Spotted Dick Suet Pudding and Custard

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greetings Gastronauts this is Keef cooks I'm Keef and today I'm going to show you a classic and pretty sure food spot a dick with custard so I'm doing this for Chrissy Wales who requested it spotted dick or a suet pudding this is actually both of those and it's an absolute classic it's right up there with jam roly-poly in the lexicon of British pubs with silly names or you know indeed British dishes in general with silly names but it's it's lovely it's not actually stodgy it's quite light and the custard I'm going to show you foolproof custard but you will need a sous-vide machine to do it with but you've got one of those haven't you so no problem anyway quite easy quite delicious let's do it okay ingredients for the spotted dick I've got 200 grams of self-raising flour 100 grams of shredded suet 75 grams of caster sugar powdered sugar 100 grams of the sultanas or currents these occurence and 125 mil of water and also the zest of a lemon so it's an interesting name for a dish spotted dick if it's dried fruit obviously on your spots but nobody seems to know what your dick is know where it comes from it's a shame now you want to mix all your dry ingredients together so the flour the sugar the spot and the suet those are stir well if you don't know what suet is it's the hard fat that surrounds the kidneys in a beast and yeah can be a bit tricky to get sometimes but and then just grate some zest in there there's one zest las' lemon I'll just stir in the water now we're ready to cook the pod traditionally you would do it in a big pudding basin well first of all I don't have one and I don't want to do it that way I'm going to do individual ones so I've got the smaller sort of pudding base and shaped slide the things I'm just gonna put at the inside of each one and I'll pop some of the pudding mix into each one I believe a good space at the top because it will expand during steaming no you just want to wrap each pod in foil and that's quite tight that basically is to keep the steam in and the water out I've seen lots of recipes where they first of all cover their pod with grease proof paper with a pleat folded in it and then cover it with foil with another pleat and tie it with string and all kinds of messing about but you only need to do that if you've got pudding basin that's fall to the top because that that pleats is needed for expansion such would I hope this won't rise as much as that so we won't need that expansion gap okay so we're ready to cook the spotted dick got them in a pan and just brought some water hot water and you fill it up to a level about two centimeters about an inch below the top of the pots and when that's boiling well in fact now put the lid on and keep it bubbling away for about an hour and then we'll check it and if you are and if you're doing a bigger one it might take as long as two hours to cook properly okay bonus recipe custard English custard go under in 20 mils of milk hundred twenty medals of cream that's double cream heavy cream 60 grams of sugar which has been infused with vanilla and three egg yolks you can use vanilla essence or a vanilla pod but keep the pod and stick it in sugar after you've taken the seeds out because it's wonderful now we need to separate the yolks from the whites chuck them in a bowl just break them up a bit and then we'll add the cream and the milk and the sugar where's those together the easiest way I know to make custard is to sous-vide it and you'll hate me for this if you haven't got a sous-vide machine but I do have a recipe for doing it the conventional way so you need to heat your sous-vide gadget to 82 degrees Celsius okay now I'm just gonna put the custard mix into a ziplock bag if I can get it open waters up to temperature so we just popped the bag in and let the water squeeze the air out and then seal it and then we'll let that bubble away for 20 minutes all right here's a put and just unwrap him and gentle press on the top if it bounces back that is cooked and you can also stick a skewer in it if it comes out dry guys cooked so spotted dick yeah right the custard had it's 20 minutes so we'll take it out of the sous-vide machine and we'll just give it a bit of a wool massage and also give a taste Wow YUM oops see if we can spot dick out of the temp easy-peasy and we'll just dribble over a bit of custard I'll have a bit of a taste mmm I can't tell you how good that is it is very very good Wow and that's that I hope you enjoyed it now you can get the full recipe on my website keith cooks calm and there should be a link kicking around on the screen over there or down there and if you haven't already done so please subscribe to my channel link link and talk to me leave comments make requests keep it civil and friendly or I will ban you and thanks for watching and see you next time
Channel: KeefCooks
Views: 54,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steamed suet pudding, suet pudding, british custard pudding, spotted dick, spotted dick recipe, spotted dic recipe, how to make spotted dick, British puds, custard, stodge, sultanas, steamed, recipe, how to make, individual, English sweet, currants, yt:cc=on, dessert, cooking, food, sweet, keefcooks, keef cooks, currant pudding, old school food, school dinners, british desserts, english desserts, Chrissy Wales
Id: Y80EVIJrcd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2016
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