Spray Season Is Here And We’re Learning Again!

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well I no longer get home and talk to a Salesman that dropped in here and Brody calls me uh I got hydraulic oil leaking all over I need help so service call that's not good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well hey it's been a while well if you don't know we're bordering all the fields as the last couple of days but sprayers trying to tame down to thistle everything that else that grows around the edges of the fields looking definitely looking and I was out with the little uh John Deere 6420 Century sprayer with a 500 gallon tank 60 foot boobs I'd say 60 foot moves and uh we got halfway home because well it's looking a little a little stormy well I got it looked back because on that sprayer you got to train yourself into making sure your top fail hole cover does not fall off guess what I don't have to feed cover was gone but I didn't realize until I got halfway home so that way with this coming at me Beat It in my cover I have an idea it got pretty rough on a spot well we've made it about two miles from the field it's our breaking up I can see clear sky now down down below the clouds so for whatever reason all it wants to do is blow I shouldn't speak before I'm out of this place there was a lightning bolt out there that wow that would have lit up half of the whole United States I think for a year that was a big one okay um we're almost there so stay tuned and yes I did have to put my seat belt on because I think it's got a little squirrely back there okay now remember my path where did I go yeah some of you guys might be wondering why do you drive on your crop at this stage of the game The Corn will come back very easily it's when it gets taller than it will snap off and it will not come back now I got I can't be explaining all this to you guys I gotta be looking for my cover the goofy out here we hear we had planned through a bunch of wet holes or plant around a bunch of wet spots what do I see is that it can't be this easy could it be oh no no it isn't that easy that's a rock huh I'm trapped I mean you're in the right bracket Buckle thing how am I gonna do this no I'm not gonna be able to mess around here we got sprinkling sprinkling actions you know that feeling that feeling of loss I've covered pretty much this whole field now wherever I drove spot spraying those replant spots or spots that we had to plant around it's not out here I haven't found it you know how hard it's gonna be to find a cover if I cannot find it for a 1978 Century sprayer see if I do find it I'll show you one of the goofiest One of a Kind type of deals faith going downhill attitude slipping if I lost it from the other field on the road which because of the Cross boils that are not knotted on some spots I'm gonna flew out there I'll never find it then because I've seen this thing fly off the board it likes to roll especially if it's got a little start on it it'll it'll roll right down in the row ditch and then it'll definitely be gone I'm gonna have to retract a few footsteps the weather is not the I think it's going to slide to the south of us so I I'm gonna give her one more time I'm going back one more time It's gotta be here got to be well I feel I have failed it's gone it's not out here I am going to backtrack uh see if it left my tank I usually always check every time I leave the field is the lid there yes the lids are pretty sure I checked but maybe I did now all I got to do is remember what direction I took out here I should be able to do that right one might wonder what I would be thinking of that I would not be able to remember what direction that I came from but you know I got a lot on my mind retirement The Corner Room you know do you think they've got told me to paint the walls in The Corner Room the color I wanted or am I going to just have to be satisfied with what the last I had a lot of think about you wouldn't believe it you wouldn't believe it it lays right on the shoulder of the road I'm so excited I might not be able to find reverse word reverse go come on I don't know about this I think they could have could have done something better with the reverse low high it doesn't want to engage the best but believable with the luck of what I have just had here is it just is why would that choose to lay right there and not roll itself into the ditch so excited I could get run over why oh so here's the unique design of the 1978 uh patented I'm sure make sure nobody else could patent such a lovely idea or have such a lovely idea so yeah this here I don't know what what do you call that plate which has been have we have had to make that new several times because it rusts off because of the chemical but you're supposed to pull those handles down assuring yourself of a nice tight fit there I don't really want to touch that so I'm not gonna well this concludes the uh lost and found trip around the countryside looking for the sprayer cover and I feel sorry for all you that will have to come on Dora the rain is coming ah the episode where everybody will remember when the old guy chases after the sprayer cover that's it I'm gone I'm going home I made it home a lot a lot of wind next snow rain so I suppose that'll be the deal of this summer again comes it's with the Vengeance I hate weather when it has to go to one extreme too dry too wet too windy no wind you know what I mean I'll I'll help you guys show you I'll help you show you I'll show you how to put the cover on so that it does not fall off I think chip did it full blame chip ever sees such a Mean Machine [Applause] now there's a little debris in there well that's what the screen's for so the two flavors are supposed to go in there and return it snap it down oh yeah now there's definitely something to matter sorry Chad it wasn't your fault [Music] now you guys can go in and see what those guys are into well guys welcome back to the channel it's it's went from planting right into spring I haven't filmed for a few days just because it's been kind of random and getting this thing all set up with the totes up on top uh so this is set up to spray soybeans we've been bordering cornfield edges what bordering cornfield edges are is we got thistles coming out the corn really isn't growing it's it's up it's growing but it's got the water so it's just kind of sitting dormant unfortunately so it's it's growing but very slowly due to no water we've missed every rain it's been going South it's been going north is what it is you can't change that but the soybean fields are getting weeds all over them corn fields it's just kind of thistles grass along the edge so we've been bordering every field spraying that and just starting to spray soybeans we did maybe a hundred and 50 acres 180 Acres yesterday and then it was supposed to rain so we quit spring and missed that one again so today hopefully we can hammer out a couple of bean Fields so this showed up the other day we're gonna test this thing out uh if this is a giant vacuum cleaner it's like evacuator only it's a vacuum cleaner and I've got a few different drops in mind for it I'm gonna show you guys I'm thinking cleaning up around the grain bins it's going to be awesome at and I'm not even going to tell you what the other job is because it's going to blow your mind it's going to blow my mind I'm hoping so giant evacuator you put on the skid loader then you can dump it out into whatever you want yeah that's gonna be fun you gotta refill just a little bit of water on this thing and wait for Brody to call when he's empty he was loaded up this morning because you want your spray once you spray it to stay on the plant for like an hour and a half or two hours before it rains and we just we got scared because the forecast and unfortunately we could have kept spraying but whatever it's a new day I have something to do today right so overall learning the system I've loaded the sprayer twice and just learning still so I'm no expert nothing's been fast yet just because it's all new to me and also the job you got to remember how to do everything in general so other than that I got a buddy that bought one of these Express fills also so we've been like talking about it and like how he's using it how I'm using it and he's got a couple of ideas how he's been using it so I might try that out [Music] one-handed farming [Music] and we're full so I know where he's gonna run out at so I'm gonna mix up 128 acre batch for the next two Fields smaller fields and get ready for that so I've got four inductors last year I had two uh so I've doubled my size yet I wish I had more so you can get them in 80s nope 80s and 40s I believe is the size I went with two 80s just because I want big capacities and two 40s I maybe should have went with three 40s and one eight but it's here I like capacity but I have one two three four five six products I'm putting in but it works because I just put in my um least amount of gallons into what I mix my AMS in so it actually works out pretty good because I put my AMS in first then I go to my Roundup and list dual refill this with Wrath bam we're loaded just like that that easy okay where do I start AMS so we're going to stir five bags of that in this Hopper now the thing I did yesterday was I just dumped it in here dry it worked like it sucked it out I used the gun to rinse it down what I'm gonna try which was Brody's idea was filling this up with some water and hopefully then by the time I get to the field it'll be mostly liquid so we're going to go rear tank basically use it in reverse fill it up with some water gravity which is happening just as I figured it would or should dump my AMS in and hopefully we'll be good that should be sufficient all right I think that's the way to do it backflow some water up in there and dump the AMS in hopefully it's mostly liquid by the time I get to the field to load them up that's going to work a lot better now this is this is pretty cool I'm going for uh uh 32 it's 24 gallons of the Roundup so we open that up first we set this so we know how much we're putting in turn that on air powered air powered hand pump I normally leave the truck running I may fire that up here quick because if they do use a fair amount of air and that gets the air from the air compressor in the truck now I got I got two pumps going could fire up a third thing but I'm still too new at this to get too much stuff going on at the same time then I mounted this box here for fittings and you name it nice seat to sit here and watch the gauges okay we're going for 24. going for 32 of that one those two are mixed up here comes Eric bordering this field right by the farm as you can see he's only spraying like 10 feet 15 probably 15 feet just along the edge take out such stuff thistles weeds he says it's a quite a boring job I better run [Music] [Applause] [Music] as you can see the uh corn is oh eight inches another week and we'll probably be spraying the whole field but this ain't a really weedy area but their spots where it comes out 15 20 30 feet of solid grass slash thistles you name it and the cool part is he what he has in that sprayer is uh it don't kill grass so he can spray Road ditches and take out the the weeds that are in the ditch also very nice just the monotonous job come on one-handed mm-hmm all right we are ready to go Phil Brody whenever he calls just like that so the field is down there a mile but I don't want to take this truck down there because it's a really really really narrow way out of down there and so we're just going to load on this intersection here got my canopy out seen it in the shade sure it's nice he's gonna pull up spin around get level we're hooking them up start blasting product towards them foreign yeah the wind is it's not too bad today but you gotta play the wind all right knees loaded up I can go whip up another batch and then I think I need a new tote there well I no longer get home and talk to a Salesman that dropped in here and uh Brody calls me uh I got hydraulic oil leaking all over I need help so service call that's not good did you fix it no yeah it's getting there what do you see I don't know it's dripping there my pump sits there and goes probably blew out the internal guts any other leaks I don't know what that leak is back there that's probably that sometimes those that's a one-way cylinder and sometimes for some reason oil squirts out of the Breather heck that's just an occasional it's hot out it is what it is why she went Full Throttle trying to cool her down yeah full throttle and it went so loud and I noticed my pump well we got oil so that's not an issue I don't see any major issues here Brody send it can't keep raid okay that's an issue going from 12 to 20. butterfly valve go to the junk filter you've been given me nothing but high quality all right we're going to do some Diagnostics here and see what we come up with I like how the planter guide critiques his own Landing all right so we addressed some different pressures we definitely have a slow leak on the pump I'm gonna maybe order a new one because we know how once a leak starts it just it don't get better and run rubber beans I think the rate's holding better I had to do some valve switching back there and then we cranked up some hydraulic fluid so we're holding our rate like we should now and as far as it warming up man dude it's 90 is outside I miss this Brody yeah you can do it you want to be a spray tender operator I like watching a steerable hitch so the steerable hitch swings out as you can see so that the sprayer is following where the planter tractor is driving [Music] sprayer tractor when Brody drives like a maniac get it from Eric that's all those big ruts happen all right I think we uh got that figured out this is crazy devils we just didn't have the Hydraulics set right and there's a procedure you go through it's really super easy you turn the valve off on the bypass and then rub the tractor up so you know you got full hydraulic pressure and then speed up your Hydraulics until your filter Inlet pressures at 120. and then you open that valve back up so we did that now he seems to be holding the rate just fine and I better get back and get another batch whooped up he's already half done with this field granted it's very very cut up slow going oh she's really heating up now guys time for another fill uh like seven degrees the only thing that's nice about it not raining there's not much humidity it's a great thing normally it's like 80 percent humidity can't breathe are you empty enough I think so we're gonna have to deploy the Boom so we like the sprayer to be level your front end's got to go down yeah get out of the road Niche there we go we're in between the lines now we're good all right hook them up good I guess I didn't need to deploy the Boom such a narrow little ditch here three times drilled my head on this and the first try at first base for hand but it is nice having shade very nice actually everyone made fun of me for this at the farm but you know what Who's laughing now when I don't have sunburn you ready thank you that's another 2450 gallon load bro day all right I've got to go get more chemical gotta get more dual load it up my totes about empty we've currently been basically spraying mostly left over from last year so we didn't start out full why oh my we failed her to fall that's a full note all right so I'm filling water up back in my black tanks there and I have look at that I drained that dual coat there I got it unhooked I've got my new tote right here but we're gonna take it off with a forklift get the new one up there and hook it all up I should be ready for Brody again see what I'm doing [Music] [Music] oh my gosh it's like I'm a professional perfect all right very well what is going on we're out of fuel out of fuel well that's a convenient at least we're close to the gas Barrel all right so we just gotta come up under here take that stupid seal they put on there off and just like that we're hooked up I just gotta strap it down obviously now get more gas for my pump stupid some totes can be so nice and then some can just be a son of a gun some are self venting I like those some don't have a vent at all those are not good thinking that this is self-venting one that I shouldn't have took that off of there's a hole there oh well I don't really know I'm taking it off all right so one of my concerns about this tote deck was being up on top here obviously you don't want to fall down but actually there's a fair amount of room here where you can get around and strap stuff down and work up here safely and then there's a nice ladder here and it may seem like we do that a lot but honestly that lasts a long time when they're full what's wrong with it there ain't no gas in it don't spill don't spill don't spill don't spill don't spill don't spill that always helps right hello ran out of gas again huh yeah I think we used more gas on these pumps than we do decent fuel 20 minutes he didn't catch it then it's not worth explaining it you get all these problems fixed up I don't think I have too many problems well that's good what are you doing you're taking off again for the day yeah right yeah plain leaves and oh yeah I'm gonna be late yeah not the problem this is what you've been doing all day have you been working this is important to stop here yeah of course now I believe we might have some trouble why splashing no water at me just put in one restart the power cycle oh yeah so I just filled him up for the last time not Mark of the day no if you want me to pull her in we'll fill you up real quick yeah we should have a three inch band we're good just need a little power yeah so I gotta leave soon go do engagement photos in the heat why was I not invited well that might be kind of weird I suppose you could take the photo we could have a three-way picture it says that make it weird no that sounds like fun I've got softball tonight oh that sounds even more fun in the heat it really turned it up to be like look at that I'm still oh my white skin kind of hides it at least the flea bites what do they call them things actually look at this I had a spider climb into bed with me yes one got me in the armpits I bet I think that was when I was sleeping and Dad both I think he's dead now on the weekend and he's sleeping in the boat yeah we are back in the night no no it was taking my afternoon nap I'm sure it was because you were tired that's why you needed the nap yeah it was matter of fact I still haven't recovered from how hard you worked me this spring don't even get to see each other no I literally did see Eric for like a month that's why I love spring all right yeah so I'm taking off we'll see you we'll we'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 210,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2YhUbmCZynU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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