SPSS Vid24 Mediation Analysis Using SPSS Process

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greetings this is dr. derionne and i will be teaching you how to UM you do mediation analysis using the spss process macro by Professor Andrew Higgs in this video I will show you how to download the process macro and install it onto your SPSS so make sure you have SPSS on your PC now I'm going to be using an example from one of my research papers called the impact factor product factors on the plate a sentential sportswear in malaysia and one of the objectives is that i want to determine whether brand image is a mediator between product design and purchase intention of sportswear malaysia and my free search framework looks something like this then the brand image as a mediator between product design and purchase intention if I were to just take this part out I'm basically looking at where the brand image is a strong mediator for this what called the relationship so first off let me just show you how to download process macro and install it into your SPSS most importantly make sure that you go to this website www.spmtips.com load now do remember to note that there are new versions released every single time so I just found out that the new real version was released in January so always trying to keep up with people new latest versions because they'll always something new to debt version so once I've got this download I want to open the folder and this folder is stored in my downloads process to15 now this is a zip file so I need to extract this file into the process folder and it will create a new folder called process to 1/5 which is not a zip file and I'll go browse an extra base folder so it's extracted now I go to my SPSS I find my SPSS icon you can either find it less Pacers icon on the desktop right click it depends on which version that you're using on windows line I will have to go to more and run it as administrator so make sure you run as administrator let's say yes let SPSS open because you need to install the custom dialog so we don't need this go to utilities go to custom dialogues go to install custom dialogues and find your process back row so mine is in the downloads looking for a process - 1 5 and it will automatically look at the SPD right which is a syntax on the and and a download sorry a dialog box so press open this version is not looking to install it you can say ok because I installed it before so I'm going to overwrite and this is to confirm that it is there and if you want to see whether it's there go to analyze regression go to linear you will notice that you have this process by interface ok so now let's open out in a file my data is the sportswear or find it so the desktop SPSS SPSS sportswear here it is so for this data set what I've done is I have already done the construction of my wearables uh from my multi-item scale so um my previous video would have shown you how to do the reliability effect analysis and also do the submitted skills so these are all ready to submit it scales which I have done and purchase intention is my dependent variable and all the other variables are my independent variables so going back to this I'm going to set this up to do my mediation product design purchase intention as IV Espada design but its intentions my DV and ran images my mediator so I go to analyze go to process and I'll get this dialog box out so the outcome variable will be purchase intention the independent variable will be product design and brand image becomes the mediator or the M variable now if you notice when you download the process there is this file that shows you templates so please look through these templates because these templates will give you a guide as to how to use the process macro so for example my analysis right now I'm using a simple mediation diagram so I'm actually using model number four yeah independent variable by dependent variable and my mediator so using this what I'm going to do is I must make sure that my model is selected as modern um for my next video will be on moderation they'll be using that as one one so pace has done a set in 76 different macros 76 different models and each of these models can be looked into it D templates here so please do print this out so at least you can have a look on which model on which analysis suits your model so for this session I'm just going to stick to the basic mediation model this is one a number four right okay so options if X is and so well you take the compare deadlocks and total if model long names make sure they allow for long names because if you don't they will say only eight characters allowed and that's it let's just go to ok now it will take some time for it to run the analysis because it does is basically an add-on of the analysis so please do exercise some patience on this now so this is where we look at the model where you have dy/dx dependent and independent and of course the mediator sub size of 284 within our square of the model are a brand image so this is product D to brand image and you notice that coefficient is 0.4 493 so when you report you report like this yeah so product design to brand image is 0.4 493 you look at it it is a significant relationship okay and then purchase attention with brand image and product design so you have zero point four four eight six and negative zero point three five six with brand image it's a significant but with product design it's not significant so here so this is the one with the brand mhm negative zero point zero three five six it is not significant that's why you don't see a star but a brand image to push its attention it is significant and so you see a star so one star is significant to five percent in two star system we're going to one percent so just look at the significance here and total effect model which is only product design without the brain image is zero point one six six oh it is significant so that's where I put here 0.16 is old it is significant now where is then D mediation so the mediation takes this path times this path and you will get zero point two one zero one five and you need to check and see whether or not this path is actually above does it contain zero in the confidence interval because if it does contain zero then you cannot be sure whether or not this mediation actually has a stronger effect that the manufacture of people are designed to purchase intention so we go back and look at the output here the indirect sorry look at this here the indirect effect of X on Y with the brand image of zero point two one two zero and five and this is the lower limit confidence interval and the unbelieving confidence interval so this basically means that this times this you get zero to zero what five is a significant mediation and stronger mediation stronger then with the product design to purchase intention so they're basically saying that yes this is a mediation so brand image is a strong mediator between for our design purchase intention because it takes more of the relationship yeah the transitive relationship so if the brand image is not good then the product design really relies on a brand image for people to actually have purchasing tension which means yes the brand the product design comes first but it is also mediated by the brand image so if the brand image is not good that people might not have any purchase intention all right so that's all for mediation if you have any questions on mediation do contact me by email and thank you for watching
Channel: Derek Ong
Views: 65,590
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Keywords: #DerekOng #SPSS #Research
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Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2016
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