I can't pay no problem it looks like Carolee decent quality good size it looks pretty good yeah for a it's even waterproof this will be is this a real one is it it's not a copy or is it just a very good coffee it's real aankhen I'm very impressed with with the quality so how much do you charge this one this price six thousand my price 1700 that is a good deal yeah just wanna see the size look that's a hell of a deal I'd say I just bought a new one in Germany and it was a ridiculous price how many liters is this this is so until it is 70 the one that's bigger than mine - 50 yeah this is you won't be gone and this is good but okay just socks for now then I'm gonna go eat some food just the socks thank you for showing me the design really cheap if anyone need a rucksack come to this mahan it's right in the center of candy next to them all good people this is a 1000 very cheap this one this one 1,300 this 1,000 your prices are unrivaled very good prices it's better than Colombo this is a good quality this is very good quality one five its I never seen this in in a market before usually when I'm in a market in even in my country they're very thin but this is waterproof material this is very very durable I can I can I can see it from the fabric yes incredible but okay I have to run I'm so hungry breakfast awaits one two three in a brown paper bag but we don't like to have what your dream Care Bear from on the streets of America Memphis Tennessee Harold knows as tim kopra but you know what you don't actually need the import because the sri lankan want such great quality already this Jesus mine right and then some of you named me Harold do you have any do you have changed four thousand so guess I'm going to live up to my name good meeting this oh yes these are very very strong material what's the price that's why you won five one five yes unreal yes next time come myself I do good when I do discount I believe you ah that's that's good then people can find you let me show this on the camera if you have the the name of the shop and the address okay mode bags guys this is this is how you find this place and it's right downtown next to the mall next to the bus station and yeah I've never seen quality like this anywhere and I've been to a lot of markets I also see like a little bit good quality this one very true Buffalo it's Buffalo letter yes original you don't know he knows I can smell the Buffalo really cheap I believe this one but I have to run now I have to eat breakfast I have to find a motorbike a nice one sit do this chip not decide I'm sure I'm sure very experienced I have to get out of here no no one thumb this is a 3,000 4,000 3,000 4,000 my place you first Chris chick you yes but listen I have a belt now good good you have other customers waiting as your cousin yes I thought it was customers queuing up yes I believe you but listen only socks for now okay next income okay yes I like your shop your prices are good how was the cricket yesterday did Sri Lanka win you win great question this yeah so honest TV when I was buying some food people are watching okay just give me 400 the federal reserve's thank you so much hey come that's alright you think thank you thank you alright bye bye guys great job Oh a tailor how awesome is that yeah you make suits you make suits yeah I was gonna I was gonna run for breakfast but okay briefly I will check out this this man's tailor shop okay let's see what you make well what are you what are you charge for a suit you like maybe you see material after I till it depends on the material yeah yeah so a normal material which one do people like this one this color like this maybe a traditional suit yeah it's all all making you make this yeah yeah this one it looks nice so what stand for a a jacket tailor-made well did you get yeah twenty thousand it's twenty thousand yeah and how long does it take you to make two days takes two days yeah what's $13 twenty thousand we are from say that is like $100 we are from you it's about a little more hundred ten dollars it's 100 and maybe hundred hundred good I'm from Germany Germany yes one buck Mullen Beck no that's Belgium now moonbug um German moon Burke mentioned Moon Moon e-commerce money question yes I see your material so do you ever come down on that price do you give a better plan normal price normal price okay surprised so if I want a suit I come back later I give you my measurements and then no Big Mac if I have to eat now I'm so skinny I'm gonna go and have a big breakfast are you let me come back at 3:30 one hour okay what do you come this is our Spring Garden percentile nice nice let me show her we have telephone number cold okay okay great see you then okay great little market this okay see you later you don't work there no no no I like coming you like Germany oh you do you just came in there because no one of you to talk to me you know my life back in German your wife's brother live in Germany yeah knowing that do you know on Nuremberg yes I do yes yeah I can show it the cheaper pace achievable I got these do go or you can you know mess man he go yeah tomorrow morning but they do I give very big discount not that price so high gosh what is the cheapest you can get you can select which material you want so what do you think what's a good price for a for a jacket suit jacket come on no no no I just want to I don't have a minute I just have I mean it I'm on my way no no I just yeah it's the problem adults they never leave you alone if you if you if you are nice lion shirt this is the the famous beer yeah what size is this this is do you have a large I guess I am going on a shopping spree all right who's your favorite player its Ronaldo these Portuguese yeah but I like him he's the greatest player but I love German psyche is fantastic how much for this one I do like this one this is let me see if it fits can you hold it up like that it's a good size for me and you can get I already have both in Colombo yes this way yes oh no I have the Cricut one yeah this is yes but now let's deal with this one first how much is it safe 6,800 wha-wha we were 6,800 but I you make me yeah McGee butpain German local didn't understand second local price in the food 343 yeah discover nice that is an outrage [Music] it's an outrageous price come on man okay no no no no no no I'm not gonna pay thousands thousands for a fake shock soccer jersey well yeah how much for this one yeah ah what material is this this is quick drink it's a quick Drive I don't know I'm actually not that interested I just want to help you out but then you give me outrageous 500 yeah what 500 oh yeah this little sir you a spy you on a banana I don't notice are usually 500 yeah wow that's more useful I don't have 3,500 rupees profit believe me okay you make three five good price for you is a good price is about really good price and these software a good price I like you thank you I'm not interested in a place of you rent the place yeah ain't me ehm all right but I'm gonna go in my way now Osamu I make Kangoo ten ten thousand is your best price huh okay okay I believe I believe you thank you thank you yeah ah soon as as soon as people as soon as to touts kind of starts swarming around you that's when the prices go through the roof I think the yeah I mean basically he wanted to ask the price of a real Jersey maybe this will who knows anyway this is downtown so a little market I mean you have some good prices here this is kind of ground zero right here you have the bus station down here and I'm gonna rent a motorbike but I need to I need to find where hold on I need a Google it's supposed to be right here I saw in Google Maps there's a little motorbike rental skull give me a second turns out I said on the 600 meter walk I'm starving but I'm going to do but I'm starving and I need a quick protein fix I go to Burger King I get a triple whopper but seeing as there's no Burger King around there I'm gonna go for KFC and just have like eight pieces of chicken and then we're going to get a bike find some local food hello looking out yeah they look nice Tinky let me have some food first did another look at your necklaces the problem you looking in different direction so there's something to Dubai Wow I've been waiting for 20 minutes here for this chicken with us go and see what's happening penny I wait for 20 minutes is it ready you said ten minute not twenty twenty-five having you forget I think actually for God's I was just sitting here on my phone and I will see whatever it's what you get for going to a Western chain instead of a local I guess I came here because I thought it would be fast and here we are 25 minutes later finally what's your name my headshot nice to meet you Wow look at all this Sophie what we have here beautiful Oh 10 yes thank you so much well that's Alice just joking six is enough thank you now we can have a chicken potty and be back roll rebels okay a royal protein bomb we have coming up here and then I should be good to go for the motorbike on it's great looking rough
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 800,597
Rating: 4.7078977 out of 5
Keywords: Kandy Market, Market Sri Lanka, bargaining market, cheap market Sri Lanka, Market scam, scam artist
Id: 8woWFDiFYpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
Reddit Comments

I’ve been waiting in anticipation for days. Maybe lance was busy with progressive things for youtube, who knows. Made my morning this notification

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
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