Spotify API in python || Grab Playlist of any artist using spotify api || learn SPOTIPY

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in this video i am talking about spotify api and grab the name of all album of any artist like justin biber or is it saying whatever you want how to create and spotify api you can use in desktop application mobile application or website at the end of video i will show you in django website here i use the python library for spotify is spotify you can download the pdf of this video from the description box check and download it at first go to the browser and type spotify for developer now go to now go to dashboard and you can sign up here and then login okay so then create an app enter the app name and description here i already created app the test cache so this is the client id of the app and this is the client secret of the app you can reset this so now open any text editor or jupyter notebook i prefer the jupyter notebook so now go to the and go to the docs and go to the web api and library so you can see here the python library spotify so you can click it the github page will open for the install spotify you have to type pip install spotify in your command prompt okay so now just copy it and paste here and add a exclamation mark before the line so now shift enter so in my case requirement already satisfied okay now go to the spotify documentation so this is the test code so you can copy this this code is for grabbing the albums of any artist so copy this and paste here so this code for grabbing the album of body ok this is the uri of body so if you run the shift enter then you will get an error now go to the site packages of python to app data go to local go to program and go to python go to lib and go to the site packages so find the spotify here is the spotify click it okay so here is the oauth2 in this functions here i use the 2 so just open it with any text editor ok so search for the spotify client credential class so here is the spotify client credential and it is inherit from spotify auth base so in the unit function there is client id and the client secret we use it so now go to the notebook so spotify client credential take client id and client secret so copy it so now go to the web api library of spotify now go to dashboard now go to your app now copy the client id now paste here as a string okay so now click on show client secret so you can reset the client secret just copy it paste here as a string okay so run it shift enter so you can see the all album of body so now go to the spotify okay so search here for justin bieber now click on more and click on share and copy the spotify uri click on it okay so now go to the notebook so here the body uri so just change it justin and remove it and paste here as a string okay so now change the results so artist album take the body or i just change it to just in uri so now run shift enter okay so you can see the all album objects in viber so again go to the spotify or search for the famous indian singer or did it say it's my favorite so now click on more and go to share and copy the spotify url now go to notebook now paste here as a string so you can change it or not it doesn't matter so now shift enter okay so now you can see the albums of origin in spotify now you can show this in your django website so this is the django project and this is the django application so now copy it and paste in the views.pi in your django application okay so now create a function for this so def define spotify function s p o t i f y and pass request okay so now remove the for loop and type a return render request and the template name the template name is spotify.html you can type whatever you want and now pass the django variable so the django variable is album a l b u m s okay so now go to the templates and create a spotify.html inside the spotify.html create a for loop for x in albums albums is the django variable okay so here i just print the name of album so x dot name so now create a url for the spotify function so now go to the urls.pi and create a path for the spotify function so path the spotify path is for views dot spotify the spotify is the name of function okay so name of the url is spotify choose whatever you want okay now save it and run the server so enter the local host and enter the path sp o spotify so enter so you can see the albums of origin sync in upcoming video i will tell you how user input the uri of any artist and get the all albums of this artist and we'll discuss a lot of more things about spotify api don't forget to subscribe the channel and see you in next video so thank you
Channel: B Learning Club
Views: 23,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spotify, spotify api, spotify api python, spotify python, spotify with python, developer for spotify, spotify for developer, python, python spotify, justin bieber album, arijit sing album, python library for spotify, grab all playlist using python, playlist spotify with python, playlist of any singer on spotify, name of album of any singer in spotify, name of album with python, grab spotify album with python, spotify album with python, artist uri in spotify, artist album python
Id: lykCVzomVvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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