Sputter Coating (v1)

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[Music] foreign [Music] I will show you how to sputter coat your samples with gold using the agar Autos butter coater before you start coating you should lift the lid of The Sputter coater so that you can check the gold targets specs the gold Target to make sure there are no holes and if there are any holes in the go Target do not use the coater and let's bioimaging stuff know so they can change the gold Target before you use this butter coater before you start also check the argon tank down here make sure there is argon in the tank and then open the Argon valve by turning clockwise until the pressure shows about 0.6.7 bar place your samples inside the Chamber of this particator [Music] then lower the lid and make sure the lid is in the right position now switch on both this buttercoater here [Applause] and then the thickness monitor here if the coater is struggling to establish vacuum press on the lid of the coaster to make sure that the lids nice and tight onto the O-ring wait for the vacuum levels to reach 0.05 millibar which shouldn't take too long only a few minutes keep the cycle off for the moment and then press at the same time these two buttons and see if it's set in the thickness monitor click the Terminator button and when you click the Terminator button on the thickness monitor the time display here should show C1 it's on the thickness monitor by pressing Terminator and then click in the up and down arrows to set the correct thickness in this case I'm going to set the thickness to 15 nanometers and then release the Terminator button now zero the thickness monitor and with Terminator on so that the light is on and also with the time here indicating t one then press cycle [Music] you should then see the cycle starting here on the pressure display the coater will flush the chamber a couple of times with argon and then it will pump for 20 seconds and start coating you should be able to see coating happening [Music] you could also see that the thickness is going up in the thickness monitor [Music] [Music] and now it has stopped coating when we reached 50 nanometer thickness record the thickness in the logbook before switching off the thickness Monitor and then close the Argon Supply by turning counterclockwise then in the spotter coater go to manual and then flush then depress flush and go back to automatic and now this butter coater is ready to switch off then lift the lid of the culture and remove your samples then don't forget to replace the lid as well and don't forget to write on the log book your usage of this particular and record the thickness and any problems you might have had during coaching [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Flavia Moreira-Leite
Views: 16,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aPe7HbKBpQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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