Spit the Dog

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my next guest doesn't say a lot but he has a forceful way of expressing his opinions he's long on talent but short on pedigree with his best chum Bob Carol geez it's spit the dog Michael oh hello listen father you like it here don't you don't you would you needing the dressed up it isn't that kind of show well you'll see what I mean with him being here you'll see why I actually wear shorts right let's go back to the beginning of your relationship how did you come to be the owner of a bit of spit see that's that's one really funny thing I was I was actually walking on No got that Cherokee thinks you're a drummer no I said well I got him I was walking down the street you seen our sudden realize there's a dog following me and so being a kind-hearted soul I gave him a biscuit and he's been with me ever since he won't let me go and I can't get rid of him would you like him well you're right I've got a dog of my own I'm not sure that she'd I've got a dog on my own like I'd be sorry is it is it a it's a girl yes I shouldn't have mentioned Bob where where did he get this habit of this nasty habit Oh another one you mean well actually I think as far as I can work out it's it's an impediment of his bark now you see most dogs do bark and if you say to the bark they go woof or bow-wow are things I had but you just watch us but hence the shorts to get you're not getting splashed over there but I mentioned him when I introduced you both but he hasn't got much of a pedigree now was I actually like easy a pedigree animal uh right he believes that he's got a huge pedigree from a long line of Scotty's hence the little tartan ecology in actual fact he's a mongrel Oh right subpoena mongrel I say you like no he's not I don't know if I don't how to say that he's not perhaps the most beautiful groomed animal I've ever seen does he not I don't know anyways difficult is it uh no Groody we won't he won't let anyone near him you see to groom him I've tried batting him I've had all sorts of people trying to do all the experts he didn't like that word no he doesn't say it I'll say a bit louder but and even it were the silly things like you know trying to comb it now and this I don't even see one of these and this is actually a flea comb because he's full of them I some of his flea some of his fleas have got pensions and this is the sort of thing that you just you comb and brush them with you see but you see their action eight would die I mean you're I know you're an expert with these sort of things yeah I mean you've got a dog at home no no don't go just trying around here cuz there's are tickly scruffy bit but um yeah come on before anybody spits you know Jimmy I mean does it me wouldn't bite though really would it doesn't bite no it gives you a nasty suck if it was not sleep I tell what my dog look at me like that man I knew you were coming now my dog likes chop drops very much but she's mad on those I mean does he like shop oh it depends on the variety of you've managed to get hold of just what sort is that mrs. white on work well you better holy you won't take it off the table just right there yeah well you didn't what do you think of that I tell you what if he doesn't like choke drops I mean how can you teach him tricks well with great difficulty I mean it can do some tricks and he doesn't quite amazing tricks I've got one here this is it this is one of his most famous tricks it's still a little bouncy ball that's one of these no what happens I bounce it on the floor you seen it goes up in the annual catch it in his mouth yeah no but yeah that you first thing that's easy any dog your dog from probably did that shall I make it more difficult for him in that I blindfold him Izzy and people say to me how does gonna blindfold dog possibly see to catch a little bouncy because actually see the ball he now uses he's very sensitive ears you see and he he hones in on the ball like radar just the same is it honing on my fingers if I click them you can answer questions yeah I'll use the lights probably he's not gonna do it anyway is he an expensive pet I mean are you always in the pet shop Oh customer fortune true today being London feelin it today look look it's some ridiculous thing have you ever seen a doggie jogging suit like jogging like Jackie doesn't do any exercise you cussed me a fortune doesn't do any extra work the only exercise he does do yes I know I'm just read something only is it press-ups now press-ups is very big on press EPS and I think you'd like would you like to do tonight all right so this is one of the things he promised you would do but being on the dash for show because he's a very big fan of yours lovely thank you very much he's going for his world record with pressure was low would you like to help with this but he's going for his world record with presip so he counts along with him if you like with the press ups right he's managed four before so he's going he's going from you going for more than that oh right here we go concentrate ready so you you love you have Mongoose and anything like everything quite like spit before Wow oh it's lovely if you if you tickle him under the chin he makes him love you wanna try you can't does he have girlfriends not he hasn't go steady well at the moment he's not actually going steady but he's had many I mean that I I've seen lots of little spit too running around all over the place oh yeah but he's had a bit too many I'm actually thinking of having him done but no I'm not thinking about it ravenous I was a nasty moment wouldn't it well does he have any ambitions I mean he's even be done more than most dogs could ever hope to do in their short lifetime what would ambitions remain I think you've met most people you've met alot of famous animals loser you'd like to meet Joan Collins Oh we'd like to be jerem Cummings about a missus well I can understand that in a way but why would he want to meet well she is the big bitch isn't she anyway laughs you want to do an impression of dokyeom coming darling next now you stay put but otherwise I should say bah the moment well thank you very much and Twiggy Bob and spit sick
Channel: Ph1lb
Views: 845,373
Rating: 4.7375178 out of 5
Keywords: Carolgees, Aspel
Id: hKjPosgpxlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2010
Reddit Comments

He does the dog movements so well, even the shaking of the head lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/blankproductions 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

British humor is so, proper...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BoobsMcGeek 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2016 🗫︎ replies
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