Splash animation - using NEW tapered shape strokes | After Effects Tutorial

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in this tutorial I'll show you how to create these liquid splashes using After Effects new tapered shape strokes hi my name is Manuel I'm a freelance motion designer you might want to download the project file to follow along we'll simply play with it now let's dive in we create a new shape layer get rid of the fill change the stroke color to white or whatever color you like set the stroke width to around 100 pixels let's grab the pen tool and draw a line from the left part of the screen to the middle all right let's dive into the attributes here in version 17 point one of After Effects there's actually some new stuff in stro there are two new attributes taper and wife's it helps us to easily turn this boring line into a sexy splash now first of all let's tweak the end length to 100% then we'll easily add a little bit to run it out next we'll tweak four star lengths to get a round shape here on the left and ease it out as well [Music] now we'll add waves not too much maybe around 6% and increase the wavelength quite a bit to run 200% then it's changed the face a bit until the waist has the right position quite sexy already let's add rough edges to make the shape Miranda [Music] set the border to around 12 then raised edge sharpness to around 2.4 the scale to around 200 and let's set the complexity to 1 nice let's analyze the sexy splash by adding my favorite animator trim paths to the shape said two keyframes for the start and end value each should be 107 frames later the start is done to 0% the end value is around 75% another three frames later we and reached 0% as well looks quite strange still so let's anyway for stroke width set a keyframe at the beginning and set the value to 10 we start small after nine frames it has reached its max value in this case around 101 frame later it's at 0 [Music] better already the ending looks a bit weird still though let's animate the startling at seven frames it's the value we wanted to have here it's 11% at 10 frames it's 100 [Music] finally we add ease ease into all key frames [Music] let's name the lair drop because you really should name your layers [Music] let's craft that linear line a little to make it look more natural next step is to duplicate the Slayer several times adjust the path and create a splash quite a bit of work needs a music for that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i randomized the stroke width and trim path animation of each splatter and moved some of the layers one or two frames to the right for a different start point of the animation next we'll add this kind of smoke ring to the splash therefore we create a white solid and add a circular mask [Music] now we'll scale it up along with the movement of our strokes by animating the mask expansion start very small and add frames later scale it up quite a bit [Music] then we duplicate the mass which we subtract from the upper mask somewhere in the middle we want to lower mask expansion to be much smaller then we add a keyframe for mask feather and change you to around 85 pixels and add rough edges to the solid set the border to around 20 the scale to 200 and the complexity to 1 let's play with the expansion values the feather and ravage the settings until we have the result we think looks good [Music] the higher the edge sharpness the less blurry the shapes look let's go through frame by frame and adjust the settings [Music] looks nice right one last thing it already looks a lot like cell animation but to get in close so you could add an adjustment layer and post the rest time to a frame rate of 12 frames per second how do you like the new tapered shape strokes what's about time for Adobe to add that right let me know in the comments below on the left side I've added some videos you might like subscribe to my channel on the right side and ring the bell if you want to know exactly when the next video is coming out thanks so much for watching hope that tutorial was useful for y'all see you next time guys bye [Music]
Channel: Manuel does Motion
Views: 244,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animate splash, splash animation after effects, liquid animation after effects, animate splash after effects, liquid splash animation, liquid splash after effects, after effects, after effects tutorial, motion design, motion design tutorial, motion graphics, motion graphics tutorial, cell animation after effects, tapered shape strokes, tapered shape strokes after effects, after effects 2020, after effects 17.1, animation, splash, adobe after effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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