Spray Painting Myths & Misconceptions

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everyone welcome to another episode of custom spray mods now in this episode only over a few misconceptions or myths about spray painting especially using aerosol cans you might have heard some some advice from your mate from your friend's friend your uncle some going to internet forum or something do it on a YouTube video how do you know if it's real if it's true and so how do you know really what to do so I'm going over a few basics of spray painting that might help you out in your next job check it out okay so one misconception about spray painting is that you need to sand your paint in between coats or before you clear coat but you don't really need to do that unless you have a major defect like you have a bug or a bit of fluff in your base coat you don't need to sand it before you put the clear coat on just spray you spray your paint spray your one coat of base coat wait 10 minutes come back spray it again do about three coats then put your clicker straight on so yeah no need to stand in between coats let's just weed God you do that tight ok another common misconception even in the spray-painting trade is that paint will fill scratches paint won't fill scratches paint is very thin it levels out and will fall into any little scratch marks that you have in your primer or whatever you're painting so make sure before you spray in metallic color you send with 800 grit wet sandpaper before a solid color like white or yellow or red anything without metallic the minimum you should send is 600 grit wet sandpaper so don't think that you're just going to spray your color on it's going to fill in scratches and it's going to look good definitely not going to see the scratches and that's not cool okay so another common misconception about spray paint is that you have to wait a day a week a month you have to wait a long time between your base coat and your top coat yeah yeah you don't need to let your base coat dry before you put your top coat on you really should put your top coat clear within half an hour of spraying your base coat because if you let that base coat dry for too long it's going to get hard then when you put the clear on it's not going to bind and it's not going to stick to that base coat very well at all so make sure you spray your clicker within at least half an hour of spraying your basecoat otherwise you'll have problems it can dilemma Nate it cannot flake off and just want to stick as good as it should do all that work won't you paint a stick okay so another common misconception out here is that when people using their spray cans they they hold the can very far away when they're spraying for some reason people think that you need to hold the can like you know a meter away from the job and spray it that way well yeah that's that's really not true I mean when you spray it too far back what's happening especially on a hot day is that the paint by the time it hits the thing that you're painting didn't dry and then when it lands on the job it's going to be grainy like sand and then later on you're fine that you're the thing you're painting feels really rough and not smooth at all so don't hold your spray can too far away when you're spraying or you spray gun for that matter a good guide is to hold you can or gun about a hand span away from the job so like that so you'll get a lot smoother finish the paint will go on nice and wet it'll be smooth and look awesome and that's how you want your paint to look so maybe that's why people are sanding between coats because it's spraying so far away and the job is grainy so yeah definitely don't do that do that not that that not that okay so another common misconception I hear a lot is that you need a special kind of heat paint for high heat areas things like manifolds definitely does need a high heat paint they get really hot but things like an engine block or the engine bay brake callipers exhaust wheels hubs those things don't really get that hot so things like a normal enamel will definitely work on those areas a two-pack base coat and a 2-pack Clicquot probably the best things to use on those areas to pack is chemically hardened and can withstand quite a high heat I've got to pack space and clear coat on my brake calipers and I've seen them smoking before and the paint still looks really good so to pack paint is pretty common very hard to get in aerosols but it is available and I'll definitely recommend that for high heat areas even over like a cheap caliper pay to park is much better so high heat paint normal to pack what's on your car right now and available in most places it's probably the best alright so the next thing on the list is you need a special kind of paint for plastic parts well yeah that's that's a bit of a misconception there are special paints designed to go straight onto plastic but they are only a limited color range so if you want to spray any color you want on your plastic you can do that with normal spray paint but first you need to put a plastic primer on the product I've made many videos about painting plastic the steps are scuff it with some gray scotch-brite clean it and spray some plastic primer on there so definitely if you're painting plastics get yourself a can of plastic primer then you can use any kind of auto paint spray it on top and your paint is going to stick and look awesome so plussing primer paint can't go wrong okay so another myth about spray painting is color-matched spray paint paint those being matched a lot of people even companies are advertising that they're selling color matched paint in spray cans well there's to get paint for your car first you need to supply a paint code and that paint code is what the manufacturer puts on their car that gives you information about that type of tan now you can't just walk into a shop get the paint code get your paint paint your car and expect it to match exactly to the rest of the car there's a few reasons why one is when that pain was sprayed it was sprayed by machine through a special spray gun and unless you replicate that exactly the paint very rarely look exactly the same also if you're spraying your paint with a aerosol can that's a lot different to a spray gun the atomization is different the metallic and pearls are going to lay down differently than a spray gun going to make the color look different temperature air pressure there are a lot of things that can make your color look different from when your car was sprayed from the factory so very rarely you'll get a can of paint or any kind of paint that color matches exactly there are a few ways to get around this and that's by blending your paint instead of painting a panel edge-to-edge when you paint to the surrounding panels and it'll be very difficult to notice any slight change of color if you're really good you can match the color spend some time and adjust it if you have a whole tinting system like most panel shops do you can get your color perfect then you can spray edge-to-edge put two pounds next to each other and you won't really know the difference but only for professionals because it's pretty hard okay so here is another thing about spray painting people think that painting metallic and pearls is a lot harder than just painting solid colors well this kind of goes back to the last misconception about color match paint the reason is if you spray a pearl or metallic and you're trying to match an existing color it can be very difficult you need the right equipment and the right environment to paint that pearl or metallic and get it to look just like an existing paint apart from that there is no difference to spraying the two you can paint a pearl or metallic on a helmet on a motorcycle anything if you're doing a custom paint job pearls and metallics really aren't as hard as solid colors so if you're thinking about going pearl metallic go for it it's really easy just spray three to four coats of the color make sure you get good coverage and put good clear coat on and you're right okay so the last thing about spray paint is primer people think that you can spray primer on your car and just leave it on there and drive around and it's going to be okay that's not the case primer is porous it's going to absorb moisture if it rains any water any if it's a humid type area it's going to absorb moisture and that's going to affect the panel underneath if it's a metal panel it's going to rust that's going to affect your paint later on in the paint job or later on down the track so don't drive with primer on your car do it paint a coating on it as soon as you can or leave it overnight sander the next day and paint your top coats on it straight away because otherwise you can have problems later down the track and that's that thought there you go that was a few misconceptions of myths about spray painting that I hope can help you out in your next spray job now yeah I've been selling paints for 10 years and I've been painting for over 10 years now I've been to paint manufacturers seen how it's made I've done lessons on it and a custom painting courses and things like that so I have a little bit of knowledge about spray painting hopefully that can help you out and and can fix any problems that you have or any problems you might have with your paint work at the moment so yeah if you think that what I've said is wrong give us a buzz comment down below I'd love to see some of your videos send them to me and I'll put them on my Facebook page and we can we can sort it out otherwise subscribe to my youtube channel check out my facebook Instagram snapchat Twitter all that social stuff check it out and I'll see you next time otherwise that was it back you
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,545,956
Rating: 4.8414044 out of 5
Keywords: spray painting, rattle cans, spray cans, clearcoat, spray, spraypaint, paintmatching, diy spray painting, painting, custom painting, spray paint, spray paint myths, spray painting mistakes
Id: 7he7VBJaJ_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2016
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