Spiritual Leadership Conference 2018: Dr. RB Ouellette

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while you're standing please open your Bibles of the book of 2nd chronicles that was a wonderful message thank you for the Jilla I so appreciate the spirit of this meeting and the obvious working of God in our midst and the heart to see God do that which we cannot do I'd like to suggest to you that if you will listen carefully to all the sessions if you'll take notes if you'll absorb everything that is given to you if you'll go home and do your dead-level best to put it all into practice you will fail all is vain the songwriter said unless the spirit of the holy one come down the Spirit of God came upon Azariah the son of oded we don't meet him any place else in Scripture but right here he went out to meet ASA the king of Judah and said unto him hear ye me a send all Judah and Benjamin the Lord is with you Wow ye be with him and if you seek him he will be found of you but if you forsake him he will forsake you now for a long time Israel you understand that under Rio Boehm who was the grandfather of ASA the kingdom was divided the ten tribes in the North split off were called Israel their capital settled in a place called Samaria the two tribes in the south were called Judah they kept their capital at Jerusalem the message comes to ASA the king of Judah but he tells ASA and Judah something about Israel for a long time Israel had been a long season Israel had been without the true God and without a teaching priest and without law but when they in their trouble did turn to the Lord God of Israel and sought him he was found of them and in those times there was no peace to him that went out nor to him that came in but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants as habitants of the countries and nation was destroyed of nation and city of City for God did Vettes them with all adversity be ye the man of God says to ASA and Judah again therefore having seen what happened to your neighbors to the north be ye strong therefore and not let not your hands be weak for your work shall be rewarded and when asa heard these words and the prophecy of oded the prophet he took courage and put away the abominable idols out of all the land of Judah and Benjamin and out of all the cities which he had taken from Mount Ephraim and renewed the altar of the Lord that was before the porch of the Lord and he gathered all Judah and Benjamin and the strangers with him out of ephraim and manasseh and out of Simeon I get Judah and Benjamin but now people are coming from the northern tribes from Ephraim from NASA from Simeon for they fell to him in abundance out of Israel when they saw that the Lord his God was with him so they gathered themselves together at Jerusalem in the third month in the fifteenth year of the reign of ASA we've been told correctly the word revived means to live again if I go down to the waterfront and there's a an individual who is taken in water and they're not breathing and I remember what I learned so many years ago when I took my training to be a lifeguard and I clear out the air passageway and I tilt their head back I put my mouth on their mouth and blow into their mouth and give them artificial respiration and to begin to breathe again I don't say I resurrected them I don't say I breathed life into them I say they revived when God's people experience revival they begin to be what they should have been all along what God wanted them to be all along what he intended for them and what they could have been Father thank you for this wonderful service you surely met with us please Holy Spirit of God direct me to empower me to speak to all of our hearts Lord you know I'll be guided if you'll just help me to leave out anything to add anything I pray that we'd forget who delivered these messages whether we'd long remember what you told us I pray that you bind the devil and his demons don't let them succeed in their intended purpose of snatching the seed of your word away from the soil of our hearts help us to listen help us to act obediently we'll give you the praise for what you do and we thank you for what you've done already in Jesus name Amen there are two basic views of revival one of them is illustrated by the words of the great bible expositor and teacher G Campbell Morgan he said revival cannot be organized so we can set our sails to catch the wind from heaven when God chooses to blow up on his people once again if I read those words correctly we can hope for revival we can be ready to move as God works but we just have to wait until he sovereignly decides to blow upon his people again are a Tory said I can give you a prescription that will bring a revival to any church or community or any city on earth the prescription is as follows first let a few Christians they need not be many get thoroughly right with God themselves this is the prime essential if this is not done the rest that I say am to say will come to nothing perfectly in line with the wonderful message we just heard second let them bind themselves together to pray for a revival until God opens the heavens and comes down third let them put themselves at the disposal of God for him to use as he sees fit in winning others to Christ this is all this is sure to bring a revival to any church or community I've given this prescription around the world it has been taken by many churches in many communities and in no instance has it ever failed and it cannot fail well I wonder which position is correct I wanted to be a verse in the Bible that might help us maybe a verse like if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land these words spoken to God by Solomon are reiterated in our text the Lord is with you verse 2 while ye be with him if you seek Him he'll be found of you but if you forsake him he will forsake you and in verse 7 be strong therefore and let not your hands be weak for your work shall be rewarded did you know you can be as close to God as you want to Paul said in acts 17 in verse 27 he is not far from every one of us Jeremiah said to the people of Judah in a time of captivity in the land of Babylon in Jeremiah 29 then shall you call upon me and you shall go and pray unto me and he shall seek me and find me when you shall search for me with all your heart James said draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you you can be as close to God as you want to be in fact you are as close to God as you want to be the Prophet is sent by God to the nation of Judah and he says to the king and to the entire nation listen to me hearken unto me hear me you can know God's power you can enjoy God's presence you can have God's blessing you can have revival if you want to and he gives them a comparison he compares to them with them for them conditions in the nation of Israel II tells about the deficiency in Israel for a long time the Bible says Israel had been without the true God and without a teaching priest and without the law they had no Lord they had no leader they had no law they were doing their own thing making their own imitation altars making their own systems of worship doing it their own way they probably took a survey to find out what Israel wanted when they went to the temple like some churches who are coming up with what they think are great new insights and telling us that we must focus on the love of God on the gospel of God and I have no objection to that I like what Charles Spurgeon said he said I take my text and I make a beeline to the cross but they say to that that just that that if we're gospel centered then we won't spend much time on the imperatives of the Bible or telling people how they ought to live I don't know how you present the gospel but I always start with olive sinned they say well we have to use the music of the world because that's their language and you have to speak people's language in order to be able to communicate with them well the world curses are good a little bit too they drink booze and use drugs and cheat on their spouse it's as much a part of their language as their music and notice not only the deficiency of visceral they've gone their own way they're doing their own thing but notice their difficulty in those times were sound there's no peace to him that went out at him that came in but gray vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries and nation was destroyed of nation and city of City for God that vex them with all adversity things weren't working out for them so well brother Carrie Schmidt wrote a book years ago on music in the book he quoted a statistic that said the contemporary church was losing 96% of their young people I found that compelling and interesting and I asked him where he got and he said we looked that up it came from that bastion of red hat Independent Baptist fundamentalism MSNBC I was by Jeremiah Hightower who was here pointed to a blog called sniffing glue young lady named Megan o goblin had grown up in the church and she saw the movement come in with the worldly music and all of the attempts to relate to the young people and bring the world into the church and she wrote this in the blog and she mentioned in the blog that despite all their efforts they were retaining before percent of their young people she said the gospel became just another product someone was trying to sell me and a poultry one of that because the church isn't Viacom it doesn't have a department of brand strategy and planning staying relevant in late consumer capitalism requires highly sophisticated resources and the willingness to tailor your values to whatever the audience wants no anybody does you don't need a survey to find out what people want you need this book to tell you what they need in trying to compete in this market the church she said has forfeited the one advantage it had in the game to attract disillusion youth authenticity when it comes to intransigent values the profit driven world has zilch to offer if Christian leaders weren't so ashamed of those unvarnished values they might have something more attractive than anything on today's bleak moral market in the meantime they've lost one more kid to the competition they attract young people and some of us are trying to do the same thing on a milder and smaller scale by giving them the world's music and letting them dress in the world's attire and using the world's language and they'll come for a little while but you know what they're gonna figure out the world does rock and roll better than the church the world does light shows better than the church the world does contemporary culture better than the church but the world can't do Jesus like we can that I note that there is also a message in the story of Israel the comparison that Azariah gives to ASA in the country of Judah a word of deliverance in spite of all their troubles that the Bible says when they under trouble verse 4 did turn under the Lord God of Israel and Sodom he was found of them can I say no matter how far you've gone no matter how bad you're behaved no matter what you have done God always wants you back and then he gives a declaration to them and he says be strong therefore don't be like them be strong therefore I am bothered by the continual weakening of our Bible preaching churches I'm grieved at the effort to make everything easy I remember years ago a preacher was concerned that his people were too busy and he took all the ministries in the church and organized everything so that everybody only had one thing to do if they went soul winning that was their ministry they were in the Awana program that was their ministry if they sang in the choir that was their ministry and he he was sincere and he was genuine and he's trying to give people more time with their families and he said I did and every one of them back slid on me God says be strong this is no time for weak need Christians this is no time for a watered-down theology this is no time to apologize for the plain teaching of the word of God and attempt to accommodate a culture that doesn't like the authority of God or anyone else this is the time for God's people to know his word and to know him and to stand strong I wish I could grab some young preachers and say don't wimp out stand strong I wish I could talk to some henpeck husbands are run by their board and running terror every time they see the chairlady of the women's Missionary Society approach stand strong I wish I could say to this generation of snowflakes and cupcakes who never lost a soccer game does everybody one whose every drawing was the work of art whose essay on what I did in some summer vacation was told to them to be a literary masterpiece and then got out in the real world and hung on that everybody enjoyed mommy's opinion of them say toughen up buttercup quit feeling sorry for yourself we get upset cause somebody doesn't like what you doing somebody gets upset with what you're saying quit worrying about what all of them take anyway and get this whole book and learn what it says and gets on your face and find God and get his power and be strong chairman of a pulpit committee called me some years ago he explained the history of the great church he said for 40 years we were working really hard that Pastor was always trying to get us to go soul-winning and be in church all the time and he said when he left the people were tired and they wanted something for themselves well they got a pastor that gave them something for themselves including a different Bible that pastor left they were seeking another pastor the church ran at one time 10,000 per Sunday it averaged for forty years 1,500 baptisms a year the church was the Highland Park Baptist Church and the pastor was Lee Roberson they wanted something for themselves they got it I just am of the opinion we have enough cocktail sipping Bible changing rock music playing be as much like the world as you can Christians we need somebody to be strong and we've cancelled enough services there will be no service for more oil days so that you enjoy time with your family the last time I checked Church was a fairly family-friendly function most of our churches are g-rated a bunch of bozos cancel the church service and their people go home and watch the television and call that family time we don't cancel nothing at our church we don't cancel and when there's a bad snowstorm we never cancel we have a neighbor that's remember our church we save he walk across the driveway we'll have church we have people from other churches that always come to our churches when there's bad snow because they know we'll be open and I just say we're glad you're here I didn't have any more to say than your preacher did out of canceled church too but they said on the television that you should stay off their own skirts it's dangerous and how did they get to the station to tell you that well I just have an idea that what we're doing in the church house it's more important than what they're doing at the TV station and it was worth braving a little bad weather to get on television and tell people to stay home maybe it's worth going to the house of God and meeting with the people of God and hearing the Word of God and learning to have some fellowship with God we've got enough weaklings we got enough people caving we got enough people reducing the level of commitment required to serve God it's time for somebody to stand up and somebody to be strong well you say I just don't want to burn out yeah I bet you Paul was worried about that you know my labour and travail how that laboring night and day I preached send you the gospel of God because I would not be chargeable to any of you and by the way you know what he meant by night and day went by him at night and day he meant that he worked full-time making tents so that he could support his ministry to give the Corinthians the gospel of Jesus Christ and he worked full-time trying to give them the gospel of Jesus Christ it was a day nobody raised support when they went to start a church they just went to a town they got a job to provide for their family they found a little meeting place they started knocking on doors in the evenings in the days they did not work and they built the church house I'm not against you getting support but I'm to tell you that the Bible pattern is not to ease up it's not to come in at 9:00 and leave it for and say well I said to have time with my family we have a lot of time with our field you know we do with our kids with a little we put them in a little seat that you carry me and went knocking on doors didn't hurt him got us in a lot of doors you look pretty harmless when you're carrying a baby along with you if you don't have one borrow somebody's it'll help you well you say I'm just worried about burnout you're in no danger my dad was 89 years old he's 90 now he's 89 when he said all these preachers worrying about burning out I don't know how that'll ever happen they haven't yet been lit up now we're told well you can't really be confrontational in your preaching you know the same Bible that says the Lord is my shepherd says in the world ye shall have tribulation the same Bible this is as you have a opportunity do good to all men says lift your voice like a trumpet and cry aloud and show my people their transgressions in Israel they're saying the same Bible that says love since God so loved the world says love not the world that holiness is not legalism service is not performance theology we are given strange names Bible behaviors that God has commanded and his people have performed for centuries because they are in the word of god the bible doesn't say sleep for the night is coming it doesn't say relax for the night is coming in and say take it easy for the night is coming it works for the night is coming you see well why the secular society may not appreciate that message they didn't much like Ezekiel's they put Jeremiah in a pit they threw the Apostle Paul in jail repeatedly they nailed my Savior to a cross I don't know about you but I'd rather be in that crowd than this mealy-mouthed bunch of people pleasers trying to conform to the culture it is not the job of the preacher to conform the message of the Bible to a new generation it is the job of the preacher to call each new generation to conform to the message of the Word of God the comparison then notice the command we've been looking at it the requirement is be strong they'll make the mistake history made don't go away from the Lord at the law and the leaders that God has given to you and the response to the Word of God is intriguing to me the Bible says when ASA first aid heard these words and the prophesy of Oda at the prophet he took courage and put away the abominable idols out of all the land of Judah and Benjamin and out of the cities which he had taken from out Ephraim and renewed the altar of the Lord that was before the porch of the Lord he got rid of the idols and he rebuilt the altar that's a pretty good prescription to begin to have revival remove the idols rebuild the altar entire nation is moved by the prophetic utterance of a prophet who's never mentioned in Scripture except this time there's a tendency to downplay the preaching of the word of God today well you see people are visually oriented and they see so many things on television all the time that you're gonna get their attention if you just stand up and Rachel what's your source for that which book of the Bible did you read that in it was the word of the Lord that sent Jonah the son of Emmitt AI to Nineveh to be part of one of the greatest revivals in history the longest chapter in the Bible is devoted entirely to the Word of God Sennacherib attacked Israel and threatened M Judah and the Bible says in 2nd chronicles 32 8 that when Hezekiah stood up and told them to trust the Lord that they rested in the words of Hezekiah Elisha preached the twenty word sermon prayed a sixty-three word prayer called down fire from heaven and the people said the Lord he is the GOG the Lord he is the God I will not diminish downplayed denigrate or disparage the preaching of the word of God oh you say one picture is worth a thousand words really give me a thousand words I'll give you the Lord's Prayer the twenty-third Psalm the Gettysburg Address the Hippocratic oath and most of the boys Scout Oath and you give me any picture that's worth that words are really important the words you say are really important the words you let yourself listen to are really important the words that you say to your church and your family are really important the words that you say to yourself are really important but I want you to notice not only response to the word of God but to the work of God I had never seen this before and till I was studying this passage of Scripture a while ago for some sermons I've been preaching in our church this year our theme is be strong the Bible says in verse 9 he gathered all Judah and Benjamin and the strangers with them out of ephraim and manasseh and out of Simeon for they fell to an out of Israel in abundance when they saw that the Lord his God was with him I want you to see something they had people moving from Israel that country with whom they sometimes had war and with whom they sometimes had strained relationship they moved from Israel to Judah they didn't move there because Judah had a really clever marketing campaign they didn't move there because Judah had eased up and only had seven out of ten commandments he had to obey they didn't move there because Judah was deciding that they're gonna get out every Sunday at five minutes to twelve so you could be the beat the Lutheran's to lunch no they moved there because they saw that the hand of the Lord his God was with him I appreciate this conference I love Bill Chappell dearly I don't know of a greater example Church in the world and I've said this for years and years than Lancaster Baptist Church every time I come I'm convicted every time I come I learn every time I come I feel like we're not doing anything right back at First Baptist Church of Bridgeport and I appreciate all of that and you drink it in and write it down and go back and ask God what to put into place at your church but I want you to understand it's not the organization it's not the administration it's not the methodology it's not the advertising it's not the screens it's not the beautiful campus it's not the big auditorium that makes the difference the difference is God the difference is God's power that difference is God's presence what if there was a church where people have been drunkards got saved and their lives were cleaned up when there's a church where people were delivered from their addictions to drugs what if there was a church where people came in as they came to know the Lord their marriages were put back together and the rebellious children became submissive and wayward children came back home what if there was a church there was expectancy in every service what if there was a church when the people sat down they were knowing they were gonna hear a message by a man of God we prayed and was anointed by God what if there was a church where God was at work hey I'm telling you you don't need a lightshow you don't need a smoke and mirrors kind of deal you don't need rock music you don't even have to have a choir you need the power of God the notice of the cleansing and it's interesting it comes in this order he listened they responded but they got rid of all the abominable idols out of all the land it was pervasive they didn't leave anything behind they didn't have any little pet idols they hid in the closet somewhere they got rid of all the idols it was progressive because in chapter 14 they've done something similar verse 5 in chapter 14 he took away out of all the cities of Judah the high places and the images and the kingdom was quiet before him last night many of us made decisions for the tremendous message but you know God may want you to make other decisions tonight and tomorrow night my dad around the Detroit rescue mission for 10 years they instituted a summer camp for underprivileged kids from downtown Detroit they bring in counselors from area churches and we rented a campground from the state of Michigan and dad and so we did get all the counselors to go they have to clean it up on Saturday and it had to have an inspection before he could leave and my dad always gave this instruction to the counselors he said sweep your cabin twice and then he said you'll be surprised how much dirt you get the second time yeah it's kind of interesting you read in Colossians chapter 3 Paul says mortify your members which are in the flesh he talks about some sins of the flesh that we're common in their lives before they came to the Lord Jesus as their Savior he says you got a mortify fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil concupiscence and then he went on to say but now you also put off all these anger wrath and malice blasphemy and filthy communication out of your mouth lying not one to another largely the first list dealt with sins of the flesh and he said you got to kill them be done with them but these other sins of the Spirit he says you have to put them off and I believe the idea is it can be a fairly permanent thing but those sins of the flesh but these other sins are going to keep creeping back in and and you're gonna have to have a progressive cleansing is like the Lord said when he met with the disciples that we call the Last Supper he said I want to wash your feet and I've lost everything but your feet got dirty I walked around in the world again we need to learn to keep short accounts with God and we need to learn to listen when the Spirit of God speaks to us about a word we shouldn't have said in an attitude that was ungodly an action that displeased him and deal with it right away it was a progressive cleansing it was a personal cleansing I didn't read you the verses but he discovered ASA did that his mother may occur had an idol and the Bible says ASA 4:16 cut down her idol and stamped it and burnt it at the brook kidron and he removed his mother America from being the Queen Mother in that time now now he wasn't timid about it and he wasn't half-hearted about it and even though it affected his own family he was going to deal with it Phil Schuler is a great evangelist his father Bob Schuler pastored a church in LA back in the 30s and 40s had a great radio program Phil Schuler had a toothache he went to the dentist and the dentist said you need a gold crown there it will cost you $200 this was in the 1940s he said doc I don't have that kind of money so he did nothing at all often I've had this experience but I couldn't afford dental work the pain will go away he joined the Navy and he was a pretty good boxer he's boxing for his unit in the Navy and they're one of those boxing matches somebody punched him Wow that tooth just started causing intense pain again so the Navy sent him to the dentist as it happened it was the same dentist he had visited in civilian life that dentist had joined up to help in the world with the war effort World War two and Phil Shirley say hey doc right there 200 bucks courtesy of Uncle Sam I'd never been to the dentist except one time when he had nothing done and the dentist said you want me to use novocaine you ever see that syringe they put a novocaine in with well whatever's got to have loops on the side to put your fingers in is probably pretty stout and he looked at that and figure is going his mouth he said no I don't want no cane okay so he leaned back the dentist got his drill phooey on waterboarding just play a dentist drill to him and he started to drill in that tube and Phil Schuler came up out of his seat ha ha what are you doing he said I'm drilling all the decay out of the tooth before I put the crown on until shooter said doc don't worry about that just put the crown on and the dentist said I don't work that way we know that if you don't take the decay out doesn't matter what you put on the outside but then we'll keep rotting anyway and turn from their wicked ways maybe sins of the flesh maybe sins of the spirit may be a subtle pride that makes us feel better than those who haven't seen all the truths we've seen maybe a cantankerous attitude towards some of our staff members maybe a bitterness against some church member that hasn't treated us right maybe maybe a mild bitterness against God because he hadn't been as good to us as we think he ought to have been and God begins to work in it's painful and we say God just give me the crown God says I don't work that way the Lord is with you while you be with him if you seek him he will be found of him but if you forsake him he will forsake you I read about a man who was the president of a Bible College his wife had Alzheimer's and they try to have some young ladies from the college watch her so that he could do his work lived about a mile from his office if they didn't watch her very carefully she would sneak out of the house and she'd go immediately to that office sometimes she'd go without shoes on just want to be where he was he took her to the doctor explained what was happening the doctor examined her feet when he looked up he had tears in his eyes he said these words such love you see he explained I believe that people who are in your wife's condition only care about what they loved dearly before Bible College president said he left the doctor's office not thinking about his wife's burden or his burden and caring for her but asking himself this question and I like that with God desperate to be near him you can be as close to God as you want to you are as close to God as you want to be
Channel: Lancaster Baptist Church
Views: 2,926
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Keywords: lancaster baptist church, lancaster baptist, baptist church, paul, chappell, paul chappell, pastor paul chappell, leadership, conference
Id: Gk9FFhjMqZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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