Splitting FIREWOOD with a JACKHAMMER - Can it be Done???

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so welcome back to the back 40 fire Channel you might be wondering what I'm doing loading up some big rounds of wood well if you remember the last time I loaded up some big rounds I'll throw the link up there go back and check that out and that might give you a hint as to what's going on with these so stay tuned for that maybe in the next video I got something planned and it's gonna be again pretty awesome so now just down here on the farm we're gonna get some wood loaded up and then a little bit later wood I'm senior and an idea of something you are in try all right so today something new we are welcome to the back 40 firewood research development and innovation headquarters would have senior an idea well you know in the mind of Mad Men well first off top of the morning to alder wood homes around the world again enjoying that live feed and I'm seeing people from all over and it's I thought well heck I got this crazy idea in my head about a month ago I got these big rounds and of course to get him up on my splitter I like to make them a little smaller so I can I can handle them and I thought what the heck rather than try and do it by a splitting maul I thought I got myself a genuine jackhammer so this is what you're gonna call jackhammer redneck wood splitting we got a bit here that looks like a you know wedge or whatever so we're gonna simply to get that to work and we've never tried this before this is the first time so so the idea is if you were splitting and you didn't just want to swing a ball or you pinched from the wall and you need to break this down the use of a jackhammer is a couple years ago we had a log that was about this big around and we split by hand four ways to get at or we could handle it on our little splitter so if I thought well I'm just gonna see what this does rather than sway them all because I'm getting to be the senior you got a little Chuck here so we'll use that to our advantage is just a little bit of a check mark so here's the big advantage with momentum when you swing that Maul that ball weighs maybe three pounds however coming down has more force than this jacket when this busted-up cement for us last summer we we had a break up probably about 200 and a couple hundred square feet of cement left I thought well I'd give it a try and see what happens but as you can see the juice started coming out of it there was a lot of friction created you know I she heated up yeah she got warm but just not enough momentum were forced to make that sweat impact yep so now we're going to get the old fashioned sweating ball off and just give that a whirl and see what it does [Music] [Music] oh my god oh my god put this in over here at all keep working away so we got it narrowed our low yeah but that just goes to show back in the old days when all you had was wedges in them all it was slow making wood but now we do it once more one more time we'll get it to where we cannot manage it because if the alternate thing that I've done is with a big one like this okay I can't get the wedge started I take the old 51 make a little two inch deep trench put the wedge in [Music] so there we go now only kind of down doors least manageable to handle on the splitter at least for my splitter anyway so you can see where the modern wood splitter definitely makes things a lot easier from innovation back to the original method back to the old-school way alright so that's gonna do it for this video just down here on the farm having a little fun trying some different ideas on how one could potentially if needed split a big piece of wood to get it into smaller pieces that you could manage easier and yeah what I'm seeing I thought that jackhammer was maybe gonna do the trick but just not enough force and momentum driving down into it and so in the end we had to resort back to the old-school way of the sledge and the the wedge the sledge in the wedge got her done but anyway this other big pile back here we're saving for the wolf Ridge when she comes down and makes a little visit to the farm probably be in a month or two like I said we gotta get that should clear it out so we can split this stuff and then stack it in there so until then it's just gonna sit here we've got it in under the in the shut here and the reason was because now in the spring like back there we had everything laying it gets pretty muddy down here and just wanted to get it out of the mud out of the rain when the snow decides to finally melt it will just be a lot easier having it inside here and dry on the dry ground so thanks for taking along I hope you guys enjoyed we'll see you guys next time stay safe have fun and be cool [Music]
Channel: Back 40 Firewood
Views: 210,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, stihl, chainsaw, logsplitter, wolfe ridge professional splitter, splitting firewood, firewood business, making firewood, splitting red oak, red oak firewood, firewood inventory, firewood face cord, firewood full cord, wood yard, fun with firewood, free firewood, firewood hauling, bucking up firewood, stihl ms 291 chainsaw, wood hound, back 40 firewood, getting split done, fire wood, youtuber, youtube firewood, firewood vlog, John Deere 4010, jackhammer wood splitting
Id: _Lbp0t84ODM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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