Spring 2024 21 Day Meditation Challenge:Day 4

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day welcome to day4 of our spring 2024 meditation challenge inviting you to settle in to get yourself comfortable having consciously created for yourself this time to withdraw from your world to bring your awareness in you might first bring it into the body using your five senses that of sight that of sound smell taste and touch bringing that awareness first into the body and [Music] noticing how it is your body feels today perhaps you scan from the top to the bottom the bottom to the top taking taking your time paying attention to what you're experiencing in your body and this paying attention the invite is to be curious as though you're doing inventory you're noticing you're observing my mindful of the stories that the brain will tell As you move or direct your awareness of course you can notice whatever stories or thoughts occur then bring that awareness back to the body having noticed the body let's bring our awareness to our breath and very consciously allow the next exhale to be as long as it can be when you think you're empty there's a little bit more body will take a big breath in and same thing really long exhale every last little bit of air pushed up and out as the diaphragm lifts P that Belly Up In It body will take a big breath in and same thing this is our reset breath exaggerating our exhale speak into our nervous systems body can take another big breath [Music] then and while the breath will return to its regular rhythm I would invite you to stay focused on the breath focused concentrated feeling the breath as it moves in through your nostrils feeling the breath as it moves out feeling the breath as it moves in and feeling the breath as it moves out for now the only thing to attend to is the breath of course you'll notice probably that the Mind moves there's thinking there's emotions perhaps perhaps there's sensation in the body even so that awareness stays it stays on the breath if you find that it Slips Away to the body or the mind no sweat just bring it back you can use your long exhale as needed in fact the deeper the breath stays the easier it is to focus to concentrate and justly Letting Go letting go of your day letting go of anything you might be worried about anything you've yet to do or letting go of our responsibilities here allowing ourselves for now to just be here here with a breath and in the body checking in with the body and softening the face softening the shoulders we tend to hold a fair amount of tension whether it's in our temples or our jaw our shoulders inviting you to soften and as the face softens and the shoulders soften bring your awareness down to your belly and soften there soft enough that the belly can be expanding as you inhale deflating as you exhale the pelvic floor the perenium can sofen your butt your legs allowing our whole body to soften the front of the body the back of the body the side sides of the body and while you might soften from the outside see what happens if you soften from the inside soften relax [Music] and inhaling to bring the Palms together tucking the thumbs in at the heart and exhale can carry our chin down towards the chest pausing here in this symbolism of Union the thumbs pointed in at the heart the fingers pointed up at the head this connection or Union that we create between our minds and our bodies as we bring that third part of us awareness into the mix grateful for your presence here grateful for this practice namaste
Channel: Vibrant Lives of Montana
Views: 34
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Id: u8ThXjgInd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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