Spoiled Brat says he's a "PRO GAMER" so I should give him PC Parts for FREE - Reddit Podcast

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an entitled mother comes into our shop and wants me to give her a 130 Euro mechanical keyboard for free because her son is a professional gamer that's her reasoning when I said no that's when things started getting wild here's what happened subscribe to am I the jerk on YouTube and hit the Bell to turn on notifications so I'll tell a little backstory in Finland we have this thing called tet t-e-t which is like a work experience thing you do it while you're in the eighth grade and it lasts a week I was 14 and I had taken a job in a tech store it was good I am somewhat nerdy and I know about technology and computers and this is all translated from the finished conversation the argument so my English might have some mistakes so I had been working there for a few days and it was Thursday around 2PM I had about an hour of work time since the Tet rule said that the work time was six hours I was behind a cash register desk filling the cabinets with some phones that had arrived in the shipment that day then the entitled mother and the entitled Esports kid entered the store manager was in the storage the mom was in her 40s and the kid was about 11 to 13 years old I say hello welcome to the tech store how can I help you um good afternoon my son is looking for a keyboard I pointed to my left where the gaming products were and there were mostly Razer products available the others were sold out and the store didn't have much of the accessories on that shelf feel free to look around uh thanks the entitled mother and the entitled Esports kid walked over and I kept on filling the cabinet I heard some discussion from behind me but I didn't bother to listen sometime later I was done and I looked over to them they were looking at the prices and thinking about it I said need some help yeah I don't understand the difference between this black ultimate chroma and this or not a Crema they look alike can you please tell me the difference the entitled Esports kid chimed in and said Mom the Black Widow is better it's mechanical like I told you I told them your son is right the difference is that the Black Widow is mechanical and has a faster response time than the oranada which is mem mechanical the Black Widow was also more expensive but that is logical since it was mechanical the entitled mother looked over to the entitled kid who was then smiling um we'll take this one then the entitled mother walked to the register and I scanned the barcode the keyboard was 129 Euros alright ma'am that will be 129 Euros what do you mean 130 Euros for a piece of plastic what the heck calm down ma'am it's the normal price my son plays competitively he needs this really what does he play the entitled Esports kid looked at me and said I play CS go and the professional team I just looked at him holding my laughter this kid had just told me that he plays a k-16 game professionally it was hilarious k16 is the equivalent of the ESRB rating 14. I respond back sarcastically saying oh really what is the team name the kid smiled more his smile kind of looked like a troll face our team is called killer be Esports that's the name translated of course I just burst into laughter this kid had just told me of a group that I didn't know of then while laughing I said hold on I'll check I looked up this team on my phone I found a steam group and I looked at it one of the members was called Gay Swede wiener 69. I was laughing so hard because the kid was so serious about being professional I'm sorry kid but this gaming group is far from professional even if you were professionals I couldn't give you this keyboard for free since you aren't sponsored by us this store was a part of a chain the mom was looking at me very angry and then she said what exactly are you laughing at he is a professional gamer he is good I have watched him play we need to get this for free you are so rude young man yeah I'm sorry but he's not a professional I see no Awards or anything to reference any sort of Esports activity the entitled Esports kid said I used to play for the 3D Max Juniors that doesn't exist and isn't even finished I just laughed even harder I couldn't help it this kid was so bad at lying are you kidding me look at you you're not old enough to play CS go not professionally he's underage that's your best argument how old are you I'm 14. you are 14 you call my son underage shame on you it's my tet week so it's part time the entitled mother was looking at her son with a weird smile and the kid smiled back she turned to me and said well I'll make a compromise I will pay the full price I was getting suspicious from the tone of her voice which had turned to a kind and soft voice so I said and and I get those headphones from the Shelf pointing to a pair of Razor Kraken 7.1 s's which are about 110 Euros themselves for free I looked at her was an annoyed gaze and stayed quiet for a moment are you kidding me you're asking for a keyboard and a headset for the price of one I explained to her that we have some bundles sometimes but she can't just make one out of thin air she just looked at me annoyed let me speak to your manager okay I point to the security cameras and say don't think of trying to leave you have the cameras watching you I walk into the warehouse and I call for the store manager Pekka to come and help me with a customer surprisingly the entitled mother and the Esports entitled kid hadn't left hello ma'am I'm Becca what seems to be the problem you're a part-time employee is rude to me and makes fun of my son that's not entirely true she claimed her son is a professional gamer and a team and they are trying to get the equipment for free ma'am is this true no he is lying the manager was just there looking at the angry mom her kid and me that's fine ma'am I'll check camera recordings he said that and went into the security room and some time later he came out show ma'am I have to ask you to pay for the keyboard and leave what the frick he is rude to me and my son we need these for free my son is traumatized after your behavior ma'am the other option is for you not to pay and leave without the keyboard the entitled mother just looked at him and hesitantly paid for the keyboard and was about to leave until she yelled from the door you lost a customer for life if I am not coming back here ever again despite her actions my work experience went well I got good points for the work and sometimes when I go into the store I talk with Pekka about the pro player kid and we have a laugh surprisingly the entitled mother nor the Esports kid never visited the store ever again so was I The Jerk for how I handled the situation it obviously didn't help the situation that he burst out laughing because this kid said he was on a professional team for CS go but he wanted to call him out so he did it's just hilarious that the entitled mom here thought that she was making a compromise by agreeing to pay the full price only if they gave her the full 110 Euro headphones as well maybe she just thought that nobody would ever want this stuff so I'll take it off your hands kind of like the approach that some people go into garage sales with where they say Hey you have it out here for sale you don't want it so I'll take it off your hands if you just give it all to me for this price but it's strange that she would do that in a retail shop in a tech store where normally you wouldn't bargain for anything think if it's a new product and one of the main reasons for that is because the person who's selling it to you has no say of whether or not they can do that and also they don't make the money off the sale directly so it doesn't really matter to them if the sale actually happens or not unless there's commission involved but the best ration all of all is my son is a professional therefore you should give it to him for free yeah that works in all industries that have Professionals in them so let me know how you would handle this if you were the worker in this situation and jerk or not a jerk and why my former co-workers are telling me that my old boss talks to them about quote all the issues that I'm having I found out that my therapist is my old boss's husband I started seeing a therapist a couple of months ago nothing wild just general depression winter weather getting to me Etc it's been very helpful until recently in the last few days two of my old co-workers called me to say that my old boss was saying things like op basically hates herself now I heard she's not doing well really depressed these were phone calls and I didn't record anything because it was so unique expected my old boss fired me in June of 2017. we didn't get along General underperformance no misconduct just obviously didn't leave on great terms at first I thought it might be a friend of mine divulging things to another friend in the industry but then after looking up said old boss I see that her husband is my therapist a very common last name so I never realized they were related I realize this is obviously problematic with a therapist but I'm not sure what to do about it he practices out of at least a single office space so there's no overarching practice slash management slash Administration to report to I also don't know if what my old boss is saying is getting into legal issues or if it's just well rude I still live in the same city and work the same type of job in a rather small slash close-knit industry so on one hand I'm worried about war traveling around our small community but on the other hand I'm worried about bad blood if I make too much of a fuss please help a small edit from the future I'm now feeling reasonably confident about where to start with a therapist thank you however I feel completely lost about what to do about my old boss contact HR and the old employer hope it just dies down at this point I have no proof that I could show just saying I got phone calls and I don't really want to pit my old co-workers against their boss if that can be avoided jumping into the future there is an update so my old boss was telling my old team that I was having a ton of issues I found out my therapist is her husband but I didn't know how she was finding this out slashed to what degree each person was doing bad stuff that's what happened so far the new development summary is there's still a lot of slow slash bureaucratic stuff going on but the most satisfying news is that my therapist is no longer practicing I even saw the space that he practiced out of listed for sale on a real estate website while doing my own house hunting the therapist was chatting about a client's me to his wife my old boss that it seemed he didn't really know was his wife's old employee large company closely knit but not minuscule industry I have a very peculiar family Dynamic so I think he talked about that however enough bits and pieces of identifying information came up that she suspected it was me unbeknownst to him she found my paper records in his office and dug through them then thought it was a great idea to tell my old co-workers that I was depressed and had family issues neat one of my co-workers put in her two weeks because of a relocating spouse shortly after then agreed to write a formal statement of what she had heard which also helped a lot understandably no one else was willing to because the company's already laid off so many people in the last year resolution in progress the therapist seems to be less than the wrong than I thought he was though still in the wrong the old boss is still awful the therapist is likely to receive some sort of reprimanding for both talking to his wife about me in that level of detail as well as insecure record keeping I don't know if he'll practice ever again so am I the jerk for how things turned out the therapist might actually end up losing his entire career over this it sounds like and if that ends up happening thing I can't imagine there's not going to be some sort of resentment between him and his wife because he's probably going to see it as her being careless and just telling random people things that he told her in private that's the kind of thing that can lead to a divorce but all of that aside talking about in the first place is a huge violation of privacy the op here is obviously going here to say something in private to someone that she is paying for a service and that he's going out and telling other people and even if that usually leads to nothing in this case it led to something because the wife was able to tell who he was talking about based on some of the details and she didn't even leave it at that she actually went into his files confirmed that it was about the op and then told everybody so the therapist violated the op's Privacy by talking about in the first place the wife violated the therapist's privacy by going through all of his things it's an awful situation where against your will all these other people know your personal business I know for most people that would make them pretty mad but if this was you in this situation how would you handle it let me know Down Below in jerk or not a jerk and why my co-worker adopted a kid from the UK Ukraine a couple of years ago now she's going around asking us to adopt him and writing about giving him away on Facebook so my co-worker is kind of a weirdo I'll call her Mary for the sake of this post her and her husband are one of those people that have a ton of adopted kids eight so far and are super religious to each his own Mary enjoys telling everyone at work her business so when she decided to adopt a kid from the Ukraine everyone heard about it she went with an older kid because it was easier for her and her husband she says this was two years ago Mary has asked me to babysit the boy a couple of times I'll call him Tony and it's never been a problem because I like kids I didn't see any glaring problems besides Mary's constant Dramatics about how awful the kid was and he seemed to like being over it's just me and my boyfriend here and our place is small but clean and really well kept Mary's house is disgusting for lack of a better word Mary would constantly harp about how much Tony liked it at our house but I just chalked it up to the kid having a good time lately Mary has been at work talking to anyone that'll listen about how how awful Tony is how horrible he is to the other kids and how she is going to get rid of him she sends out a mass email to everyone in our department asking if someone wanted to take her kid from her she calls it re-homing and that it's okay I logged on to Facebook today and same story she has pictures of Tony posted to her timeline advertising him for re-adoption and to contact her if interested I haven't replied to her email yet and I haven't commented on her post but I'm this close to ripping into her for what she's doing she's crossed the line from weird into full-blown psycho should I call CPS I called the police just now and they sounded completely confused on what to do they agreed to do a welfare check the post is still up is this really legal I don't know much about adoption in a quick search for rehoming gets me mostly results about animals does anyone have any advice quick edit poop has hit the fan there is mass Insanity right now but I'll have an update for everyone tonight most importantly the kids are safe update from the future now that the dust has settled a bit I'm honestly kind of overwhelmed by the number of people that went to huge lengths to tell me about just how serious this situation was Slash is deep dived on resources Etc I got private messages from people who worked for local and state governments and private agencies that were outside of my state but offered their contacts I had people that spoke Russian and Ukrainian offering up help to contact the Ukrainian Embassy and offered me contact information from Embassy departments people even contacted us offering money for Tony's immediate needs in the event that we decided to take him in I am sincerely touched by the genuine concern all of you had for Tony and his siblings I hope one day I can tell Tony that despite everything that's happened there's people out there like you guys they care about him the information you guys gave us helped us act fast and got the ball rolling on the situation faster than me and my boyfriend would have figured out a loan I talked with the cops about the situation and honestly they were just as confused as I was the person I talked to on the phone was just a stump but he agreed that at a minimum they they did need to do a welfare check I've had experiences with welfare checks before and I had the nagging feeling that something just wouldn't go right someone private messaged me the priority line for my State's CPS hotline I got someone on the phone right away and as soon as I mentioned that trafficking could be going on and that she was advertising the kid on Facebook it was a public post here too people they acted with a quickness I gave them all the information I had on Mary and Tony and all the information I had from Mary about Tony's adoption the person I spoke to right away said that she suspected that the adoption might not even be legal I was floored I emailed all the screenshots I had to the person I spoke with and asked for a follow-up if that was at all possible I said that myself and my boyfriend were willing to take Tony on a temporary basis if necessary but the CPS representative said that that likely wasn't possible then the waiting game began last night was probably the most stressful night I've ever had hell at one point I was ready to drive out to Mary's house myself but would stop by my boyfriend it was tough the cops followed up with us at approximately 2 am note that I haven't heard from CPS the officer I spoke with was very cautious and limited in what he said but he told me that CPS arrived at the home shortly after he did in not so many words he implied that Mary had been talking to someone about meeting Tony the very next day and that cps's suspicions were confirmed Tony's adoption was not legal Tony was re-homed to Mary and her husband from another state where placement needs to be approved by a judge he didn't elaborate further except to say that other issues came to light and all the children were removed from the home for their own safety he didn't say how long they were there but said it was a long time I was asked to drop off all emails and printouts to the station in the morning and I agreed my boyfriend and I wanted to make doubly sure that all of our bases were checked so I called our local FBI office who said they lacked jurisdiction in the matter but would be writing up a complaint and referring the issue to the state department we call the Ukrainian Embassy and made a detailed complaint and I include to the contact information I had for the officer from the Department that's when it really hit the fan the moment I went into work to print out the email our company is pretty small and the company owner I'll call her a big age because of her resemblance to the Mob Wives lady she had gotten wind of Mary's email big Ainge was Furious and waiting at Mary's desk to see if she would show up for work my friend reported that big Ainge waited from 7 15 am to 9 30 a.m and that Mary came to work with a sob story about how her kids were being unfairly taken away Mary wanted time off from work to clear her name and devote herself to reclaiming her family from this misunderstanding I wasn't there to witness this but Big Ang who had six kids herself apparently ripped marry a new one Mary has been dismissed and rumor has it that big age may or may not allow her to claim unemployment my head is honestly still spinning from everything that has happened the past 24 hours have been Insanity I am so grateful that the system worked as quickly as it did I only hope there's a long-term solution to this problem and then Mary doesn't get to reclaim her kids my heart is breaking for Tony and the other kids right now I don't know what is happening in Mary's house that made them get removed that night but I'm going to sleep better knowing that they aren't with psycho Mary and her husband at least not for a while what the future holds for Tony and the other kids especially because Tony's adoption was apparently illegal makes me sick but I'm going to wish for the best what should I do I think that is the biggest question in the short term what is it that they found in the house that night that made them act so urgently that they got all the kids to safety right away we already know that as the op describes here Mary's house is disgusting so it could be something as simple as that the cops walked in and said these are unlivable conditions this is disgusting in here it took all of them out of there or maybe it was something much darker we really don't know I'm sure a lot of you guys have theories on what it could be so let me know down below what you think it might be but this is just a strange situation I've never heard of somebody adopting a kid not fostering them but adopting them I'm sure this does happen but it probably really doesn't happen on Facebook it probably happens through some sort of official means where you're not just handing them off to a random person on your Facebook how could that have even worked anyway even if they did say yes I doubt it's like signing over a pink slip to a car and saying okay you own this car now you own this person now there's got to be a lot more red tape than that but maybe she was just waiting until he turned of age and then it would all fade away and everything that happened before wouldn't matter it's just such a weird thought process but let me know how you see the situation down below and what advice would you offer when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications to finish listening to all the stories in this series use the playlist at the top of the description and next time you live stream use the cream of the crop music search for cream of the stream on Spotify or whatever music platform you use for copyright free music to use for your stream it's free cream of the stream either way thanks a lot for listening I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 411,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: WYbF0Fnxf8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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