SPOT The CGi 1

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this video is brought to you by squarespace the best place to build a beautiful website if you've ever played one of those find the out of place object games like where's waldo or one of the i spy games then you are ready for this video where you need to spot the cg for example if i showed you a shot like this you'd say obviously the cg is one of the doubles because you stood in one place then another masked out both sections and then composited everything together because at the end of the day you're not a twin which is true i'm a triplet [Music] so as this is your first shot i'm gonna give you a couple pass-throughs through it there's gonna be a progress bar below that tells you how much time you have to spot the cg but i'm also give you a hint there are four things in some sense that are incorrect with the shot can you find them can you find them before progress runs out feel free to uh pause the video go frame by frame whatever it is you need to do um but now i'm gonna spoil it the first thing is these cones in the background you're gonna notice that they're a different color from everything else and you know while these cones do exist in real life this is just color correction so what i did for this shot is i tracked each cone individually just using a tracker which lets me stick on a mask that basically says isolate this cone and move with the motion of the cone and then instead of just using like a color correct node by changing the hue and all this which would kind of up the whole thing i instead used a hue curves node which kind of lets you isolate a certain color and say only manipulate this one so in this case i took the reds and orange like hues and said turn them into yellow which lets me you know isolate these cones and by the way it's an object or a person in this case a person passes through you gotta mask that otherwise the skin tone is gonna change and kind of make it not it makes it obvious another small detail in the background before we get to the big stuff you're gonna notice that this person i keep referring to first of all walks into the shot with white shoes and then walks back into the shot with kanye yeezy's whoa how do you do that um again super simple thing i just took an image of yeezy's cutout like anything that shouldn't be in there track this onto the shoe which looks pretty good but then you want to add in some motion blur um some grid warp is actually the most important thing because then you can actually get the deformation of the foot movement and you know if you're not looking for it it looks very very believable so this person has yeezys now for the big stuff which is probably the thing you were expecting all these cones in the background some of them are fake but maybe not the ones you were expecting so these are the two cones that are fake the way i did this is i took the shot did a 3d track on it so that i could actually put objects in the scene in 3d and it moves with the camera i then needed a 3d model of a cone that looks like these cones specifically in the gas station so it kind of looks like everything melts together and the original plan was to take a bunch of photos around this thing in a circle so i could then plug this through some photogrammetry software and get just a hyper realistic thing but when i tried to process it it kept cutting it off at the top so i i went away with that idea and instead actually just used a single photo to model this i just modeled it from the perspective of the camera just projected the texture onto it which does look incorrect if you look behind the model but you just rotate it so that part doesn't face you and if you look pretty closely on the rim of the cone you can see some of that bled through anyways but um that should give you a pretty realistic cone that you kind of match the lighting the color correction and all that and you have cones in your scene and again if an object goes in the foreground you gotta mask it otherwise the which object in front of another kind of thing is ruined finally my favorite thing that i didn't know if it would look realistic or not but i think it came through pretty well is the puddles this shot was shot on a dry day which is like obvious if you look at everything else but i'm like it we'll put some puddles maybe people will believe it since it's a gas station i mean a water puddle that puddles up there anyways the way i did this is very similar to the last thing where we have the 3d track so now i can put in a bunch of planes in our 3d scene and the question is how do i give this thing a material that looks like a plane so what i went with is i basically made a procedural material that's a circle that's distorted that turns it into a puddle and i said wherever this white mask exists just make it super reflective super metallic and make it transparent everywhere else and then the big secret to making this work is you need an hdri environment that kind of matches you know the scene that you're in so you're actually reflecting the correct things and also you want to be using fresnel which is kind of like the angle that you view something to say this is how reflective it's going to be because if you look at a puddle top down it's not going to be as reflective as if you look at it from like a distance where the angle is almost like perfectly like with the either either way the angle that you're viewing it with which you know we have an animated camera for um actually affects it so there you go shot number one some of the cones were fake some of the cones were color corrected the yeezys and also the puddles how many did you get i i don't care uh moving on to shot number two okay we're now in the territory of shot number two can you spot the real stuff can you spot the fake stuff and can you do so before the progress bar dissipates so uh yeah there's the shot um i'll give you a hint there are three things in this shot that are not real uh that are cg and uh oh you're out of time so let me spoil it for you so the first thing you're probably new so the first thing you're probably noticing is this barrel off to the side that just kind of looks out of place and if you think that's cg well you're kind of correct but really it's a bit more than that it's the whole corridor or the whole space that's fake i just replaced the window with this thing and to do this i basically repeated the same process as before of doing a 3d track of the shots i could put in 3d objects and then i made a corridor using a bunch of image textures and stuff like that from the scene so it looks realistic and the problem i ran into is when i tried to render this i realized that you could actually see the outside or the back face of the corridor so if you superimpose that it just kind of looks weird so the solution to that is use the back facing which has one color on one side and one color either either way use back facing to say on one side of this corridor make it look like a corridor and on the other side use a holdout shader which is kind of like a thing a bit beyond transparency what it lets you do is it kind of lets you have a window into a world without seeing from around it is the point so yes the entire corridor was fake did i trick you i don't know moving on to the next thing if you focus on this door you're going to notice that actually i removed something i didn't add anything the original shot had a trespassing sign which kind of rubbed me the wrong way or actually it was a no trespassing sign i just wanted to remove that so the way i did it is i just did a planar track on the door so i now know the motion of this door where it's moving etc i then just made a clean plate and what is essentially photoshop where i just clone stamp out the sign i track that thing onto it using the planar track and only have it be visible in some of the area and that's how you basically track a clean plate so that the object is removed in a similar vein you're gonna notice that this like wooden barrier thing er the point is originally it had some text and i removed that as well using a similar process but something a bit different this time i did a planar track and actually did the study command which will stabilize that section and make all the other footage morph points being we now have the stabilized thing that we can make a clean plate since it doesn't move and it's a nice area to work in and then if we just take the transform and apply it again but this time inverted we've done transformation clone stamp and then inverse transformation which in effect makes it look like it's removed in the similar process but it's a bit different so yes in this shot there were two things that you really couldn't have guessed because they were removed but that's kind of the point of cg a lot of it is actually removing stuff not adding it so yes this is an impossible game moving on to shot number three final shot okay this is your final opportunity there are no more after this this is shot number three the finale can you figure out what is real what is cg you have a bit more progress left so take a good look at it i'm gonna give you a hint there's only one thing in the shot that is fake and your time is up so let me reveal it this shot is entirely fake nothing in here is real this is a complete uh it's a 3d render completely is what i'm trying to say so did i fool you [Music] so you may be able to spot the cg or honestly you probably can't that's the point i was trying to prove but can you spot a good deal when i tell you about it well let's find out this video is sponsored by squarespace if you're in the market for making your own website you do not want to code it yourself it is a hassle you need to learn a lot of stuff it's just not worth the time or the effort you want to be using something like squarespace which has a bunch of templates drag and drop you don't need to know anything about anything you just pick something that looks 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Channel: CGMatter
Views: 30,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spot the cg, spot the cgi, cg, cgi, vfx, artists, react, visual effects
Id: mL5QRj8clww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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