Sporting Greats - Usain Bolt

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people want to know who is the fastest man the great ones thrive on that moment you guys want to be the fastest on the block when the gun goes off you forgot everything you learn the only thing is going to remind this one run run as fast as you can it's a very overwhelming feeling being the fastest man in the entire world faster than any other human Leroy ever since two devastating performances in the 2008 Olympics Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt has dominated the sport of track and field he has destroyed the sprint events smashing world records and making the impossible look routine Usain Bolt has pretty much rewritten everything that we thought we knew about world-class sprinting and what he showed us in terms of what is possible I think is revolutionized the sport he's almost as if everybody is before him didn't really exist he's by far the most naturally gifted athlete that I've ever stood tall powerful and graceful the world's fastest man over both 100 and 200 meters wants only one more thing my main goal is become a laser and I thought to be a job keyword in year after year so that motivates me to keep work and while he keeps on winning his impact on the sport is immeasurable it's been huge I mean words can't really describe it what he's done having a work record setting them at the major events which a lot of people can't do it extremely hard you know and then to come back and break another record and another event is something that people haven't done before he has become the man no one can catch I know what it takes to stay on top and that's the aim I told you guys I want to be a legend and I can't be complicit they want to be a legend so I gotta keep working hard and keep focus few would argue however the Jamaica's number one son has already achieved his ultimate goal to become a legend ever since Arthur wind took gold in the 400 meters at the 1948 Olympics sprinting has become an integral part of Jamaica's national identity stars like Don quarry and whirly naughty continued to put a tiny Caribbean island on the international sporting map from 1948 we always had good sprinter sprinters Jamaica has always produce top people Jamaicans have been sprinting well I've been running fast way before us younger ones we have had strong sprinting background for years now and I don't know if it's the genes are you know maybe the food or what it is but I know that we're very fast for an island of just 3 million people Jamaica's dominance of the Sprint events in recent years is unrivaled between 2008 and 2011 Jamaica produced five of the seven fastest 100-meter runners in history I think the climate here is very very training plus you have some phenomenal coach and the athletes and a whole you have been competing from high school so I think doing it for a while you're going to get better at it track and field is their number one sport not softer not cricket number one is track and field when it comes to the world stage track and field is really the only thing that we do have and always have had Jamaica's fastest man grew up a long way from the hustle and bustle of the nation's capital Kingston over a hundred miles away and deep in the Jamaican bush is the sleepy village of Sherwood content in Trelawny where Usain Bolt was born in 1986 from an early age it was clear that bolt possessed a special sprinting talent initially in the 200 and 400 meters we realized it from the first day that we started training his speed was remarkable and from that point of time we knew that he was a special athlete anybody who saw him run young and looked at his body and knowing where he's from Trelawny Jamaica adds that was a can't-miss a no-brainer bolt immediately impressed in the Jamaican boys and girls national championships an annual event that sets the whole country alight in front of 30,000 spectators there is perhaps no greater test for schoolchildren anywhere in the world though Lim things are the world championships was nothing compared to competing at the boys championships the stadium was full to capacity you know you couldn't see a seat and I think that that was also a very good experience competing at that level and you know getting that experience for my young age 2002 he won the the torture that the boys and girls championship and I'm telling you that this thing was running was running really fast very lanky tall but fast you just saw the raw natural talent in this youngster and just knew that with some polishing with some weight training and as he got you know more mature that he was going to be really good the thing was looking at his size you thought that no this should not be he should be a basketball player but and he could move because the youngster he was great sprinter in a over the 200 meters and was very strong in the 400 as well but he was very talented bolt carried that form into the 200 meters in the 2002 World Junior Championships staged in Jamaica so the expectation could not have been greater the first time I saw him run was as a 15 year old winning the World Junior title in 2002 on home soil and Kingston and I remember the frenzy that that crowd went into there he was running you know running and winning it under a lot of pressure because actually making crowd had not showed up that night to come see him get second at the age of 15 bolt was already the best young 200-meter runner in the world two years later he underlined his class at the Karif de Games in Bermuda that young man came off of the turn and began to shut it down about halfway through the main straightaway so he ran about 150 and it was about a 60 degree fahrenheit day here in nineteen point nine three it's still a world junior record and as I said when Christ comes back it probably will be there's no way you can watch a 17 year old run 19.9 three for 200 meters with that kind of ease and not know what's coming at just 17 bolt headed to the 2004 Olympics as one of the favorites in the 200 meters but there were concerns as to how this precocious young talent would handle his newfound adulation and the pressure of competing against senior athletes they said when I go again see the curls gonna be different so as I begin my center field going on here being on chopped and do mothers problems with injury and the pressure overwhelmed him fault was eliminated in his first round meet Jamaica's great hope had learned there was still much work to be done before he could become the best he found as I found out that the junior ranks and the senior ranks big gap when you beat you as a junior you going up against people you saw on TV and then sometimes that really confuses your brain because you have to come as a competitor not a fan I'm not really used to losing but I think people in my mind JD gets used to being beat by seniors I'm not wasting to be beat by seniors but I'd actually be prepared to chanson be no fee so far balls looked fitter and stronger in the 2005 World Championships but still finished well behind the world's leading sprinters one other thing that makes him special is that the experience that he had earlier in his life he had he was exposed to a lot of success but he also had some hardship that forced him to look within himself and to make some adjustments but by 2007 bolt was fully grown injury-free and winning races he had matured and was now ready to test himself against the best and that meant u.s. athlete Tyson Gay in the World Championships under you saying from um watching them in Oh for know when he was younger I'm watching 105 and we were kind of had a 200-meter rivalry on since on oh six in Jamaica and so forth so yeah I definitely works they proved it too strong for bolt in the final but it was a first medal for the Jamaican in a major championship he's good my guys he's good but I was a good performance that you can do pretty well but I guess it was a better man on this day that silver medal was the turning point in Usain Bolt's career it gave him the motivation to improve and back in Jamaica he prioritized the 100 meters in only his second attempt of the distance he ran an incredible nine point seven six in Kingston's the second fastest time in history it looks so easy well he was that that time cannot be right and then the following I think was two weeks later broke the world record and I was like okay he's for real easily is going to be something really special special is an understatement in his fifth 100-meter race he broke compatriot Asafa Powell world record a run of nine point seven two in June 2008 somebody six five is not supposed to be able to turn his legs over like somebody five nine that was all news you know the tallest printers are are taking over so you know the tower yard I think it's better no no this is stride length is ridiculous it takes less effort but he has been doing a wonderful job and he's something special helped enormously you know specially gal I came to run as fast as he can being so tall me being 65 his stride length is this big and mine is this big so he covers a lot more ground than I cover so that's where his advantage comes in in Beijing at the 2008 Olympic Games the world's gaze turned to one man from 2001 I knew that Usain Bolt was going to do something you know spectacular in track and field so it really didn't surprise me it was just a matter of time when was he gonna do it and what was he going to run that cutting storm through his 100 meter heats in confident style bolt then jog to victory in his semi-final in 9.85 no one had ever made the event look so easy I mean back there man and you're hurting and you're like man what is your problem what do you gotta run so fast I mean what's wrong with me what am I doing wrong you know it's hard not just losing but losing badly when you put him in your aisle and somebody is making it look so easy you really question your ability and y'know your presence there the final was no formality with Tyson Gay injured Asafa Powell was still a favorite for many but Powell had always carried the weight of a nation on his shoulders Jamaicans are very hard to please so you know expectations always there they've been one esophagram home to go matter for a long time he's been the world-record holder he's been undefeated for a year or so and things as well so I'm pretty sure you Saints feeling as well but and I think he may be a different guy this is the first time really wanting to hunt him so you know he's a young guy he likes to have fun and go I can give dolla guy so he may take it a little easier than other people may but on the 16th of August 2008 in Beijing's Bird's Nest stadium history was about to be made with a run of nine point six nine seconds bolt made the Blue Ribbon to vent his own his rival Powell finished only fifth the world hailed the fastest man on the planet your interest I thought I had a very good start and then I saw the tall fella coming by and I tried to run with him which is something I should never have tried and he just messed up my last fat American so when I looked over and I saw him beating his chest I was like this is just amazing I was very happy it was history-making I was surprised of his performance I never expect anyone to run that fast he just went by very fast before I could think and the race was over it's like man this is this is amazing I mean we didn't think we would see that everyone was supporting short in Jamaica Jamaica did great year you know it was like a Jamaican sports day since that day everything has been Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica sinston sir he did a marvelous thing when I ran to the earlier on I felt the world record it was possible cause the track is very quick its new so I was happy but I came with you just to win that was my main name I came on channel D that something's happening myself I know my country outside with me while the party continued is Jamaica next up was bolts favorite event for 200 meters while everyone expected the gold few imagined he would break another world record the one that everybody I think did not see coming was breaking up the 1932 Michael Johnson war record and I said wait a minute this guy just ran 969 turning around said okay so clearly he can run sub 10 on the turn I said if he run sub 10 on the turn 99 on the turn well guess what he's halfway there Boult had made it clear it was the 200 meters he really wanted to win there was no jogging this time he gave everything for gold Boult finished the race in nineteen point three zero seconds a new world record and another devastating performance that stunned fans experts and fellow athletes that's ridiculous God by the time I've finished degrees both was already at the 200 meter start on his victory lap I was like man I did not even realize I was in the same race with him so that was awful to see him take down that record in the manner that he did with you know nobody around him was just absolutely special you saying father I know just makes people stop and rethink what they thought was possible and he's incredible of all the races that he's run all the world records that I've been around for my favorite is that even though he's run faster my favorite in terms of how he attacked the race is still at 19:30 invasion one events remained for the fastest man in the world the 4 by 100 meter relay and the chance for bolt to claim his third gold medal after 100 and in the 200 I I was like I'd I know for sure we definitely can get this working I was like all right this is make it a clean sweep and we went out there and we did with three Olympic gold medals and three World Records Usain Bolt had written himself into the history books for his nation he was the figurehead of a new breed of Jamaican athlete both male and female who were dominated of the sprint events in Beijing you have shown that not only are we capable of the best in the world but we are the best in the world it turns a maker into the most copied nation on the planet because I went down to Jamaica for the high school championships next year and everybody was there every shoe company every agent every coach anybody affiliate rockenfield now was going to Jamaica to say okay who's the next one and then how and how soon can I sign him if Jamaica had been transformed Usain Bolt's star quality had an enormous impact on the sport of track and field itself it's amazing because no the person who will never check and feel vengeance now know about shagging fear because of him he brought a lot more fans to this port it's been doing a lot for the sports you know he's been breaking records you know winning you know major championships no you know a lot more people are tuned into it and you know watching to see you know what he's gonna do next you know what is going on next so you know yeah is that a very positive impact on this work he's really brought I think a bigger fan base from the United States to the sport as well so he's even brought my family because people United States want me to beat him so I think when he don't participate to help me out a lot and being American as well and all the wild bolts continued to run very fast over the next year he remained unbeaten consistently the fastest man ever both the 100 and 200 meters his next goal was the 2009 World Championships in Berlin I don't hear any athletes really no matter what time you early know as I said I'm always confident in myself because I know I train hard and I work very hard for what I want them was very important to me until when the World Championship this year and it will be a stepping stone for me and being a legend if I win so I'm working on it the pressure was on bolt to deliver in Germany but he was not feeling it I think one of his strengths are his confidence he is more of the kid like confidence you know some kids go out and to a baseball game best money just have fun he doesn't let that pressure get to him just a fun confidence and I'm having fun I'm doing what I love and I win I win and we'll see how it goes you see any work hard I can tell that for sure and he's a guy he's loved to compete and once you love to compete I guess you get that natural to always going out there and try to win his main competition in the 100 meters this time came from his old US rival Tyson Gay Tyson gear was running very fast at your head run some fast times and he knew that he had to run that fast to win but you're saying for the beginning middle started to pull away I tried to make a move you know I pretty much were not a real estate I didn't know if he would run that fast but he did and over just somehow to deal with I don't know who knew he was going that fast but for the first time I've been group seen here and the 100 meters all oh no just pumping or anything like that he ran straight to the line so I thought he was gonna break the record but not by that much I knew he was going to bring the work out but I didn't I didn't expect 9.50 expedite 9.65 it raised the bar for everyone you know it gives us a target to reach you know when you see someone running 9.5 you know then you you look at it and say oh it's possible a world record of nine point five eight seconds in the 100 was followed by yet another gold medal and yet another world record in the 200 meters bolts matched his own personal best to finish in nineteen point one nine seconds in his previous five major finals he had now broken five world records and it was his stamina that confounded the experts when you sayin ran the 1919 that was after four rounds of 100 meters and three rounds of 200 meters you must remember that a further gold in the relay and Usain Bolt had once again stolen the headlines in the world of track and field he had established himself as one of the biggest sports stars on the planet but there was a feeling his focus was beginning to drift being a star involves appearances and travel and distractions and I think now he's seeing that the hardest part of remaining on top is not the training and the running it's the managing everything else when he lost to Tyson Gay in Stockholm in August 2010 it seemed the Lightning vault was human after all but when you take the sport to the next level you improve the standard of those around you you have to evolve a game to sports I don't have to drop my time down and working harder to get where he's in we who are behind need to meet him we need to come up to his level I think this is something that people still haven't even been able to adjust to other sprinters haven't been able to adjust to 9 6-7 97 95 I mean there is not like a welcome people understand what they had to do together we're both state of mind was called into question again at the 2011 World Championships with in a manner nobody expected we are focus but we have different ways of focusing what he's doing and he knows what's at stake for him so I honestly felt that he was genuine a full start robbed him of the chance to defend his 100-meter title I did tell him that arm if he did not take his shirt off he would have been lucky anyways I think so and he's not anything about the sport but that's the way life is he has to win he has to be there that's the man people come to see it was a bittersweet moment for us for me especially I knew that I teared up a little bit because I wanted to see you saying run but then when we still said okay we still have you on Blake in the race and bolts training partner stole the show with a surprise victory for Jamaica Johan Blake's win was a vivid example of the bolt effect making the rest even better we thought you saying was special when he was coming up but no we have seen other guys you know emulating and doing the same thing at ez so it's all about believing once you have seen someone done something then obviously you're going to have to believe and I think that's the the biggest thing that's that's happened to Jamaica Usain Bolt is not a man to dwell on his mistakes he went on to deliver golden performances in the 200 meters and then the relay he had a point to prove and did so emphatically by the age of 25 Usain Bolt had won three Olympic gold medals five World Championship golds and recorded seven World Records he is the fastest man to have ever lived a legend in his own time already but with so much more still to accomplish to me he stood a guy to beat because the word record is still one of my goals so I think he's too early gotta be he's still the man to beat he has to be there's no one out there I think that can you beat you saying you saying can only beat himself if you look on the progression of you seein voice you could always say that he's gonna be someone a force to be reckoned with and the way he's doing it know only God he knows what next for him
Channel: MITOGEN2
Views: 381,678
Rating: 4.8318148 out of 5
Keywords: Sporting, Greats, Legends, Usain, Bolt
Id: lwkMd4Lmw8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2012
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