Спортлото-82 (комедия, режиссёр Леонид Гайдай, 1982 г.)

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New novel of Genian Zeleniy "Deadly murder" A mysterious crime Comrades! Only 50 copies left! New novel of this summer Buy lottery tickets "SportLoto" Lucky ticket can bring you a prize in the amount of 3 or 20 thousands rubles Dear passengers! Landing on the train "Moscow - Uzhnogorzk" is ending The train departs from the second way Hello Hello. May I? Thank you Thanks You are welcome Thanks a lot! You are welcome Can I offer you a drink? I have delicious cognac Thank you, but I don't drink And you? No, I quit drinking That's the right decision. I've quitted a lot when was your age And you, young man? Do you agree? Don't worry, I will have time to do it. Drink, please, drink You're drunk since morning Young man, sit down to the table and drink tea, please Thank you Wow! Please, forgive me ... Thanks a lot. Eat for health. Your appetite is excellent, it can be an object of envy. Honestly, I don't have appetite at all. It's seen at a glance. No, it's just very interesting book. And I...I have engrossed. Well, the book is relly interesting. But it's all about it Yes, when the author describes South America, it's absolutely obvious that he have never been to this continent How do you know that? It's not obvious at all And you... Excuse me, I forgot your name. Mihail Golubev And I am Aleksandr Sanich And so, Misha, have you been to South America? Or may be you have visited Central America, haven't you? Me personally? No, I haven't Well, why are you debating then? Ok, what about you? Have you? It happened sometimes Did I have a lot? What are you talking about? I mean how many of your products have I destroyed? Not so many. Just as many as I have It turns out that I've eaten all your food My mom is right when she is saying that I become dangerous for people if I'm in distraction And how offten does it happen to you? Kostya... Konstantin Lukov Tanya... Tatyana Pegova Good morning. Morning... Good morning I don't understand, why did you cover me with your blanket tonight? Did I?! I wasn't cold at all Were you? It seemed to me that you were cold Spoons, spoons, spoons. One is missing We haven't any spoons We haven't? Please That's right, now it's ok Why do you keep your spoon under the pillow? Where do I supposed to keep it? In the glass But I can't put the glass under the pillow Why do you need a glass under the pillow? You are absolutely right. I don't need it. That's why I put only the spoon. So.. Why do you keep the spoon under the pillow? But where I supposed to keep it? In the glass! - But the glass cant be held under the pillow. - What use is in keeping the glass under the pillow? - Quiet right, it's useless, that's why I held there only the spoon. I had a similiar case. In Montreal. But there was a fork instead of spoon. How are you doing Stepan? Okey, San Sanich, do you have cigarettes? Smoke That is for you Tanya I would prefer Pepsi Cola, but I think Baikal is better What for? Kostya, thank you! It's the lottery ticket "Sportloto" I have never played lottery "Sportloto" Why not? ... I, for example, had hardly ever missed one drawing... If I have money, of course. I've even developed my own system And how often do you win? Win, not win. It's not the point And what is the point? The point is that I buy a ticket for 60 cop. and have a hope to win, for examlpe, 10000 rub. Ho-ho. -Exactly. May be even 20000 rubles Having a hope is not enough But it's boring to live without any hope. So, Tanya. Yes-yes Cross out 6 numbers.. ... And be sure that you have money in your pocket What numbers should I cross out? Whatever you want. It's very original. It's the first time I meet such combination Certainly, this combination has the element of surprise All genial is simple 1-2-3-4-5-6. The results will be announced next Saturday You should save this part of ticket, called part A The rest part I put into the Sportloto box in Uzhnogorsk The part of ticket, called part A, I give it to you, in front of witnesses Otherwise, I will lose it for sure Even if you lose this ticket, Tatiana, you will lose nothing You don't get it, Tanya If I have this ticket, you will not be able to get the prize Nevermind. You'll get the win for me In what sanatorium will you be staying? How can I find you? There is a camp of automobile travelers after 32 km That's where I will rest for a month And you, Kostya, will you be at sanatorium? No, I have an aunt in Uznogorosk She has her own house, so she invited me to visit It's good luck to have an aunt in Uzhnogorsk. Not everyone can do it I bet you go to the sanatorium, and I believe it's the best one You are mistaken, young man. I'm not going to have a rest, I'll work I'm sure, I will have the most interesting vacation I go to the mountain base, it's called "Eagle Shulter" There will be training in the beggining, then we have a trip through the mountains. It's the third time I rest this way. We will arrive in 40 minutes You have too many things It's all your orders over there. It took three days to get them from Moscow Thank you, it's very good Let me help you with the bag No, aunt Klava. I'll do it on my own Who is that girl? I met her on the train She is interesting She is beautiful Damn it! Be careful, old man - It's not two and a plack, that's experimental equipment. Your scientific equipment is very heavy Science, completely, is not an easy thing Equipment So, here I am living It's a real villa, aunt Klava! I don't know can it be called a villa, but you can be sure there are three rooms Come in That's where I live temporarily. Place your bags here, please Ok Thanks The rooms are rented, you know, it's a hot season I see I can offer you the porch. It's very good But it is also rented Generally, I think it won't be comfortable for you to live in home. It's very uncomfortable, stuffy, noisy and at all But I have a very quiet and calm yard A small family lives near the trolley Few students sleep under the cliff And I allowed just-married to the kitchen. ... They asked so much. - I understand. Theree is no one all the day Everyone is on the beach all day long Here you can see a yogi Yogi!!! This weird man sleeps at day, and go to swim at night Kostya, You will have a separated room Fine You can come whenever you want, and you can leave whenever you want. - Oh, aunt Klava... - Paradise. - Shoo, shoo, dog on you, just have found a hole. - Isn't it too low? - No, aunt Klava. - Excuse me, always so. - Nothing. Feel yourself at home. Take a rest The toilet is near Thank you very much You are welcome, Kostenka Hi Hi Are you Klavdia Anatolevna? Yes, it's me I'm the man who rented one of your room Have you received the money by mail? Of course The room is ready. Please come in. That's good - Stepan Stepyanich... Get on. - What? Please Wow! It's awesome So, buddy, you are not happy that I took your appartments, are you? Not at all. I'm here because aunt Klava is my relative Nevermind. Go out, I'm the master here now, do you understand? Ok! Fine! Check Isn't it beautiful? Wonderful It's better than I expected There is our camping - Modern camp of wild autonomads. By the way, Pavlik, how will you introduce me to your friends? As who? I said I go to meet my wife I think you hurried with it Ok, in this case I will tell them I was going to meet my wife, but met my bride - Love goes around the planet... ... Finds any adress... ... Notwithstanding that no one of us had ever given it an adress... ... But who can answer... ... How long shoud we have to wait for love? ... Only love itself can give us an answer, only love itself... ... Only our love... ... How festive, how happy, how gay... ... Is to meet love and to feel by our hearts that it is real... ... Ask me: "Do you really love me?", and you will hear "Yes". ... How I want this world to be so bright... ... ALWAYS... ... As we sailing togeather... ... Sailing in the enormous sea... ... In that blue valley can't be seen mountains and coasts... ... What is awaiting ahead?... ... Don't hurry to answer... ... The answer can be given only by love, love itself, only love... ... Only our love... ... How festive, how happy, how gay... ... Is to meet love and to feel by our hearts that it is real... ... Ask me: "Do you really love me?", and you will hear "Yes"... ... How I want this world to be so bright... ... ALWAYS!!! ... ... How festive, how happy, how gay... ... Is to meet love and to feel by our hearts that it is real... ... Ask me: "Do you really love me?", and you will hear "Yes"... ... How I want this world to be so bright... ... ALWAYS!!!... ... ALWAYS!!!... - Here are oranges, here are vitamins... ... Who needs oranges, who needs vitamins? How much do these oranges cost? One ruble, oldman, just one ruble Give me 1 kg of good ones What are you talking about? It's the price for 1 piece of item What? It's 1 ruble for 1 orange For one orange? Exactly I would give you money if I'd be sured you buy some concience with it Go away, oldman. Don't distract me from satisfying customers Shame on you Who wants oranges? There are oranges What's the price? One ruble, just one ruble Too expensive How is it going? Slowly A regular customer is very boring person now. Nothing can satisfied him A customer is always right. The most important thing is your smile Oranges! Vitamins! Thank you! Well done! Congratulate me, aunt Klava. Tanya won 20000 rubles What Tanya? The girl I ride with. In the train. You called her interesting Oh, that one. And what? She won, how does it relates to you? I bought her this ticket. That was me who forced her to take it Kostya, you gave your own prize, such big amount of money and you are happy now... You should to cry, but you are happy Aunt, you don't realize Please! What? what's happened? The check missing What check? Aunt, I told you, Tanya won a prize He could get the money only with the check, which she left to me And it was there, in this book What a foolish your Tanya are. How is it possible to give to store such things to strangers. Espessialy to people like you Is your point that I'm a rogue? I know you are a honest person, but Tatiana certainly will think you are a rogue Why? Do you think she will believed that check dissapeared? Absolutely not. I'm sure she will think you took her money by yourself Thank you, aunt. You can calm Remember, what book do you put the check into? I told you, I put it into this one Oh Lord This book isn't mine I told you, you put the check into the wrong book Wait-wait ... A.A. Murasko turned to be San Sanich... It means I have his book, and he has my one It means you have to find him! - Where can you find your Murashko yet. He's here. He works in town. I will be searching for him Search him I'll do - We live as in clover. - As in clover? - Yes, it's OK. - I'm remembering that last time back to Moscow we carried young garlic... ... Now we had carried here oranges from Moscow... ... What should we carry back while we would have selled oranges? - It depends on the market opportunities. - Clear, and if it would be no market opportunities at all, what should we carry? What lucky people! What's happened? Have you noticed the girl I came in train with? Yes, classy girl. What is wrong with her? She won 20000 rub. in lotterey Didn't she?! She guessed figures I'm asking you is there any justice on the Earth? What does she need all this money for? - Money are never too much!!! - However, she would hardly get them... ... She gave the pass from lottery ticket in my presence... ...To that ninny Kostya. .. .And he put that pass into his book in my presence... ...So if Kostya is not a fair fool... ...He can easily get and pot all 20 000 rubles. - And if she would sue for her money in the court? - And he would answer: "I dont know anything about this and I see that person for the first time!" - And she would call vitnesses, for example you... ... You said by yourself that you have seen everything, haven't you... - Well, perhaps it's an idea... ... But I'm really a valuable vitness... - Well!!! - So I find that fellow with the pass... ... Make him squeal, - What??? - Make him squeal... YES!!! ... And say straightly: "Or lottery winnings in half." ... ... Or I'll tell all the truth in the court. - Geniously but not fair. - Why??? - Giving that cheater a half is not worth while a quarter is just enough for him!!! - Way to go, Stiopa!... ... We only have to deside how to find him... ... Let me see, he said that he was going to visit his aunt... ... But where is that aunt living?... ... Just a moment!!! - Do you want to drink tea, the kettle had already boild. - No thank you. - As you want, the kettle is hot. - I would look for the ninny! - Who needs oranges, who needs vita... - Hey!!! That's done ninny, you won't get away from me!!! - Who needs oranges, who needs vitamines? - How much? - Ruble for one, three for a pile, a pile consists of three ones. - Are you crazy? - Look at the quality of goods, imported. - San Sanyich! A pint from you!... I tracked down where your milksop lives! - Address? - This I don't know, but I can show the way. Only from the market. It was there where I tracked him down. There! Straight! My memory is brilliant, if I had seen anything once... Remembered it for the whole life... Come here!!!... Here he turned back, and I hid in the gateway... And here a dog jumped at me. Can you see this, I'm not lying. Now come here... Here my... his potatoes got scattered. Muddler! Here he stopped again and drank some water! - Go on, pathfinder. Here a car nearly ran him over. Did you see that... Come here. He lives there, in that little shed. - He? - He! - Move away quickly! - So let's begin, I'll be keeping him, and you... blackmailing! - Wait wait wait... I've got another idea. What if that milksop doesn't know about the prize. Maybe the coupon is in the book, safe and sound. - And what then? - Then we'll secretly expropriate the coupon. - We'll secretly what? - Steal! And the prize is all ours! That's genious! - The plan is as follows, I'm on the watch... You're entering the shed... finding the book, bringing the coupon, get it? - Yes, I'm entering, finding, bringing. I get it! - Quiet! - Hello, San Sanich. - Hello. - It's hot today, San Sanich. - Way hot, Clavdia Antonovna... - Bonjour, as Frenchmen say. - So I decided to wash the clothes today. - Come on, Stepan, wait. - San Sanich... San Sanich, I've been looking for you all day. - O God, San Sanich, are you Mourashka? - I am. - It's unbelievable! - How did you get here? I'm looking for him all over the city, but he's here. - You're somewhat faddy. They've been living here for almost two weeks. ... But they have entrance from the street and yours is from the side street... That's why you didn't meet him. - Do you remember Tania who went along with us? - Yes. - She won 20 000 roubles on a Sportloto ticket. - Have you received the money? - What are you on about. - Kostya!!! - I'll be in a minute. - I put Tanya's ticket in this book. - I remember it. - But I took your book by mistake, not mine. - It couldn't happen! - Is this signature yours? - It means you have my book wherein Tanya's coupon for 20000 is. - If so, no problem, as is said in America. I didn't take out the book from the bag under the bed, the ticket is there. Get it? Get it. Of course, I get it, let's go, San Sanich. - So it only remains to take out the book from the bag. - And take the precious ticket. - It will take a minute. Get it! - Get it. Okay. - Get it, get it, San Sanich. - Let's go. - Let's go. - Stop. - What? - Where's the key to the bag? - Pardon, I haven't closed it. The damned sclerosis. Something like this happened to me in Singapore. - You've been to Singapore either? - Yes. In passing. - Isn't it hurting you, San Sanich? - That's nothing, it will subside. - San Sanich, where are you going? I'm asking you... - There's no ticket. - So what? - Take your jewel, my young friend. Take it. - The ticket is missing from here. - How so? - Look by yourself. - Yes, it's really missing, that's strange. - Why are you glad? San Sanich. - Sorry, the same happened to me in London. - Have you... - Been to London. - Listen, my young friend... - This is my book. - Yes. - I have a strong rule, when I buy a new book, I write my surname on the title-page. - So. - That's not harmul with the present bibliomania. - How do you know it's yours? - So how? - That's how! - You don't have my strong rule. - I don't. - And?! - And? - Think a little. - I understood all. It means either Tanya or Misha has my book. - You finally took my book by mistake. - And someone of your fellow travellers has taken your copy by mistake... - Constantin, you should never be desperate. - YEAH! - I'd help you find this precious ticket with great pleasure, but alas, I'm very busy, the boss summons me to the center. - Tomorrow morning I'm going to Tanya myself. - I wish you good luck! - Thanks, San Sanich. - One moment! My copy. - Oh. Here you are. - So you'll keep disavowing? - There was no ticket in your book, I say it again. - Open your mouth. - I can't eat anymore. - Open your mouth!!! - I can't! I won't! - You will! - You will eat oranges till you tell me where you've hidden the ticket. - You'll thus feed all the merchandise to me, how much money will be wasted. - You'll pay for what you've eaten and will eat. - At the present price 2 rub/kg? - The release price for you is one rouble each. - What? One rouble? - Even not one rouble but 1.20. - What's the .20 for? - For the service. - Where's the ticket? - It was never in the book? - Move faster, the milksop has waken up likely. ... What a fool I was, by myself gave that ninny an idea where to find a pass. - That's all your fault, but you have tortured me by oranges... ... I had to eat goods costing one hundred rubles, not including service, - Stiopa! - What? - You should better take care of the engine... ... Some unusual noise is heard. - Engine is all right, vitamins are making noise. - Stop the engine. - Ok! - Drop the anchor. - Done! - What's that?! What?! - Stepan, what's that? - Everything is all right! The anchor is on the bottom. - That's she! - The book is certainly in her tent. Let's see! Pretty woman. - Imperceptibly get on the shore... - Imperceptibly enter the tent... ... And imperceptibly search for. All right, imperceptibly get on, enter and search for. - Take that waterproof bag, you would put the pass inside. - Understood. - Good-bye. - What? - Sink. - San Sanyich!!! ... Here is the pass. - How had you so quickly got into the tent and found the book? - Under your professional direction everything is simply. - Come on!!! - I had never been in the shaft... ... And my face in not dirty with coal... ... But I'm working as hardly as a miner... ... Because I'm getting scarce goods at any cost... ... I'm living in a modern way... ... I'm searching for scarce goods all the time... ... But it's easier to become a sheikh... ... Than to get scarce goods in our times... ... I'm hurring up to realise all the wishes... ... Inspite of the fact that sometimes it is very hard... ... And it is worth asking... ... About getting compensational milk for my health... ... I'm living in a modern way... ... I'm searching for scarce goods all the time... ...But it's easier to become a sheikh... ... Than to get scarce goods in our times... ... You can despise me under hand... ... Don't welcome me... ... But you have got used to me... ... You cant dispence with my services... ... I'm living in a modern way... ... I'm searching for scarce goods all the time... ...But it's easier to become a sheikh... ... Than to get scarce goods in our times... - Thanks. - It's useless. - Get out!!! - No, and in yours there is also no pass. - Are you sure that you safed it into the book,not into the pocket or the purse. - I had never had a purse. - Pavlik, I remember properly how Kostya safed it just into the book. - Yes! - I don't understand, Tania, if it was your pass, why hadn't you safed it yourself. - Because I should certainly lose it. - But he hadn't lost it?... ... And you have found a reliable person. - Pavlik, what are you talking about? - Tania, don't defend me, I'm guilty. - Where are you going to search Tania's pass? It's elementary, using the method of exception, now is clear... ... That the pass is in the book that was taken by our fourth fellow traveller. - Misha! - Yes! - And where is Misha? - Where? - In the tourist camp "Eagles house", and I'm going there just tomorrow. - Clear! - Tania, you would get your pass! - And it should be better to make it as quick as you can! - Wait, Kostya!... ... I will go to the tourist camp with you. - What for? It is so high in the mountains! - After all, I made this problem myself, though we will search for it togeather! - Come here. You understand that I can't let you go alone. - Go with us. - But my car, how can I leave it? - What for to leave it here? Let's go on a ride in a car. - To the mountains by car? - No problems. ... Let's start tomorrow in the morning... - Do you consent to it? - Certainly! - Clear! - Where is the owner? - Someone is for you. - What's the matter? Hey!!! San Sanyich!!! (Shouting) - What a wonder! I played in the lottery "Sportloto" for the first time and had won such big bucks!... ... Now I will be in all my glory... ... For the first I will bye a sheepskin coat... ... And next year I will go on a cruise around Europe... ... I will bye a TV set and certainly a car. - I think that your winning in lottery would not be sufficient for all that. - I would win again! - For the first try to get this winning... ... Excuse me, but all that is because of your light-mindedness... ... Giving the pass to the stranger... - As you see, that stranger turned to be very good and honest person. Decent? So why don't you let him go alone to the tourist camp?... ...I've been afraid that as just he'd take the ticket he'd disappeared What?... Are you kidding? - It's a joke... It's really a joke! - Mister, why are you not fit to be seen? - I'm training! - Clear, are you a long-distance runner? - Yes! - In what association? - "Manpower Reserves" - And what for are fins and mask? - Thriatlon! - So, good luck to you! - How far is the city? - You would be there in the morning! - Who is it? - It's me, San Sanyich, wake up. - I'm going forward and your have to go left for 15-20 kilometres. - Is there any trunk traffic? Sometimes is, sometimes not. - Shall we go by foot or thumb a lift? - Here they are. - They have passed us ahead, the game is up! - The game is not up, different incidents can happen to them on their way. - Here must be used the first speed. - Pavlik, turn to the first speed. - The engine should give out now. Pavlik, the engine should give out now. - I don't need anybodies advices! - Hey! Hey! Stop! - What's the matter? - We need to go to the "Eagles House". - Get into, our ways are mostly common. - Ok. - I'm going to the wedding, brinning the presents... ... House wine. - Oh, I thought that it was a rock fall. - Suiciders!!! - May be they enjoy it. - Where are you going?! - Where are you going? We hadn't continued our way yet. - Thanks for all... ... We should better go by foot. - I have cleaned the carburetor, everything is all right now. - Such a talented man as you must have your own car. - In real life one man is blessed by the god with a talent and another with a car. - Coming. - Alla Dmitrievna! Alla Dmirtievna!!!... ... Alla Dmitrievna, please search, where is Michail Golubev?... ... I'm here recently, I managed another business before... ... It was a wholesale depot. But now I'm put up, 2000 meters above sea level... ... I'm guiding the... How to say? Guiding the... Pah! - Tourists. - You are quiet right, the tourists... ... Would you like a cup of coffee? - No,no, thank you! - No! Thank you! We are in a hurry! - As you want, as you want... ... What information do you have about that man, what is his name? - Golubev Michail Nikolaevich went with the group along the route №7 the day before yesterday - When should they be back? - Yes-yes! When should they be back? - They shouldn't be back. - What?! - How?! - Why shouldn't they be back? - What's the matter, Alla Dmitrievna?! ... Alla Dmitrievna, I'm asking you, why shouldn't they be back?! - Route №7... - Well !!! - Lasts for four days... - What does it mean? - Tomorrow the group through the Mangal canyon... - Go on. - Would enter the Mangal station and go home by train... ... That's why they shouldn't be back. - Oh yes! They should depart, that's such a route. - Tell me please, how can we overtake them? - Only by the helicopter, but it's a pity, we don't have it. - Route №4. - Yes, please. - Lasts for two days with one overnight stop... ... And through the Southern crossing also enters the Mangal station. - So, we are starting the route №4... ... And tomorrow in Mangal station meet Misha. - Misha, Misha. Excuse me please for my curiosity, but whe do you need... ... so quickly that elusive Misha? - What? We should explain everything to you just now. - Styopa, let's help. - Hey! Go on, go on, go on, a little bit more. - 20000?! Great congratulations to you. - Thank you! - Playing in lottery "Sportloto", wiining you, winning and... and that, how is it called?... - Sport. - You are quiet right, sport... ... I congratulate you... - Such a great social event - 20000 rubles... ... It must be celebrated. - No-no, thanks! - We don't drink alcohol! - I can't drink, I'm driving a car. - As to myself I don't have a great intrest in it, but, your understand... ... I hold it just in case, foreigners sometimes come here... ... Hvanchkara, light natural vine. - Thank you. - Nothing... - Dear friends, let me raise my glass to... ... Charming Tania... ... To her luck and your common success... ... And certainly to the useful, interesting... ... And I should sincerely say... ... Intellectual game by the name "Sportloto". ... I've got an expromt... ... Play, dear friends, in "Sportloto", nobody should condemn you for that... ... And I raise my glass... ... to your next winning... You... More...Pah! - Not less than 100 000 rubles!!! - Quiet right!... ... Can I join you?... ... Only two days. - A group of foreign tourists is comming tomorrow. - Oh yes! We, I and Alla Dmitrievna, have to work hard... - Nevertheless, we wish you to get up your Misha... - We gave you everything required. - Thank you for your help. - Good luck, - Thank you! - Good luck. - I'm worrying about my car. - I understand you.. - Alla Dmitrievna, drive my Mercedes out of the garage... ... Let it luxuriate in the sun... ... Everything would be all right with your car. - Thank you very much! Thank you! - I want to remind you that along all our routes are set pointers. - Oh, yes-yes! Wayposts! There are standing wayposts. - Be careful, your route? - №4!!! - Alla Dmitrievna! - Memorize! - Clear. - Consider them. Consider... - What? What? - Oh! I came near forgetting... ... My friends! I want to consider you... ... There are many wild animals in the mountains, there are even bears... ... Please, don't frighten them, don't offend. - Don't worry. - Everything would be all right. - We are peaceful people. - It would be beautiful to meet a food store. - Don't you need a shashlik-house? - I need. - San Sanyich! What do you think, can I eat that berries? - You can... ... but you should poison yourself. - Hold! - I hold! - Well San Sanyich, you amaze me. - Thinking is useful, as it is said in Monte-Carlo. - Here. - Let's go. - Rest! We should have a rest for a half an hour and go forward. - Why half an hour? Not an hour or an hour with a half? Who had decided that? - I had decided. - Why are you deciding everything for all?! - Do you hear? They are quarelling yet. - I hear. - Well, that's enough! Stop quarelling. - Tania, please understand, we can't lose even a minute. Five minutes for the rest and that's enough! - We shouldn't feel refreshment after five minutes rest. - Pavlik,we shouldn't feel refreshment after having five minutes rest. - Half an hour. - Half an hour. - With such pace we should evidently be late to Mangal... ... The train goes tomorrow at 15:00, it won't wait for us... ... Misha would go away and we should lose our money... ... More appropriately Tania's. - Well! Everything is clear now!!! - Let's go round! Break through forward! Let's go! I think we had outrunned for five kilometres... ... Styopa! Take it away! - Yes. Like this! - Not the column, the routes! - Well San Sanyich, what a wisdom. Ok, now they will obviously lose their way. - Welcome. Had you memorised what side to go? - No, what about you? - I thought that you should memorise it. - And I thought that you should. - Oh, your brains... - Where should we go?... ... There or here? - No-no. - How should it be, not there and not here? - San Sanyich, the route №4, right here. - Let's go!... ... The most important is to overtake the competitors... ... The most important is to overtake the competitors and the money are ours! - How should we divide 20 000? - In fairness, from everyone according to the features, to everyone according to the position. - And what is my position? - In our organisation you are the first person... After me!... ... "I'm living in a modern way..." - So, that's interesting. - Oh! The scores are very recent. - Observation as Sherlok Holmses... ... May be, using your deduction method, you should lay down the guideline. - How ascuaintance meadow. - What? An ordinary meadow, and here is the waypost, it means that we are on the right way. - Why the routes had diverged at the fork and now are back togeather again? - It's normal for the routes, they are divergering and than back togeather again. - So, so. so?... - What? - Nothing. - Here is our route... ... As you see, my deduction method is very simple, everything is elementary. - Oh Kostya, with your abilities you can work in the militia. - And I'm really working there... as a driver... ... Pavlik, it's your order to carry the rucksack. - Now we have overtaken them for 20 kilometres or may be more... ... San Sanyich, as a have told, the routes are divergering and than back togeather again. - Stop! - Ok, we should confuse them even greater. - Stop! I'm asking you!... ... Styopa. - What? - Is anything wondering you? - It seems that we have already been there. - It seems, it seems! We have already been and here and on the meadow... ... all day long we are going round... ... thinking that we have overtook the competitors... ... and all these problems are your fault. - And what is my fault? I'm only following you. - And who broke the pointers? Isn't it your deed? - And who commanded me to do it? - Do you have your own mind?... ... If it can be called a head on the whole... ... What are you doing? It was a joke. - It was a joke too! - It would be ready soon. - Ok! - Taste! - Delicious!... ... It became cool cold. - I gave your so many troubles. - Well, now everything is coming ti the end... ... Do you know what I wish? - I don't know. - I wish you had won again... ... And I should have lost your coupon again... ... And you with me should have been searching for it again. - You so much enjoyed loosing coupons? - I enjoyed being with you. - Unless it is necessary to lose comething and than to search for something? - Be quiet!... ... Do you hear such strange sounds... ... as a big night bird floppes it's wings... ... May be it is tearing the prey. - It is frightful to think. - They are cooking millet porridge from the concentrate... ... All day long without hot food. - It is useful, now hunger is a way of treatment. - Why had you hidden the bread... - Oh, I thought... If you want, you can eat even a hole loaf of bread. - Pavel, what is happening to you? - He mustn't rule! - My friends! Our rucksack has gone, it's mysterious. - What does it mean: "Has gone"? - What a silly joke?... ... If you don't want to give bread, do it, but what for playing jokes?!... ... You are thinking that we all are idiots, arn't you?! - Why all of you?... - Enough to make a cat laugh, but the rucksack had really gone... - Do you remember chiefs warnings about wild animals? - Do you think that our rucksack was stealed by an animal? - Certainly not by a man! - My friends, we must be very careful... ... We should be on duty one after another. I'm living in a modern way, I'm searching for scarce goods all the time. - Oh! - Just now! - Not a lot, sprat in tomato souse. - What, is that all? - It's a pity, but it is so. - Deuce! - Open it. - How can I open it without a can-opener. - Use your brains, ancient people did without can-openers. - They didn't eat cans. - What's that?... ... Look what is happening there. - Why are you throwing food? - Eccidentally! - Too many words, go and find it! - How can I... - Go! - Over there... A bear... I had escaped from it by the skin of my teeth! - A bear? - I had hardly escaped! - Be careful, Kostya. it can be somewhere near! - Is it possible that a bear came here? - From whom was I escaping? From a rabbit!? - So enormous and shaggy, I had hardly escaped from it. It is so! ... What? - Himalayan. - Are you shure? - Really. - Keep silence! - Through the bridge to Mangal we should have to pass 10 kilometres, and going round would take 30 kilometres. Really, it's faster!!! ... ... Stop, burn here! - Well, San Sanyich, a wise head. - We should take a short way and they would have to go round. - Greatly!... ... Oh! That's it! It's really it! Himalayan! - There! A-a-a-a-a!!! - A-a-a-a-a! ... ... We should have to go round. My friends, look! The bridge is burning! - We should have to go round. - I have an idea... ... We must come to Mangal in first... ... To do that I should go forward. - What about me? - You should hold over our competitors. - Oh! - Do they know you? - No. - That is the guarantee of our success... ... As it was said by the Swedes. - Save! Help! Help1 - What had happened to you? - How did you get here? - How is your leg? - Don't touch the leg, it's painfully, I was going from Mangal and had lost my way. ... I didn't eat for three days... Without food... ... gave my ankle a wrench and fainted... ... First gave a wrench and than fainted. No, first fainted and than gave a wrench. - I think that he is talking deliriously. - You are quiet right, I'm delirious. - No, he is simply in a great trouble, don't you see it? - Rightly, I'm in a trouble, can't you see it? - When your departed from Mangal? - Who, I? - You? - Yesterday in the evening, more precisely in the evening yesterday. - That means that Mangal is not far, isn't it? - No, you have to go straight, straight and straight. - And if the route is direct, how had you lost your way? - I dislocated my senses and fainted my leg. - Can you walk? - I'll try... ... Please, don't leave me alone... ... I pray you, please... ... I'm tired and want to have a rest. - Come here. - What shall we do? We hadn't passed even 2 kilometres for two hours. - What are you offering? We can't leave him alone here. - I'm not offering to leave him here, he can wait while we should enter Mangal... ... And send help to him. - No, we can't leave him in such state. - Well, let's stay here with him, lose the winning, no use in 20 000. - No, I'm offering you such a way... ... You and Tania should stay here... .. And I'll go to Mangal alone... ... Don't doubt, I'll find the coupon. - We don't doubt that you should find the coupon, we doubt that we should find your after that. - Pavel! - What? It was a joke. - I'm tired of your unvaried humour. - Yes? May be your are tired of me too? - May be. - Well, you can go on sorting out your realationship, but I'm going. - I'm going with Kostya... ... And you should stay with the injured, it should be best of all. - How? Tania!... - Are you feeling pain in your foot? - Yes. I feel pain... ... And where does your girlfriend went with that guy? - How could you know that she is my girl? - Me? - You! - She spoke to you so angrily, and at the other guy quiet the contrary, looked so gently... - So I made a conclusion. - Also a psychologist... ... How could you even manage to get here? - Because I'm a fool. - That's evident! - What evident? - That you are a fool! - Oh, yes. - Stop! Stop-stop!!! - My friend, what had happened? - It's needed to take a man to the hospital... - He had heart his leg, not able to go. - Who is not able to go? Is he not able to go? - Swindler!!! - You are a fool! - Please, take me to Mangal. - With great pleasure, I'm also going there for the wedding. - Please, as fast as possible. - We can do that, I'll take you the shortest way. - Can you tell me, how long is to Mangal. - On the road 4 kilometres, on the railway lines 3 kilometres. - Thank you! - Hey! Mangal is there. - Pah! Deuce! ... Thank you! - Don't be angry, my friend, when we get the road we should put on speed. - How far is the station? - On the road 4 kilometres, on the railway lines 3 kilometres. - That's the end! We are late. - Don't worry, Kostya, I should win again. - 20 000. - May be more... ... And you should again... - Lose your coupon. - And we should... - Search for it. - Togeather. - Is here Mihail Golubev? - I'm here, Golubev! Переведено на Нотабеноиде http://notabenoid.com/book/37658/136159 Переводчики: Petercantrop, torinese, badass, irina1701 lext_2009
Channel: Киноконцерн "Мосфильм"
Views: 20,526,357
Rating: 4.5251985 out of 5
Keywords: Спортлото-82, комедия мосфильм, кинокомедия, леонид гайдай, фильмы гайдая, пуговкин, брондуков, нина гребешкова, кокшенов, кино, комедия, советская комедия, лучшие фильмы, комедийные фильмы, советское кино, лучшие комедии, в хорошем качестве, советские фильмы, фильмы комедии, комедии, советские комедии, русские комедии, russkie komedii, смешные русские фильмы, русская комедия, русские фильмы, комедии до слез, кино комедия, классные комедии, фильмы онлайн, смешные фильмы, мосфильм
Id: FxWczA4ZgI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 10sec (5350 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2013
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