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hello in the last video we saw how lying about the content of Wikipedia in plain sight is all it takes to hoodwink credulous people who are too lazy to do a little reading of their own and we saw how using a willfully dishonest premises starting point leads to a steaming pile of useless non sequiturs we were left wondering whether on implausibly incompetent or a reprehensible charlatan i'll even go so far as to criticize the accuracy of scientific presentations but do at least attempt to convey valid information in layman's terms like here but that's not really scientifically accurate this serves no purpose other than to create the impression that I care about accuracy as we'll see throughout the video I don't for me to present scientific the accurate information after a statement like this would simply be hypocritical so let's see how long it takes before I get something wrong start the clock because it has no structure less than a second level I'm already resorting to meaningless terms but don't address the point in any way let's the clock continue to what we do know about them is rather interesting with our modern mathematics and physics we understand that at the center of the black hole is a space with zero volume then yet infinite gravity five seconds from talking about scientific accuracy and I'm wrong again gravity isn't infinite in the singularity the finite mass collapses to form a black hole and in a singularity the density of matter and curvature of space-time Pakal infinite infinite density does not equal infinite gravity if it did there would be no safe distance from any black hole and that isn't the case continued infinite gravity so powerful that light itself cannot escape it spot wrong again the singularity isn't the point when light cannot escape that is the schulz shield radius which in the case of a black hole defines its event horizon so here we are seventeen seconds from criticizing the accuracy of others and I've so far got nearly every basic aspect of standing black holes completely wrong infinity you know what that means right yes it means there's a lot of non sequitur heading straight for us it means the speed of light isn't the fastest thing in the universe as we have believed for so long wrong again lots inability to escape a black hole doesn't in any way imply that there is something which can travel faster than light all it means is that light doesn't travel fast enough to escape that's all weather faster than light is something specific to black holes or if they're found elsewhere in the universe that's not yet officially scientifically not what I mean is that it isn't no at all by anybody do you know why because I just made it up it's a clear example of how I use weasel words to make it sound like I'm not just making stuff up but I am but I reckon that at the heart of light itself inside the photon of light in the nucleus of a subatomic particle at a level so small that our technology cannot even see that infinity is also present so I want to show you something interesting and also a little funny just flow with me on this it's pretty funny if we can lighten up about ourselves see it appears as though pictures such as this have been used for years and years to try describe the structure of space and black holes holes fail illustrations of gravitational Wells a way of visualizing curvature of space-time in a way that can be drawn so that it makes some kind of sense they are neither descriptive nor intended to be and so they do not describe the structure of anything over and over all over the world space-time is often described as if it's this big flat plane out in Spain except that it isn't anywhere and that the planets the Stars the black holes just sort of create gravity around the fabric of space and it just made me laugh well it would do I have no idea what I'm talking about I can't even understand illustrations to any level that demonstrates basic competency I'm pretty sure that most people would agree that space itself isn't flat I've conflated the ideas of earth being flat with the idea of space being flat purely to create a visual strawman for you to laugh at wrap that in an argument amad populum based on the population then forming an argument from incredulity well why use one logical fallacy when you can combine them into a combo move of quite epic stupidity nobody has ever thought that space is a flat plane living out in space then that's not what the term flat space-time even means in presenting this slide I dishonestly present scientists as people who just make arbitrary decisions about what reality is talk about projection while I'm here playing with my crayons and making stuff up people are doing real science and finding real answers and I'm also pretty sure that these scientific institutions don't genuinely believe that space is flat I'm wrong space has been unequivocally shown to be flat using a cosmic microwave background radiation what does flat mean in terms of four-dimensional space-time simply that a beam of light whoa without distortions introduced by gravitational sources continue in a straight line forever without curving back on itself suggesting a closed space time or being diverging suggesting an open universe we're not exactly sure what it looks like except that we are for the reasons just stated it's probably like being underwater and as waves constantly moving from all different sources of gravity from this star and that star in this galaxy this black hole it's a jumble it's messy and we don't know how to visually nor projection of my ignorance onto the scientific community but brace yourself for the ultimate in hypocrisy unless we can actually demonstrate that scientifically we're pretty much just throwing darts in the dark here now you might be wondering when I'm going to get around to substantiating any of my horseshit scientifically particularly when one considers that in the comments to this very video my respondent tomorrow Zilla claiming that I do follow the scientific method I want to say and learn more and more about how to do that everyday and to demonstrate what that looks like and to put it into action given that we've already seen utter dishonesty in representing what is and isn't known we can safely say that the comment is either utterly disingenuous or utterly delusional either way we'll see how it matches reality in due course the original reason I brought this up was this whole flat universe model we need to find a better way to describe space-time in the shape of black holes really what's wrong with general relativity see now pictures like this are starting to gain steam on the Internet these concepts seem to accurately demonstrate the toroidal flow of the cosmos and the patterns in geometry that are at the heart of the ways that reality is constructed you weren't really hoping for something superior to general relativity were you yes I think allegedly popular pictures on the internet are a science and be accurately demonstrate some I made up and was entirely looking at pictures and using them to misrepresent science to further my own dishonest narrative why yes yes I was so you may be wondering just how I came to the conclusion that these pictures represented a defective model of reality whilst these demonstrate my magic horseshit unless we can actually demonstrate that scientifically we're pretty much just throwing darts in the dark here unless we can actually demonstrate that scientifically we're pretty much just throwing darts in the dark here since I claims that these pictures demonstrate a thing I call toroidal slope it's worth pointing out that that's not toroidal neither is that and neither is that so let's carry on with this non toroidal toroidal flows stuff I want to present an idea with you this is an idea that has sort of been mainstreamed ish for a while as you've probably suspected I'm lying but let's see what about but I never really got the big attention from scientific institutions or the media because we have a hard time seeing this to be demonstrated out in the rivers unless we can actually demonstrate that scientifically we're pretty much just throwing darts in the dark here so we've already implicitly found that it wasn't signs done by any reputable scientists at the same time that's how we evolved in science is we have to make predictions and then try and demonstrate and find examples of these things to see that they are in fact true or find the way in which it is no no no that is not how science is done it doesn't involve making up nonsense and then going around looking for ways to confirm that idea this is basic stuff and I just lied to you about it so what is this supposedly mainstream ish non cylons idea that I'm wanting to share the laws of a toroidal field dictate that what goes in must come out and what goes out must come out and there we have it the mainstream ish idea that I've been leading up to is a law that doesn't even exist and therefore is not science not only was I just making things up I was then packaging it in further lies to try and give it a gloss of credibility I suggested the idea was mainstream ish as if there was some broader scientific support for it there isn't the reason it never got the big attention from scientific institutions is because they weren't even aware of it because I just pulled it out of my backside we can also imagine that perhaps small black hole vacuums are what creates stars sure and we can also imagine that Jews come from space and had a war with Martians this is just meaningless drivel what is a black hole vacuum black holes don't create stars gravitational collapses of molecular clouds create stars hang on I already know this though you know stars form from collapsing clouds of space dust and perhaps at the core of that fusing is that infinite space of fusion and infinite singularity words salad having accepted that stars formed from collapsing gas clouds you're probably hoping that I proposed some mechanism by which that collapse would form a black hole to satisfy my previous conjecture that black holes create stars sadly you're out of luck note how I'm now claiming there's a singularity is a place where fusion occurs as if the jumble of words I don't understand wasn't bad enough check out the diagram yes having previously stated that light can't escape a black hole or a singularity by now claiming that helium can if that makes sense to you you clearly haven't been paying attention the fusion installs doesn't take place at a magic point it takes place anywhere in the core region where temperatures and pressures are high enough I know I know what does it have to do with you right no the appropriate question is what does this have to do with physics or even more broadly science as a method and the answer as you might have expected is jack-shit I want to create even more connections between our understandings of singularities black holes and ourselves as we've already seen I misrepresents the basics of both so your understanding is already flawed attempting to connect a flawed understanding of anything to something else is a waste of time deciding that something should be the case and then trying to make up reasons to justify it it's not scientific well the modern definition of a singularity is the state quality or condition of being singular it's also known as the point at which a function takes an infinite value these two meanings are listed separately for a reason they apply to different domains or contexts I've conveniently ignored of the fact that the second definition applies in the domain of physics and mathematics by doing this and pretending that these definitions somehow combine together I can squeeze another non sequitur at aligned lines of interesting 0 and 1 all at the same time check this out not only have I conflated two separate domain specific meanings of the word singularity I've now also declared that zero equals infinity and wouldn't you just love to see the mathematical proof for that one well once again you're out of luck and when you learn nothing singularities were first point as a description of the singular space from which all things came from before the creation of the universe through the Big Bang this idea was then carried over to describe what happens inside a black hole and then they were related to singular points in general toss our various scientific fields in mathematics an unmitigated pack of lies the concept of singularities didn't have its origin with the Big Bang Theory at all and we weren't fumbling around not knowing what to call singularities in mathematics until the Big Bang Theory came along once again I show complete and utter disregard for getting things right this is exciting singularities are not solely limited black holes they appear everywhere we just have to practice identifying one of the best examples we have at our disposal is a waveform no it isn't firstly I've disregarded what a mathematical singularity actually is you know the one we looked at before there is no point on that curve that is undefined the sine or cosine function will return a value for any input a sine wave continually oscillates back and forth between a center point a singular point between the yin-yang this is a singularity in motion secondly I'm declaring at a point on a plotted waveform is moving this is just bollocks I mean you know as well as I do that especially since radio technology the use and recognition of waveforms is present all over the place it's even what we see when we look at the spectrum of light through a digital lens no it isn't and what the hell is a digital lens in modern mathematics and geometrics we have mathematical singularities singular points and curves rational singularities isolated singularities movable and removable singularities these are all describing more complex versions of that sine wave singularity that I first showed you since the selling wave example was fish that statement was to note also how I don't supply any mathematics to back up by the claim that's because I can't do any so having established that this was all nonsense let's move on having argued that the best example of a singularity is a wave form when it isn't and that an orbit is an oscillation when it isn't well then she is an arbitrary you some made up orbits to produce something where nothing is a consistent sinusoidal wave form interesting why is this interesting who knows having shown nothing at all just wait for the conclusion I reached from this one get your face protecting oven government because this one's going to sting in this way a very large harmonized with the very small sorry I'm going to have to stop myself there in what way is that when one refers to this way one needs to actually a qualified this by demonstrating a way that this can refer to I've shown nothing of merit nothing of any mathematical significance whatsoever and no mechanism that this conclusion you can possibly follow from so we have another non sequitur on our hands a dressed up in word salad and based on misrepresentation of every concept used so far which brings us neatly on to spirit science 27 the vacuum of space having relate some popcorn incident involving over-excitement a bloated crank nassim haramein let's get straight down to the word salad you see it's so exciting because without understanding we actually begin to open up our understanding what a singularity really is except that nothing has been demonstrated let alone understood Haramain made up some claim i swallowed at all and am now pretending the verse and science to my own infant spirit messaged me on the interwebs recently and asked me how come I thought the vacuum cleaner model of a black hole wasn't fitting there is no vacuum cleaner model of black holes I get the analogy it's a vacuum cleaner because it sucks things up right got it so what about the center of the galaxy which is not only absorbing light but also radiating it as if the black hole at the center of the galaxy were responsible for both that like the light on a part for though it's not the black hole emitting light it's the billions of stars orbiting it it's really not hard to understand having failed to tell you this simple and key bit of information I propose an alternative to the vacuum clear analogy here whirlpool and unfortunately this is a spirit science video so stop the clock with the whirlpool the surface of the water from above appears flat and much like our diagrams with whirlpools in water the energy going into the vortex is going somewhere where a space and greater density because at the bottom of the Whirlpool it's all going to have a kind of the weight of the water the simple fact of the matter is I'm talking I couldn't even validly claim the water in a whirlpool is compressed in some way making it denser because water is essentially incompressible even in the Mariana Trench the density of the water increases by less than five percent despite the coastal pressure of over 1,000 atmospheres I mean isn't that the perfect model for the black hole given that everything I stated about water was wrong no it's quite obviously useless even as an analogy calling it a model is obscene calling it a perfect model indicates that I was disconnected from reality as my brown chakra why are we getting stuck on a vacuum cleaner nobody is it's an analogy sometimes used on websites for children it's back to Swiss crank and non-scientists nassim haramein who supposedly describes the structure of the vacuum what does any of this have to do with black holes and vacuum cleaners the use of the word vacuum appears to be the only connection and that's based on a analogy used for children so really nobody knows why wasted 2 1/2 minutes of your life all that and now here I am having to spend more time explaining why it was remember in the last part we talked about how anybody can piss around with shapes and make claims about them well here we are in someone's lounge doing just tha when we begin to look at the relationship between the data points in the vacuum we see that they equate the by ratio over and over and over really and what are these data points who did this work with vacuums at which laboratory where can we find papers detailing the results and the methodology used to obtain them what are the error margins why didn't I present any of this because none of it actually exists there are no data points I don't even know what I mean by equates to the 5 ratio it's meaningless word salad and unmitigated you in the audience however are supposed to remember that I've mentioned 5 before I think it's all connected where noticing that aside from word repetition I've made no connection between anything and the presented nothing of any substance whatsoever yes we're back to the Flower of Life this is the pattern we come up with which in the seam has called the 64 tetrahedron grid were you to put a sphere around every point they would create a perfect three-dimensional flower of life if you draw a shape with the express intention of being able to draw a flower of light on top of it then you can draw a flower of light on top of it what a remarkable achievement this is basically a three dimensional matter constitute a structure by which all main structures can be found the pattern can continually fracture larger and smaller to create complex geometries of structures such as molecules or organ systems in our bodies which are made up based on the variety of different patterns all found within the tissue if this structure is the male complete when the female component would be the autoblow between and round points imagine that every sphere in and of itself is Torche each with a singularity at home but the larger fraction is a larger skin also couple with the same of which all of the other cards are connected you can see this geometry really clearly in the brain you have the entire field which is a network of interconnected data then you have the corpus callosum which acts like an accretion disk okay what do I mean how the hell should you know I don't actually explain myself and I don't care what words mean anyway suffice to say that the corpus callosum is neither structurally or functionally anything like an accretion disk it doesn't even work as a metaphor I'm not done lying about a larger yep though and then the pineal gland right in the center which is the connector and the singularity the entire networking field that is your brain at bollocks at the very best I was nailing the ideas of Descartes which means that my claims about the function of the pineal gland are over 360 years out of date they cot was called on his nonsensical in the sixteen hundreds or Spinoza so I have no excuse whatsoever having claims that the pineal gland is a singularity I go on to claim the singularity is the infinite vacuum which is not only completely luminous but also means that I'm claiming that the pineal gland is a vacuum and an infinite wallet that white what this diagram has to do with that is anyone's guess gravity doesn't vary with size it varies with mass and distance from that mass this is school level physics and once again I'm more than happy to present incorrect information to undermine your education I'm a charlatan and a liar for all you spirit odds you claim that I never state anything as fact listening carefully by the fact that they're connected through their singularity you may be wondering how this supposed fact was established to be so well it wasn't come on keep up I'm making claims about reality that are false I'm a charlatan and a liar energy and information can ass through the center and translate to anywhere else in the grid if there's a passage to it since my initial fact who is complete gibberish it's no surprise that this is too much like the idea of folding a piece of paper to create a wormhole wait did I just say that you can create wormholes by folding pieces of paper when the singular connection is made between two points now the entire distance can be traveled instantly this is demonstrated scientifically when you see that subatomic particles can be in two places at the same time or break the laws of physics when it comes to time in order almost as if some particles are moving backwards in time seriously time-traveling subatomic particles are real sources in the comments so let's get this absolutely clear I'm claiming that this can be demonstrated scientifically well let's check out those sources shall we source number one is surprise surprise Wikipedia and we know how honest I am at presenting material from there this article is about hypothetical faster-than-light particles a tachyon is a hypothetical particle most physicists think faster-than-light particles cannot exist because they are not consistent with the known laws of physics if such particles did exist none of our experiments have been conducted to search for them no compelling evidence for their existence has been found what source number two is it a peer-reviewed science paper with independently reproduced results and it's an 85 second YouTube clip describing the decay of Pi Masons at the LHC for a lay audience ordinarily they disintegrate after just 25 billions of a second when they are accelerated to near-light speed they last 30 times longer these particles are free like Time Traveller's the simple fact of the matter is that anything traveling at relativistic speeds experiences time dilation the same thing happens with muons in the upper atmosphere I however suggested that particles behave as if they travel back in time they don't what's behind door number 3 it's an article from pop songs site live science calm it's about the initial report in 2011 30 neutrinos appeared to have traveled faster than light what does the first sentence of this article say if a report of particles traveling faster than light turns out to be true so this article was written before an arrow was found in the measurements which were only candid anyway it goes on to give a fair appraisal of the situation at the time it was written when the very first sentence tells you that the result is unvalidated the correct thing to do would be to find out what the follow-up caused not presenting this article as if it demonstrated time-traveling particles anybody who bolted reading the first link would have found this information there too again confirming that there is no scientific basis for claiming that faster-than-light particles exist not only have I made false claims of things being facts but I lie about material from third parties in a parasitic attempt to claim scientific backing the three links that I provided none even say what I claim they do let alone support unrelated make up garbage the rest of the video goes on and all in the same vein but singularities neither you nor I have any idea what kind of singularity I'm talking about from one moment to the next because I just throw the word around like confetti made of sun-dried whilst skipping through fields of incoherent dribble flowing from my mind's arse since we introduced the minds ass in the last video now is an excellent time to build upon that we saw how my mind's arse is overactive and how the cosmic Greenpeace explains so much sacred geometry if we take this city symbol I use to represent whatever I mean when I use the word singularity this time we see that it fits over the Flower of Life who would have thought that three circles could possibly fit over another diagram made entirely of overlapping circles oh the profundity if we take this shape and rotate it we see that inside and outer sphere it forms a horn torus if we use the word fractal as if it means resize and totally disregard what the word actually means we can fractal the two-dimensional form of a cosmic ring piece so that it fits perfectly within our made-up singularity motif this one is male because so of course there must be a female component to provide balancing rule and having drawn a cosmic green piece is within the torus we find that it is just like everything else part - oilfield as well as the Flower of Life the creation of the Taurus itself creates another space which harmoniously holds the three-dimensional form of the cosmic ring piece taking the whole structure to a new dimensional level of existence this new toroidal hybrid of the cosmic green piece is the astral asshole we know that cosmic ring pieces are connected to your brown chakra which is the root source of every crap idea the male and female cosmic ring pieces rotating around the toroidal field of the astral or soul generate an infinite amount of crap ideas with no connection to reality the gravity that I've just invoked creates an accretion disk and causes them to concentrate at the singularity right in the heart of the astral asshole because reasons creating a point of infinitely dense ideas the mental diarrhea can escape from the singularity through the astral or Saul's own cosmic green piece allowing unlimited horseshit to escape the toroidal field of the singularity making up a toroidal all means that what goes out comes back in recordings are from principles of yin and yang there's a minds ass on the other side and the astral are all - and all the stupid ideas come right back in but they also flow out of that side and into the first one through this we see that infinite horseshit describes the shape of the toroidal field in the hippie thought space and crucially matches our incoherence singularity motif as we saw last time each two-dimensional flower of life is an interconnected web of stupid ideas and assholes we know that the points are incredibly dense and connected to each other by stupid ideas does this look familiar when the singular connection is made between two points now the entire distance can be tried instantly it's all connected that's right the incredibly dense points are singularities with an instantaneous connection between them because as we've seen folding a piece of paper can create a wormhole somehow these singularities line up perfectly with the intersections of overlapping astral arseholes showing the cosmic significance of the toroidal flow infinite horseshit which can travel anywhere in the network instantly what this means is that whilst we can invent convoluted means of justifying we rutu ourselves we can merely assert something and it instantly becomes real by the very application of this method we have demonstrated that astral are souls are in fact real this was a revelation but it was nothing to what came next just as the cosmic ring piece fits within the singularity motif and the flower of life so the flower of life fits within the singularity note each on this process of resizing one diagram on top of another we've arrived at a new way of visualizing things an astral arsal containing a flower of life contains more astral arseholes and so on just as crap ideas fit within each other so to do singularities of infinite horseshit we have just demonstrated by the mere act of drawing things an important and exciting new discovery fractal horseshit this is the very quintessence of the hippie thought space and without it it's impossible to sell books and magic rocks to the gormless and the feckless so we've played around with shapes and more and done some more post hoc assignment of meaning what else we find that by supposedly building upon earlier ideas it's easy to create an impression that new information is being supplied you can simply pretend that what came before was valid and Palmore not since on top of it repeat keywords and you can create the impression of things are connected create an illusion of discovery and you can hook the credulous even though all you've done is play around with shapes and make things up with no more sophistication than a child constantly pretend there's more in-depth material to come later and you can keep them dangling and so it is with spirit science and is various channels what purpose would more in-depth content serve when the foundations and basics are completely wrong you can't add depth to something that doesn't even stand up to basic scrutiny in the first place despite the pretense of caring about accuracy and caring about learning the material presented by spirit science in the videos we looked at here is just like the last time reliant on misrepresenting what is known to create false premises used to draw ridiculous and unsubstantiated contingents I've only addressed some of the content of those three videos on a point by point basis it's still taken half an hour even though most of that is just buzzing things that are wrong and/or fallacious when someone claims to follow the scientific method and then gets the basics of what that method even is completely wrong we have to ask ourselves how much research do you need to do to get a basic understanding of the scientific method very little yet he claims to do lots of research there is no part of the scientific method that says lie about what is known make stuff up and get busy with the crayons is also clearly watched cosmos a series that describes the scientific method more than once and provides numerous examples of hard work and facts triumphing over belief superstition and deceit even if cosmos were the only material anybody had ever been exposed to describing the scientific method and its application one must wonder how someone could watch that and then still present a straw man of science which just happens to include the ability to pretend that things are true when they're founded not to be when someone presents science sources and you can ascertain that none of them supports the basic claim is made by doing nothing more than reading them is it likely that spirit science got all them wrong through consistently moronic levels of misunderstanding that'd be asking us to believe that he doesn't know for example what's the word hypothetical means speaking of meanings it's rather convenient that throughout his materials the words whose meanings he ignores and misappropriates just happened to be the ones that form the basis of a narrative that is dependent on those misrepresentations or lack of definitions it is also highly convenient that whilst he misrepresents science content consistently he doesn't seem to have any difficulty presenting the content of non scientific sources to spirit science only manages to get the science so consistently wrong how jolly convenient thanks for watching you you
Channel: CoolHardLogic
Views: 289,201
Rating: 4.6493039 out of 5
Keywords: CHL, CoolHardLogic, Science, Debunk, spirit, sprituality, spirit science, 24, 25, 27, black holes, black hole, singularity, singularities, vacuum, gravity, Flower of Life, woo, Sacred Geometry, cosmic, ringpiece, mind's arse, astral arsehole, Wikipedia, Consciousness, Energy, Truth, Light, Physics
Id: vjYwDlOx2Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 02 2015
Reddit Comments

If you want to see more of Jordan "Jews are from space" Duchnycz and his "Spirit Science" get smacked down check out Martymer 81's series "Why Do People Laugh at Spirit 'Science'?"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TLAMstrike 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2015 🗫︎ replies

As nice as it is to see woo-woo get smacked down -- this particular smackdown doesn't involve atheism or secular living. Spirit science isn't a religion, it's just normal everyday horseshit.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2015 🗫︎ replies
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