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good morning friends how are you getting ready for the day in in my bathroom not in a hotel room for once feel like I'm still adjusting to being home um but anyway since I've been home as you guys know I travel to some cooler places and it's not exactly warm in Vegas it definitely not but it's warmer than where I was and it's you know we're just getting on in that time of the year where I'm starting to think about spring so I actually made a huge huge um fashion haul where I ordered a whole bunch of like spring shoes that we can audition and and a bag anyway we can get into that but I also uh you know when when spring starts to roll around when the weather starts to get warmer when the days are a little bit longer I definitely start to rethink my skin care uh my makeup definitely changes all that kind of stuff uh but anyway in terms of skin care I have very dry skin as you guys know so when it's cooler it's the winter time it's it's real easy I just slather it all on right just the heavy creams and the serums and the layer I just layer layer layer it's all great but once the weather starts to get a little bit warmer and um you know I'm dealing with air conditioning versus Heat it's like my skin starts to get a little bit fussier and because I do still layer quite a few products I have to be careful I feel like I have to be more careful with what I'm layering on my skin so I've been trying out this product that's actually celebrating its 20th an iary if you can believe this is the ESOP BC facial balancing gel and it comes in this jar here and like I mentioned it's celebrating its 20th anniversary can you believe that congratulations to ESOP I am working with ESOP on this portion of the video so a big thank you to them I've been trying this out since I got home from my trip and you know gel is a pretty accurate term for this for sure I don't know what else I would call this but the texture of this product is so interesting ing I don't know if you'll be able to see it but of course I'll take some out and apply it but it's actually very honey like they actually sent this little scooper over to me with it and can you see it right it's it's just like honey just like honey anyway all you need is about I would say half a teaspoon so I'm just going to eyeball it so I just take out about that much and I'm just going going to put it into my hands now what you should do when applying this is you want to warm it up in the palm of your hand and what happens is it starts to loosen up it becomes a little bit less um sticky if you will it's such an interesting texture and then what you want to do a lot of skin care they have you like Pat it in and really press it into the skin I would say for this you definitely want to massage it into your skin you're going to feel it like absorb really is such a unique texture and I'm really just working it in so the two main ingredients in here the first one is panthenol which is a precursor to Vitamin B and there's also a stabilized form of vitamin C in here do you see how it's like completely absorbed into the skin there's maybe you can maybe feel it on the skin a little bit but this is by far the most interesting and effective formula I have ever come across so it starts off like honey like and then you warm it up in your hands it almost like solidifies a little bit first and then it breaks down and then you like massage it into your skin and then it just like absorbs right in it's so cool but what I really love is that it's lightweight but it feels very very protective and the formulation uh ratio is approximately one part vitamin B three parts vitamin C so I'm a big fan of vitamin C I feel like it really makes my my skin you know more resilient more Supple and it also helps uh like even out the appearance of my skin which I feel like especially in the uh the warmer months uh I don't know if it's the Heat or the air conditioning but I do feel like my skin is a little bit more blotchy it could also be allergies and I feel like vitamin C really really helps in that department and there's also aloe vera in here which we all know and love it is great for moisture it's also really great for calming and evenness and and all of that good stuff and there's just something so so soothing about ESOP products you guys know how much I love ESOP products I've been using them for many many many years um there's something about the very natural um scent to the products very very earthy very herbal very unisex all the packaging is always so calming to me is just such a pleasure to use it so I've been using this as part of my daytime skincare routine I love using this after I've washed my face after I've toned it um I'll apply this and then what I'll do is just apply some sunscreen on and it's so great because once the temperature starts to rise if I have too many layers on and I feel like they're all so heavy I will definitely start to break out my skin will not be happy it won't feel like it's uh able to breathe and this product is so so good for layering because it's so light and it doesn't interfere with my SPF so let me finish getting ready and I will show you all the like shoes and other fun stuff that I got but I'll be right back all right so I've had spring on the mind and I thought you know what let me kind of start building out my spring wardrobe see what I have see what I would like to order see what things have come out that I really like and I mean full disclosure I am I'm not that person I'm not usually very organized in like creating a wardrobe every season I see those beautiful collages like on Instagram where people um they you know will have a coat and a sweater and a shirt and pants and a couple pairs of shoes and like some different options and they'll build different collages they'll make like you know seven different outfits out of like three different things and and they go with it and I I wish I wish I was that person I wish I was one that organized and two could visualize things like that but I'm not I'm not what I do like to do however is every season I like to like build off of either items that I feel like I really want I really need and kind of just go from there generally in past Seasons it's been like a handbag a handbag or maybe I don't know in the winter time sometimes it's a coat um I don't like to build off of a coat because that's on and off but anyway um usually it's a handbag but this season it has been shoes now I love handbags I will always love handbags um but I felt like I really really am enjoying the shoes that have been coming out and it's probably because flats are really in flats and kitten heels are really really in I have pretty much given up up wearing super high heels it's just not for me I they're uncomfortable they're uncomfortable and I don't have time for that anymore so anyway I decided to place an order at my Teresa I got five pairs of shoes which I've already tried on so I already have some thoughts for you and I'll show you um like clips of me modeling them or whatever and I did also get a skirt which I haven't tried on yet so we'll try that on together and then I did also order a handbag from the row through my Teresa and this was a handbag that I actually saw Copenhagen and I really really liked and I thought you know what I don't have room with my luggage let me just order it when I get home when I don't have like vacation brain let me just order it when I get home play around with it see you know how it looks with my existing clothing or whatever and go from there so anyway I've ordered that as well I'll show that to you but let's go ahead and start with uh some of these shoes that I got okay the first pair of shoes that I got from the row and oh wait till you guys see the color first of all let me just show this to you before I forget so this is the Eva 2 and uh they're Flats they're ballerinas uh they're a dark burgundy and I did get the size 39 so here is the shoe let me take out this stuffing here it's just gorgeous it has like a very soft squared off toe there's this Center seam down the toe box and look at this heel it's like um almost like it's just kind of like attached onto the sole of the shoe it's really cool so unfortunately these are too big for me and uh three out of three out of the five pairs that I got they're too big for me and I don't I don't understand what's going on cuz I'm generally a 39 I can usually count on 39 occasionally I'm a 38 38 and 1/2 um but yeah most of these 39s are too big for me so I'm really bummed but anyway these are these are too large as you can see in this clip of me modeling them just in the heel they just come right off of my foot so I just have to decide whether or not I want to try and go for 38 and A2 whether or not I want to try and find these in store I don't think I don't think there's actually any place in Vegas that carries the row unfortunately um but maybe the next time I'm in New York in any case look at the color of this leather is it not gorgeous in some lights it looks like a chocolate brown in some lights it looks almost like an ox blood um but generally it looks like something kind of in between those two and it's it's so unique it's so gorgeous and this Nappa leather is so buttery buttery soft um and because of that too I'm like this is just going to get bigger and bigger this leather is definitely going to stretch out a little bit it's going to relax a little bit and it's just going to get bigger I'm actually tempted to see if they have a 38 although that may be pushing it but it's just it's such a gorgeous shoe such a gorgeous shoe so I just have to decide whether or not I'm going to you know search for a smaller size either of my ches or somewhere um but it is really beautiful and it's a flat so it's going to be you know relatively comfortable it doesn't dig in anywhere or do anything you know strange at least not in this size on my foot so those are the Eva 2 ballerinas next I got a pair of shoes from Gucci I don't know I just sometimes I like a real basic monogram I don't know I feel like it can go with a lot of things denim trousers um and if it's a neutral color you can go with even more things so I decided to try actually let me try and find the style name first I think it's just called Original GG Malaga kit I'm not sure here let me just show you the sticker information there and of course I'll link to all of these down below um in my description box but just just an FYI these came in their dust bag which is really nice so these are flat sling backs and they just have this very long toe and I just wasn't sure I wasn't sure if they were going to be comfortable if it was something I was going to wear I I really like an elongated toe because sometimes if you do decide to wear flats with like wieg trousers these will peek out it's really really nice so I would definitely suggest that too if you do wear like wider like pants and you do like wearing flats I would get ones with like a longer toe because they just yeah it looks really really sharp when they just kind of like peek out like that anyway these were too big so so with sling backs it's almost like you're wearing a mule so the shoe is going to flip-flop a little bit unless the sling back is really tight on you um or if it has like some elastic in there um but your your foot is definitely going to flip-flop a little bit but mine was flip-flopping and kind of coming out of this sling back um a little bit too much I thought you know I could maybe uh tighten the straps a little bit but it was just too much and again I thought I should just try a 38 I mean we definitely have Gucci here in Vegas so maybe I should just try these in store um but I do think maybe a 38 and 1/2 would work but I do really like this shoe I do think it looks very very classic and if you want a little a little Pizzazz if you want something not quite very quiet luxury you can uh do like a monogram really easily most of my clothing is relatively plain so when I like J it up with um a shoe or a handbag I don't mind if it's like a little logoed out so I really thought these were nice but these have to go back because they're just they're just too big they're too flopsy um me okay and the last pair of shoes that I got that are too big that have to go back are from lamon Barrel probably mispronouncing that um but I started to see these pop up on a lot of retailers and these are just some really cute mesh ballerina Flats they're just called the Luna slipper mesh black and again I ordered size 39 and they're just way too large look how cute these are take out the stuffing so there was a pair of Kate flats that I wanted they have like little uh crystals on them uh the crystals kind of threw me off I'm like I don't know if I'm going to wear a crystal mesh ballerina flat often um but a plain black one I thought these were really really nice unfortunately these are too big but I'm definitely going to try and find a smaller size of these because these are really compared to the these other shoes reasonably priced and they were from what I could tell even though they were too big fairly comfortable so I just thought these are really cool and the leather trim here I wouldn't say is patent they're on the shinier side but it's more like a polished uh leather and just a really nice simple Sleek silhouette I'm just oh I'm so bummed I guess I have to start ordering 38 and A2 I don't know have shoe sizes changed a little bit but yeah these are great these are really really great so I'm going to try and find these in a different size now for the two pairs that I'm keeping thank goodness I I got two pairs of alayia ballet flats now I got let me get them I got these mules a while ago and I ordered 38 1/2 and um they were like a little too small I've actually taken a shoe stretcher to them cuz my foot wasn't going all the way in they have a little bit of a lower rise here so I stretched them out a little bit and now my foot goes in further and now they fit but anyway I got these and I was talking about how much I love the aliia ballet flats um they have this like Japanese styling to them where the opening is a little bit more closed off and yada yada yada and they're always sold out and blah blah blah and I could never find them in my size anyway my Teresa to the rescue they had a few pairs actually in my size and I decided to order these two pairs so these I did get in a 39 because I learned my lesson from those Crystal mules that for AIA I'm a 39 so I got these my God I love these so much they're white mesh with the strap and this is that Japanese shaping that I love for like Japanese um ballet flats aren't they so cute and then the aliia bottoms they're rubber with this fun patterning so these I thought looked great super comfortable I'm so glad that I finally scored them let me see if I can find the style here's the style um card ballerina strap fishnet patent calf skin these are Blanc Optique is the color and again I'll link them all down below if you're interested but um they have like you know the leather cutout ones there's just so many different options for the Elias but I just really really love these fish nets and I'm so so glad I got them in the white I just wasn't sure but I thought for the spring summertime that that's when you're going to wear them that's when you're going to wear these white shoes I just figured these would look great with like khaki pants khaki skirt black pants which I'm always wearing jeans like these are just going to go with everything so so glad I got those again size 39 I can't believe I scored them and then I um and this is actually what brought me to the my Teresa site so obviously I'm on their email list or whatever and um a picture came up of a new pair of alayia um ballet flats and I was like what are those I'm like I have to try those so I clicked through they had them in my size I'm actually wearing them right now look at these black fishnets but with this Gold Hardware so this is like an elastic strap but isn't that so cool oh my gosh I I just love these so much I think these will look so cute with um a skirt with like tapered cropped pants any kind of cro pants WID light cropped pants I just think these are going to look so so cute with so many things that I have aren't they so great and they're not heavy at all or anything like that they don't impede on your they don't uh like sit on your foot or anything strange they're just so cool I just love a little bit of fun Hardware on my shoes and my handbags so I thought these were such a great uh play on their fishnet ballerinas so I'm definitely keeping these I mean I've been wearing them all day so for sure definitely keeping these cuz I'll be wearing these non-stop I believe in the summertime so those are the shoes that I got and again keeping those Elias returning all the other ones and just figuring out which ones um I like enough to want to get different uh different sizes for but let me show you the row bag that I got so this is again in relation to other row bags not very expensive I was actually surprised but also it's not fully leather it is like a cotton canvas bag but I just I don't know I just really love the the look of it so it's like an East West bag it's definitely wider than it is deeper and here it is on the inside there's actually probably more interest on the inside but I love all of this like leather trim uh there's that zipper pocket there is just a open pocket on this side and then there are just these straps which I think are meant to I don't know be tied or something I'm not exactly sure what the straps are for I think when I saw this bag in Copenhagen those were tied at the top so it's meant to kind of be like a little closure but you do have this button closure at the top so it's not completely uh left open and then the handles are leather and that's it I mean it is really a very very simple bag but I do like how light it is that's for sure I love the shape of it and I love that it's tan and black so I just feel like it's going to go with a lot of different neutrals and here is the tag bag for this bag but I have seen this bag quite a bit on um different retailers and stuff but I remember a gazillion years ago I mean this was probably in the late 90s I got like a cotton canvas bag uh From Prada and I use that bag every summer I use that bag to death and it was actually the exact opposite shape of this it was more of a North South shape it was like taller than it was wider um but it was just similar it had like a similar vibe to this and this just kind of reminded me of it if I can find that bag cuz I should still have it I I'll dig it up for a future Vlog it's kind of like the the trench coat of bags anyway I really like this and you guys I'm just being completely influenced um by all the pictures I'm seeing and everything about the row Margo bag I think it's a very beautiful bag I talked about it in regards to that Prada bag that looks very much like the Margo bag um I think the 17 is too big for me I'm thinking about getting a 15 if if I can even get my hands on it or maybe even picking up that Prada one I don't know I don't know let me know what you guys think about the Margo bag down below if I'm just being swept away or if it is really uh a bag worth having and if any of you have the Margo bag out there please let us know your thoughts um I do have a Margot 10 I never use it because it's uh tucked away somewhere actually I haven't seen it in a while but it's um it's such an interesting size it was at a time I got it at a time when I had just moved to Vegas and coming from New York I always opted for larger bags I was like I need a big bag I'm always schlepping stuff I'm out all day I need a water bottle I need this I need that um and so I always opted for larger bags and when I moved here I realized I just don't need as big of a bag I'm in a car I don't need to slept that much with me I'm not out all day um and so the Margot 10 was one of the first smaller bags that I got but it's it's almost like not small enough or too small it's like such a weird in between size anyway I have to dig that up I'm going to find that I think it's in my garage um but I'm going to find that I'm going to pull it out and we can talk about that but anyway if you have the row Margo bag let me know what you guys think because I'm on the fence I feel like am I getting like just suckered into wanting it like everyone else or do I really like that b cuz I do like it I do like the shape I've always liked the shape of it or whatever but never enough to actually have bought it so that says something too okay so that bag those shoes oh and a skirt so I loved the look of this skirt it's a l skirt it does have a side zip but this is elastic and you guys know how I feel about an elastic waist so I got the size let's see I got a size 42 um but let's go ahead and try this on I'm just going to try it on with this top that I have on um even though I'm not sure that I would wear it with this but let's just try oh and it has pockets okay I'm gonna angle you guys down just a little bit so here is the skirt there's actually my God it's 42 too big on me I'm shocked but here are the pockets my God so good and this is like a wool suiting fabric so it has a little bit of movement but not too much has a really nice drape it has a really nice hand it's almost silky soft let me actually try it on with some some shoes I do have these loues I do like the skirt I think I am going to try and get a size 40 because not only is a little big here in the waist but I think it may end up being a little bit shorter too which I think may help the whole look I think putting heels on is very helpful but I think it would actually move a little bit better if it was a little bit shorter oh I love this though I really really love this okay yeah this one definitely going to look for a smaller size all right so that is all I got from my Teresa so yeah this is exciting thinking about spring like I said I don't I'm not a great planner and I don't usually plan but I thought it would be fun to kind of you know start small and build and create a wardrobe and just start thinking about spring like with my skin care it's something that I feel like it creeps up on me I just kind of continue doing my winter skincare routine until it's too late until I'm like what is going on with my skin and that ESOP BC um facial balancing gel is it's so good it's so weightless on my skin but it feels so protective it's going to be the perfect addition to my skin care for these months where it's getting warmer and warmer cuz layering like SPF on on top is like nothing it's so great great anyway that is it for this video thank you guys so so much for tuning in definitely comment Down Below on the r Margo bag want to hear from you guys okay talk to you soon bye
Channel: Michele Wang
Views: 24,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michelle wang, luxury beauty, luxury makeup, luxury lifestyle, luxury blogger, luxury vlogger, michele wong, michelle wong, luxury fashion, luxury handbags, luxury vlog, mytheresa haul, mytheresa unboxing, aesop skincare review, is aesop skincare good, best aesop skincare products
Id: 88frAemuEJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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