Splash Screen in Jetpack Compose under 5 mins | Android Studio

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hey everyone welcome back to my channel in this video we will create a splash screen in Jetpack compost to be honest the process is very similar to how we create splash screen normally so now let's create the project create a new project choose empty activity that is Jetpack compose activity name it as splash screen JC and click on finish here we will be using splash screen API so we only need to write few lines of code okay let's start with the prerequisites so go to build gradel add splash screen dependency and click on sync now and done make sure all your dependencies versions are updated then go to colors.xml here add a new color as green this green color will be our splash screen background color I'll write hex code AS FF 3F DC 8 five and done then go to drawables here we will add a drawable icon which I created in canva so copy paste it and done just a quick tip make sure the icon size is as per the documentation recommended size I'll put the article Link in the description box then go to themes. XML here we have a default theme as theme do spash screen JC with no action bar this theme will be for our main activity now we need a theme that is for splash screen correct so above the default theme we will create another theme as my splash screen and parent as theme do splash screen then in inside it three main items first item is window splash screen background that is the background color of her splash screen which I'll give it as green second item is window splash screen animated icon this is where you will add the icon it can be an image or animation anything will work third item is post splash screen theme means what theme should be applied when the SP screen will be over and second activity will start so that theme should be a default theme correct which is splash screen JC simple next go to Android manifest.xml change the default theme to The theme that we created for splash screen which is my splash screen and and same over here as well and done then go to main activity here simply call install splash screen above the set content and then the main activity will be launched correct so I want a text on the main activity which should be in Center so to do that instead of a surface I'll create a box and content alignment is equal to alignment do Center then here greeting composable function is called which will display hello Android and all of this thing I have already explained in my previous video so I guess that's it now let's run the app see a Splat screen for a few seconds and here is the main activity got it simple right I'll be covering all the important topic of Jetpack compos so make sure that you follow the entire playlist okay so yeah that is it for the video If you new to this channel then please consider subscribing to my channel and I'll see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: Android Knowledge
Views: 6,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jetpack compose, android, jetpack tutorials, compose, learn android app, learn jetpack compose, app in jetpack compose, create a app, android studio tutorials, jetpack compose android, 2024, series, learn android, create jetpack compose app, college project app, final year project app, android development, android knowledge, learn app development, mobile apps, develop apps, create an app, tutorial, topic, new android video, latest android studio, error, code, splash screen, api
Id: bvQym_hszeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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