Spongebob In Real Life FULL MOVIE

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oh hi i didn't see you there unless you've been living under a rock like me then you know that over the past seven years this channel has been posting the spongebob and real life series and as of last year we uploaded the last episode which means we're done yup no one wants anything else nothing at all [Music] oh well i hope you have some popcorn because this is gonna be awesome [Music] [Music] do [Music] oh i know that oh don't be scared i'm just a friendly archaeologist i'm searching for an ancient artifact to tell the story about a sponge and a sea star as they come to the real world i understand this probably doesn't make much sense but have you seen a book around here oh you have listen that book is incredibly important it's not a story about a sponge coming to the real world it's it's about the universe change forever listen where's the where did you see it oh is it is it on the ceiling no no it's not on the ceiling is it my feet [Music] oh i thank you now let's see here it seems very red chapter one let's jump right in to chapter two can i press it now one second patrick but i want to go now it's been a whole week since we've been in the other world all right all right pants toothbrush mermaid man and vertigo boy action figures all packed up now i'm ready it worked just one moment patrick where are we [Music] well it doesn't taste like bikini bottom but where is that one guy we met last time [Music] oh yeah that guy i don't remember him i wonder where he could be [Music] so patrick look [Music] boop spongebob patrick what are you doing here well it's been a whole week we thought we could visit you again a week it's been two years since you first showed up here two years i knew i was bad at counting but i didn't know i was that bad you know what we gotta go so come with me [Music] oh welcome back to the house [Music] a toy hey patrick look it's all right you just want to play here let me show you [Music] that looks like fun [Music] okay listen i've gotta pick up my brother when i come back we're gonna figure this all out okay so don't worry make yourself some lunch i'm gonna be right back okay [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh hey guys i got someone freaking me i didn't do it what did you two do [Music] ah so you two are stuck here then yeah i guess we are well don't you two worry about that you know what i i think we're gonna have a fun time while you're here right after you clean up the house bet i can clean up more than you [Music] well we will see about that square pets [Music] so with that spongebob yep did you say they're stuck here yeah it's going to be crazy you can say that again this is going to be crazy my name is clive wellington and i'm on a quest to find spongebob in the real world after finding that book in the cave i knew he had to be somewhere here in valley county and my journey brought me here to the exact street spongebob and patrick arrived at on their second visit now all i had to do was find the house of that strange jonathan boy that i'd be able to meet spongebob and patrick for myself but where could that house be could i possibly track down the real spongebob and patrick of course i can i'm live here it is the very backyard they first showed up in all of those adventures they've had here in the real world but wait how can i find them if i couldn't get inside the house i'm locked out ha ha my trusty crowbar don't mind if i [Music] do before we do that let's read the next chapter [Music] wow jonathan this world sure has some cool stuff yeah do you really think they will have mermaid man and barnacle boy comics maybe we'll find out if an employee ever shows up this place is like a ghost town hello [Music] hello ah what do you want uh yeah can we have a mermaid man and barn boy comic book [Music] nope yeah man ever since they moved here we've been selling out like crazy so wait mermaid man and vertical boy are here in this world yeah man oh i actually got a selfie with them last tuesday they're actually uh down the street in the valley county retirement home uh they should be there if you want to go check them out no you know what i think we'll take you up on that offer and in recent news a local teenager has become a billionaire overnight after inheriting the world famous hey barnabas the young man was designated ceo it's that sponge kid in his pink friend what oh oh it's you two say barnacle boy i don't remember coming back to bikini bottom we're not bikini bottom you old coot these two have come here to the real world wait just a minute the only way to travel between universes is by using the murmur remote it's one of our superhero gadgets hey that remote looks familiar patrick that's how we got here to this world oh yeah but when we got here the second time the remote was gone the same problem happened when we tried using the remote years ago and it got us stuck here in this universe the remote must still be in bikini bottom anyone who finds that remote could still come to this world okay okay hold up everybody what are the chances that somebody from your universe will even find that remote okay we slowly do not need to panic panic in the streets break loose at downtown rivera city i'm tom o'brien and this is your breaking news report the footage that you're seeing here shows the unfolding chaos in the capital city of valley county tennessee a talking floating orb of mud and oil is wreaking havoc with its pure evilness it's the dirty bubble great guppies mermaid man what's he doing here no time for questions young ward we need to stop him to the mama laird [Music] my life is never going back to normal [Music] [Music] oh there he is come on kid help us find the invisible boat certainly parked it here hey what do you know i i found the invisible foundation every time everyone buckle up it's time to save the day [Applause] [Music] all right everyone out i'll be able to find him with the cartoon scanner [Music] what does that do it scans for cartoon creatures like youtube it will pick up the dirty bubbles soon enough aha this way [Music] [Applause] slow down fire bird we aren't in our 60s anymore you know well well well if it isn't grandpa yells a lot and his boy scouts sidekick hey i don't yell this reunion is nice and all but i believe you have a taxi to catch phew that was a close one [Music] it's a dirty bubble what's that guy made of anyway they say he's made of the most vile materials crude oil gasoline and broccoli juice [Music] [Music] cities made of gasoline right i think i've got an idea [Laughter] oh you fool now i am twice as powerful [Music] come back you puny puppets this isn't even my final form verdict [Music] we can't kid we need water in order to use our powers [Music] it's not going to be enough we need a huge source of water to take him down [Music] jackpot [Music] hurry mermaid man do something there you are you want a water bowl here's a water bowl good job mermaid man we showed evil who's boss uh what does it mean if the green light is flashing oh no that means another creature is coming to this universe from the cartoon one it could be any evil villain we know like man ray or the atomic flounder or plankton or squidward what it gets grumpy sometimes [Music] wow hmm how mysterious oh allow you to look at the time where it looks different ah i guess not everything turns out the way you expect it to no spongebob no patrick and i guess freaking into random people's houses was a pretty bad idea but at least there's more story to be read and maybe this time i'll interrupt a little bit less i will see you at the end [Music] [Music] i see gary's made some new friends [Music] cannonball laughs [Music] spongebob me boy where are you we've been looking for you squarepants silence a surefire sign of siemens or the little idiot is probably just playing a game of hide and seek with patrick me star fry cook wouldn't skip work for some game mr squidward look y'all there's some sort of remote here i'm sorry were we here to find spongebob or to stare at a tv remote oh huss now squidward this ain't no ordinary remote there's something off about it you mean like there's a spotlight shining only on it [Music] well that's strange too but i mean just look at this thing be careful with that thing last [Music] three two one push ugh hit his name is patrick star did i get the water out [Music] guys more cartoons are coming to this world we gotta get in the car now what about spongebob put them on top [Music] food turn left okay is it left or is it right the signal is strong all around us it's got to be near here somewhere where are you where are you the mall check this out hey what up guys it's your kyle and cameron we out here in the mall it's a beautiful day we're going shopping why aliens i knew this would come run your life [Applause] hey you should probably come with us oh hey sandy hey squidward hey mr krabs on we're gonna be so famous out of this i can feel the money in my hands all right look i guess hey what up guys it's your boys kyle and cameron we out here in the mall it's a beautiful day we're going what [Music] yeah there's some oh some weird stuff on the news how exciting coffee oh yes yes yes yes oh yeah nice spot by the way sir there's someone at the door for you well let him in there cheerio hello there i hear you're a rich man of great power and i have a deal you simply can't refuse spank [Music] all right sandy i'm ready for the next one okay spongebob but you'll have to catch it [Music] oh sandy we both know i am faster than you not in a million years squarepants voila the masterpiece is complete today sure is a good day yeah i sure hope no evil bad guys and suits try to destroy the world today meanwhile [Music] all right plankton tell me about this plan of yours ah my plan is foolproof you see using your wealth and technology i can build a machine that will combine all the possible universes together and with you owning sugar rush candy company and me soon owning the krabby patty formula i can rule the world can i put this down all right plankton what's in it for me power of course you will be in command of not only one world but multiple worlds everyone will know your name um demine it's damien and people already know my name i'm on posters billboards t-shirt i mean this is cooper tower we're in i've got everything i need i don't want to control cartoon universes i'd rather destroy them what do you mean i hate cartoons plankton they distract kids from what they should really be focusing on and do you know what that is not being brats no what's important is they buy sugar rush candy company products and i don't just mean our incredibly unhealthy candy but i also mean our sugar rush candy company toys what you made toys based off of candy absolutely we've got the sugar rush action figure we've got the sugar cube building blocks and we've got the talking candy plush toy bite me i'm delicious okay okay we get it how about this i'll let you destroy any cartoons you want but in return you leave some of them for me to rule over do you ah no you don't no no hey i know you're out there uh-huh you can't hide no no i know you're out there no you're out there spongebob i've seen better dodging skills from gary well andrew said he'd give me cookies if i joined his side so oh you've done it now so [Applause] so we're with the agency you need to come with us [Music] all right damien she's almost complete now we just need to set the limiter circuit to 64 and universal combination will begin [Music] don't do any more than 64 percent anymore we might make a tear in the fabric of the multiverse and that's not the kind of tear your grandmother can knit back together [Music] never underestimated yes sir yes sir absolutely yes that is a large cheese pizza with three toppings yes sir thank you anyways let me introduce myself i'm agent tutti and this that's my sidekick double 07 kevin hold up i've been on way more missions than you oh come on dude not now you do this every time why don't you let me get the mission details dude you're embarrassing me in front of the guests the only reason why you're in this is because your parents with us first not true i totally stopped those bad guys in new york the new york mission was a complete disaster you take that back anyways let's get down to business do any of you recognize this cartoon that's me or it's rival light exactly plankton is trying to open up portals to all known universes bringing their inhabitants here which is very very bad because if plankton's machine is built incorrectly it could end up destroying all known universes leaving everyone dead so any questions yes did we get tacos everyone hold on guys i can't drive through this y'all are gonna have to go by foot all right you heard him everybody out [Music] [Music] now what's happening we're too late damien's already opened up the portals every known cartoon character is pouring into our universe which can only mean one thing this episode is going to be crazy yeah i know there's lightning coming from my tower yeah i know there's cartoons everywhere i'm the one that brought them here yes mom i love you too camera ready good good right there right there perfect five minutes five minutes till broadcast plankton what's going on here oh this is when we speak to the masses and show them we are their new leaders [Laughter] and sir bill for the crew [Music] edmonton there's one more thing i need you to do red or blue yeah why not both what what are you doing put me down sorry sir masters orders fight it what plankton plankton we may not be friends but we were business partners and as my father would say success is something to be taken by force so i'm taking control of this operation you've served your purpose what you can't get rid of me i'm the only reason you have this machine very true i'll be sure to thank you in my autobiography edmonton put it in the cage put me down you ignorant mammoth what you'll regret this i went to college all right everybody i'm your new boss and we're gonna change the world [Music] yeah that's right i'm on a building i'm damian cooper your new king cal see what i did is i actually created this machine right all right i created this machine brought all you here but it can also destroy all of you listen all of you any universe i want to gone i'll show you how it works [Music] [Music] uh was that our portal ah uh we're probably okay oh geez grandpa nope i i take it back we are not okay dude anyone else notice how this seems like a blatant ripoff of the avengers anybody anyone what no no no no i take it back i take i didn't mean it i take it back i love this movie well at least none of us disappeared squidward no ah spongebob what is it buddy i don't feel so good spongebob oh destroying your friends and family really takes it out of me because i just destroyed about like twenty percent of the moldy birds right but it doesn't have to happen like that if you just fulfill two requests i'll spare all of you one buy sugar rush candy company products all right two make me the leader of your universes i'll be awaiting your response if you come try to take me down i will push this lever all the way and destroy all of you forever your move universe hear me what do we do now i'll tell you what we're going to do cartoons of the multiverse lend me your ears thank you for too long our lives have been in the hands of another drawn by the pencil of destiny or the pen of fate or the 3d generating computer of 3d animation and now we are here through no choice of our own but today we've lost the most important things our friends and our lives we lost some real goofy goobers today and we're going to keep losing more if we don't do something but maybe it's time for us to take that pencil of destiny and write our own future what i'm trying to say is are we going to sit here and let this guy destroy our home worlds aye the talking soapbox guy is telling it like it is we need to band together in this moment of chaos humans and cartoons as one great army let's stop damien let's save the universe hey you feeling this oh just an angry mob just angry mob [Music] we should split up grounded ain't good bad guys school for nothing [Music] this plan is working pretty well i'm gonna say that so quickly where do you think you're going haha violence huh ah crap cartoons are still disappearing that can only mean one thing we're running out of time we have to get to damian's office now and end this how do we get to his office we go up [Music] stay back everyone me and spongebob will handle this going up nope [Music] hey spy guy you're not coming along i would if i could but there's one problem damien has the entire top floor completely locked down there's no getting in or out unless i can hack into the mainframe so you guys just sit there unfortunately this is where we're gonna have to split up the only way you guys are getting in is if i can find the computer room uh okay good luck you too this i guess you can say he's gonna peel that in the morning huh how convenient it's beautiful well well well what do we have here looks like a packing montage what no i don't want that oh i'm doing pretty good how about you we're almost to the top floor but we had to get in a different elevator did you give us access yet no no no no not yet i'm i'm i'm working on it okay i'm working on it hurry up we're only three flights away okay i'm trying i'm trying calm down dude yes you did what yeah man i i did it like yeah you know me computer professional wait wait wait wait what [Music] he wants a guitar battle but none of us know how to play speak for yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] damian what are you doing i was only watching cartoons father no son of mine will be watching cartoons all the other kids watch cartoons well you shouldn't waste your time on that cartoons like those are the enemy son you're eight now you need to learn to juggle the business here read this economics textbook it would be a much wiser use of your time my boy you will be smarter richer and better than all of the other kids but just know that cartoons will rot your brain [Music] you know plankton it's been fun real fun but i think it's about time that we destroy all the universes [Music] [Music] looks like the butler got served uh spongebob no patrick we're running out of time we're almost there buddy don't go spongebob yes patrick tell sami that texas is still dope this ends now [Music] stop right there damien it's too late i've already done everything i need to good great this is [Music] spongebob hit the emergency reset button what where on the side of the machine [Music] no [Music] [Music] yes i did it i killed cartoons yeah oh congratulations no no you you you can't be here i i destroyed all the cartoons no no what what is happening what is it something i said how could this be happening no no no [Laughter] [Music] no the end well i suppose that about wraps it up doesn't it it's funny after reading all that i didn't want it to end oh but perhaps it doesn't have to no now that all those cartoons are in the real world this isn't the end this is just the beginning the beginning of a whole new adventure a cartoons real life adventure yes well i'm excited for that and i hope you are too but until then i thank you for joining me and you know all i have left is one final question why was this book in a cave so who are you supposed to be [Music] is well life is a crazy way of turning everything upside down so move with the time that you have the world will keep [Applause] [Music] don't wait for [Applause] [Music] the tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey you're still here it's over go watch another video subscribe you
Channel: JChaseFilms
Views: 7,213,517
Rating: 4.7044554 out of 5
Keywords: Spongebob, movie, full movie, fan film, In real life, Real world, real, patrick
Id: 4IJ0f5KJwkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 13sec (3613 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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