Spring Boot 3.0 Security | Authentication and Authorization | [New Changes] | javaTechie

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hi everyone welcome to Java techy recent springboard version 3 had lot of changes in Spring Security modules when I say changes it means the deprecated and removed few of the classes and the way earlier we configure Spring Security using web security configure adapter is now no longer supported by springboot 3.0 so it's really difficult for a developer when they will migrate their application from Spring boot 2x to 3x version isn't it so in this tutorial let's understand how can we Implement Spring Security using springboot 3.0 okay so without any further delay let's get started thank you [Music] so to save our time already created on small application if you go and check in the pump.xml if I will Zoom this we are using the spring boot version 3.0.1 this is the recent release after 3.0 okay and if You observe the dependency hierarchy we are using spring boot starter security web dependency and lombok dependency okay now if you go and check the classes I have defined One controller class and if I will expand this for you I have defined three raised 10 point one will print some string message and one will fetch all the product from the service one will filter the product by ID okay now if you go inside the service class I am just generating 100 of product object using this end stream okay so when I will call the service dot get products I will return the list and when I'll call get product by ID I will filter from the list and I will return the product object this is what the end point I have defined but I didn't write single Logic for security since we added the Spring Security dependency by default in Spring boot security will be enabled but if you want to configure your username and password for your testing what you can do you can go to your resource application.properties file here you can Define spring dot security dot username you can type security okay so let me Zoom this dot user dot name and then you can give your name similarly you can give the password but this is not the recommended approach since we don't want to hard code it and also we don't want to restrict with the one user so here you can only Define one username and password so let's say username is basant and password is let's say PWD one okay this is the username and password since I added the Spring Security dependency by default Security will be enabled for me now I can access all these three endpoint slash welcome slash get all the products and filter product by ID with this credential okay so let me start the app then we will verify so let me run this so application started on port 8080 and if I'll go to the browser if I will hit the end point localhost 8080 slash products slash welcome I need to pass the username and password which I have configured in my application.properties file so if you will go to the browser I configured basant as a username and password as a PWD one so if I'll send the request I can see the response okay similarly if I will try to access other endpoint to get all the products and to filter product by ID I will just open a new tab I'll just change here all it will ask me credential since I configured username and password as a basant and PWD one I can able to access with that only let's say I will give something PWD or I will give some random password so it will fail bad credential okay if I will give birth some and if I will give the PWD one I can able to see the response similarly if I will try for other endpoint command shift n which is get the product by ID write one so it will ask me the credential if I'll give something wrong I'll get the bad credential right so I must need to given what I have defined in my properties file PWD one I got the response back okay so this is how you can use the credential or you can hard code the credential this is for testing purpose in real time we cannot hard code more than one user in application or properties file for quick testing this approach is good but what if I want to configure multiple user with different kind of role where do I need to configure that so for that you need to create a config class and you need to Define your user Detail Service so for that go to this package right click then new packages then I will just name it config okay so I will just create a class let's say security config let me Zoom this fine so I need to annotate here at the rate configuration and since I am using web security I need to enable that fine okay now if you remember before springboot 3.0 usually we have something called Spring Security configure adapter right this is what the class web security configure adapter this class is even deprecated in 2.7.x okay but what happened what is the benefit we are getting from this web security configure adapter usually it provide us the three overloaded configure method let me minimize bit so that it will be clearly visible for all it given three overloaded configure method first configure method you can have the argument authentication manager Builder and you can provide your user details user password and Rule right and if You observe here you can configure n number of user user one similarly user 2 with the having different role and different credential and if you check the second configure method you can have all your authorization related configuration here what all endpoint you want to enable security or what all in endpoint you want to bypass without implementing the security or you can Define the ant matches for what all endpoint you want to authenticate that request okay so this part is nothing about the authorization and the first part configure method is nothing the authentication okay so these authentication and authorization to perform using web security configure adapter it already given us the configure method but now if you'll search this class web security configure adapter in your springboot 3.0 code base let me click on double shift if I'll just enter you won't get this class this class class itself is not present we are not able to found this class in springboot 3.0 so they completely removed it okay so now then how can I configure the authentication and authorization without using this web security configure adapter so for that there are a couple of new class introduced and the way we have configured before I mean when I say before this approach is completely changed no overloaded configure method now what you need to do you need to create a bin of user Detail Service to define the authentication related stuff I mean this user details you can Define by creating a bin of user Detail Service so just go to the package I mean go to the correct folder now here what you need to do create a bin public user details service okay if You observe this ego Detail Service it came from orgy.springframer.security.com user details okay so just use this service and you can name it user Detail Service because anyway we are going to create a bin of it okay so I will just annotate here at the red bin now here you can Define as many as usual details you want you can Define the same approach user details let's say um admin okay admin equal to user Dot I can you can directly use with username what is the username you want to give let's say person write percentage admin and I will also configure his password let's say for now pwd1 okay similarly I can configure his role he is a admin you can Define multiple role for a single user and what else just build that object okay similarly I can Define another user let me copy this so I will change the user to let's say is a simple user okay and I will give some name let's say John his password is pwd2 he is a simple user fine but it's not a good practice to keep the password in plain text so I need to encrypt it so for that what I need to do I'll just create another bin of password encoder okay that is also given by Spring Security public password encoder okay password encoder then I'll just use return new B Crypt password encoder okay I will also create a bean of it then I can pass this password encoder here I can Define encoder now here before I store the plane string as a password what I can do I will just remove this encoder dot encode the password I mean just encrypt it okay similarly here also before I store it I can encrypt it encoder dot encode the password and give the password that's it okay now since you have two user and currently we are hard coding we are not connecting to our DB to load the user I need to store these two user with in memory okay so what I can do I'll just use return new in memory user details or something like that in memory user details manager and give all the user details you have I have admin and I have user these are the two user I have fine now see if you will compare here earlier we have the overloaded configure method right and inside that configure overloaded method I mean this particular method we have something called authentication manager Builder to this authentication manager Builder we are just building the user details and we are storing it now since this configure method is not with us with the springboard 3.0 version we are just creating the user detail object manually and at the end we are giving it to the user details manager to tell that these are the two user details I have okay and we have exposed it as a bin this is what we have done about our Authentication but if you compare the old approach we have configured the authorization related stop in the second configure method who takes the argument as HTTP security right but again we don't have this configure method with us how we can do that so that is the reason spring boot 3.0 given a new class called Spring Security filter chain so we can use that class we can expose it as a bin and we can configure our authorization related stop how we can do that so just do public security filter chain yeah security filter chain security filter chain then I need to pass here http security http I need to expose this as a bin fine now here you have HTTP with you now the way we have configured before you can directly use the HTTP and what all endpoint you will bypass what all endpoint you will restrict to authenticate you can do that okay for example if you go and check in our controller class we have three endpoint so I want everyone can access slash welcome without any authentication okay and I want other two endpoints last all and get the product by ID this two endpoint I want to authenticate how I can do that simply you can go to the config and you can define something like this http so you can type here Dot csrf dot DJ bullet fine then authorize all the requests okay so you can see here authorized request is deprecated so you can use authorized HTTP request okay and then dot ant matches so that is also not available now the ant matches method is changed to request matches okay here you can Define if the URL is coming with Slash products slash welcome then bypass it I mean don't authenticate it just simply permit all the request friend and if request is coming with I mean you can also authenticate using authorize HTTP request if it is coming with the URL slash products slash all OK or you can simply Define slash product slash star star apart from slash products slash welcome if anywhere is coming with Slash products then authenticate them okay and how you want to authenticate let's say you want to authenticate based on the form login or HTTP basic it is up to you so let me use form login okay and then simply build it now I can return it fine so just handle the exception this is how you can Define the authorization in lattice springboard version you need to create a bean of security filter chain and you need to tell what all URL you want to permit all and what URL you want to authenticate them so I can break down here okay so you can do like this this makes sense right so this is how you can Define the authorization and you can Define the authentication here okay so now let's quickly test this endpoint I mean with this credential whether you are able to access or not before that let me comment these two in my properties file okay so I can comment this let's run it now so it started on 0.80 now let me go to the browser okay so since you know we bypass the URL slash welcome okay so if you go to the controller if I hit the slash welcome it should not force me to authenticate because we we have just configured here right if your release coming with Slash product slash welcome then permit all the requests just go to the browser I will type localhost eight zero eight zero slash products slash welcome I am getting the response here can you see here welcome this endpoint is not secure this is what I am bypassing this particular URL if URL is coming with Slash product slash welcome please don't authenticate it okay now let's verify the other URL so let me copy this and then I will open a new mode in cognitive mode I want to fetch all the products can you see here when I try that particular endpoint it is asking me to give the credential so I will give basant PWD one I will sign in I can able to see the response so I'll open a new tab I will hit the same endpoint get all the products okay I need to close it then I need to reiterate with the different user command shift n localhost I mean I have the URL copy just change it to the all it's asking again username and password second user is John right John and pwd2 so I will just copy his name I'll go to the browser username is John password is PWD two he is able to access similarly we can try for the end point products by ID right so let me copy this I will open a new incognito mode ID is 1. it's asking username now basant and John both can access okay because even though we have defined the role here we didn't specify to the method which method can be accessed by which user that we have not configured yet right so if I'll try here with John and pwd2 is able to access we got the Json response right so this is what we understand about the authentication we give the username and password it validates whether the given input or username and password is correct or not this is what authentication now we need to understand authorization how we can perform authorization in this Spring Security 3.0 so when I say authorization now let's say this guy basant is the admin right now as a admin what all feature person can access as a user what all feature John can access that is what I am authorizing him to access these are the end point I am authorizing authorizing him to access these are the features so this is how we can authorize them now for example let's say in our product controller we have three endpoint right slash welcome we bypass it but I want only who is the admin he can view all the products present in my warehouse okay but only the user can view a product by ID I mean I just want to specify this particular endpoint can be accessed by the Admin not by any user but this particular endpoint can be accessed by only user not by admin okay so how I can do that simply you can have an annotation here pre-authorized okay and you can Define here you can Define here 's Authority okay what is the authority who can access it admin right if that user is having the admin access he can able to access this particular endpoint has Authority admin okay similarly I can Define for second endpoint let me copy this properly I can Define here if the user has Authority user he can able to access it so I believe we need to add the role underscore admin and roll underscore user okay but by defining this annotation we cannot achieve the authorization so we need to tell to the Spring Security hey I have implemented method label authorization okay how we can do that just go to the config and you need to play with another annotation called enable uh what is that let me type enable method security okay but not that before that we are using someone some some different annotation something if you type enable yeah can you see here enable global method security and we are just specifying here pre post enabled true right but if You observe this particular annotation is also deprecated now if you open the source code of it it will suggest you what annotation you need to use rather than this deprecated annotation okay so it is downloading the source code if we'll scroll up more advanced configuration may wish to extend Global method security configuration note that enable global method security still must be included on the class extending this configuration deprecated use enable method security Now The annotation is this okay you can use this annotation enable method security just go here just replace it to the enable method security okay all good now as per our implementation two user we have basant is the admin and John is the user now in my endpoint controller class button can only view all the products because he is the admin access and John can only view the specific product by ID okay this particular method can be accessed by the user and this particular method can be accessed by the Admin fine let me restart the code and we'll verify now so application started you can go to the browser let me close this let me open a new browser localhost 8080 slash products slash all now this all endpoint can be accessed by only admin percent is the admins but let me try with the John okay John PWD two it will give the error access to localhost was denied he is getting the 403 403 means forbidden access he don't have he is the correct guy he is able to authenticate but he is not able to authorize to access that particular endpoint okay so what I will do I will close this again I will open and I'll now give the person because he is the admin he can access slash all endpoint password is PWD one can you see here the authorization is also working only you need to change the annotation introducing the springboard 3.0 now similarly if I will try with the get product by ID 1 who can access this only user okay but let me try accessing by admin because person is admin right so PWD one if I will send the request it should fail can you see here we are getting four not three which is nothing forbidden okay percent is not authorized to access this particular endpoint again close this open a new now if I'll try with John and password is pwd2 is able to access okay so the authentication and authorization both are working in our case but if You observe what we what we have done here in this security config we hard coded the username and password but that is what not something we have to do we need to fetch it from our DV right so how we can do that since you said user Detail Service you need to create ad as a bin but I don't want to hard code this user details I want to load it from the DV how can we do that simple step okay so what I can do first I will create a entity to store the username and password related stop I'll quickly create a package let's say entity then I will just create a Java class let's say user entity or user info something like that I need to annotate here at the rate entity I didn't add the GPA dependency let me verify okay I didn't add the GPA dependency so I need to add it otherwise I cannot interact my DB right let me paste it down just hit this Maven object now I need to annotate this at the rate entity fine if You observe the input statement is changed right Jakarta dot persistence dot entity this was recent change on springboot 3.0 before that it was javox dot persistence now this javax is changed to Jakarta okay and I need to Define few failure okay let me quickly Define private int ID private what happened I missed the semicolon okay private string name of the user private um anything like ID name is there I'll just store the password private string email also I'll keep okay private string email then private string password fine I have defined four field ID name email and password and since I use the lumbok I can just use other data are the rate all argument Constructor no argument Constructor and also I can Define this as a primary key and I want it to be Auto generated generated value then what is that identity I will just use strategy fine we have defined this entity so I want to store the user information in the DV so that I want to load it from the DB for authentication and authorization simple just create the Repository I will just create a new package I'll name it Repository I'll just create a interface Java class I will change it to the interface I'll just name it user info Repository quickly extends it from jpa repo first argument should be your model or entity which is user info second is data type of your primary key integer fine user info repo extend from JP repo that's it fine I have created The Entity and I have created the corresponding Repository that's fine right next we need to perform the authentication by fetching from the DV and if you remember we have configured the authentication related stuff in the first bin user Detail Service right here we have hard coded the details but that we do not want to do so for now I will just comment it okay and I want to create my own user Detail Service who will talk to the DB and will face the user details okay so for that what I'll do I'll just use return new user info user details service okay this is what the user info user Detail Service I want to create okay so I'll just create this class create a class of this I mean I'll create in the same package it's fine but better to move it to the service class service package now can you see here I have created user infuser Detail Service by implementing from user Detail Service because user Detail Service bin only I am creating right so I will just override a method and I will Define this at the rate component okay so Here If You observe this user Detail Service gave me a method to load user by username and give me the user details but where can I get the user detail object or my user information object I can get it from my repo so simply I need to inject my repository here user info Repository um unlimited repo that's it okay I just need to Auto edit fine just format it now here I have the repository with me I will get the username now I can load the user by username from my DV so simply for that what I can do I need to write a method in my GPA right so I can write Repository Dot first let me verify the field name in my entity which is what is that user info I have defined name okay not username it's fine I can go with that I can write Repository find by name name is nothing my username I will give the username and I will expect it to return the optional of user okay user info so I need to create this method find by name fine I have created this method in my repo now I'll pass the username and I'll get the user info object which is nothing my entity But If You observe let me Zoom this what this method expect me to return user details object so it means what I am getting from my DB need to convert it to the user details object then I can return it right so for that if you go and check in the user details it contains the password it contains the username when account is account not expired is account not logged its credential not expired lot of things it it is there right and also the roles and Authority is there so I need to get each and every info from my user uh info object and I need to convert it to the user digital subject so for that I need to create another user details class so I'll name it a user info user details because I want to confirm my you I just want to convert my user info object to this user details object okay so that is the reason I just need to implement from user details this is the simple as usual flow it's not something we are doing new here and this is also not the enhancement in springboard 3.0 only the enhancement we have these two way to define the bin okay but this is the as usual flow usually we follow while implementing the security okay now overwrite all the method and just Define all the field what you want to convert to this user detail subject so I will just Define private I mean nothing else just username password and your role okay I'll Define private string I mean for me name is fine private string PWD or password whatever you are compatible fine the next I mean I can also Define this Grant authorities right copy this private list of okay that's it now this I I'll just map my own user info object to this particular region details object so that is the reason I will just Define The Constructor here type control return again Constructor anyway I don't want to give any attribute because I want to convert the user input to user details so I'll pass the user info here user info and then I will just convert this user input to the required field name password and Authority so name equal to get the name from user info and map it password equal to get the password from user info and map it similarly authorities right this is a bit tricky part I mean anyway since you can assign multiple roles to a single user so it's good to extract the individual rule okay so let's say for example if you go and check in the security config I can Define this this particular John can be a user and comma he can be a admin or he can be a HR right I can Define multiple role to that particular user so for that case what you can do you need to extract split them by comma and then extract it okay so how I can do that R is dot stream I will split the rules okay what is that user info I have not defined the rule right so go to user info I'll just define the role here private string rule or you can Define rules that's fine so now we can extract the rule here get roles split by comma okay now whatever the single role you will get just map it to the simple granted Authority okay simple granted Authority and create a new object of it and collect it as a list fine simple guys I want to convert my user info to the user details understand by the spring security so that is the reason I have defined a Constructor and I am giving my user info and I am converting that to the required field of user details now I can return here authorities I can return here password I can return here um what is the name and I can make everything as it true here let me copy paste fine now just go to your user Detail Service class your custom media Detail Service class now you have user info just convert it to the user info user details what you created that is what the return type of this method right user details so what you can do simply can do user info dot map since this will return the optional and you can just call the user info user details user info user details where it is create a each object of user in future details okay and then I mean anyway I just want to validate it or else throw some exception I can throw something like new user not found exception you can give some message user not found and you can give the username that's it right I can directly return this just remove this fine so I'll get the user info from the DV then since I need to convert that user info which is there in my DV to the user details object by giving the username password and roles and Authority so I am just converting it here okay this is the Constructor I am converting here fine all looks good now I have given the user Detail Service in my security config okay we are not hard coding the username now it will use the own user Detail Service which I have implemented by extending from user Detail Service okay now the request will go to this class and then it will face the user object from the DB by giving the username and once it gets the user from the DB it will just convert to the user info details and it will just do the authentication okay so that's it now what we can do for that I want to store few user object to the DV right otherwise how I can validate so for that what I can do I will just go to the controller and then I will quickly create a new endpoint let me Zoom this anyway I'll just since I have the service I will just go to the service and I will create a method here I'll write a method public let's say will return string okay or better I will create a new service right why I will write this logic in the Pro product service it's fine you can keep a separate one but what I am thinking okay let's do it here only public return the string add user then give the user info as a request then I need to inject the repository here right so I'll just inject here private user info Repository repository I need to Auto edit fine so I just need to save it I mean anyway I'm not returning anything uh Repository dot save user info but before or while persisting that to the DV I must need to encrypt the password so for that since I have defined the bin of password encoder I need to inject that private password encoder Auto edit so before I store the user info I just need to set the value user info dot set password I'll use password encoder dot encode get the password and just encrypt it user info dot get password okay then the value will be modify and stored in the DV so I can simply return something user added to system that's it okay then I will call this method from the product controller I mean you can create a separate user service and user controller but add it here only okay it's fine it's just the enhancement we are learning as part of the springboard 3.0 so let me Zoom this I will just Define here public string add new user foreign just change it to the new user info user info then I need to request body I need to annotate here and this should be the post mapping right because I need to pass from The Postman and I will give the URL let's say uh new okay and I will just call the written service Dot RDU give the user info okay but I want anyone can add a user so that is the reason I need to bypass the authentication for this method and we already know how where we can configure the authorization related stop so I want if request is coming with Slash product Slash new then bypass it so I can configure here right so just Define here if request is coming slash products Slash new then ignore it don't apply any security so that user can configure their user details then we'll verify how the authentication and authorization works okay so we are good now go to the product service all good okay let me minimize this let me close everything we'll start the application yeah so so now we got there what is there here failed to configure data source yeah so we need to configure the database or data source related properties in our application Properties or yml file you need to Define driver class your religion name and password and also you need to add the MySQL driver right so what you can do go to the pump.xml and add the MySQL driver okay now just update it okay all looks good now let's restart the app first you need to add a couple of new user for that what we can do let's build the request in the postman ideal we have to generated name email password and rules okay so let's wait to start yeah it started on port 8080 now we need to add few user objects so I will add the same basant and John so same what we have hard coded we'll store in the DB and will verify so just open the postman I will just copy the URL I mean go to the controller class new right let me copy this slash product Slash new new request which will be the post I will just add the URL http 8080 slash products Slash new I mean again you need to define a separate controller but it's fine we just added in the same controller okay in slash product Slash new we should not add any user this URL is meaningless completely right but try to consider this for demo purpose okay don't ask me in the comment whether this is the correct practice to design the code or not now I will just add the user object in the form of Json so what is the user I need to add uh name let's say basant then I will add password let's say PWD one email I'll give let's say basant email.com or gmail.com find what else field we have roles right rules I need to Define so let's say my role is I'm a admin okay so this is what so let me know let me open the D viewer for this Slash new it should not force me to authenticate because I bypass it so let me send the request before I send the request let me change the rules to prefix role underscore admin okay because that is what if You observe in the controller class we have specified here has Authority role underscore user so I need to add the prefix because at the end if you check the or if you debug the internal code of authentication provider it append the prefix as a role underscore okay so I am good now I will send the request just hit the send so user added to the system let me add another user John whose password is pwd2 and email ID is John at the gmail.com and roll seeds user okay now let me send the request now we added two user percentage admin John as a user now let me verify in the DB what is the table name user first Let me refresh the schema okay user info is there right user info let me run this can you see here we have to use a person then John password is encrypted version rule is admin and John rule is user now all good we have the record in our DV now let's try accessing with these two user okay so first I will go to the browser I will copy this so I will try to access the slash all product okay so only admin can view slash all product so I will open a new terminal all so first let me try with the John okay or let me try with the basant person is the admin so he should able to access this endpoint PWD one but before I hit this will get an exception okay by saying that exception we will understand what is the need of that particular exception or how we can result that click on sign in can you see here we are getting the option I mean the exception no authentication provider found for this username password authentication token okay so we have defined the user Detail Service we will talk to the DB and validate the user but we also need one authentication provider right only the authentication provider will talk to the user Detail Service so we need an instance of authentication provider in our code so let me copy this go to your config file security config let me Zoom this for you then what I will do here I will just create public being authentication provider okay and I'll create Bean of it and we will provide the implementation of Dao authentication provider okay equal to new Dao authentication provider now what all information you need to give to the authentication provider who is the user Detail Service and what is the password encoder okay these two information if you can give to the authentication provider authentication provider will talk to the user details and generate the user details object and it will set to the authentication object that is what the internal flow okay so do let me know in a comment if you guys want to know about the internal flow already uploaded one video about the Spring Security internal but it seems the classes has been changed okay so let's do that authentication provider I need to set the user Detail Service who is Major Detail Service already created bin of it right this is what my user details service been so I will simply call that it is asking password encoder as a argument which is not required for now because anyway we comment out this code right we are encoding the password in service layer so I can remove it so I will just pass it now now next authentication provider dot set password encoder give the password encoder that's it then just return the authentication provider okay and I need to annotate here at the rate bin that's it now let's quickly restart so this kind of configuration you no need to add if you are using the spring boot 2x version still you can play with the security configure adapter and you can override the configure method which is overloaded method and you can directly play with that but in Spring boot 3.0 each component of this security flow you need to create a bean of it user Detail Service filter authentication provider password encoder in some case you also need the authentication manager all bin you need to create manually okay this is what the major difference so it started now I will just go and check the same URL I'll just go back here um localhost 8080 slash products slash all okay Enter the URL now first let me try with the John okay John password is pwd2 I should get 403 error because John is not authorized to access slash all endpoint because he is a user he is not admin so that he can able to access it let's see we are getting four not three this is the expected now same endpoint I will try using let me close this I will copy this I'll open a new in incognito mode I'll just pass all okay oh I need to close it again command shift n okay it's already taking from my cookies what I'll do I will just quit this particular Chrome and I will just open it even you can try it out in your Postman okay that's not an issue it came now I'll give password I will give PWD one sign in I can see the response here right because I may admin I have authorized to access this slash all endpoint okay now John is trying to access this last all endpoint but he is unable to access because he is having the role user now let me copy this I'll open a new then I will try to fetch a single product by ID this particular endpoint can be accessed by only a person or a user whose role is user now I will try with the person because basant is admin so it should not allow him to access right PWD one I should get for not three that is the expected now same if I will try with let me close this I will copy this endpoint I will open a new tab I will just I'll just try for the one now it's asking me the credential now I'll give John because he is the user he is having permission to access this endpoint PWD one sign in okay I okay its password is paid pwd2 right John PWD 2. sign in John is able to get the response okay so this is what we have specified the authorization what all a user can access as per their role that is what all about authorization and authentication is nothing whatever the username and password you have given is correct or not whether that user is authenticate to access your application or not okay that is what all about the basic authentication and authorization implementation in springboot 3.0 so these are the core changes you need to do and regarding each component so you must need to understand the flow how it is working so do let me know in a comment section if you want me to implement JWT as part of the same code okay again for the JWT few of the class has been changed so that also you need to understand so do let me know in a comment section if you want me to do on the JWT that's all about this particular video guys thanks for watching this video meet you soon with A New Concept
Channel: Java Techie
Views: 10,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spring boot 3.0 features, spring security, spring boot security, spring security example with spring boot, spring boot security tutorial step by step, spring boot 3.0 security, javatechie, spring boot
Id: R76S0tfv36w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 6sec (3486 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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