Spring storm approaching; extended weather coverage from CBS News Bay Area meteorologist Darren Peck

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well we got a pretty jarring change in the weather coming our way we just spent a couple of days in the 80s and now there's a pretty notable spring storm coming our way with snow on local Bay Area Peaks and a lot of rain so with all that in mind we wanted to take another opportunity to go a little more in depth spend a little more in time to get you ready for what's coming for this weekend and Beyond I'll show you um what happens for spring at least going ahead a little ways from here in terms of are there any more storms coming cuz this is pretty impressive for April let's get some specifics on the current storm we can see the center of it sitting out here as we look at Friday afternoon the real Focus for this storm is Saturday we're going to go into a lot of detail on timing out the rain and amounts and where we should expect some of the heavier rain to fall and how this storm's put together but Saturday is the main event if you look at the big spin in the atmosphere there's so many different ways to visualize this thing how many times have we've seen these beautiful areas of low pressure just come down and park right off the coast and what this one's going to do which makes it really fascinating to watch is now that it's come down to our latitude it is about to make a 90° turn a sharp left turn and come right into the bay center of that area of low pressure is going to come right overhead so if we watch it on the big picture you can see how that area low pressure spins and then comes right on Shore and right here is kind of the main event from a widespread rainfall standpoint this is Saturday morning and we're specifically looking here at like 4:00 5:00 but we're going to come back to this we're going to come in for a much closer view we're going to slow it down and I'll time out the rainbands but I first wanted you to get the overall picture of how the storm's put together so you can kind of see why it's going to behave the way it will throughout the course of the weekend because both Saturday and Sunday do have impacts from this even though Saturday is the main event after that main line passes we get into the afternoon there's the center look at the spin that pretty much comes right overhead and here's one of the other important time frames as we get into Saturday evening we're going to get close enough now right into the center of the storm where more of the instability resides and the opportunities for thunderstorms are and that's where we're going to see a little bit of an uptick from that standpoint different kind of rain the band that came through in the morning was the widespread steady rain when we get here towards the early evening on Saturday this is where it's more isolated pop up showers and occasional thunderstorms mixed in that's Saturday night then the center of the system goes south and there's one last little issue here Sunday we got to keep raining the forecast on Sunday but you can see how Sunday showers they're not going to be much they're just going to kind of be like the stragglers the follow-ups that come through Sunday's a much better day if you are trying to plan your weekend and again more on that in a second here's what it looks like on the big picture this thing's going to bring a lot of rain to the Central Coast look at the rainfall totals on there for Big Sir two and a quarter and we've been showing so many dramatic pictures of where the road has given way there and they're about to get pounded once again so big are no stranger to impactful rain events but this one actually kind of has it in for them and if you look at the rainfall and then transition to the snow this is not really that big of an issue for snow we're not really going to get a whole lot out of this one we'll get some if you look at the totals on here it'll be like half a foot maybe on Doner pass at most they don't even have a winter weather watch or a warning or any of that but there is a winter weather advisory for much of the central Sierra for I80 and high highway 50 if you got to take that drive uh snow level gets down to like 4,000 ft but you they should not have to close the passes and you're going to need chains you certainly will need chains with that but it shouldn't be too hectic the other way of looking at this storm if we're going to color in where the winter weather advisory is is to just color in one other unique aspect to it this is for Saturday and the Storm Prediction Center has once again colored in the bay for having a you know small 10 to 20% chance of isolated thunderstorms and that's that Saturday evening time frame we were looking at let's put the forecast imagery on here and let's get specific on this now that we've kind of seen how this storm is put together on the big picture here's how it comes to your part of the bay or Northern California in general depending on where you're watching from look at the time stamp up there 2:30 in the morning we're starting to see the Leading Edge of the rain come on and then we get into like the 4:00 hour this is what we were looking at at the big picture that's really kind of the most impressive time frame but it goes for a few hours through the morning 4:00 5:00 6:00 by the time we get to 6 and 7:00 in the morning that main band of rain should be moving off towards the east doesn't mean the rain's going to turn off completely at that point but the most organized line is moving on look what happens on Mount Hamilton right there we're going to get a little bit of snow it's not a blockbuster snowmaker but this one does bring snow levels down to around 3,000 fet so if that's kind of the morning event look at this opening right here that gets us into Saturday 10: a.m. and it's kind of like that same head fake where you get the steady rain in the morning then you get this break and a clearing you might even see a few patches of clear sky here but not a whole lot but it could easily give anybody the impression that oh that's done but that's only phase one so we'll look ahead to phase two here here come the scattered showers see the rotation out there center of the system coming in isolated thunderstorms look at the time six o'clock so this is not exactly six but it's more focused around that very late afternoon early evening this crop of more intense rain shows up shouldn't be too overwhelming it shouldn't last too long either by the time we've gotten to midnight the focus for that's already moving south and then we get another break until those last stragglers show up from the north and you can see what those look like watch it right in the middle of the day on Sunday there's not a lot there so uh Sunday is going to be real salvageable if you've got some outdoors you really want to do I think for the most part Sunday is going to be okay we're just going to keep an eye on that last little band of rain that comes through and stay on top of the forecast with us throughout the weekend and and we'll have more specifics we'll even be able to refine that down in timing and intensity for Sunday but most of Sunday you're fine all right if we look at rainfall totals it's pretty good for April to come through here look at the rainfall total say for San Francisco little less than an inch San Jose a little less than an inch so this is a decent amount of rain and one way of thinking about this is for those two days these rainfall totals in general for San Francisco specifically but for the bay in general that's like 75% of what the average amount would be for the entire month of April anyway and when we get into this time of year that's kind of typical we're not going to get too many rain makers coming through here right now so I mean this kind of Falls right in line with what you would expect this is not all that out of the ordinary for us for April and there's one more look at the system because I want you to see the rotation and now we're going to change the way we visualize this and we're going to fill that in with what the air temperatures are like and this is the dramatic visual which is really one of the more interesting aspects of this storm remember we were doing the 80s going back to Tuesday uh Wednesday Thursday here comes that big wall of cold air which brings our daytime Heights to the upper 50s for Saturday that's going to be a real dramatic turnaround to go from 80 degrees on Thursday to a light dusting of snow on Mount Hamilton Saturday morning is really one of the standout features of this system it's not a lot and most of that comes Saturday late morning like in that when that organized line marches across the bay late morning as it passes over that part of the Diablo range between say like 5 a.m. 8: a.m. that's when this is most likely to fall we're going to get a little more up in the north too if we look at the North Bay most of this is falling for mesino County you can see Mount St helina gets there Mount Tam is just low enough there is a little patch of light blue on there we might get a little light snow there and then that's it well I'll show you the 7-day forecast in a second we're going to get a nice warm-up by the middle of next week some Inland spots will be back in the 80s but having just been through this very dramatic turn if the question is on your mind is this the last one or are there more coming well we can answer that question by going to the long range model and just letting this play out for at least the next 10 days watch the date watch us here we really don't get anything and we just let that play all the way through April 22nd so at least from now through April 22nd pretty safe bet there's nothing else coming here's another way to visualize it where is it going to rain where you can measure it from now through then and we do kind of find ourselves in a little hole there where there's plenty of storms getting pushed up and over us and we're not really getting in on the ACT there so there's your Long Range View Saturday is going to be a first alert day not only for the steady rain in the morning but also for those isolated thunderstorms which are going to come through particularly in the evening notice what we've got here on Sunday like Oakland you got a chance of showers San Francisco necessarily didn't that's the way Sunday will likely go and then look at the warmup back there 72 Degree Day In the City by Wednesday so you know we're going to be doing warmer numbers than that if we pull out some of our microclimates North Bay and South Bay comparison we are going back to the low 80s in San Jose by Wednesday and Thursday going to be a busy weekend we're going to be tracking the updates on the forecast throughout the evening tonight and of course we'll be uh doing our usual compliment of forecast over the weekend as well as the storm comes in so you can check in with us there live for updates and thanks for checking in on this one here as well
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Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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