SR-71A Blackbird super low pass at Nellis AFB with full burners #blackbird #SR71 #flyby #Airshow
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Keywords: Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, blackbird, SR-71A, SR-71, lowpass,, gmap, afterburner, Flying, Plane, Jet, Airplane, spyplane, skunkworks, black project, sound barrier, breaking, SR71, sound, flame, titanium, JP7, KC-135Q, 9 SRW, SR 71, flyby, Canon, EOS, EOS R, EOS R5, R5, R6, EOS-R5, EOS-R6, Aviation, RF 100-500, SR71 Blackbird, low pass, burner, buzz the tower, mach 3+
Id: Ye72yJyWxs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 13sec (73 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 05 2014
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