Spooky Halloween Tree DIY made Using Dollar Tree Pool Noodles

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hey guys christy from the crafting country bumpkin here um i'm going to show you how to make a pool noodle tree and i've got i've got 15 of these pool noodles from the dollar tree and um of course if you can find taller ones go for it get taller ones um these are uh four foot ones um if you can get a hold of six foot ones you'll probably be better um so my tree is gonna actually have to be put on some kind of stand or made to be taller than what it is i don't know how i'm gonna do it when i finish it but um you want to get a sharp knife my mouth is not sharp i come from the dollar tree um but what you want to do if you want a tree to to look similar to this um or if you just want regular pieces to run out this one here is twisted i did a twisted look at the bottom i should have twisted it on up but i didn't i could still do it i haven't finished it yet so anyway just to get this kind of basic look here you're going to just push your knife straight through and depending on how long you want your branches to be is where you're going to start on your pool noodle and um on this technique uh to make the bark that i'm going to show you guys uh came from oakland cemetery they do a vine arch and um it looks great uh there's this kind of a root based um arch i guess i think is what they called it vines or or roots but mine's gonna be a tree and um so now let's see how tall my knife is anyway basic idea get your pieces to roll out um then you're gonna if you want a little piece to stick out on your side or if you want two sides to come out you're gonna pick a place about yeah far down and you're just gonna kind of come in like this and you're gonna make a point and then go wider at the bottom and just have to make sure you cut it all the way through and not through to your other side though let's see what we're at yep right there and that's what makes that little piece on the side and that's how you make those now if you want these to stand out i'm gonna move this one out of our way for a minute this is just a um a spool and i'll show you in just a minute it's a spool with a um just a handle off of a broom that i've got stuck down in the center of it for my holder [Music] my dogs are going to bark because somebody's coming down our driveway so just bear with me on that but in order to make these stick out you're just going to take your heat gun you don't want to melt your noodles i'm just going to come in on the sides like this and just keep that noodle up a little bit to the melting point i guess you want to say you want it hot my gun is not hot yet so you can take it a minute but anyway you just hold that in place until it cools and it's going to stick out just like that that's how you get your bins and your twists and whatever else you want to do you can even cut these into like i did on that one and make two split pieces off we're gonna hold these over all right let's hold it there until it cools and it'll stick out and depending on how far out you want them to stick it's where you want to make your bend and you just hold it like i said till it cools now this can get kind of hot so i do have welding gloves laying here but i've been burnt so many times i think my hands can handle some heat i don't know it don't hurt real bad anyway so there we go that's how you hold them out and how you get them to make their shape now sharp scissors and this one already goes to a point but we want to shape these up here so i'm just going to trim off and go to a point believe me the first one i started on i wasn't great at but the more you do it the better you get and you just shape your you're not going to see this anyway all this is going to go away say but you just want to get some of these sharp edges off and do this outside guys because you're melting plastic and the fumes that it puts off is probably not going to be the best for you to breathe if you do it on the on the inside of your home so that's why i'm outside anyway you get your shape of your tree and don't worry about pieces like this that's sticking up that's all going to melt together so but that's basic idea you get get your shape of your tree how you want it and we're going to start layering this um this pool noodle let me see where we're at here can you guys see my there's my the base of it it's sitting on that spool right there all right now i'm gonna try to move you guys down anyway so we can see how i start at the base of this okay okay now what i have here is a roller with some um saran wrap uh this is the saran wrap that they use to wrap uh tires with uh my husband and them uh have race cars so this is what they use to wrap their tires to soak them so that they make them tacky for the the dirt tracks so um you want to get some kind of a thick wrap like this um you don't want to use regular saran wrap from dollar tree or you know just something real thin like that you want to get a thicker a thicker wrap and all we're going to do is start out down here at the bottom and i'm just going to hold this out like this and then i'm going to come in here this kind of shrink wraps to it don't melt your pool noodle but you want to melt the plastic to it and come in here and kind of press it make sure it's stuck but i work in sections i heat a section and then move up i don't know if you can see me i'm going up to the top right now i'll have to leave my camera to get you to see up here to the top um it'd be real nice if i had somebody filming helping me film but i don't um but i'll try to pull this down so you can see it here in just a second i'm just working this uh wrap all the way to the top and now i'm just going to pull this um i'll pull this where it's longer than my noodle itself anyway on the end and just cut it kind of at an angle anyway let me pull this down this wrap is gonna work its way all the way to the end of this noodle just like so and then you're gonna have a piece hanging off the bottom like or out at your tip like this you like to say that's going to get hot and then you're going to work your way back down and make sure all your pieces are down don't melt your pool noodle if you can help it so you're not gonna fly a lot of heat right now you're just getting your base you know stuck to your noodle i know this doesn't sound right in so many ways but um all right wrap our noodles um anyway we're just gonna keep going like that all the way around the noodle you can overlap a little bit there so it'll stick because it's going to stick to itself and this will help you get started right there just work work it out and if it bunches up like that let it bunch up because that's what makes your your bark or the detail on your bark anyway i'll get back to press that i'm gonna come up here and i'm gonna hit this again oops okay i'm gonna run this all the way out and get it cut the length of my other one here or close to it don't have to be perfect because you're going to rub them heat them all and stick them together okay this actually works better on a cooler day because then it don't want to stick to get it takes a little bit to stick it together it don't want to hang together like that and stick back to it since somebody can't see straight today i've never had this much trouble with a noodle i guess because it's warmer out here this evening but it doesn't matter it's all gonna work you're just going to push this together like that because you're going to build it i don't know if you guys could see that but anyway just push your pieces together here at the bottom that's going to make your um your point on the bottom of your your branch coming off you just want to go back over make sure you press it down with your hand because you don't want any loose um saran wrap or wrap or whatever you're using you don't want anything loose on it okay but anyway you're just going to continue working your way around the base just overlap your piece there that does help a lot when you overlap it because it couldn't like it sticks to itself and helps you hold it this one i'm just coming up to this v here and i'm going to run it out that one run it out like that so i hope you guys can hear me because i don't have a microphone out here now just like that go back down [Music] and don't apply a lot of heat right now until you get everything covered real well so i got one more place here i can run up through club and we're probably going to run it i may go buy that small one there and i'm going to run it out the base of this one i think all right and i am going to show you my top now i don't think you guys can see the top for it because i moved the camera down let me get this one started and i'm gonna move the camera [Music] i basically wanted you guys to see how i started it [Music] all right i'm just gonna hang that right there on the top i hope it holds i'm gonna move the camera yeah you might have could have seen me all right so now i'm to move you to the top where you can actually watch me at the top so we know what the base does so all right now here i'm going to work this out the top here like i said we're going to go out and around this one like this i'm just going to pull that longer and i'm just going to cut it at an angle and just press them you're going to keep pressing this stuff and just press your tips together and heat them eventually this will all roll out into um where they're thicker at the right here and you won't see any of this real well so and what i do with these when there's the smaller or inside here too is i just come right here on the inside and i work in sections it does shrink wrap itself to the the noodle same and then just pull out to the end cut at an angle you don't have to give it an angle um it just makes it come to a point better i should have pulled my hair back now we're coming here to the centers i'm gonna go ahead and take my heat gun stick it to the base right there i hope it don't fall like that when you're on camera you're trying to work fast because i don't want my videos to be like super super long but sometimes they do turn out to be longer if i want them to so it is what it is so i'm trying really really hard to make this where you guys can understand it i'll try not to talk when this is on because i know this is gonna make it even harder to hear all right you're gonna come over here do the same thing place it down in the base of it here and if it'll stick you'll be okay when you run it out it's a little windy out here today guys it's blowing my plastic that's what's going on all right and just keep pressing it make sure your wrap is sticking together and i'm gonna keep layering this and layering it until these get thicker and you don't see the ends here real well but that's all you do to it and then you start shaping you start shaping these as you go you get them just meld them and you can shape these and make them do funky curls up like that or twist them or however you want to do them look i see it basically how you do it and once you get your base on like this once you get all your base plastic on which we're missing some spots here i haven't went all the way up but i'm gonna go ahead and show you um how you start to make your uh tree tree bark the definition to it um what you do once you start this out down at the bottom i know you can't see the bottom but once you start it out at the bottom you're gonna start letting that bunch up and i'll let you see it as i come up you're gonna bunch it see how i'm doing it with my fingers just start bunching it and munching it and see it's going to make this look right here it's going to make all this stuff right here you keep that on there so it'll come back off that's going to make your your tree bark um definition or details i'm just gonna let this come in here on the inside of this one again and i'm gonna roll it out to the end [Music] i want to get it stuck down before the wind blows off just heating this together out here at the end you can make these as long or short as you want like i said you can heat it real good right there and you can make it curl up you can make it do whatever you want to do [Music] all you have to do is apply heat and you gotta make sure your wrap is all flat to your not flat but you know you want to all be stuck you don't want it flapping loose in the wind and then you go back add more heat once you get it layered i know i promise i wouldn't talk while that was on anyway you're gonna go back and layer it and you're going to get your detail in your tree by letting your sarin wrap or your wrap whatever you decide to use um whatev you just want it to bunch up and make this the detail right here just like that it's gonna see yeah i've got something done over there i can pull over here and show you so once you get all that let me pull one of them over here so you can see it you're going to end up with something like this i'm gonna have it built just like that and come up and get of course i've got i've not finished this one i gotta go back and i've got a few places i gotta cover if you don't cover your phone you won't be able to paint it um because it will melt and we want to be able to spray paint this black to begin with and then we'll go back over it with some different paint but um you're gonna end up see how thick this is right here and you don't really see the tips of your pool noodles there it's all gonna blend when you paint it's gonna look like a tree just like a tree limb everything here's got detail and then eventually when i put these together um let me show you something real quick too after i put these together because right now i'm not real sure where i want all my my tree uh knots um i'll put one here where it's thinner where i didn't layer it as thick i'm just going to come in here and i'm going to make a little slit i'm going to heat it we'll get closer you watch it open up just like that and it's going to make an opening just like a tree knot hole so kind of cool like i said this is not my technique uh oakland cemetery i'll link them below um so you can go look at their vine they did a really big arch uh vine and put skeleton uh milk jugs faces in it and uh milk jug skeleton faces let me say that all together and um and skeletons so but it was really really cool so i've decided i want to make a tree and um wanted to share it with you guys uh my my journey through making this tree because it has been a lot of work i've got six made and i've got to go back and finish a few of them i put places on where i need to and um and fill in places on them uh just like this one i've seen here i've got to go back and put a piece here but that is the basic way to make a tree branch and like i said if you can get a hold of the six foot pool noodles i think they'll work better for you um of course i'm gonna have a small four foot tree but like i said i'm gonna stand it i'm gonna put some kind of base i don't know yet what i'm gonna do i will i'll share that with you guys i will feel it uh me putting it on a base and actually putting it all together that way you guys can see it all come together so alrighty when i get these noodles down i will be back guys really quick i want to show you um all i'm doing is taking this clothes basket from the dollar tree and i'm covering it with a trash bag and i'm just gonna tie it off using the ties from the trash bag kind of get it as tight as i can get it of course it's not going to be as tight as i want it but it'll be close i'm just tying it on here um it's probably not going to be as tight as like i said as i want it so it'll just be um have to be worked i'm just this trash bag is probably too big for it but it's okay because you're not gonna see anything this is just gonna be on the ground and this is going to be our base for our tree i think if it works out like i want it to it will be the base of the tree and what i'll do is i'm going to take these pool noodles and i'm going to run them out longer than the the basket and i'm gonna shape them as to look like roots running off of this here and i'll come up here and i don't know if i'm gonna leave it long up here to the top and let it run up and then kind of make it look like part of the tree i don't know how this is gonna work i may even have to cut this off here at the base just kind of cut part of this here and flatten it to the um the basket itself or leave this along i don't know we'll have to see when i get ready to put the whole tree together but i want to show you that i am going to use this basket or hopefully use this basket if it works out like i want it to i will i'm still going to use the um the center from the vinyl from my cricut machine and this will probably go on here like this and then i'll just take a one of the tree pieces i don't know if i'm going to set it to the edge of the basket if i set it to the edge of the basket you see i'm going to have a space in between here so we'll have to um stick something else in between here build it uh some paper or newspaper or something and then cover it with plastic as well because it's gonna be out in the weather and you don't want that to get wet so you'd have to end up covering it with plastic and um or i can set it like that and like i said run that pool noodle up so far here to the bottom but then it'll have a gap so i don't know i think i'm going to leave them out here to the edge and run that pool noodle up or run it all the way up and then kind of blend it in somewhere in here in between each piece i don't know i just have to get all my pieces set on here and see how i'm going to do it i know i'm going to take one of the the centers with the longer um with the longer branches and actually stick it down in the center of or right here to the center and that's going to make my tree even taller of course i can't get it up in here right now but it will make the tree taller as i build it all around all right hope that makes sense but you'll you'll get it when i'm putting it together change of plans we're going with the smaller basket this one had a handle on it and i just removed it and i believe we can just cover it with regular bags um instead of trying to waste a big old garbage bag or you can find a smaller garbage bag which i don't have any smaller ones so we're gonna go with regular bags to cover this for our base okay um what i've done here is i covered it with another plastic just a regular cellophane bag and i did take the heat gun and hit this and kind of crinkle it just in case you do see this you know if the pool noodles don't cover it all i wanted it to give it a kind of a wrinkled look like we did on the pool noodles uh maybe give it some texture so next i'm just taking an old door piece of wood that i found that's come off of a playhouse and i'm just going to screw this basket down to this piece of wood just to kind of give it a base um to keep it from wind blowing it away so let me get my screws i just have little bitty screws i don't know if these things are even going to work i hope they do you may have to go find some longer ones um i'm just going to get one started hopefully i didn't bring out a drill so i may have to drill holes before i do this i don't know these are such tiny screws i don't even know if they're gonna fit on the end of this drill bit because they're so tiny i may have to go get some different screws um i do have some laying right here though let me see these are just regular just little half inch screws flat head and i'll make sure i got it centered or centered as possible i'm just gonna slow there we go i don't just have it fastened onto that base there and i'm gonna do the same thing on this side over here i've got another one i'm just going to stick this screw straight down in here let's go slow like i said you don't want to go crazy because you'll break your little basket and now we have a basket attached to a wood door and just kind of a wood piece anyway anyway so this is going to help hold it down and keep it from flopping around and hopefully the wind you know give it some weight on the bottom all right and now we're going to go back to our pool noodle i've cut down a piece of it here i don't know if this is going to work so i just want to give it get it so far down like that and then we'll cut this off out here um can you guys see that yeah then we'll cut we'll cut the length off of it but i did bring some zip ties out i just picked these up at uh harbor freight this whole canister and i'm going to have to use some zip ties that actually fit these and i may have to poke a hole to hook it to the basket i'm just going to poke a hole there and a bat hole there hopefully i don't know if this is going to work so because i don't know if i can yeah i got it through there now i'm just gonna put that on here where we want it and zip tie it [Music] just like that and then we got something to work with [Music] okay something else i'm going to try is i've got elmer's craft bond uh spray adhesive um because we can't hot glue this stuff so i'm gonna try something a little different here hopefully this hitting stuck shut i've had this for a while let's clean some of this off of this nozzle very carefully i haven't used this in a long time i'll spray some of that on there give it a second to get tacky hopefully this works i don't know hopefully it gets tacky enough that it'll hold it you may end up having to put a zip tie all the way around to hold them all the way on i'm just gonna hold it there and hope it dries sorry guys like watching paint dry i'm hoping and hoping it works it's tacky but i don't know if it's going to be tacky enough to hold them something i thought i'd try yeah it might help well it would if it would dry faster so you may want to spray this stuff on here anyway first just to give it more time to give it time to get real tacky before you stick your pool noodles on so yeah it's gonna it's gonna hold her tacky there but it's gonna come loose so the best thing probably to do is take um these are tiny zip ties i need longer ones and let's just use all these yellows i got more probably the best thing to do is just take um a bunch of zip ties and kind of hook them together so they lock a few notches there you don't want to go stick them all the way through or anything that's why you don't have to use as many hopefully let's see how many we got here i probably need to go one more i've got one two three four five six zip ties because we want it to be loose like that and go ahead and put some tacky stuff up here at the top i guess and that way it'll at least hold them until you get ready to pull the zip ties tighter making sure this tick tighter on that because you want it to hold them yeah okay i'm gonna go ahead and spray this around here on the top just make it tacky just go light until we get ready should stay tacky and we're going to pull up our other piece of pool noodle here that we cut off already and i just cut this one into a point i don't know if you guys can see it kind of a point right there on the end that might be too close for you guys but anyway i kind of give it a point on the top there and so we need to do the same thing to this one i'm going to do it up here on this side and just cut off um down to about right here just give it a good shave here on this side to give it a flat surface to to work with [Music] i could say get you a sharper knife than i got now i need my scissors just going to trim these up here give it some kind of a shape here at the top like so we're going to come right in here beside this one stick that right there hopefully it'll stay there for a second and you just want to keep cutting a couple pull pull noodles around the base of it and tell you what i got some purple ones i'm gonna run grab so i'm not using all these orange ones because i might want to use some of these orange ones for another uh project but i'll be right back okay let me grab my purple pool noodles i'm gonna make this one shorter it's gonna be a shorter route but i want it long enough that it's coming off to the bottom here [Music] cutting it at an angle trying to let's remove the sticker [Music] now i got more of a point on this one you see that i just kept my pool noodle at an angle like that and that's going to be my my root coming off there so now i'm going to trim up the back side not sure where i'm at here again where i want it to oh shape it like so just get it about where you need yeah right it okay yeah i'm gonna put this actually i'm gonna drop this down just a hair hopefully i'll get some more noodles in there i may make a bigger one i put down here at the bottom to hold them closer to the to the thing itself anyway but it's going to go around it and you're going to put your pool noodles wherever you want them you can overlap them you know kind of come in and twist them across each other and as soon as i get my noodles where i want them i'll come back and we'll heat them and make them stick together okay now i've got my zip ties i've got these pulled down as tight as i can to the basket itself you can see it even made indentions in the back basket i pulled it to the top but that's fine because um tree trunks kind of wave in and out anyway now i'm hoping when i put plastic over these to wrap them that these i'm gonna i'll be able to hide these so keep your fingers crossed for me there we'll hope so hope we can hide them if not um i'll try something different i don't know so but anyway we're going to take the heat gun and we're going to heat these noodles like we did on the others without being wrapped i want to heat them and kind of get the noodles to stick together but i want to shape these noodles too so and try to get them to lay uh a little differently just be careful and don't burn yourself [Applause] [Applause] i may not even have to melt these needles but um i thought i'd give them a different look but once we wrap it we probably will see that so um let's go ahead and get this one twisted here i do want to do that on this one gonna melt it heat it and twist it give me a twisted root [Applause] and we'll see if i can get them to stick together here kind of melt these noodles together hopefully [Applause] i'm gonna let this cool down here for a second if we get all these to hold i do need to shape the tip on this one i hope you guys can see that i'm gonna try to i'm gonna shape the tip here let's make sure you're can you see that tip barely i'll pull it on around here so hopefully you guys can see i'm gonna shake this tip into a little bit more of a pointed tip like that and look at that that needle is going to stay on there that's cool that's what we wanted we'll go ahead and turn this on around and you see my uh i'll get you back up here and see how that's twisted on there just like so see how it's twisted okay now we're gonna just kind of overlap this one so i'm to try to get these kind of stick together like this but i want to shave this one down a little bit to make it thinner to lay on the top of that one i'm not kept myself in them i'm trying to do it [Music] i me we'll split this one off like this leave a side out here and then let this one mount to that one haha that might work i believe it might look good okay so we're gonna come in here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hold them together [Music] [Applause] well if they don't melt together then i'll spray spray them to make them sick they're not going to thick like the other one for some reason i don't know why maybe it's something to do with the purple one i'm gonna heat this one up in here on it [Applause] now they're stuck together i just had to heat that noodle a little bit i'm gonna twist this one off to the side make it lay different because you know how roots are unpredictable they run every which way they want to run [Applause] [Applause] there we go once it gets laid out on the ground i think it'll lay better [Applause] i'm just going to hold it right there let that cool down there we go i'm just gonna heat these tips up here they make them more pointed the way i want them before i put that wrap on them and i want to shape this tip the way i want it to be shaped once you wrap these you're not going to see all this stuff here so you can take off some of your sharper edges if you want to but you're not going to see it once you get it wrapped now i'm going to pull that that one like that give me a different point here this one looks like it's kind of tongue tied here so i'm gonna go ahead and split it up the center and then take my heat gun i don't know if you guys can see let me get you down on it here turn it here i split it right here now i'm going to open it up and that clean kind of opened it up made it look just like an open in there does everybody knows roots don't do what they're supposed to see all righty i'm gonna go ahead and finish shaping my uh noodles and i'll come back home we'll start wrapping them all right guys bear with me here um going to try to get you in the shots best way i can i don't know if you can see this point probably not i'm going to try to pull you down here to the bottom real quick and i don't know i'll pull it up because i can't get my camera to go down any lower but all i'm doing is bringing this plastic wrap and we're doing it just like we did the top of the tree pool noodles um the branches you're just going to layer it leaving a tail at the bottom go ahead and melt your plastic to your pool needle just work it up just working my way up get it laid down there [Applause] and get my heat gun to cut off there i'm just going to lay that on top there [Applause] [Laughter] okay then i'm just going to cut it off here at the top and i'm about out of plastic wrap so we're going to do as much as we can um i found out my husband said he gets this at harbor freight so you want to invest in some of this or get you some of this to make these these are at harbor freight and i am about out so he's gonna have to pick me up some more um so we'll work with what we got here and um until he can go get me some more but anyway we're just going to go back and press our plastic down to the noodle without melting it don't worry about it it's going to pull away right here or mine is because i guess the way i'm pulling it but it actually is going to work great it's going to pull it and give you some more texture and detail right there in that turn and make it look more like bark so i kind of a mistake is kind of turning out to look good and it's covering these pretty good so just keep layering it as if you were just just like we did on our other ones just keep layering it until you can come back and make your detail by stretching your plastic wrap up just like that see it's going to pull away right there don't worry about it like i said it's gonna it's gonna work out just fine put it up here at the top see their tops down press this down in here [Music] man and keep coming back and we're just going to keep layering i'm going to catch this one that's coming off the back side here i'm going to run it up to you and i'm not worrying about doing the bottom of my pool noodles right now i may later come back in i don't know before i paint it but right now i've not wrapped any of the bottoms on the pool noodles i don't know if you guys can see that i done this one and i did not come under here i've done it as far under as i could because before i know my spray paint is going to hit because i don't know that we're really going to need to paint the bottom of the pool noodle and then let's see here i've run my tips out right here made my roots look like they're pointed on the ends i hope you guys can see that i think you can let me see yeah you can see it so anyway it comes out to a point right there and all i'm going to do is i'm going to start this one the same way layer this on here make sure i heat that in there and that turn the best i can i don't know why it wants to pull away right there and that turns but it does so anyway i'm gonna don't worry about it bunching up because that's part of your bark just come up here and trim that off right there come back down here and let's heat this up against the pool noodles [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's all i'm doing i'm just going to keep layering it and layering it make sure you cut get inside here real good on your pool noodle if you have to stick it up under these go for it for now um just say you're covering the tops of your pool noodle here where your paint's going to hit so that's all i'm doing just layering it just like we did the the tree branches all right guys hopefully when i come back i'll be ready to put the top of the tree on and um we'll start building our tree all righty guys i'm nowhere near done i don't think rapping i still got a few spots but i wanted you to see my tips here i've got to shape those just wanted you to kind of get a good look at it wrapped this one comes down comes into two three points we got a point here running off i may need to add some more wrap here this is this one layer here um i've got to stick some pool noodles or uh when we build it up maybe run a noodle here or a piece over these little pieces that didn't get covered this one's running out like this and of course we've got see here i've got a place under here i want to hit with some wrap uh some of spray paint don't melt that but it comes out to a point just like that over there is the rest of our noodles for our tree but i just wanted to give a get you an idea here scissors off of there anyway there it is guys it's not like i said i got a place here too i got a hit with some wrap and then we'll start building our tree okay guys i've got my tube on and i've got some glue running down the side of my tube i may wrap my tube though i've got this glue on here but i may wrap this tube i think i'm gonna have to um to protect it so i'm gonna wrap this tube and i'll be back real quick guys um i had to go get some more of this from harbor freight and this is what they had it is a thousand foot feet i'm sorry not fit a thousand feet and it is five inches instead of the three inches so it's a high performance stretch trap though this is what it's called that's what it looks like so actually this will be even better it's five five inches wide instead of the three inches wide so hopefully this will work better i'm gonna go ahead and grab this tube though and we'll be back okay guys i've got this wrapped and i just came off and went down to the sides of my noodles down here and just kind of build it out so i'm hoping this is going to work i may have to mash this in flat i don't know but this will help give this tube some stability hopefully on that because it wants to move around and wiggle since i'm actually gluing to plastic instead of to the actual um laundry basket there so i went ahead and let it cover up the top of my tube um i may sit my other one straight on top here or i may cut this out and put some great stuff around in here or something to help hold that other tube down in it better so we're gonna see what happens here but that's it i'm gonna go ahead and get started and glue my noodles let me find one here i'm gonna start gluing my noodles around the base just like this and then i will um wrap some more wrap probably straight up them to connect them to the bottom there alrighty i'll be back okay so you guys get a better view of what i'm doing here i went ahead and put some regular glue e6000 top or whatever kind of glue you want but i've just dribbled some glue up through here and then i'm only going to take my hot glue gun you're going to have to be careful with your hot glue though but i don't have an email okay we've got one on i'm gonna come around here and i'm gonna do this one and it's gonna leave me some gaps right here for now um but i'm gonna run some pool noodles in between here too so the crap help try to sturdy this up so now i just got to figure out how i want to do these so i'm just going to try to hold some of these up here and layer them the best i can because we know old dead trees don't don't always look perfect so hopefully this is going to work guys cross your fingers wish i could have found somebody that had built a tree like this on youtube i'm going to help me so we're just we're going at this blind i guess you could say so now i'm just gonna stick that noodle there down there trying to line it up with my bottom as best i can my bottom pieces and i hope you guys can see where i'm pointing i'm trying to line it up so i'm going to run another piece of uh wrap up through here to help hold them and like i said i'll have a gap in between these but i'll shove something in there pool noodle or something you'll cut them in pieces and stick them down in here to make it look different of course yeah yeah i could go in and make them flatter and because you know an old dead tree kind of goes like a wave anyway it's not straight so we're gonna we're gonna work on that and make it where it's not straight and give it the good wavy wavy look i'm gonna turn this around because we're gonna work on this side now and i want to put regular glue in here because i don't want this to come undone you know with through the weather and i know hot glue is just not going to hold it so i'm just using hot glue as a um a temporary hold till this glue actually takes takes hold i'm about out of this glue you may have to go get some more the hot glue is going in here for a temporary hold i'm just going in between them and down here at the bottom okay i'm gonna turn her all around i'll put another one here and try to do another one here and then we've got our center one of course i'm gonna build up in here somehow i don't i may have to drop it down in inside the tube so i know you guys didn't see that but my center here i may have to open up and drop my center tube my pool noodle down in here um to make it work so we'll see when i get it to come together and how it's going to look but i'm going to put these other two uh tree parts on here and i'll be back all right so see what i've done here um i've got to get this more sturdy on top here um but i've just shoved in a pool noodle that i've cut in half and i just shove it in between these right here and then i'm going to come back up and wrap all this again this one and i'm going to glue this to this with um i've got my gorilla glue and hot glue hot glue is going to um help hold this on here until the gorilla glued or dries i'm just holding it here till it till the hot glue cools down and put some more here at the bottom kind of cool it down a little faster my hot glue gun gets really really hot so it takes it a few to cool down i'll help hold it on there until the gorilla glue dries and holds it in place better but i'm going to go all the way around here and i'm going to build it with the pool noodles in between and get it sturdied up and then we'll come back and wrap it with plastic and of course i'm going to shape the tops of these i don't know if you can see that right here i'm gonna come back in and shape this and probably pull it out some to give it another limb same but that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go all the way around and fill in where i need and make some new limbs on it and kind of make it all blend together now got us in focus all right what i'm doing now is i'm shaping my noodles all around the top you can see i'm starting to pull them down and move bend them here and there i'm going to pull this one down all i'm doing is heating it where it bends i'm going to come out here i'm going to bend it on the end here so i'm eating it it'll start to bend eat it but you don't want to melt your plastic but you want to heat it to enough that this is going to bend and hold a shake and just hold it there until it cools and you should have a a crook in it but it's still not cooled so i'm gonna hold it here just a few seconds longer see what we get here i think it's going to be okay right there let me turn that on around here and see there now i've got a nice little kink in it there you can you can bend them and make them go the way you want them to go and just hold them the smaller they are the easier to bend and you don't have to put as much heat but and you're going to get your little kinks in them you can leave them out long you can twist them down like this one this one's kind of twisted down if you can see that this one i pulled it down you could twist them however you want to twist them and get your tree to look the way you want it to look um and of course this is just an old spooky dead tree so it's just got medusa looking branches hanging out everywhere all right and then let me pull you down some i may have to move the whole camera yep there we go and you can still see the purple ones here i don't know if you can see all the way down the base can you yeah you can see down i just added some extra noodles in between here added a whole noodle all the way up that i split i'll hang on the root bend it out went ahead and shaped this one a little bit and then stuck a few pieces in behind here to fill it in in the center i've got another noodle just like the the other half of this noodles back here and so it's going to help give it support now you can see this thing is pretty sturdy now so and i've stuck glue in here in between of course you're not going to see now this glue because we're going to wrap it just like we did these so oops get my heat gun there made it come on but that's what i've got so far guys [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] okay guys i do believe i'm ready to paint what do you think i think i may need to go back and trim off that a little bit make it shorter and more realistic looking but there she is in her glory medusa looking tree [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Craftin Country Bumpkin
Views: 18,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halloween spooky Tree pool noodle dollar tree
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 25sec (4945 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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