Squat Secrets 101 (Perfect Squat Form with Matt Wenning)

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so in this episode we're going to go over the squat basics of 101 now we're not going to go into everything everything is going to be on the patreon channel but today we're at least going to show you how to take the bar outright and give you a fighting chance to have a massive squat so the big thing about squatting is you have to set up for success meaning the squat is a lot of times either made or missed even before you actually go up or down so the first thing he's going to do is we're gonna make sure he has a good hand position on the bar good hand position is going to depend on how tight your pecs are how much your bench press which is directly correlated with that and just your frame size so for me I had to be all the way out on the collars for him he's not as big as I am so he's gonna be able to come in a little bit closer and he's got a lot of more mobility in his shoulder so the first thing is just find a place is comfortable you don't have to there is no optimal place to put your hands I know people talk about all the time it's not necessarily true so crawl underneath the bar now the first thing we're gonna do is if you come behind me is we're gonna look at bar placement now this is a heavily debated topic I'm just gonna tell you what broke World Records I'm just gonna tell you what broke World Records for me and you can take it as you wish so the first thing you want to do as the bar is you want it below the trap and above the rear delt now what does that mean that means that your rear delts are gonna have to be really big now if you watched a lot of the old Louie Simmons West Side videos and if you look at a lot of us our rear delts are huge two reasons one protects your shoulder from bench pressing but two gives you a massive shelf to sit the bar on you may not be able to do that unless this musculature here is very very well built so what you want to do is carry it a little bit below the trap and right on the rear delt that's gonna mean that the shoulder blades are gonna have to be pinched back and now you can see this shelf that is where you should have optimal bar placement this is not really an insanely low bar position if the rear delts are big and the traps are big as you can see it kind of sits right in between the trap and the rear delt and that is gonna allow him to have his head like this when he squats keeping his torso upright and keeping the pressure on his hips and his legs right call anything crawl from underneath it so now what you can see is since we've got him on the rear delt and we've got this stuff pinched back his chest is already high that's good right so the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna have his feet this where he walks so he's gonna walk back that way he doesn't have to take a step out or in now he's gonna pay to pick his wig he's only a good eight nine inches away from the rack whether this is a mono lift or normal record doesn't matter don't waste energy going three feet out of the rack number one number two don't take wide steps to go narrow and then wide again or vice versa take the steps where you like to step and then go wider to where you squat it's the most efficient and the least amount of helicoptering so you see what we don't want is any of this we want no twisting and tilting and when you take wide long steps your body is gonna have rotation rotation under load is horrible for your back so now that we've got that straightened out he's got his feet where he wants to squat the first thing we're going to do is we're just going to make sure that this is as tight as possible and his tailbone is just a little bit out it doesn't have to be extremely arched but it needs to be a little past neutral in my opinion once we have that set now we have the perfect position for him to be able to hit a big squat go ahead and rank it so now we have the tailbone slightly tilted we got the chest up high we got the rear delts pinched everything's locked the next thing we're gonna do is focus on something a lot of people don't talk about and that's lateral foot pressure so the first thing we're gonna do is make sure his foot pressure is a lot on his heel and it's on the outside almost like pinky toe the outside of his foot that is the position in which we're going to be able to turn on the glute medius and Maximus to help the quadricep without this lateral foot pressure it's very hard for the glute to help in a squat so this forces it to help the problem with teaching a squat to beginner intermediate and sometimes even reinforcing advanced motor patterns is that if you don't push out first eventually you're gonna fall into a bad position over time because a lot of us let's face it don't have extremely good spotters they can tell us when we're doing something wrong all right now that we have the tailbone slightly stuck out we got the chest up we got the rear delts tight we got the lateral foot pressure all ready to go now all we got to do is just draw the knees out and keep kind of sitting our butt back while keep her in our chest high so he's just gonna go down slow he's gonna push out as hard as he can keeping his chest up his chest up good he's gonna come up good now you see he's got a little bit of a rounded spine in the bottom and that's gonna be due to either torso length of femur length not everybody can always have an exactly perfect squat it doesn't mean we don't work for it though he's only been squatting with me for about six weeks so we're going to get it better but just remember don't try to chase imperfection just because you're not built to squat I'm six foot one it took me a long time to learn how to do this all right so go ahead chest up higher this time don't think as much about sitting back as you do about pushing out that bar slid on you so pinch your shoulder blades harder there now hold it now see if it feels better yeah that was way better good and one more time so as you can see he's pushing his knees out hey these are going a little bit forward but it's not bad and what we need to do is work on slowly just getting this chest up higher now to show you guys for showing purposes it's very hard to do this technique with just a bar but as you get my point the knee is coming out the lateral put pressure is up and the chest is high all these things are very very important to maintain do one more rep try to keep your chest up really high at the bottom good and up good now what you got to do is we've got to build so what you'll notice is when you first start doing this if you don't have a ton of upper back muscle you'll notice that first learning this your bar is gonna slip down a little we have to get his rear delts bigger in order to hold the bar in that position go ahead and rack so in squatting 101 today we took a guy with pretty decent experience squatting and we showed you some of the fine-tune form techniques now as Harvey gets his upper back a little bit thicker and stronger in the rear delt area he'll start to notice that that bar will stay in a better shelf and his chest will rise up higher and higher as his glutes get stronger so you can see weaknesses when you just first start doing the squat with anyone just based on the the motor pattern in which they want to move but if you pick up anything from this exercise video today its foot pressure and making sure that your upper back is tight and high those few things are going to really enforce the fact that you are going to stay in a good position or the best position that you possibly can structurally to squat big weights so today I wanted to talk a little bit about training smart while aging and I didn't think there was any better person to talk to didn't say Anthony [Music] but when I train I feel neurologically fatigued when I'm done with the workout but if I had to I could do that workout the next [Music] as soon as earlier it's absolutely crazy delicious and this is a meal that I'll cook up in the morning takes a while I'm preparing the kids for school and then I'll make a couple extras they're still going to be really strong with your sinking body [Music] path of not only learning how to stay strong it's safely held [Music]
Channel: Wenning Strength
Views: 27,729
Rating: 4.8800464 out of 5
Keywords: matt wenning, wenning strength, belt squat, ludus magnus, matt wenning squat, matt wenning deadlift, matt wenning bench, WORLD RECORD Squat, WORLD RECORD Squat Basics, Perfect Squat Form, squat rack, squatting fundamentals, The Mountain, Brian Shaw, Arnold Classic, reduce back pain, Stan Efferding, Westside Barbell squat, westside barbell, big squat, how to squat, learn to squat, how to lift properly, squat tutorial, squat technique, stronger squats
Id: gX6adfnFcy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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