SR Series G7 Features

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the mission was always simple introduce more people to the joy of personal Aviation by making it simpler and more approachable and of course more accessible your series should feel like an extension of your car and your personal electronics and it should be intuitive and familiar and be wrapped in a warm and welcoming ecosystem that cares deeply about your comfort and your safety you learn to crawl walk run and drive so why shouldn't learning how to fly be next on the list that's always been the invitation communicated through the SR series you can fly on your own in the world's bestselling single engine personal airplane the SR series is a Next Generation product suited for modern Travelers who value saving countless hours of travel time it's designed to feel like your car but in the shape of a high performance airplane that extends your reach recaptures your time and transforms your life that's been our mission for decades and while our core product has continuously evolved and matured I couldn't be more excited in this moment to share that the incredible Sirrus team is taking yet another major step forward in the evolution of personal travel when you fly for yourself in a cirrus everything's in reach [Music] all right we rolling looking good we all set it's a big deal the SR Series has really become a transformational product for so many serious customers over the years throughout the years as we've matured and simplified and evolved the sius we've been able to invite a lot of people into Aviation many of whom never even thought about flying themselves or getting into [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Aviation it's my pleasure to extend that invitation even further and introduced the next generation of the world's best selling personal aircraft introducing the Cirrus Aircraft Sr series [Music] G7 [Music] this is the most significant generational change in the product's history while the exterior looks familiar the interior has been completely redesigned consider this an Sr series relaunch of sorts when people talk about Aviation it just instantaneously seems complicated at Sirus the attitude is almost completely reversed we want this to be so simple seeming and so approachable that everyone wants to do it so when we looked at redoing the flight deck introducing a new flight deck not only did we want to align it with the vision Jet and make it similar product line wise so it's a seamless transition between the two products we also wanted to introduces to people who had no experience with Aviation but have experience with tablets and phones when you get in there it's intuitively obvious what you need to do there's a screen there's buttons on the screens it is within your reach because it is literally four screens it doesn't have to be complicated to be cool simple is [Music] cool for the first time we're combining jet class avionics with a very capable single- engine piston aircraft front and center the two Garmin touchscreen controllers the touch screens are really your interface to the heart and soul of the airplane so everything that you need to do to interact with the flight deck can be done from the touchscreen controllers everything you need to aviate and navigate GTC 1 everything you need to communicate gtc2 so it's very much like having a tablet on your flight deck with icons that you can just surf through and dictate what is on your PFD and your MFD you can actually split both your PFD and your MFD to show four distinct different Windows across your PFD and your MFD and that is really cool from a screen real estate perspective typically how we would use that split screen layout on the PFD is to show checklists or to show charts and those are kind of the two primary things that you might display when you split your PFD very easy to toggle back and forth between those two things with the clickable scroll wheel that's right on your bolster panel we've simplified the bolster panel by eliminating the unnecessary switches things like an avionic switch and an avite switch you need those things all the time now your oxygen switches within the bolster panel allowing us to integrate the oxygen system with the avionics panel and give you a digital readout right on your engine information strip with G7 we're introducing 3D safe taxi it'll show you things like hangers buildings and the actual taxi way signs so you know exactly where you're going on the airport speaking of taxiing we're introducing an allnew functionality called taxiway routing consider it your flight plan for your taxi route you will be able to enter in all of your taxi instructions your magenta line is drawn on the airport taxiways hold short lines crossing runways right to the threshold of the runway so you're ready for takeoff the wide screens offer much more screen real estate and a lot of flexibility for distribution of information so the first thing you'll notice on the MFD is the redesign engine information strip we've also introduced very specific synoptic Pages thus the flight deck has the ability to graphically represent all of these systems to the pilot so the PFD the MFD you're looking at 35% more screen real estate you're looking at higher resolution you can do so much with the [Applause] screens things like the power lever and the side yolk have really taken a lot of design cues from the vision jet to make them Sr like but also very jet-like in G7 we're introducing a first inclass stick Shaker increasing your stall awareness and enhancing your overall safety one of the most significant functional improvements of the G7 is the automatic fuel selection system the system automatically switches your fuel selection from right to left without you even having to think about it the G7 has now gone keyless with the introduction of a push button start with the turn of a knob and the push of a button your engine is started and your key stay in your pocket an engine start is smoother and easier in all weather conditions with the new intelligent lightweight battery your battery has a smaller footprint and it's lighter 20 lb lighter because the batter is smart it's monitoring itself to make sure you are getting the greatest performance out of your battery in G7 you'll notice the flap switch looks a little bit different the indications for the flat position and the speeds for the flat position are actually displayed up in the avionics that system integration allows us to introduce a new safety feature the flaps UND speed and over speed protection if you extend the flaps and you're going a little bit too fast it will inhibit those flaps from deploying until you hit the flap deployment speed on the low end of the air speed tape that flap air speed protection is going to keep you you from retracting the flaps when the plane is going too slow flap airp speed protection is there to protect your plane and to protect you of course we focused on safety and comfort and convenience and all of these things but there's an aesthetic component to both the interior and the exterior of the G7 we've added a storage cubby just below the autopilot where you can put your phone a small tablet snacks sunglasses basically anything that you need easy reach it'll fit right in the cubby we've relocated the environmental controls to just below the cubby with an easy reach of the pilot and the front seat passenger we amped up the accent lighting inside it's very cool there's accent lighting overhead down in the footwells it's a really cool space and of course we can't introduce a new generation without having a portfolio of new awesome Aesthetics new colors new exterior designs and a multitude of combinations of exterior iors and Interiors you can truly make this airplane exactly your own you know I've been in the industry for almost two decades one of the things that gets me up in the morning and gets me excited to be in this industry is sharing personal Aviation with people throughout the world who never thought personal Aviation was something that they could incorporate into their life when I learned how to ride a bike it expanded my my sphere of where I could go when I learned how to fly I could fly anywhere there was a much bigger universe that was within my personal reach I can get there and I think the G7 is really that next step into inviting more people into this personal Aviation Space that we all love with the G7 seus aircraft is inviting you to call us to come fly with us experience personal Aviation for yourself the allnew Cirrus Aircraft Sr series G7 everything's in [Music] reach
Channel: Cirrus
Views: 72,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4sAVe0JJt64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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