Sp/Rogue bursting games on Warmane (Blackrock)
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Channel: The Mancer
Views: 47,393
Rating: 4.3548388 out of 5
Keywords: World of Warcraft, Warmane, Pvp, Rogue, Wow, Arena tournament, Mancer, Games, Kamiky, Marm, Sp/Rogue, Arena, themancer, Video Game (Industry), warcraft, warcraftmovies, Warrior, Pula Arena (Building), Mage, Bow, Paladin, Hunter, Board Game (Game Genre), Gold, Level, Lvl, Bow Wow, Warlock, Horde, Shaman, Alliance, Wow World, Gnome, Raid, Frost, Blizzard, Play, 2v2, Farming, Dps, Jenkins, Warcraft World, Undead, Warcraft Wow, multiglad
Id: 8ZqjV18ajAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2015
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