Squad’s Feeling INSANELY GOOD Right Now - Playtest 6

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probably like a couple hundred meters yeah just under a couple hundred hello nice here and welcome to Squad play test six my name is slugs and I intro my gameplay videos in the style of a British radio DJ although I'm a little confused is it correct because this play test six looks a lot like play test five I pranked myself yes Mr slugs that's because you're in a dream a dream I I can't be this is this is the best squads ever looked Mr slugs I want you to try and recall how you arrived in this situation the radio show the play tests well of course I I came from uh uh you're in a dream Mr slorgs but don't worry you were trained for this remember your training I'm here to help you you're not real no I'm a projection of your subconscious I believe some bad people have you sedated and are holding you hostage in a dream world making you believe you're a radio DJ who regularly plays Squad play tests but they're getting sloppy the one last week barely worked and the one this week is just the same again but without the crashes I mean it sounds crazy when you say it out loud what happens next well I can get you out of here Mr slorics far away from the play tests far away from Squad back to your real life whoa no I love to play tests you're an imposter Mr slugs please put the gun down no true slow subconscious would ever want to drag him away from a squad play test you're listening to Snorks keeping it funky keeping it fresh keeping it 94.9 FM and most importantly keeping it grounded firmly in the realism we all love oh thank God we have an incredible suggestion in from the medieval boy from Bradford he says when talking about identifying friendlies from enemies they should add armbands for easier identification I personally can't wait to see all soldiers on the battlefield looking like this [Music] time to get into the gameplay but before we do maybe it's time you finally liked and subscribed so I can actually afford some better protection all right let's get into the video yeah thank you brother now pull me up oh he's gone look at this oh my God that was the most brutal gunnishment I've ever seen there's another one behind the car [Applause] that was an enemy there's another one over there Jesus they're like little rats this gun feels cool man with the with the hollow sight on real cool they gotta have a half of it I'm on a mission I'm on a hollow sight mission in the second or two I like to be sure I don't there's enemy up here on the roof let's see is that Tango down except I'm Canadian Tango down eh that's more Australian still enemies here you're dead sir down the hollow side is where it's at Yee eat that [ __ ] foreign I killed him I think am I the greatest soldier that ever lived I see you medic died in a pretty good spot man with his gun squad feels insane so fun let's get out of it where's the Hat man that's around here somewhere oh [ __ ] he's just a bullet sponge because my last patch look at the jiggle sure that the defense will lose in the point he's on the roof South biggie I did not make it oh my God I think I killed him I think we should go south I feel like they're just spawning on a ham South big jump that was the Tom Cruise jump and I feel like a spy I feel like James Bond medic come with me he needs to it I see the hab who is this guy yeah he's come South will probably says Christ the heel please thank you parkour hello anybody in no well what on Mission me and this medic have been on I'll revived this guy twice huge find what a win for the boys what a mission what a successful mission the stories of strogan Hayes incredible work Hayes will be commended greatly for this gold stars all round and now to the local market hmm watermelons and other such produce buy a nice carpet don't mind if I do some rags get your Rags here Rags here get your rags I got it he did just another successful kill for slaws where's Haze gone though he's on the move there's a marksman in this building I think I killed the guy where did this guy come from is that he's sounds dead I'm gonna need they needed us damn it's just across the road in the other building bro I kind of I mean we're losing but I kind of feel like I'm on fire I kind of feel like I'm just I'm doing it just a little bit like I'm just kind of undoing it like I'm doing it sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry we move we make big money moves money talks and my money's screaming it's screaming store give me all kills it's a bit open I'm playing football I'm going for the goal hey is there a sniper up here there's a marksman of it they're calling an airstrike going on let's get the cover look what oh god oh Jesus foreign this gun feels sick feels sick using this thing out he's on the roof North oh thank God doesn't bounce back did I kill him wait he survived I kept shoot I stopped shooting he survived I mean he's bleeding this gives me a chance to move patch and I have any more grenades mg3 close Quest your house back up I'm gonna run out of ammo can I even get a MAG I don't know what to do I don't know what to do it's just me it sorry dude foreign man this gun is so good I'm doing it [Applause] it's got your mom she's locked in the basement in Northern Ireland you got my mum I have got your mum I'm joking you I got your mum joking jokes on you I am your mom what [Laughter] I go out down 15 people just top fragging with the best gun in the game huge what server dead what is this guy shooting what it's just shooting a wall something's all right because that guy even really there parameters three enemy Heroes on your rights oh is he crashed wait what happened he turned into Submarine that's what happened oh what was that that's enemy his name wrap over there oh is he dead Jesus I almost lost that wow those hay bales are so white jeez look at that it's like Moon boots stack of moon boots hey there's a H there's a Bradley like right on me in karma doesn't see us it's moving West probably Nick I'm going for it it didn't almost too close yeah this is so pissed wow he's just named T oh thank you anyone have an ammo bag a singular ammo bag happy you might have some thank you sir happy have you got ammo oh my God does he oh he does look at that son swiney baby oh there it is how far is that probably like a couple hundred meters yeah just under a couple hundred oh nice hit I think it's dead it's dead thank you Jukes I remember cool guy jukes Andrew of Doom was inviting me to his Squad hello [Music] hello uh yeah thank you all right I just found the rally again over here to downtown man I'm just in it I've been giving all these things are happening 17 seconds you see me I'm gonna get a frag over there i Frank myself [Applause] uh nice oh my God I'm doing all coming from the south east Florida the guy with his gun pointed at me try and make this happen oh my God [Applause] nice huge hit I hit the air dude my game is literally breaking every time I zoom in that one thing I guess yeah I'm done did I kill that guy I have no more shots kill that guy oh I didn't kill that guy my scope went down for some reason [Applause] man I wish I had ammo we're doing it [Applause] there's a weight those are Russians their Habs just here just drop that guy I dropped that guy as well oh my God that's a tank right there the BMP I mean what I'm doing is insane I'm between a tank I'm a lat guy with no ammo all this guy's to do is look towards me and I'm dead yeah okay as long as you Schmidt you're gonna have a lot of infantry pushing in the west yeah I'm getting this building here we go oh yeah I see him one step come on pick the corner do it he didn't make it is there a tank [Applause] oh my God oh [Applause] great not terrible it was all right it was fun at least the play test works now
Channel: slorgs
Views: 17,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slorgs, gameplay, squadplay, random, squad funny moments, squad gameplay, squad random moments, squad, squad game, squad round, squad highlights, squad 2023, squad gameplay 2023, squad update, new squad update, tactical shooter, immersive tactical shooter, combat overhall, squad combat update, squad combat news, squad update news, squad project reality, squad overhaul gameplay, squad playtest, squad playtest gameplay, Squad ICO, squad playtest 5, new squad playtest gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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